将家人从Gmail,Thunderbird,Outlook等迁移到Google Apps:权威指南

The migration is complete. The Hanselman Family has moved to Google Apps. Why? Here's why:

迁移完成。 Hanselman家族已移至Google Apps 。 为什么? 原因如下:

  • I trust them (more or less).

  • I'm smart (I think), but I've recently lost 3 years of a family member's email. Backups are hard.

    我很聪明(我认为),但是最近我失去了三年的家庭成员电子邮件。 备份很难。
  • It's clean and easy.

  • Family members now have 10 gigs of space vs. their previous 50 megs.


However, we had a complex setup, as I assume most families do. Or at least, most Geek Families. This includes not just my wife, but also parents, brothers, cousins, in-laws, etc. Being IT for the family is hard. I've changed the names to protect the innocent, but all the tech is real.

但是,正如我假设大多数家庭所做的那样,我们的设置很复杂。 至少,至少大多数怪胎家庭。 这不仅包括我的妻子,还包括父母,兄弟,堂兄,姻亲等。为家庭提供信息技术很难。 我已更改名称以保护无辜者,但所有技术都是真实的。

迁移前设置 (The Pre-Migration Setup)

We've got Two Families here, we'll say the Hanselman's and the Smith's. I married a Smith, so I'm the Support Department for them as well.

我们这里有两个家庭,我们要说汉瑟曼家族和史密斯家族。 我与史密斯结婚,所以我也是他们的支持部门。

Family MemberEmail ProgramNoteTechnique
Mama HanselmanOutlookHas large local archive.Purchase gMove from LimitNone.
Daddy HanselmanThunderbirdHas medium sized local archive, but largely doesn't care.Create new AIM Mail Account. Setup IMAP and drag all email in. Use Gmail Migration Tools to suck IMAP mail out.
Hanselman WifeGmailAlready has existing Gmail account with 500 meg. Kept last name at my insistence, wants both domains to go to the same place. Also wants to keep Gmail account name.One-time import all from Gmail via POP. Foward new Gmail to Gmail for Apps.
Brother HanselmanSmarterMailUses standard ISP webmail. Apathetic towards the whole process. No local mail store.One-time Import via POP.
Sister-In-Law HanselmanOutlook ExpressLarge local store. Lots of important local mail. Mail is deleted from online via POP.Create new AIM Mail Account. Setup IMAP and drag all email in. Use Gmail Migration Tools to suck IMAP mail out.
Cousin HanselmanForwards to WorkHas Hanselman email forwarded to work, but uses SmarterMail sometimes. Has a few emails online. Uses a BlackBerry.One-time Import via POP. Re-setup forwarding rules to work. Download http://m.google.com/a for BlackBerry. 
Cousin-In-Law HanselmanOutlook 2003We have email? Couldn't care less, just wants to send sometimes.One-time Import via POP. Possible candidate for gMove from LimitNone.
Brothers-In-Law Smith (3 in Africa)SmarterMailAll three use the standard online email, but with the @smith.com domain, not @hanselman.com.One-time Import via POP.
SelfOutlook 2007 and SmarterMailMassive (2 gigs+) offline store in Outlooks. Uses a BlackBerry. Mail is deleted from online via POP after 7 days.Purchase gMove from LimitNone. Download http://m.google.com/a for BlackBerry.
家庭成员 电子邮件程序注意技术
汉瑟曼妈妈外表拥有大量本地档案。 从LimitNone购买gMove
爸爸汉瑟曼 雷鸟具有中等大小的本地档案,但基本上不在乎。 创建新的AIM邮件帐户。 设置IMAP并将所有电子邮件拖入。使用Gmail迁移工具将IMAP邮件提取出去。
汉瑟曼的妻子 邮箱 已经拥有500兆的现有Gmail帐户。 我坚持保留姓氏,希望两个域都位于同一位置。 还想保留Gmail帐户名。 一次性通过POP从Gmail导入所有内容。 将新的Gmail转发到Gmail for Apps。
汉瑟曼兄弟 智能邮件 使用标准的ISP网络邮件。 对整个过程漠不关心。 没有本地邮件存储。 通过POP一次性导入。
修女汉瑟曼 Outlook Express 大型本地商店。 很多重要的本地邮件。 通过POP从网上删除邮件。 创建新的AIM邮件帐户。 设置IMAP并将所有电子邮件拖入。使用Gmail迁移工具将IMAP邮件提取出去。
表兄弟汉瑟曼 转发工作 已将Hanselman电子邮件转发给工作,但有时使用SmarterMail。 在线有一些电子邮件。 使用BlackBerry。 通过POP一次性导入。 重新设置转发规则以起作用。 下载用于BlackBerry的http://m.google.com/a
表兄弟法律汉瑟曼 Outlook 2003 我们有电子邮件吗? 不在乎,只是想有时发送。 通过POP一次性导入。 来自LimitNone的gMove的可能候选
史密斯兄弟(非洲有3个) 智能邮件 这三个都使用标准的在线电子邮件,但使用@ smith.com域,而不使用@ hanselman.com。 通过POP一次性导入。
Outlook 2007和SmarterMail Outlooks中的大型(超过2个演出)离线存储。 使用BlackBerry。 7天后,将通过POP从网上删除邮件。 从LimitNone购买gMove 。 下载用于BlackBerry的http://m.google.com/a

