



Two weeks ago the whole Hanselman Family moved over to Google Apps for Domains. What's the verdict? Well, there was some good, some great and some truly awful. Here's the results of our migration and our general experience as we navigate the Google of it all.

两周前,整个Hanselman家族搬到Google Apps for Domains 。 判决是什么? 好吧,那里有些不错,有些很棒,有些确实很糟糕。 这是我们在Google上进行浏览时的迁移结果和总体经验的结果。

Bad: Email Attachments via Right Click|Send To don't work.


Dad Hanselman says:


Still not totally used to it....want to send a picture of the fathers' day rose from Mo to you guys but the send to concept doesn't connect to gmail yet. It defers to my old email system. That is the only gripe at this time. - Dad Hanselman

仍未完全习惯。。。想要将父亲节的照片从Mo寄给你们,但send to概念尚未连接到gmail。 它符合我的旧电子邮件系统。 这是目前唯一的抱怨。 -爸爸汉瑟曼

I haven't been able to find a tool/plugin/whatever that will allow folks to Right Click on their files and email them from Gmail. This is slowing our photo and file sharing amongst the Hanselman Clan.

我一直找不到能使人们右键单击其文件并从Gmail通过电子邮件发送邮件的工具/插件/任何工具。 这减慢了我们在汉瑟曼氏族之间共享照片和文件的速度。

Bad: Migration from Gmail accounts is tricky and sometimes incomplete


It's almost unforgivable that one has to resort to email POP hacks to migrate from a Gmail account to a Google Apps account. There should be a way to MERGE the two accounts. Instead, I used gMove and POP, and while gXfer set everything up correctly, my wife is missing at least 20% of her email and it's unclear why. The Google POP puller just stopped pulling. Very frustrating. This should be feature #1 on the part of Google. I tried it twice, and I'm sure the problem is on the Google end, as it seems to stop around specific few messages. gXfer (free) worked fine for other family members. We did get all her contacts and calendar moved just fine by gXfer as well.

不得不依靠电子邮件POP黑客从Gmail帐户迁移到Google Apps帐户几乎是不可原谅的。 应该有一种方法可以合并两个帐户。 相反,我使用了gMove和POP,尽管gXfer正确设置了所有内容,但我的妻子至少丢失了20%的电子邮件,目前尚不清楚原因。 Google POP拉出器刚刚停止拉出。 非常沮丧。 这应该是Google的功能#1。 我尝试了两次,并且确定问题出在Google端,因为它似乎停在特定的几条消息附近。 gXfer(免费)对其他家庭成员运行良好。 通过gXfer,我们确实得到了她所有的联系人和日历。

Bad: Migration from Thunderbird tricky because of SMTP lockdowns


We were able to move all my Dad's email from Thunderbird using the Gmail Loader but a lot has happened with SMTP servers as spam has become such a problem and it took several tries to find an SMTP server that would accept me sending out 6000 emails in a short amount of time. The days of unauthenticated SMTP are over.

我们能够使用Gmail加载程序将我爸爸的所有电子邮件从Thunderbird中移出,但是SMTP服务器发生了很多事情,因为垃圾邮件已成为一个问题,并且花了数次尝试才能找到可以接受我在一个服务器上发送6000封电子邮件的SMTP服务器。时间短。 未经身份验证的SMTP的日子结束了。

Bad: iGoogle Codebase NOT the same as the Personalized Google Apps Homepage

坏: iGoogle代码库与个性化Google Apps主页不同

Something is VERY wrong in Googleville. It appears that Google Apps for your Domain (GAFYD) is a fork or a trailing branch of the actual public Google experience. That means that the personalized home page that all my users get isn't as shiny and new and wonderful as the iGoogle page that everyone else gets. I'd have assumed the OPPOSITE. If I'm paying I think I'd get the new hotness sooner, not later. Also, there's no published calendar that I can find that will let me know when there will be feature parity. The Google Apps Groups are pretty quiet on the Google side. Also shockingly there doesn't appear to be a Google Apps Blog, so there's a sense of quiet and a lack of conversation going on.

