在Raspberry Pi上安装PowerShell Core(由.NET Core支持)

PowerShell Core on a Raspberry Pi!

Earlier this week I set up .NET Core and Docker on a Raspberry Pi and found that I could run my podcast website quite easily on a Pi. Check that post out as there's a lot going on. I can test within a Linux Container and output the test results to the host and then open them in VS. I also explored a reasonably complex Dockerfile that is both multiarch and multistage. I can reliably build and test my website either inside a container or on the bare metal of Windows or Linux. Very fun.

本周早些时候,我在Raspberry Pi上设置了.NET Core和Docker,发现我可以很容易地在Pi上运行播客网站。 检查该帖子,因为发生了很多事情。 我可以在Linux容器中进行测试,然后将测试结果输出到主机,然后在VS中打开它们。 我还探索了一个相当复杂的Dockerfile,该文件既是多体系结构又是多阶段的。 我可以在容器内或在Windows或Linux的裸机上可靠地构建和测试我的网站。 好玩。

As primarily a Windows developer I have lots of batch/cmd files like "test.bat" or "dockerbuild.bat." They start as little throwaway bits of automation but as the project grows inevitably more complex.

作为主要的Windows开发人员,我有很多批处理/ cmd文件,例如“ test.bat”或“ dockerbuild.bat”。 他们开始的时候很少需要自动化,但是随着项目的发展不可避免地会变得更加复杂。

I'm not interested in "selling" anyone PowerShell. If you like bash, use bash, it's lovely, as are shell scripts. PowerShell is object-oriented in its pipeline, moving lists of real objects as standard output. They are different and most importantly, they can live together. Just like you might call Python scripts from bash, you can call PowerShell scripts from bash, or vice versa. Another tool in our toolkits.

我对“出售”任何PowerShell都不感兴趣。 如果您喜欢bash,请使用bash,它和shell脚本一样可爱。 PowerShell在其管道中是面向对象的,将真实对象的列表作为标准输出移动。 它们是不同的,最重要的是,它们可以生活在一起。 就像您可以从bash调用Python脚本一样,也可以从bash调用PowerShell脚本,反之亦然。 工具箱中的另一个工具。

PS /home/pi> Get-Process | Where-Object WorkingSet -gt 10MB

NPM(K) PM(M) WS(M) CPU(s) Id SI ProcessName
------ ----- ----- ------ -- -- -----------
0 0.00 10.92 890.87 917 917 docker-containe
0 0.00 35.64 1,140.29 449 449 dockerd
0 0.00 10.36 0.88 1272 037 light-locker
0 0.00 20.46 608.04 1245 037 lxpanel
0 0.00 69.06 32.30 3777 749 pwsh
0 0.00 31.60 107.74 647 647 Xorg
0 0.00 10.60 0.77 1279 037 zenity
0 0.00 10.52 0.77 1280 037 zenity

Bash and shell scripts are SUPER powerful. It's a whole world. But it is text based (or json for some newer things) so you're often thinking about text more.

Bash和Shell脚本超级强大。 这是整个世界。 但这是基于文本的(对于某些新事物,则为json),因此您经常想更多地考虑文本。

pi@raspberrypidotnet:~ $ ps aux | sort -rn -k 5,6 | head -n6
root 449 0.5 3.8 956240 36500 ? Ssl May17 19:00 /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
root 917 0.4 1.1 910492 11180 ? Ssl May17 14:51 docker-containerd --config /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml
root 647 0.0 3.4 155608 32360 tty7 Ssl+ May17 1:47 /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
pi 1245 0.2 2.2 153132 20952 ? Sl May17 10:08 lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
pi 1272 0.0 1.1 145928 10612 ? Sl May17 0:00 light-locker
pi 1279 0.0 1.1 145020 10856 ? Sl May17 0:00 zenity --warning --no-wrap --text

You can take it as far as you like. For some it's intuitive power, for others, it's baroque.

您可以随心所欲。 对于某些人来说,它是直观的力量,对于其他人来说,这是巴洛克式的。

pi@raspberrypidotnet:~ $ ps -eo size,pid,user,command --sort -size | awk '{ hr=$1/1024 ; printf("%13.2f Mb ",hr) } { for ( x=4 ; x<=NF ; x++ ) { printf("%s ",$x) } print "" }'
161.14 Mb /usr/bin/dockerd -H fd://
124.20 Mb docker-containerd --config /var/run/docker/containerd/containerd.toml
78.23 Mb lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
66.31 Mb /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch
61.66 Mb light-locker

Point is, there's choice. Here's a nice article about PowerShell from the perspective of a Linux user. Can I install PowerShell on my Raspberry Pi (or any Linux machine) and use the same scripts in both places? YES.

