


Erica Kennedy chats with Prince on AOL in 1999

Before the Internet as we know it today, before social media, there was AOL. Specifically there was AOL chat rooms. The digital world was smaller but Prince was always there. He was so ahead of his time digitally. The Purple One did group chats with fans all the time on AOL. A "room" in AOL chat parlance was like a Twitter DM - a private chat room.

在我们今天所知的互联网之前,在社交媒体之前,是AOL。 特别是有AOL聊天室。 数字世界虽然较小,但是Prince一直在那儿。 他在数字时代遥遥领先。 紫罗兰人(A Purple)一直在AOL上与粉丝进行小组聊天。 在AOL聊天中,“聊天室”就像是Twitter DM –私人聊天室。

Six years ago my friend Erica Kennedy and I were talking about what she was going to write for her next book. She had just released her second book, Feminista, and was pretty well known for her first book, Bling that satirized the music industry that she came up in. We had the idea of  a Kindle Single detailing her interactions with Prince while she was working on a profile for InStyle Magazine. You can see photos of Prince's Spanish Villa and a few lines of Erica's AOL chats with Prince over at InStyle now.

六年前,我的朋友埃里卡·肯尼迪( Erica Kennedy)和我在谈论她要为下一本书写些什么。 她刚刚发行了第二本书《 Feminista》 ,并以第一本书《 Bling》而出名,这使她进入的音乐界颇为讽刺。 我们想到Kindle Single来详细说明她与Prince在为InStyle Magazine制作个人资料时的互动。 您现在可以在InStyle上查看Prince的西班牙别墅的照片,以及Erica的AOL几行与Prince聊天

This is the AOL chat log detailing her interactions with Prince that Erica emailed me while we were planning her novella.


Here, of course, "NPG---" was Prince's private AOL chat handle at that time while Ekj4 is Erica. I have kept all the typos exactly as they occurred in 1999.

当然,这里的“ NPG ---”是当时Prince的私人AOL聊天程序,而Ekj4是Erica。 我将所有错别字完全保留为1999年的样子。

Erica K to me - u r the 1st person 2 c this outside of the N style staff.

埃里卡(Erica K)对我来说-您是第一个人2 c,属于N型员工。

NPG---:   high
Ekj4:       hi 2 u
NPG---:  is ur last name kennedy?
Ekj4:       no it's my middle name that i use for writing, trying to stay on the dl
NPG---:  r u alone?
Ekj4:       sure am
NPG---:  have u ever spoke in private chat space?
Ekj4:       all the time!
Ekj4:       i'm a terrible typist though
NPG---:  would u like 2 go a room?
Ekj4:       what room? what's wrong with this way?
NPG---:  don't like
Ekj4:       ok, where's the room?
NPG---:  it's called...
NPG---:  amatteroftime
Ekj4:       how do i get THERE?
NPG---:  use the icon that says....people
NPG---:  c it?
Ekj4:       yes. and...
NPG---:  start ur own chat
NPG---:  private
NPG---:  type in the space....amatteroftime
Ekj4:       is it only going to be u and i?
NPG---:  yes
Ekj4:       ok
NPG---:  scared?
Ekj4:       no
NPG---:  yea,right!
NPG---:  r u there?
Ekj4:       yep
NPG ---: is ur hair done?
EKJ4:       it’s up in a ponytail and truth be told, it’s lookin’ kinda busted.
NPG---:  lol!
EKJ:        my hair doesn’t have the bounce of your ‘do.
NPG---:  do u stay up late?
EKJ:        24-7.  Actaully more like 20-7.
NPG---:  good.
EKJ:        y?
NPG---:  my flight gets in at 1 am
EKJ:        great, ur  coming 2 ny?  u want me 2 meet u at 2?
NPG---:  I can send a car 4 u
NPG---:  if u like
Ekj4:       yes, that would be great. don’t have a sister trying to hail a cab in crooklyn at all hours.
NPG ---:  r u a sista?
Ekj4:        haven't we been over this?  u will c
NPG---:   what do u look like?
NPG---:   describe urself!
Ekj4:        i'm skinny
NPG---:   u eat meat?
Ekj4:        on occasion
NPG---:   then y r u skinny?
Ekj4:        just got it like that
NPG---:   skinny parents
Ekj4:        i actually eat way too much junk food
Ekj4:        i'm skinnier than everyone in my family
NPG---:   do u think we could complete an interview like this?
Ekj4:        no, we cannot do the interview this way, but doesn't matter. u'll be here in a minute
NPG---:   y
NPG---:   then u have direct quotes