在Googleville,有些事情很不对劲。 您的域的Google Apps(GAFYD)似乎是实际的公开Goog​​le体验的分支或尾随分支。 这意味着我所有用户获得的个性化主页不像其他所有人获得的iGoogle页面那样闪亮,新颖,精彩。 我本来是反对的。 如果我要付款,我想我会早日得到新的热销,而不是晚些时候。 另外,我没有找到可以让我知道何时出现功能奇偶校验的已发布日历。 Google Apps组在Google方面非常安静。 同样令人震惊的是,似乎没有Google Apps博客,因此有一种安静的感觉,并且缺乏对话。

Bad: Google Split Brain - Google App Accounts are NOT Google Accounts are NOT Gmail Accounts

不良:Google裂脑-Google App帐户不是Google帐户不是Gmail帐户

If you have a Google Apps for your Domain account, you cant use it to log into Google Code. Same with a non-gmail Google Account. You can only log into Google Code with a Gmail account, which means I have to maintain an unused email address that weighs on my psychically.

如果您的域帐户拥有Google Apps,则无法使用它登录Google Code。 与非Gmail Google帐户相同。 您只能使用Gmail帐户登录Google Code,这意味着我必须保留一个未使用的电子邮件地址,这对我的心理非常重要。

Horribly Bad: Google Calendars not Delete-able nor Migrate-able


This is the worst (most irritating) issue for me personally. I started a Google Calendar account before using my regular email account. Now, when I hit calendar.google.com (rather than calendar.hanselman.com) I see this wonderful screen. Seriously, take a moment and drink deeply of this screenshot.

就我个人而言,这是最糟糕的问题。 在使用常规电子邮件帐户之前,我已经启动了Google日历帐户。 现在,当我点击calendar.google.com(而不是calendar.hanselman.com)时,我会看到一个很棒的屏幕。 认真地,花点时间深入了解此屏幕截图。

Look at the choices. I have a calendar associated with my address that I made before. OK, I can handle that. BUT ALL my existing appointments are in it, and I'm told by this screen WILL STAY THERE. Only new invitations will go to my new Hanselman Calendar, and the only way I can keep using the existing calendar (remembering that I'm not interested in keeping it) is to change my Google Account email address - something I don't want to do because I use it for iGoogle and other things. When I DO try to change it I'm told "Sorry, a gmail address is not allowed to be the primary address of this account."

看看选择。 我有一个与以前的住址相关的日历。 好,我可以解决。 但是所有我现有的约会都在其中,并且此屏幕告诉我,它将在那里继续。 只有新邀请会转到我的新Hanselman日历,并且我可以继续使用现有日历的唯一方法(请记住我对保留日历不感兴趣)是更改我的Google帐户电子邮件地址-我不想这样做之所以这样做,是因为我将它用于iGoogle和其他东西。 当我尝试更改它时,系统会告诉我“很抱歉,不允许将gmail地址用作此帐户的主要地址。”

Also, note the bugs on this screen. I'm not used to seeing bugs in Google code, but there really seem to be a LOT in Google Apps. Notice the broken image in the upper corner, as well as the "start using a null calendar" and incorrect link for my Domain Calendar.

另外,请注意此屏幕上的错误。 我不习惯看到Google代码中的错误,但是Google Apps中似乎确实有很多错误。 请注意,在右上角有损坏的图像,以及“开始使用空日历”和“域日历”的错误链接。

There is no way to DELETE a primary calendar in Google - this just kills me. I just want to delete the fact that there's a calendar associated with my Google account - that also happens to be my Google for Apps account - and have one calendar.