要点是,有选择。 从Linux用户的角度来看,这是一篇关于PowerShell不错的文章。 我可以在Raspberry Pi(或任何Linux机器)上安装PowerShell并在两个地方使用相同的脚本吗? 是。

For many years PowerShell was a Windows-only thing that was part of the closed Windows ecosystem. In fact, here's video of me nearly 12 years ago (I was working in banking) talking to Jeffrey Snover about PowerShell. Today, PowerShell is open source up at https://github.com/PowerShell with lots of docs and scripts, also open source. PowerShell is supported on Windows, Mac, and a half-dozen Linuxes. Sound familiar? That's because it's powered (ahem) by open source cross platform .NET Core. You can get PowerShell Core 6.0 here on any platform.

多年来,PowerShell是仅Windows的一部分,它是封闭的Windows生态系统的一部分。 实际上,这是将近12年前的视频(我在银行工作),与Jeffrey Snover谈论了PowerShell 。 今天,PowerShell在https://github.com/PowerShell上是开放源代码,其中包含许多文档和脚本,也都是开放源代码。 Windows,Mac和六个Linux上都支持PowerShell。 听起来有点熟? 那是因为它由开源跨平台.NET Core提供支持。 您可以在任何平台上获得PowerShell Core 6.0

Don't want to install it? Start it up in Docker in seconds with

不想安装吗? 在几秒钟内在Docker中启动它

docker run -it microsoft/powershell

Sweet. How about Raspbian on my ARMv7 based Raspberry Pi? I was running Raspbian Jessie and PowerShell is supported on Raspbian Stretch (newer) so I upgraded from Jesse to Stretch (and tidied up and did the firmware while I'm at it) with:

甜。 我的基于ARMv7的Raspberry Pi上的Raspbian怎么样? 我正在运行Raspbian Jessie,并且Raspbian Stretch(较新)支持PowerShell,因此我从Jesse升级到Stretch(并在整理时整理了固件),它具有:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
$ sudo sed -i 's/jessie/stretch/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
$ sudo sed -i 's/jessie/stretch/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
$ sudo rpi-update

Cool. Now I'm on Raspbian Stretch on my Raspberry Pi 3. Let's install PowerShell! These are just the most basic Getting Started instructions. Check out GitHub for advanced and detailed info if you have issues with prerequisites or paths.

凉。 现在,我在Raspberry Pi 3上使用Raspbian Stretch。让我们安装PowerShell ! 这些只是最基本的入门说明。 如果您遇到先决条件或路径问题,请查看GitHub以获取高级和详细信息

NOTE: Here I'm getting PowerShell Core 6.0.2. Be sure to check the releases page for newer releases if you're reading this in the future. I've also used 6.1.0 (in preview) with success. The next 6.1 preview will upgrade to .NET Core 2.1. If you're just evaluating, get the latest preview as it'll have the most recent bug fixes.

注意:在这里,我将获得PowerShell Core 6.0.2。 如果将来要阅读此内容,请确保检查发行页面以获取较新的发行版本。 我也成功使用了6.1.0(预览中)。 下一个6.1预览版将升级到.NET Core 2.1。 如果您只是在评估,请获取最新的预览,因为它将具有最新的错误修复。

$ sudo apt-get install libunwind8
$ wget https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/releases/download/v6.0.2/powershell-6.0.2-linux-arm32.tar.gz
$ mkdir ~/powershell
$ tar -xvf ./powershell-6.0.2-linux-arm32.tar.gz -C ~/powershell
$ sudo ln -s ~/powershell/pwsh /usr/bin/pwsh
$ sudo ln -s ~/powershell/pwsh /usr/local/bin/powershell
$ powershell



GOTCHA: Because I upgraded from Jessie to Stretch, I ran into a bug where libssl1.0.0 is getting loaded over libssl1.0.2. This is a complex native issue with interaction between PowerShell and .NET Core 2.0 that's being fixed. Only upgraded machines like mind will it it, but it's easily fixed with sudo apt-get remove libssl1.0.0

GOTCHA:因为我从Jessie升级到Stretch,所以遇到了一个错误,该错误通过libssl1.0.2加载libssl1.0.0 。 这是一个复杂的本机问题,已解决PowerShell和.NET Core 2.0之间的交互问题。 只有像mind这样的升级机器才能使用它,但是可以使用sudo apt-get remove libssl1.0.0轻松修复。

Now this means my PowerShell build scripts can work on both Windows and Linux. This is a deeply trivial example (just one line) but note the "shebang" at the top that lets Linux know what a *.ps1 file is for. That means I can keep using bash/zsh/fish on Raspbian, but still "build.ps1" or "test.ps1" on any platform.

