Nintendo Switch和《塞尔达传说:旷野之息》绝对是一种乐趣

I bought a Nintendo Switch last week with my allowance and I'm utterly smitten. It's brilliant. It's absolutely brilliant.

我上周用零用钱买了一个Nintendo Switch,一头雾水。 这个棒极了。 绝对很棒。

Now, to be clear, I'm neither a hardcore gamer nor a journalist. However, I am someone who grew up on Mario, enjoys Retrogaming and my Xbox One, and most of all, I know genius when I see it.

现在,要明确地说,我既不是硬核游戏玩家,也不是新闻记者。 但是,我是在Mario上长大的人,喜欢Retrogaming和我的Xbox One,最重要的是,当我看到它时,我就知道他是天才。

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a wonderful example of the very best that video games can offer as an art form in 2017. - Me


It may be the best video game ever. And it is because it borrows so much from the decades of refinement whose shoulders it stands upon.

它可能是有史以来最好的视频游戏。 这是因为它从几十年来的精益求精中汲取了很多东西。

Let's break this down into two halves. First, Zelda (which is available on WiiU and Switch), and later, the Switch itself.

让我们将其分为两半。 首先是Zelda (在WiiUSwitch上可用),然后是Switch本身。

If you don't feel like reading this, just trust me and buy a Switch and Zelda and bask in the hundreds of hours of joy and wonder it will bring you. It's the most fun I've had with a video game in recent memory. I also profoundly recommend the gorgeous hardcover The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: The Complete Official Guide Collector's Edition. The maps, the art, and the gentle walkthroughs are more fun than googling. The kids and I have enjoyed exploring the wilderness with the giant map unfurled in front of us.

如果您不想阅读本文,请相信我,购买Switch和Zelda ,尽情享受数百小时的欢乐,不知道它会带给您什么。 这是最近记忆中我玩电子游戏时最有趣的一次。 我还强烈推荐精美的精装书《塞尔达传说:旷野之息:完整的官方指南典藏版》 。 地图,艺术品和温和的演练比谷歌搜索更有趣。 我和孩子们喜欢在我们面前展示的巨型地图探索旷野。

塞尔达传说:荒野之息 (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)

It's HUGE. It's estimated at 360 square kilometers. They are saying it's 1.5x the Skyrim map and may be larger than Witcher 3. A cynic could call Breath of the Wild derivative, but an optimist like me says, well, they stole every game mechanic that was awesome over the last few decades, and made the near-perfect game. I love that this is a console launch game that is polished and has at LEAST 100 hours or more for the completist.

很大。 估计为360平方公里。 他们说这是《天际》地图的1.5倍,可能比巫师3大。一个愤世嫉俗的人可以称呼“野性之息”衍生品,但像我这样的乐观主义者说,好吧,他们偷走了过去几十年来每一个很棒的游戏机制并制作了近乎完美的游戏。 我喜欢这是一款精致的控制台启动游戏,对于完成者而言至少有100个小时或更长时间。

Zelda is gorgeous
塞尔达传说是什么样的? (What is Zelda like?)
  • Just Cause - Fly off a cliff with a paraglider, fly over a raging river and land on an elk, tame it and ride it. Because you're awesome and you can.

    正当防卫-用滑翔伞飞出悬崖,飞越汹涌的河流,降落在麋鹿上,驯服并骑上它。 因为你很棒而且可以。

  • Witcher 3 - Massive map, armor sets, crafting and more.


  • Assassin's Creed - Climbing's fun. Getting maps by unlocking towers and jumping off.

    刺客信条-攀爬是因为...很有趣。 通过解锁塔并跳下来获取地图。

  • Grand Theft Auto - The first massive sandbox without loading. You enter a new area and get a brief subtitle announcing you're in a new "neighborhood" and then you wander.

    侠盗猎车手-第一个没有加载的大型沙盒。 您进入一个新区域并获得简短的字幕,表明您处于一个新的“邻居”中,然后您徘徊。

  • Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls was the first video game I played where I climbed mountains "because they were there" and really had a sense of wonder when I got to the top. Draw distance!

    《天际》 -《上古卷轴》是我玩过的第一款电子游戏,因为我在那里爬过山,所以当我登上山顶时,我真的很纳闷。 抽奖距离!

  • Shadow of the Colossus - There's amazing HUGE boss fights that involve climbing the enemy, racing after monsters with horses, and sometimes going inside them.


  • Bard's Tale - Because I'm old.


Complaints? Honestly, if I had to truly nit. And I mean really nit I'd say the durability of weapons, particularly swords, is annoying. I would make them last maybe 50% longer. Also, moving in and out of Shrines has a load screen that takes 10-15 seconds. But really, that's like saying "I wish Beyoncé was 5'8", not 5'7". I mean, REALLY. Beyoncé. Shush.