At this point, we've got folks with Email stored ONLINE and folks with Email stored OFFLINE. Let's first do the switchover to Google Apps, then tackle each problem one at a time.

至此,我们已经将电子邮件存储在联机状态的人员和将电子邮件存储在脱机状态的人员。 首先让我们切换到Google Apps,然后一次解决每个问题。

将两个域切换到Google Apps(非常可选) (Switching Two Domains over to Google Apps (Very Optional))

I have two domains, one for each family's last name. I could certainly create a separate Google Apps account for each last name, and you're welcome to do that. However, I chose to put Hanselman.com as the primary domain, and "Smith" as the Domain Alias. Everyone will be able to choose what last name they want their "From" to show, so it doesn't really matter.

我有两个域,每个家庭的姓氏一个。 我当然可以为每个姓创建一个单独的Google Apps帐户,欢迎您这样做。 但是,我选择将Hanselman.com作为主要域,将“ Smith”作为域别名。 每个人都可以选择他们希望自己的“从”显示什么姓,因此它并不真正的问题。

Once you've signed up your first (primary) Domain go into the Domain Settings|Domain Names control panel in Google Apps and create a Domain Alias. When you "claim" ownership for a Domain, Google will give you a big long number and say "go make a text file with this big long number inside, and name it this big long filename. Upload it to your website, then come back and tell me about it, so I can go check to prove you own this domain." You'll need to do this for as many domain aliases as you set up.

注册第一个(主)域后,进入Google Apps中的“域设置” |“域名”控制面板,然后创建一个“域别名”。 当您“声明”某个域的所有权时,Google会给您一个大号,然后说“去制作一个包含大号的文本文件,并将其命名为大号文件名。将其上传到您的网站,然后返回并告诉我,以便我可以检查一下以证明您拥有此域。” 您需要对设置的域别名执行此操作。

在DNS中切换MX(邮件)记录 (Switching MX (Mail) Records in DNS)

First, after creating a Google Apps account, make a new Google Apps User for each existing Email User at your existing domain. This is important because you don't want anyone losing email. So, if you've got scott@ and fred@, then make accounts for each one. Google Apps will generate a password, but I set a default one for each person myself.

首先,在创建Google Apps帐户后,为您现有域中的每个现有电子邮件用户创建一个新的Google Apps用户。 这很重要,因为您不希望任何人丢失电子邮件。 因此,如果您有scott @和fred @,请为每个帐户进行会计处理。 Google Apps会生成一个密码,但我自己为每个人设置了一个默认密码。

Second, have a plan as to how you want your subdomains to be laid out. We wanted it simple and obvious, so: home.mydomain.com, docs.mydomain.com, mail.mydomain.com, etc. Log into your Domain Name's Web Control Panel (nearly everyone has this, and Google Apps includes a Dropdown Help menu with detailed instructions on how to do this with most popular hosting services. My folks are used to logging into mail.mydomain.com but I wanted to allow access to the old mail, so I renamed that host address to oldmail.mydomain.com in case I screwed something up.