在Google中无法删除主日历-这简直让我丧命。 我只想删除以下事实:我的Google帐户关联了一个日历-也恰好是我的Google for Apps帐户-并且有一个日历。

Bad: POP is flaky from multiple clients


POP support works fine and I still backup my Gmail account into Outlook once a week and some of the Hanselpeople still use Outlook or Thunderbird, but sometimes it seems that POP for Gmail gets confused, specifically when multiple client connect. Like if you use Outlook at work and Thunderbird at home, you might get duplicate emails downloading, as if a counter or date stamp somewhere got boogered. So, don't do that.

POP支持效果很好,我仍然每周一次将我的Gmail帐户备份到Outlook中,并且某些Hanselpeople仍在使用Outlook或Thunderbird,但有时似乎Gmail的POP变得混乱,特别是在连接多个客户端时。 就像您在工作中使用Outlook和在家中使用Thunderbird一样,您可能会下载重复的电子邮件,就像在某处的计数器或日期戳被了一样。 所以,不要那样做。

Bad: Apps using Google APIs aren't smart about Google Apps for your Domain

坏:使用Google API的应用对于您所在域的Google Apps并不明智

I use Plaxo and they support syncing between Google Calendar and Outlook. Wonderful. However, Plaxo doesn't support syncing with Google Apps for your Domain. Further proof that there's some kind of frankencodebase thing going on in the back, or at least that the apps that use the API have to be smart about the URI they use. I haven't seen if SyncMyCal supports Google Apps for your Domain, but the word on the street is that it DOES. The real question is why doesn't the Google Calendar API just handle this using the logged in username? Probably because of this "split brain" issue that I've run into with two calendars associated with one email address. Again, a problem fixable if I could just DELETE the first calendar. I'm not the only one suffering.

我使用Plaxo,并且它们支持Google日历和Outlook之间的同步。 精彩。 但是, Plaxo不支持与您的Domain的Google Apps同步。 进一步证明背后有某种frankencodebase事情,或者至少使用API​​的应用必须对所使用的URI保持精明。 我还没有看到SyncMyCal是否支持您的域的Google Apps,但市面上的说法是它确实可以。 真正的问题是,为什么Google Calendar API不能仅使用登录的用户名来处理? 可能是因为我遇到了与两个与一个电子邮件地址相关联的日历的“裂脑”问题。 同样,如果我可以删除第一个日历,这个问题可以解决。 我不是唯一一个受苦的人

Bad: Can't use Custom iGoogle Gadgets on the Google Apps Homepage

不良:无法在Google Apps主页上使用自定义iGoogle小工具

I'm unclear if this is because of stupid Gadgets or hardcoded URLs or what, but many Google Gadgets will only install into iGoogle.


Good: Space and Searching


gMove from LimitNone worked great for moving my email from Outlook and I'm happy I paid for it. I moved 15,000 emails and decided against moving the other 20,000. It did take a few days, as the Google Mail Fetcher takes its time, but it didn't matter to me. I stole this image from the LimitNone Blog as it clearly explains what you can use to get your email moved around depending on your situation. Everyone likes the space and searching and no one so far as used more than 5% of the 10gigs.

LimitNone的gMove非常适合将我的电子邮件从Outlook中移出,我很高兴为此付费。 我转移了15,000封电子邮件,并决定不转移其他20,000封电子邮件。 确实花了几天的时间,因为Google Mail Fetcher花费了时间,但对我而言并不重要。 我从LimitNone博客中窃取了这张图片,因为它清楚地说明了您可以根据情况使用哪些方法来移动电子邮件。 每个人都喜欢这个空间和搜索功能,没有人喜欢使用超过10gig的5%。

Good: Google Talk

好:Google Talk

One unexpected benefit that all the Hanselmen have enjoyed is the Google Chat support. Everyone in our domain gets a GoogleTalk account. I initially thought this would be lame because I only chat on MSN messenger. However, not all the family are on messenger and most don't want to download it and have just a few contacts. What's cool about Google Talk is that even those who do not have the client install can still chat. An ajax-y DHTML chat popup will present itself when someone within the Hanselman world chats you. Also, presence is based on whether or not you're reading email. This has actually caused us to talk to each other MORE. "Oh, Jack's online, how's he doing..." Just today I chatted with my brother-in-law in South Africa. I used the Google Talk client and he was just logged in over dial-up. Very smooth and very cool.