投诉吗老实说,如果我必须真正做到 我的意思是说,武器,尤其是剑的耐用性令人讨厌。 我会让它们的使用寿命延长50%。 同样,进出神社的载入画面需要10到15秒。 但是,实际上,这就像说“我希望碧昂丝是5'8”,而不是5'7”。我的意思是,真的。

任天堂开关 (The Nintendo Switch)

It's portable. Just like in the ad, you can pull the Switch out and leave. In my video below I also switch to portable AND have to re-sync the controllers, so there is one additional ceremony, but it's easy.

它是便携式的。 就像广告中一样,您可以拔出Switch并离开。 在下面的视频中,我还将切换到便携式并且必须重新同步控制器,因此还有一个额外的仪式,但这很容易。

Short #video of my #nintendoswitch playing Zelda going from big screen to portable and back.

— Scott Hanselman (@shanselman)

我的#nintendoswitch播放Zelda的短#video ,从大屏幕到便携式屏幕再返回。

— Scott Hanselman(@shanselman) March 5, 2017 2017年3月5日

It feels like a console when it's plugged in. I've got it plugged into my TV and from my couch it looks as nice as any of my devices. Sure, it's not an Xbox One playing Tom Clancy: The Division. But it's a brilliant tradeoff for a device I can simply pick up and go outside with (which I've done, with considerable appreciation.)

插入时感觉就像是一个控制台。我已经将其插入电视,从沙发上看,它和任何其他设备一样美观。 当然,这不是玩Tom Clancy:The Division的Xbox One。 但这是我可以轻松拿起并随身携带的设备的绝妙折衷(我已经做过,并且非常感谢。)

I'm surprised that folks are complaining about the gaming resolution, frame rates, battery life, older processor, or said "it's just like an iPad with an HDMI cable." Here's why:

令我感到惊讶的是,人们在抱怨游戏的分辨率,帧速率,电池寿命,较旧的处理器,或者说:“就像带HDMI电缆的iPad。” 原因如下:

  • Resolution - Zelda runs at 720p (the native res of the touchscreen) at 30fps. It's just 6.5" and 720p is just fine when it's a foot or more from your face.

    分辨率-Zelda以720p(触摸屏的本机分辨率)以30fps的速度运行。 它只有6.5英寸,而距您的脸一英尺或更多时,则720p即可。

  • Battery - I got an easy 3 hours out of it. If you're on a plane, carry a cable and extra battery. If you need to portably game more than 3 hours, take a break. ;) Seriously, though, given my appreciation of it's portability and power and experience this is reasonable. One can always complain about battery life.

    电池-我轻松用了3个小时。 如果您在飞机上,请携带电缆和备用电池。 如果您需要便携式游戏超过3个小时,请稍事休息。 ;)认真地说,考虑到我对它的便携性,功能和经验的欣赏,这是合理的。 人们总是可以抱怨电池寿命。

  • Frame Rate - When you dock the Switch and run Zelda over your TV the resolution is 900p and sometimes it lags. If you're in the forest, and it's raining, and there's a bunch of enemies around there will totally be moments of 20 fps. But it passes. And it's still gorgeous. A small price to pay, and we don't know if it's fixable with a software patch. Given that launch titles rarely use the new hardware in an optimized fashion, it's more than reasonable to give them a break on this.

    帧速率-当您将Switch停靠在电视上并运行Zelda时,分辨率为900p,有时会滞后。 如果您在森林中,并且正在下雨,并且周围有一堆敌人,那么总的瞬间将达到20 fps。 但是它过去了。 而且仍然很漂亮。 付出的代价很小,而且我们不知道它是否可以通过软件补丁修复。 鉴于发布标题很少以优化的方式使用新硬件,因此在这些方面有所突破是合理的。

  • Older Processor - The Switch is using the older Nvidia Tegra X1 processor. As a business person this makes sense. It's a $300 device. It's not reasonable to expect all day battery life and 4k gaming on a device that weights two-thirds of a pound.

    较旧的处理器-交换机使用的是较旧的Nvidia Tegra X1处理器。 作为商务人士,这很有意义。 这是一台售价300美元的设备。 在一磅重的三分之二的设备上期望整天的电池寿命和4k游戏是不合理的。

  • Innovation - Yes, you can plug your iPad into your TV. But most folks don't. And the iPad and iOS clearly haven't tried to optimize for this scenario. Apple has scandalously under-supported their MFi Controller Spec, even though the SteelSeries is brilliant. Frankly, Apple handed Nintendo a huge opportunity by not making a proper controller and supporting MFi better with Game Devs. The Switch might not exist if I could BlueTooth Pair any controller to my iPad and play Skyrim on an iPad. Oh ya, I'd have to have an iPad with expandable memory or a cartridge slot. ;) The Switch is a new category of device. It's not an iPad.