其次,制定有关如何布局子域的计划。 我们希望它简单明了,所以:home.mydomain.com,docs.mydomain.com,mail.mydomain.com等。登录到您域名的Web控制面板(几乎每个人都拥有此面板,并且Google Apps包含一个下拉菜单帮助菜单,其中包含有关如何使用最受欢迎的托管服务执行此操作的详细说明。我的乡亲习惯于登录mail.mydomain.com,但我想允许访问旧邮件,因此我将该主机地址重命名为oldmail.mydomain.com万一我搞砸了。

DNS Records - Windows Internet Explorer

Notice all the CNames that are aliased to ghs.google.com. Each of those subdomains now is pointing to Google Apps. However, it's the MX Record that cause mail to switch over (nearly instantly). When you add those, then new mail starts getting delivered to Google. That's why it's so important you have a user account setup in Google for EVERY existing user ahead of time to catch new mail.

注意别名为ghs.google.com的所有CName 。 现在,这些子域中的每个都指向Google Apps。 但是,正是MX记录使邮件(几乎立即)切换了。 添加这些邮件后新邮件便开始发送到Google。 这就是为什么您必须在Google中为每个现有用户提前设置一个用户帐户以捕获新邮件的重要性。

To switch over MX, delete all your existing MX records first, then enter in Google's. Make sure the priorities line up, at least in order. Google might say 1,5,10, etc, but your control panel only allows 10,50,90. That's OK, just make sure they are in the right order and the numbers are monotonically increasing.

要切换MX,请先删除所有现有的MX记录,然后输入Google的记录。 确保优先级至少按顺序排列。 Google可能会说1、5、10等,但您的控制台仅允许10、50、90。 没关系,只需确保它们的顺序正确并且数量单调递增。

After you change the MX records, note that all NEW email will be streaming into Google Apps for all mail to your domains. If you've setup a domain aliax, you'll need to change the MX records for that domain also.

更改MX记录后,请注意,所有发送到您的域的所有新电子邮件都将流式传输到Google Apps中。 如果您已设置域别名,则还需要更改该域的MX记录

OK, let's tackle each family member's email migration issue, one at a time.


通过POP将邮件从另一个在线服务传输到Gmail for Apps中 (Transferring Mail into Gmail for Apps from Another Online Service via POP)

Brother Hanselman as well as the Three Brothers-In-Law Smith are the easiest folks to transfer. They keep all their email online and they are keeping their email addresses.

汉瑟曼兄弟和史密斯三兄弟是最容易转移的人。 他们将所有电子邮件保持在线,并保留其电子邮件地址。

Go into Gmail for Apps|Accounts and click Add a Mail Account. Note that the name of this account doesn't matter. Gmail will complain if you tell it your email is the SAME. For example, if you were fred@fred.com and now you've moved to Gmail, just tell it the name of this account is fred@old.fred.com. The only thing that matters is that the username for logging into POP is correct and the POP Server is correct. I chose to leave a copy of messages on the server in case of a problem.

转到Gmail for Apps |帐户,然后单击添加邮件帐户。 请注意,此帐户的名称无关紧要。 如果您告诉您电子邮件是相同的,Gmail将会投诉。 例如,如果您是fred@fred.com,而现在您已转到Gmail,则只需告诉它该帐户的名称为fred@old.fred.com即可。 唯一重要的是,用于登录POP的用户名正确且POP服务器正确。 如果发生问题,我选择在服务器上保留消息的副本。

Hanselman Family - Edit mail account - Windows Internet Explorer

If you have a LOT of email on your server, these emails will come in at a rate of about 100-200 per 10 minutes. It might take hours, or days if you have a many thousands. Be patient, it will happen, and you can keep using Gmail while it does.

如果您的服务器上有很多电子邮件,则这些电子邮件的发送速度约为每10分钟100-200。 如果有成千上万个,可能要花费数小时甚至数天。 请耐心等待,它会发生,您可以继续使用Gmail。

I did this for Brother Hanselman and Three Brothers-In-Law Hanselman and they are all in business.


从另一个Gmail帐户将邮件传输到Apps for Gmail中 (Transferring Mail into Gmail for Apps from *another Gmail account*)

(NOTE: Gmail has been considering a built in Gmail Import process, so this section will likely be old some day. Check the manual first!)


I'll be doing this migration via POP, but you can also use the Free gXFER tool from LimitNone for Gmail to Gmail Transfers.