一个意想不到的好处是所有的Hanselm享有的是谷歌聊天支持。 我们域中的每个人都会获得一个GoogleTalk帐户。 我最初以为这很la脚,因为我只在MSN Messenger上聊天。 但是,并非所有家庭都使用Messenger,并且大多数人不希望下载它,只有几个联系人。 Google Talk的优势在于,即使没有安装客户端的用户仍然可以聊天。 当Hanselman世界中的某人与您聊天时,会显示一个Ajax-y DHTML聊天弹出窗口。 另外,在线状态取决于您是否正在阅读电子邮件。 这实际上使我们彼此交谈。 “哦,杰克在线,他最近好吗……”就在今天,我和我在南非的姐夫聊天。 我使用了Google Talk客户端,而他只是通过拨号登录。 很光滑很酷。

Good: BlackBerry (and Mobile) Support


The BlackBerry support is great. I almost like the BlackBerry Gmail app (note, there's two apps, one for Gmail and one for GAFYD - again with the Google Split Brain) better than the BlackBerry email itself. You're looking at a view of your email, so everything one on the BlackBerry really affects the actual Gmail account. Also, if you login to any of the standard URLs with a mobile browser the websites will render Tiny HTML for small screens. There's also a BlackBerry Google Talk client where the Google Talk Chats appear in your standard BlackBerry Inbox.

BlackBerry支持很棒。 我几乎喜欢BlackBerry Gmail应用程序(请注意,有两个应用程序,一个用于Gmail,一个用于GAFYD-再次使用Google Split Brain ),比黑莓电子邮件本身更好。 您正在查看电子邮件的视图,因此BlackBerry上的所有内容实际上都会影响实际的Gmail帐户。 另外,如果您使用移动浏览器登录到任何标准URL,则网站将在小屏幕上呈现Tiny HTML。 还有一个BlackBerry Google Talk客户端,其中Google Talk Chats出现在标准BlackBerry Inbox中。



Most of these problems are not total blockers, but some are very annoying. We're critical because we expect so much. Will these bugs continue to irritate? Sure, until they are fixed, particularly the Calendar one, but I'm the only Hanselman with that problem. At this point everyone in the family has said they are thrilled with the move and no one regrets it.

这些问题大多数不是完全阻止者,但有些非常令人讨厌。 我们很关键,因为我们期望很高。 这些错误会继续令人讨厌吗? 当然,直到它们修复好为止,尤其是日历,但我是唯一遇到此问题的Hanselman。 在这一点上,家庭中的每个人都说他们为这一举动感到兴奋,没有人后悔。

My Wish List


  • Be able to delete Google Calendar from a Google Account, thereby resolving the split brain calendar issue.

  • Be able to use my GAFYD Account as a proper Google Account.

  • Have all the APIs, especially the Calendar API, work automatically with GAFYD so my 3rd party tools would just work.

    具有所有API,尤其是Calendar API,可以自动与GAFYD一起使用,因此我的第三方工具可以正常工作。

  • Have iGoogle as my GAFYD home page, and not the crippled Google Partner Page I have not.

  • Have a Windows Mobile Gmail client. Currently you can download the Java one and use it with a "this is unsupported" warning, but while it's rocking awesome on a BlackBerry, the fonts and navigation are totally lame on a WM SmartPhone.

    有一个Windows Mobile Gmail客户端。 当前,您可以下载Java并在其上显示“不支持此”警告,但是在BlackBerry上它实在太棒了,而WM SmartPhone上的字体和导航却完全totally脚。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-verdict-google-applications-for-your-domain-two-weeks-later


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