NPG--:高EKJ4:嗨2 u NPG ---:您的姓氏是肯尼迪吗? EKJ4:不,这是我用来写作的中间名,试图留在dl上NPG ---:一个人吗? EKJ4:肯定是NPG ---:您是否曾经在私人聊天室讲话过? Ekj4:一直都在! EKJ4:虽然我是一个糟糕的打字员NPG ---:您想2个房间吗? EKJ4:什么房间? 这种方式怎么了? NPG--:不喜欢Ekj4:好的,房间在哪里? NPG--:叫做... NPG--:时光倒流EKJ4:我怎么去那里? NPG ---:使用表示...人的图标NPG ---:c吗? Ekj4:是的。 和... NPG--:开始您自己的聊天NPG--:私人NPG--:在空格中输入.... amatteroftime EKJ4:只会是你和我吗? NPG--:是EKJ4:好的NPG ---:害怕吗? EKJ4:否NPG--:是的,对! NPG ---:你在那里吗? EKJ4:是的在私人聊天室NPG ---:头发做完了吗? EKJ4:扎在马尾辫上,说实话,看起来有点破烂。 NPG ---:大声笑! EKJ:我的头发没有你的弹跳。 NPG ---:您熬夜吗? EKJ:24-7。 实际上更像是20-7。 NPG ---:好。 EKJ:是吗? NPG--:我的航班凌晨1点进站EKJ:太好了,你来2天吗? 你要我2点见你吗? NPG ---:我可以寄4辆车NPG--:如果你喜欢Ekj4:是的,那太好了。 不要有姐姐在任何时候都试图在克鲁克林上出租车。 NPG ---:Rua Sista? Ekj4:我们不是过去了吗? 你会NPG ---:你长什么样? NPG ---:形容自己! EKJ4:我瘦NPG ---:你吃肉吗? EKJ4:偶尔NPG ---:那您很瘦吗? Ekj4:就是这样NPG--:瘦父母EKJ4:我实际上吃了太多垃圾食品Ekj4:我比家里的每个人都瘦NPG--:您认为我们可以完成这样的采访吗? Ekj4:不,我们不能以这种方式进行采访,但是没关系。 你待会儿在这里NPG--:y NPG--:然后您有直接引号

但是这种方式很现代(but this way is modern)

Ekj4:        it neesd to be face to face
NPG---:   y?
Ekj4:        yes, but i have to set the scene. you get better feeling about the person that way
Ekj4:        anyway, this could be aaron for all i know.
NPG---:   but this way is modern
Ekj4:        yes, it is. i love to chat online
NPG---:   eye am not a liar
NPG---:   this way is cooler
NPG---:   and eye don't get motion sickness
Ekj4:        so u think we will just have some time tonight or would you be down to...
Ekj4:        hang over the weekend if i need more time?
Ekj4:        ur not going to be all drowsy, r u?
NPG---:   eye have 2 fly 2 oakland
NPG---:   2morrow
Ekj4:        for what? the all star game?
NPG---:   eye am never drowsy
NPG---:   yes ...the game
Ekj4:        u r going?
Ekj4:        i watch all teh games. i love the t-wolves and kg
Ekj4:        but i root for the knicks
NPG---:   eye maybe cannot go if eye go 2 new york
NPG---:   2 much flying makes me barf
Ekj4:        npg---, u sleepin'?
NPG---:   eye wanna c the slam dunk competition up close
Ekj4:         is kg in it?
NPG---:   no doubt
Ekj4:        you hang with him in minn?
NPG---:   if u were me...would u fly thamuch
Ekj4:        no i don't like to fly that much.  the loss of control and everything
Ekj4:        y ru coming here for 1 day? to do the interview?
NPG---:   yes, eye am coming unless u allow me 2 do something cooler
Ekj4:        i think u should come
NPG---:   eu
Ekj4:        eu?
NPG---:   do u know what that means
Ekj4:        please explain
NPG---:   this:
NPG---:   :P*******
NPG---:   me barfing
Ekj4:        lol!!!!
Ekj4:        why r u barfing?
NPG---:   HEY,not so loud!
Ekj4:        so r u coming or not?
NPG---:   yes, eu
Ekj4:        GREAT!