我将通过POP进行迁移,但是您也可以使用从LimitNone for Gmail到Gmail传输免费gXFER工具

Hanselman Wife has an existing Gmail account and wants to keep all those emails. However, if you try the technique above and enter in pop.gmail.com, you'll get a complaint from Gmail for Apps that you can't import Gmail via POP. Lame.

Hanselman Wife有一个现有的Gmail帐户,并希望保留所有这些电子邮件。 但是,如果您尝试上述方法并输入pop.gmail.com,则会收到Gmail for Apps的投诉,称您无法通过POP导入Gmail 。 瘸。

The solution is two-fold. First, in the original Gmail account, make sure you've enabled POP Email in Settings|Forwarding and POP and selected Enable POP for ALL MAIL.

解决方案有两个方面。 首先,在原始Gmail帐户中,确保已在“设置” |“转发”和“ POP”中启用POP电子邮件,并选择“为所有邮件启用POP”。


Then, logout, and login to your destination account in Google for Apps and from Add an Email Account, enter in the Gmail username and the POP Server as Also, note the non-standard port 995. Don't select "Leave a copy" because Gmail won't let you anyway. However, don't worry, your emails won't be deleted in the source.

然后,注销并登录到Google for Apps中的目标帐户,然后从“添加电子邮件帐户”中输入Gmail用户名和POP服务器为66.249.93.109。 另外,请注意非标准端口995。请不要选择“保留副本”,因为Gmail仍然不允许您使用。 但是,请放心,您的电子邮件不会在源中被删除。


Again, this is a long running thing, so be patient (possibly days of patience.) Ok, so this gets Hanselman Wife her email archives. Now, from the source email account, create a Forwarding Rule to the new account so that emails to the original account are forwarded to the new one.

同样,这是一个长期运行的过程,因此请耐心等待(可能要耐心等待几天)。好吧,这使Hanselman Wife有了她的电子邮件存档。 现在,从源电子邮件帐户中,将转发规则创建到新帐户,以便将发送到原始帐户的电子邮件转发到新帐户。

In the destination (now primary) Google for Apps Account make sure to add an Email Aliases for each email you want this user to be able to send as. Since we had two Domains, I setup email aliases per user as appropriate. This means Hanselman Wife can send as wife@mydomain.com as well as wife@smith.com from the same account.

在目标位置(现在为主要)的Google for Apps帐户中,确保为您希望该用户能够发送的每封电子邮件添加一个电子邮件别名。 由于我们有两个域,因此我为每个用户设置了适当的电子邮件别名。 这意味着Hanselman的妻子可以为发送wife@mydomain.com以及wife@smith.com来自同一帐户。

通过IMAP将邮件从另一个在线服务传输到Gmail for Apps中 (Transferring Mail into Gmail for Apps from Another Online Service via IMAP)

The absolute easiest way to get your email into Gmail for Apps is if you have an IMAP server already. If so, just pay the money for a Google Premium Account and you've got migration tools available for you as seen below.

将电子邮件放入Gmail for Apps的最简单方法是,如果您已经拥有IMAP服务器。 如果是这样,只需为一个Google Premium帐户支付费用,您就可以使用迁移工具,如下所示。

If not, and you've got a local client like Thunderbird or Outlook, go to http://mail.aol.com and get a free 2 gig account. Add it to your local mail client as seen below. Use imap.aol.com and smtp.aol.com. It's really a very nice service, truly.

如果没有,并且您有Thunderbird或Outlook之类的本地客户端,请访问http://mail.aol.com并获得一个免费的2 gig帐户。 如下所示,将其添加到本地邮件客户端。 使用imap.aol.com和smtp.aol.com。 确实,这真的是一个非常好的服务。

Change E-mail Account

Drag all your email over, folder by folder, into the newly configured IMAP store. FYI, it's WAY faster Thunderbird. Outlook 2007 is a pig for IMAP, so I've got another solution for that, but it costs $.

将所有电子邮件逐个文件夹拖到新配置的IMAP存储中。 仅供参考,雷鸟的速度更快。 Outlook 2007对于IMAP来说是小菜一碟,因此我为它提供了另一种解决方案,但价格为$。

After the email is up, use the Migration Tools to bring that IMAP email into Google Apps.