    创新-是的,您可以将iPad插入电视。 但是大多数人没有。 iPad和iOS显然没有针对这种情况进行优化。 苹果已经臭名昭著下支持他们的MFI控制器规格,即使SteelSeries的是辉煌的。 坦率地说,苹果公司通过不制造合适的控制器并通过Game Devs更好地支持MFi,给任天堂带来了巨大的机遇。 如果我可以将任何控制器与iPad配对并在iPad上播放Skyrim,则Switch可能不存在。 哦,我必须要有一个带有可扩展内存或墨盒插槽的iPad。 ;)交换机是设备新类别。 不是iPad。

It's a fantastic device for the price and the promises, for the most part, were kept. That said, a few gentle warnings if you do get a Switch.

这对于价格来说是一个了不起的设备,并且在大多数情况下都兑现了承诺。 就是说,如果您确实有Switch,则会发出一些温和的警告。

  • If you put the joy-cons on backwards they might get stuck and you could perhaps damage the system.

  • The joy-cons have these little wrist straps as well, and to be clear if you put these on backwards you're in trouble. Make sure you line up the plus + signs. There's a + on the right joy-con and a - on the left one. Use the correct strap for the correct joy-con.

    操纵杆也有这些小腕带,要弄清楚,如果将它们向后放,则会遇到麻烦。 确保您排队加号+。 右侧Joy-Con上有一个+,左侧是-。 使用正确的皮带进行正确的摇杆控制。

  • If you slam the Switch into the dock it's possible you could scratch the screen. I always treat $300 equipment like it cost $300. Be somewhat careful.

    如果将Switch猛撞到扩展坞中,则可能会划伤屏幕。 我总是把300美元的设备当作300美元的设备对待。 小心点

我推荐的Nintendo Switch配件(我拥有这些配件)(My Recommended Nintendo Switch accessories (I own each of these))

These accessories are by no means required (the Switch has everything you need out of the box) but these are all 4+ star rated and I've purchased them myself and appreciate them. Yes, I've gone overboard and my $300 Switch is now a $500 Switch BUT I HAVE NO REGERTS. ;)

这些附件不是必需的(Switch具备开箱即用的所有功能),但是它们都是4星以上星级的,我自己购买了它们,并感谢他们。 是的,我已经花钱买了,我的$ 300交换机现在是$ 500的Switch,但我没有录取。 ;)

  • Some kind of Carrying Case. I have the Zelda Special Edition case, but all the cases that are official Nintendo are excellent.

    某种便携包。 我有《塞尔达传说》特别版保护套,但任天堂官方提供的所有保护套都很棒。

  • The Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. If you're going to hook your Switch up to the TV you might consider the pro controller. The Switch does come with a quasi-controller that has you pop the two joy-cons into a harness to simulate a typical Xbox/PS Controller but the ergonomics are exact by any stretch. The Pro Controller is fantastic. It's 99% the same as an Xbox Controller and includes (quietly) the full 360 degree gyro support that (I believe) Switch Games will be known for (see the second above on gyro in Zelda.)

    Nintendo Switch Pro控制器。 如果要将交换机连接到电视,则可以考虑使用pro控制器。 Switch确实带有一个准控制器,您可以将两个操纵杆放入一个线束中以模拟典型的Xbox / PS控制器,但人体工程学在任何情况下都是精确的。 Pro Controller非常棒。 它与Xbox控制器具有99%的相同性,(安静地)包括Switch Game将会广为人知的360度陀螺仪的完整支持(请参阅上面有关《塞尔达传说》中陀螺仪的第二篇)。

  • Joy-con Grips. This was a frivolous purchase but a good one. I've got big hands and the Joy-Cons are NOT comfortable when turned horizontally and used for any period of time. These little holsters turn them into tiny Pro Controllers and make two player a LOT easier.

    Joy-con Grips 。 这是一件轻而易举的事,但很好。 我有大手,水平转动并使用了一段时间后,Joy-Cons都不舒服。 这些小皮套将它们变成纤巧的Pro Controllers,使两个玩家变得更加轻松。

  • Compact Playstand. The Switch has one major hardware design "flaw" in that it can't be charged while it's using its kickstand. This little folding playstand is nice because it's 3-in-1 and can also perfectly fit a 3DSXL.