EKJ4:需要面对面NPG ---:是吗? Ekj4:是的,但是我必须设置场景。 这样你对人的感觉会更好Ekj4:无论如何,据我所知这可能是亚伦。 NPG--:但是这种方式很现代Ekj4:是的。 我喜欢在线聊天NPG--:眼睛不是骗子NPG--:这样比较凉NPG ---:眼睛不会晕车Ekj4:所以你认为我们今晚会有一些时间,否则你会... EKJ4:如果我需要更多时间,可以在周末闲逛吗? Ekj4:你不会很困,对吗? NPG--:眼睛有2只苍蝇2奥克兰NPG--:2明天Ekj4:干什么? 全明星赛? NPG ---:眼睛永不困倦NPG--:是的...游戏Ekj4:你要去吗? Ekj4:我看了所有的比赛。 我爱t狼和公斤EKJ4:但我支持尼克斯NPG ---:如果眼睛去纽约2,眼睛也许不能走NPG--:2次飞行让我bar然EKJ4:NPG ---,你在睡觉吗? NPG--:希望近距离扣篮比赛EKJ4:里面有公斤吗? NPG--:毫无疑问Ekj4:你和他一起绞死了吗? NPG--:如果你是我...你会飞吗Ekj4:不,我不喜欢那么飞。 失去控制和一切Ekj4:您要来这里呆1天吗? 做面试? NPG ---:是的,除非您允许我2做一些更酷的事情,否则眼睛会来的ekj4:我想你应该来NPG--:欧盟EKJ4:欧盟? NPG--:你知道那是什么意思EKJ4:请解释NPG-- :: NPG--::P ******* NPG ---:我bar Ekj4:大声笑! EKJ4:为什么要bar? NPG--:嘿,不要那么大声! Ekj4:那么茹来还是不来? NPG--:是,欧盟Ekj4:太好了!

你像我一样打字 (u type like me)

NPG---:   we will call when eye ge there
Ekj4:        1derful
NPG---:   u type like me
Ekj4:        now that u have my e-mail, don't send me any spam!
Ekj4:        chain letters and nonsense
NPG---:   won't send u any mail
NPG---:   ever
NPG---:   many people use this screenname...
Ekj4:        ok, npg---
NPG---:   it's secret, so don't divulge it, ok?
Ekj4:        oh, good so you can maintain your privacy. of course, bro
NPG---:   ever go 2 prince. org?
Ekj4:        can't say that i have. do u?
NPG---:   once or twice
NPG---:   interesting?
NPG---:   yes
Ekj4:        i don't think i would like 2 c what random people r saying about me
NPG---:   sometimes it is funny
Ekj4:        taht would be strange but i guess you have become accustomed 2 it
NPG---:   yes
NPG---:   so, eye must go and pack, then
NPG---:   bye bye
NPG---:   c u 2night
Ekj4:        c ya later, inshallah
NPG---:   peace

NPG ---:我们在那儿打来电话EKJ4:1级NPG--:你像我一样打字Ekj4:现在您已收到我的电子邮件,请不要向我发送任何垃圾邮件! EKJ4:连锁字母和废话NPG ---:不会向您发送任何邮件NPG--:曾经NPG ---:许多人使用此屏幕名称... EKJ4:好的,NGP-- NPG ---:这是秘密,所以不要泄露它,好吗? Ekj4:哦,很好,您可以维护自己的隐私。 当然,兄弟NPG ---:曾经去过2王子。 组织? Ekj4:不能说我有。 你呢NPG--:一次或两次NPG--:有意思吗? NPG--:是Ekj4:我不认为我想要2 C随机人对我的评价NPG--:有时很有趣ekj4:泰铢会很奇怪,但我想你已经习惯了2 NPG--:是NPG ---:因此,必须将眼睛收拾好,然后NPG--:再见NPG--:铜2晚EKJ4:晚些时候,因沙拉NPG ---:和平

I loved these chats because they are a reminder that our legends are also real people. He loved technology, Prince started YesWeCode with Van Jones to inspire more Black Youth to get involved in tech.

我喜欢这些聊天,因为它们提醒我们我们的传说也是真实的人。 他热爱技术,普林斯(Prince)与范·琼斯(Van Jones)共同创办了YesWeCode,以激发更多的黑人青年参与技术领域。

I talked to Erica on the phone just two day before she passed away. I miss our regular talks and her energy but most of all I miss my friend.  Prince is gone now as well, and even though he was a legend he was also a real human who loved people. He was a tech visionary who appreciated very early on how technology could bring us all together.

在她去世的前两天,我通过电话与埃里卡通话。 我想念我们的定期谈话和她的精力,但最重要的是我想念我的朋友。 王子现在也走了,即使他是一个传奇人物,他也是一个爱人的真人。 他是一位技术有远见的人,他很早就对技术如何将我们团结在一起感到赞赏。

20 years later Prince would still reply to fans directly on Twitter (and often delete the tweets, adding to his air of mystery.) He was known to even engage in lengthy private DMs with fans and superfans.


I love what InStyle said about these Prince's AOL chats.


Internet chat from a rock star looks like Internet chat from anybody else.


I miss you two and what you brought to our lives. I'm glad we have your legacy and your work to remember you by.

我想念你们两个以及你们带给我们生活的东西。 我很高兴我们有您的遗产和您的工作来纪念您。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/chatting-with-prince-on-aol-in-1999-this-way-is-modern






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