电子邮件启动后,使用迁移工具将该IMAP电子邮件带入Google Apps。

Google Apps - Windows Internet Explorer

从Outlook将邮件传输到Gmail for Apps中 (Transferring Mail into Gmail for Apps from Outlook)

There's lots of hacky ways that huge amounts of email can be moved from Outlook to Gmail for Apps. Believe me, Google knows this is a problem and I'm 99% sure they are working on it. Until then, you can do the IMAP trick above, or use a tool. Time is money, so I used gMOVE from LimitNone. It's a local app, licensed per computer for $29 ($19 for educational) that basically uses OLE Automation to take email out of Outlook, through it up to a "just in time POP server" at LimitNone, then it uses the GMail API to create a temporary POP account and suck the email back down.

可以通过多种方式将大量电子邮件从Outlook转移到Apps的Gmail。 相信我, Google知道这是一个问题,而且我99%的肯定他们正在努力。 在此之前,您可以执行上面的IMAP技巧,或使用工具。 时间就是金钱,所以我使用了LimitNone的gMOVE 。 这是一个本地应用程序,每台计算机的许可价格为29美元(教育方面为19美元),该应用程序基本上使用OLE Automation从Outlook中提取电子邮件,并通过它传输到LimitNone上的“即时POP服务器”,然后使用GMail API创建一个临时的POP帐户,然后将电子邮件撤回。

The Good? It just works. Works fine in fact.

好吗它就是有效的。 实际上效果很好。

gMOVE Gmail Migration Wizard

Each folder in Outlook becomes a Tag in Gmail. Your Inbox in Outlook is tagged "gInbox" so as not to mess up your actual Inbox.

Outlook中的每个文件夹都将成为Gmail中的标签。 您在Outlook中的收件箱被标记为“ gInbox”,以免弄乱您的实际收件箱。

gMOVE Gmail Migration Wizard (3)

The bad? You can only move 5,000 emails at a time, so I had to run it 7 times. Of course, there are privacy concerns as well, but you can work that out on your own. Gmail also imports messages VERY slowly, as I've said before.

不好吗您一次只能移动5,000封电子邮件,因此我不得不运行7次。 当然,也有隐私问题,但是您可以自己解决。 正如我之前所说,Gmail也会非常缓慢地导入邮件。


Otherwise, a useful utility, and faster for me than using IMAP. 


结论 (Conclusion)

At this point, all Hanselman and Smith family members have email setup. They can use Gmail for Apps online, or if they prefer Outlook or Thunderbird, they can use the Gmail POP Troubleshooter or configure POP access to keep email in both places.

此时,所有Hanselman和Smith家族成员都已设置电子邮件。 他们可以在线使用Gmail for Apps,或者如果他们更喜欢Outlook或Thunderbird,则可以使用Gmail POP疑难解答或配置POP访问以将电子邮件保存在这两个地方。

其他有用的事情和要知道的陷阱 (Other Useful Things and Gotchas to Know)

  • Don't turn on POP access in your new accounts or configure your email clients to pull email until AFTER your existing POP migrations happen, otherwise email that's still being pulled into Gmail will also get pulled into your email client, possibly causing duplicates.

  • If you already have a Google Calendar with the same email you've just transferred over to Google Apps, if you visit calendar.google.com rather than calendar.mydomain.com you'll get this warning. Basically, you're forever stuff with a read-only calendar. I can't figure out how to delete the whole calendar. Worse, if you use any Sync applications that use the Google Calendar API, they will see the FIRST calendar. That means, NOT the one you want them to see.

    如果您已经有一个Google日历,并且电子邮件刚刚转移到Google Apps,则如果您访问calendar.google.com而不是calendar.mydomain.com,则会收到此警告。 基本上,您永远都是只读日历。 我不知道如何删除整个日历。 更糟糕的是,如果您使用任何使用Google Calendar API的Sync应用程序,它们将看到FIRST日历。 这意味着,不是您希望他们看到的那个。

    I'll post more if I get this fixed. This is a great example of the fact that while Google Apps is yummy, it's a WHOLE OTHER UNIVERSE and Lord knows what's happening on the back end.

    如果解决此问题,我会发布更多信息。 这是一个很好的例子,虽然Google Apps很好吃,但却是另一个世界,而Lord知道后端发生了什么。

    (Note the broken image...You'll also get HTTP/HTTPS warnings, occasionally. Google Apps may be having some growing pains. Any Google Employees want to comment?)Google sez this about deleting calendars: "Please note that it's not possible to delete your primary calendar. You can clear the events on your primary calendar, rename this calendar and schedule new events to effectively get rid of your original primary calendar." I sez, "weak."

