Adafruit的Circuit Playground Express模拟了Visual Studio Code的Device Simulator Express

本文介绍了如何使用Visual Studio Code的Device Simulator Express扩展来模拟Adafruit Circuit Playground Express,无需物理硬件即可进行代码编写和调试。该扩展由微软车库的实习生开发,提供设备仿真、代码部署、自动完成和错误标记等功能,方便开发者进行项目开发。

I'm an unabashed Adafruit fan and I often talking about them because I'm always making cool stuff with their hardware and excellent tutorials. You should check out the YouTube video we made when I visited Adafruit Industries in New York with my nephew. They're just a lovely company.

我是一个毫不动摇的Adafruit粉丝,我经常谈论它们,因为我一直在用他们的硬件和出色的教程制作很棒的东西。 您应该查看我们侄子去纽约Adafruit Industries时制作YouTube视频。 他们只是一家可爱的公司。

While you're at it, go sign up for the Adabox Subscription and get amazing hardware projects mailed to you in a mystery box regularly!


One of the devices I keep coming back to is the extremely versatile Circuit Playground Express. It's under $25 and does a LOT.

我不断使用的设备之一是功能极为丰富的Circuit Playground Express 。 它的价格低于25美元,而且很多。

It's got 10 NeoPixels, a motion sensor, temp sensor, light sensor, sound sensor, buttons, a slide, and a speaker. It even can receive and transmit IR for any remote control. It's great for younger kids because you can use alligator clips for the input output pins which means no soldering for easy projects.

它有10个NeoPixels,一个运动传感器,温度传感器,光线传感器,声音传感器,按钮,幻灯片和扬声器。 它甚至可以接收和发送用于任何遥控器的IR。 这对于年幼的孩子非常有用,因为您可以将鳄鱼夹用于输入输出引脚,这意味着无需焊接即可进行简单的项目。

You can also mount the Circuit Playground Express onto a Crickit which is the "Creative Robotics & Interactive Construction Kit. It's an add-on lets you #MakeRobotFriend using CircuitPython, MakeCode, or Arduino." The Crickit makes it easy to control motors and adds additional power options to drive them! Great for creating small bots or battlebots as my kids do.

你也可以将巡回游乐场快递到Crickit这是“C reative [R obotics&I nteractiveÇ。施工工具包。这是一个附加允许您使用CircuitPython,MakeCode,或Arduino的#MakeRobotFriend。” Crickit使其易于控制电动机,并增加了附加的功率选项来驱动它们! 就像我的孩子一样,非常适合创建小型机器人或战斗机器人。


The most significant - and technically impressive, in my opinion - aspect of the Circuit Playground Express is that it doesn't dictate the tech you use! There's 3 great ways to start.

在我看来,Circuit Playground Express最重要的方面-技术上令人印象深刻-方面并不决定您使用的技术! 有3种绝佳的开始方式。

  • Start your journey with Microsoft MakeCode block-based or Javascript programming.

    使用Microsoft MakeCode基于块的或Javascript编程开始您的旅程。

  • Then, you can use the same board to try CircuitPython, with the Python interpreter running right on the Express.

    然后,您可以使用同一块板尝试CircuitPython ,而Python解释器将在Express上运行。

  • As you progress, you can advance to using Arduino IDE, which has full support of all the hardware down to the low level, so you can make powerful projects.

    随着您的前进,您可以继续使用Arduino IDE ,它可以全面支持所有底层硬件,因此您可以创建功能强大的项目。

Start by exploring MakeCode for Circuit Playground Express by just visiting and running in the browser!

首先通过访问并在浏览器中运行来探索Circuit Playground ExpressMakeCode

适用于Adafruit Circuit Playground Express的Device Simulator Express (Device Simulator Express for Adafruit Circuit Playground Express)

Next, check out the Device Simulator Express extension for Visual Studio Code! This was made over the summer by Christella Cidolit, Fatou Mounezo, Jonathan Wang, Lea Akkari, Luke Slevinsky, Michelle Yao, and Rachel Phinnemore, the interns at the Microsoft Garage Vancouver!

接下来,签出Visual Studio CodeDevice Simulator Express扩展! 这是由Microsoft车库车库的实习生Christella Cidolit,Fatou Mounezo,Jonathan Wang,Lea Akkari,Luke Slevinsky,Michelle Yao和Rachel Phinnemore在整个夏天完成的!

This great extension lets YOU, Dear Reader, code for a Circuit Playground Express without the physical hardware! And when you've got one in your hards, it makes development even easier. That means:

亲爱的读者,这个出色的扩展使您无需物理硬件即可为Circuit Playground Express编写代码! 当您精打细算时,它会使开发变得更加容易。 这意味着:

  • Device simulation for those without hardware

  • Code deployment to devices

  • Auto-completion and error flagging

  • Debugging with the simulator


You'll need these things:


Fire up Visual Studio Code with the Device Simulator Express extension installed and then select "Device Simulator Express: New File" in the command palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P to open the palette).

在安装了Device Simulator Express扩展的情况下启动Visual Studio Code,然后在命令面板中选择“ Device Simulator Express:新文件”( CTRL+SHIFT+P打开面板)。

Device Simulator Express

There's a lot of potential here! You've got the simulated device on the right and the Python code on the left. There's step by step debugging in this virtual device. There's a few cool things I can think of to make this extension easier to set up and get started that would be it a killer experience for an intermediate developer who is graduating from MakeCode into a Code editor like VS Code.

这里有很多潜力! 您在右侧有模拟设备,在左侧有Python代码。 在此虚拟设备中逐步进行调试。 我可以想到一些很酷的方法,使此扩展更易于设置和入门,这对于从MakeCode过渡到VS Code这样的代码编辑器的中级开发人员来说,这将是杀手级的体验。

It's early days and the interns are back in school but I'm hoping to see this project move forward and get improved. I'll blog more details as I have them!

现在还很早,实习生又回到学校了,但是我希望这个项目能够继续前进并得到改善。 我将通过博客发布更多详细信息!

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