现在这意味着我的PowerShell构建脚本可以在Windows和Linux上运行。 这是一个非常琐碎的示例(仅一行),但请注意顶部的“ shebang”,它使Linux知道* .ps1文件的用途。 这意味着我可以继续在Raspbian上使用bash / zsh / fish,但在任何平台上仍然可以使用“ build.ps1”或“ test.ps1”。

dotnet watch --project .\hanselminutes.core.tests test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=lcov /p:CoverletOutput=./lcov

Here's a few totally random but lovely PowerShell examples:


PS /home/pi> Get-Date | Select-Object -Property * | ConvertTo-Json
"DisplayHint": 2,
"DateTime": "Sunday, May 20, 2018 5:55:35 AM",
"Date": "2018-05-20T00:00:00+00:00",
"Day": 20,
"DayOfWeek": 0,
"DayOfYear": 140,
"Hour": 5,
"Kind": 2,
"Millisecond": 502,
"Minute": 55,
"Month": 5,
"Second": 35,
"Ticks": 636623925355021162,
"TimeOfDay": {
"Ticks": 213355021162,
"Days": 0,
"Hours": 5,
"Milliseconds": 502,
"Minutes": 55,
"Seconds": 35,
"TotalDays": 0.24693868190046295,
"TotalHours": 5.9265283656111105,
"TotalMilliseconds": 21335502.1162,
"TotalMinutes": 355.59170193666665,
"TotalSeconds": 21335.502116199998
"Year": 2018

You can take PowerShell objects to and from Objects, Hashtables, JSON, etc.


PS /home/pi> $hash | ConvertTo-Json
"Shape": "Square",
"Color": "Blue",
"Number": 1
PS /home/pi> $hash = @{ Number = 1; Shape = "Square"; Color = "Blue"}
PS /home/pi> $hash

Name Value
---- -----
Shape Square
Color Blue
Number 1

PS /home/pi> $hash | ConvertTo-Json
"Shape": "Square",
"Color": "Blue",
"Number": 1

Here's a nice one from MCPMag:


PS /home/pi> $URI = "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select  * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where  text='{0}, {1}')&format=json&env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys"  -f 'Omaha','NE'
PS /home/pi> $Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $URI
PS /home/pi> $Data.query.results.channel.item.forecast|Format-Table

code date day high low text
---- ---- --- ---- --- ----
39 20 May 2018 Sun 62 56 Scattered Showers
30 21 May 2018 Mon 78 53 Partly Cloudy
30 22 May 2018 Tue 88 61 Partly Cloudy
4 23 May 2018 Wed 89 67 Thunderstorms
4 24 May 2018 Thu 91 68 Thunderstorms
4 25 May 2018 Fri 92 69 Thunderstorms
34 26 May 2018 Sat 89 68 Mostly Sunny
34 27 May 2018 Sun 85 65 Mostly Sunny
30 28 May 2018 Mon 85 63 Partly Cloudy
47 29 May 2018 Tue 82 63 Scattered Thunderstorms

Or a one-liner if you want to be obnoxious.


PS /home/pi> (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri  "https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select  * from weather.forecast where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) where  text='Omaha, NE')&format=json&env=store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys").query.results.channel.item.forecast|Format-Table

Example: This won't work on Linux as it's using Windows specific AIPs, but if you've got PowerShell on your Windows machine, try out this one-liner for a cool demo:


iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://bit.ly/e0Mw9w")

iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://bit.ly/e0Mw9w")



Sponsor: Check out JetBrains Rider: a cross-platform .NET IDE. Edit, refactor, test and debug ASP.NET, .NET Framework, .NET Core, Xamarin or Unity applications. Learn more and download a 30-day trial!

赞助商:查看JetBrains Rider:一个跨平台的.NET IDE 。 编辑,重构,测试和调试ASP.NET,.NET Framework,.NET Core,Xamarin或Unity应用程序。 了解更多信息并下载30天试用版

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/installing-powershell-core-on-a-raspberry-pi-powered-by-net-core





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