    (请注意,图片破裂了……您有时还会收到HTTP / HTTPS警告。GoogleApps可能会遇到一些麻烦。任何Google员工都想发表评论吗?) Google要求删除日历“请注意,您无法删除主日历。您可以清除主日历上的事件,重命名此日历并安排新事件以有效地摆脱原始主日历。” 我说,“弱”。

    Google Calendar - Windows Internet Explorer

    (Note the broken image...You'll also get HTTP/HTTPS warnings, occasionally. Google Apps may be having some growing pains. Any Google Employees want to comment?)Google sez this about deleting calendars: "Please note that it's not possible to delete your primary calendar. You can clear the events on your primary calendar, rename this calendar and schedule new events to effectively get rid of your original primary calendar." I sez, "weak."

    (请注意,图片破裂了……您有时还会收到HTTP / HTTPS警告。GoogleApps可能会遇到一些麻烦。任何Google员工都想发表评论吗?) Google要求删除日历“请注意,您无法删除主日历。您可以清除主日历上的事件,重命名此日历并安排新事件以有效地摆脱原始主日历。” 我说,“弱”。

  • Plaxo is a great Synchronizing Tool that I like (yes, I know YOU don't like it) and the new Beta includes support for syncing Google Calendars and Outlook. It seems to have a problem with Google Apps, but I'm sure either Plaxo or Google will work it out. SyncMyCal is considered the best tool for syncing with Outlook. If you have a Mac, you can use Spanning Sync to sync with iCal.

    Plaxo是我喜欢的出色同步工具(是的,我知道您不喜欢它),新的Beta版包括对同步Google日历和Outlook的支持。 Google Apps似乎有问题,但是我敢肯定Plaxo或Google都可以解决。 SyncMyCal被认为是与Outlook同步的最佳工具。 如果您使用的是Mac,则可以使用Spanning Sync与iCal进行同步。

  • If you've got a BlackBerry or mobile phone with Java, note that there are TWO GMAIL APPS. There's one that has a Red Icon for Gmail Users and one with a Blue Icon for Gmail for Apps Users. Don't ask me why. If you have accounts at both, you need both applications on your mobile phone. You can, of course, also use POP if you prefer.

    如果您有使用Java的BlackBerry或手机,请注意有两个GMAIL APPS。 对于Gmail用户,有一个带有红色图标,对于Apps用户,有一个带有蓝色图标。 不要问我为什么。 如果同时拥有两个帐户,则手机上需要两个应用程序。 当然,您也可以根据需要使用POP。

    You can get them:


I miss anything? Works for me.

我想念什么吗? 为我工作。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/migrating-a-family-to-google-apps-from-gmail-thunderbird-outlook-and-others-the-definitive-guide

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    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
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在(Google App Sync)官网(https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssync)下载提示为“This product is not available in your country”. 特此备份。 此压缩包包含三个安装软件: - googleappssyncsetup[includes Google Apps Migration].exe为一键安装Sync + Migration [https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssync] - googleappssyncsetup[NOT include Google Apps Migration].exe为只安装Sync, 而不安装Migration [https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssyncstandalone] - OutlookMigrationSetup.exe为安装Migration [https://tools.google.com/dlpage/outlookmigration] ------------------------------------- - System requirements: Requires Google Apps for Business or Education Windows XP (32 bit) SP3[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5b33b5a8-5e76-401f-be08-1e1555d4f3d4] Windows Vista (32 bit) SP1[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=B0C7136D-5EBB-413B-89C9-CB3D06D12674] Windows Vista (64 bit) SP1[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=874a414b-32b2-41cc-bd8b-d71eda5ec07c] Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit) Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit) Microsoft Outlook 2003® SP3[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=E25B7049-3E13-433B-B9D2-5E3C1132F206] Microsoft Outlook 2007® SP2[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=B444BF18-79EA-46C6-8A81-9DB49B4AB6E5] (or SP1[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=9EC51594-992C-4165-A997-25DA01F388F5] with hotfix[http://support.microsoft.com/kb/959642]) Microsoft Outlook 2010® (32 and 64 bit) Microsoft Outlook 2013® (32 and 64 bit).


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