    紧凑型Playstand 。 Switch有一个主要的硬件设计“缺陷”,即在使用支架时无法充电。 这个小巧的折叠式支架非常好用,因为它是三合一的,也可以完美地适合3DSXL。

  • Large 128g EXTRA-FAST microSDXC SD Card. The Switch has only 32gigs of internal space and if you (theoretically) downloaded Zelda you'll use 13gigs. I can see myself using up a LOT of space in the next year so I got this 128G SD Card. And it's FAST.

    大型128g EXTRA-FAST microSDXC SD卡。 交换机只有32gig的内部空间,如果(理论上)下载了Zelda,则将使用13gigs。 明年我会看到自己用光了很多空间,所以我得到了128G SD卡。 而且速度很快。

  • 6 pack of Microfiber Cleaning Cloths  - I can't stand a dirty touchscreen. Can't. I have two dozen of these spread around the house, my car, my backpack. Can't have too many given laptops, TVs, and iPads.

    6包超细纤维清洁布-我受不了肮脏的触摸屏。 不行我有两个这样的东西散布在房子,汽车,背包中。 指定的笔记本电脑,电视和iPad不能过多。

  • USB C cables - Both the Switch and Pro Controller use USB C (finally!) so pick up a few USB C cables that you can use to charge in a pinch from your laptop, existing car charger, or portable battery. I only buy Anker Batteries.

    USB C电缆-交换机和Pro Controller都使用USB C(最终!),因此请拾取几根USB C电缆,以便从笔记本电脑,现有的车载充电器或便携式电池中进行少量充电。 我只购买Anker电池

  • A Zelda Amiibo - Amiibos are these little figurines with an RFID/NFC dealie inside. They are registered to you and they can "light up" features in all kinds of games. In Zelda specifically you can (a little later in the game) use them to get daily food and other bonuses. Plus they look nice on your desk.

    Zelda Amiibo -Amiibos就是这些小雕像,里面有RFID / NFC标记。 它们已向您注册,并且可以“点亮”各种游戏中的功能。 特别是在《塞尔达传说》中,您可以(在游戏的稍后阶段)使用它们获取日常食物和其他奖励。 另外,它们在您的书桌上看起来不错。

我对2017年Nintendo Switch的预测 (My Predictions for the Nintendo Switch in 2017)

I'm looking forward to seeing what the Nintendo Switch can become. I think/predict we'll see this on the Switch in 2017.

我期待看到Nintendo Switch的发展。 我认为/预测我们会在2017年的Switch上看到这一点。

  • A thrilling Indie Game Community. Yes, the launch titles are weak. There aren't a ton of launch games. Call it a soft launch. But give it a few months.

    一个激动人心的独立游戏社区。 是的,发布标题很弱。 没有大量的启动游戏。 称其为软启动。 但是给它几个月。

  • Virtual Console - The ability to play SNES/NES and other games via some kind of emulation from Nintendo. We have already seen NEO-GEO games show up in the last few days! I can imagine we'll see a Mario Collection going back 30+ years.

    虚拟控制台-可以通过任天堂的某种模拟来玩SNES / NES和其他游戏。 我们已经看到最近几天出现了NEO-GEO游戏! 我可以想象我们会看到30年前的Mario Collection。

  • Video Apps - If they add Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon, then I'll be taking my Switch with me to


  • A USB-C to HDMI cable - I don't want to take the dock with me on trips, so I'd love a USB-C to HDMI cable from Nintendo (It'll need their magic box/chip) to free up my bag.


  • A great balance between AAA Games and "classic" games. If Zelda and Shovel Knight are any indication, the future is bright.

    在AAA游戏和“经典”游戏之间取得了很好的平衡。 如果Zelda和Shovel Knight有任何迹象,那么前途一片光明。

  • Continued updates to the online experience. I suspect we'll get firmware and store updates quarterly.

    持续更新在线体验。 我怀疑我们会每季度获取固件并存储更新。

But at the same time, what's the nightmare scenario? Nothing happens. No games come out and I have a $500 Zelda-specific device. I'm totally OK with that give the joy of the last week. So between the worst-case scenario and the best case, no matter what happens it's awesome and I'm a satisfied customer.

但是同时,噩梦是什么呢? 没发生什么事。 没有游戏问世,我有一个价值500美元的Zelda专用设备。 我完全可以接受上周的欢乐。 因此,在最坏的情况和最好的情况之间,无论发生什么事情都很棒,我是一个满意的客户。

* I've used Amazon referral links here. Please use them and you'll support this blog and my Amiibo Habit.

*我在这里使用了亚马逊推荐链接。 请使用它们,您将支持此博客和我的Amiibo习惯。


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