
I've been using this Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro for the last few weeks, and lemme tell you, it's lovely. It's the perfect size, it weighs nothing, touch screen, fast SSD, it's thinner than the X1 Carbon Touch that is my primary machine, and it just feels right.

在过去的几周中,我一直在使用这款Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro,而lemme告诉您,这很可爱。 它是完美的尺寸,没有重量,触摸屏,快速的SSD,它比我的主要机器X1 Carbon Touch薄,而且感觉还不错。

It also has about the nicest screen I've ever seen on a Windows Laptop.


Except. This thing runs at 3200x1800. That's FOUR of my 1600x900 ThinkPad X1 Carbon Touch screens.

除了。 这东西运行在3200x1800。 这是我的1600x900 ThinkPad X1 Carbon触摸屏的四倍。

Yes, 3200x1800

To be clear, full screen apps (Windows Store apps) almost universally look great. The text is clear, there's nary a pixel in sight. The whole full-screen Windows Store ecosystem seems to work nicely with high-DPI displays. And that makes sense, as it appears they've put a LOT of thought into high-dpi with Windows 8.1. I've changed a few settings on my 1080p Surface 2 in order to take better advantage of High-DPI and run a more apps simultaneously, in fact.

需要明确的是,全屏应用程序(Windows Store应用程序)几乎普遍看起来不错。 文字清晰,看不到一个像素。 整个全屏Windows Store生态系统似乎可以很好地与高DPI显示器配合使用。 这很有意义,因为他们似乎已经对Windows 8.1的高dpi投入了很多思考。 实际上,我已经更改了1080p Surface 2的一些设置,以便更好地利用High-DPI并同时运行更多应用程序

Also, note the checkbox that lets you set different scaling levels for different displays, so you can keep your laptop at high-res and an external monitor at another for example.



It's the Desktop where I get into trouble. First, let's look at the display at "small fonts."

这是我遇到麻烦的台式机。 首先,让我们看一下“小字体”的显示。

NOTE: This is NOT the Default setting. The default is smart about the size of your screen and DPI and always tries to get the fonts looking the right size. I've changed the default to 100% to illustrate the massive number of pixels here.

注意:这不是默认设置。 默认值是关于屏幕和DPI的大小,并且总是尝试使字体看起来正确。 我将默认值更改为100%,以说明此处的大量像素。

3200x1800 is SO high res, that when you're running it at Small Fonts, well, a picture is worth a million pixels, right? Go ahead, click it, I'll wait. And you will also, it's 3 megs.

3200x1800的分辨率很高,以小字体运行它时,一张图片值得一百万像素,对吗? 继续,单击它,我将等待。 而且,您将获得3兆的能量。

Holy Crap that's a lot of Pixels

Many, if not most apps work fine in the High-DPI desktop world. It's a little hard to get the point across in a blog post of screenshots because you, Dear Reader, are going to be reading this on a variety of displays. But I'll try.

如果不是大多数应用程序,那么许多应用程序在High-DPI桌面环境中都可以正常工作。 在屏幕快照的博客文章中指出这一点有点困难,因为亲爱的读者,您将在各种显示器上阅读该内容。 但我会尽力的。

Problems happen when applications either totally don't think about High-DPI displays, or more commonly, they kind of think about them.


You can say all this talk of High-DPI is a problem with Windows, but I think it's a problem with the app developers. The documentation is clear on High-DPI and developers need to test, include appropriate resources or don't claim to support high-dpi. I have a number of older Windows apps that look great on this display. They are simply scaled at 2x. Sure, they may be a little blurry (they have been scaled 2x) but they are all 100% useable.

您可以说所有有关High-DPI的讨论都是Windows的问题,但我认为这是应用程序开发人员的问题。 该文档在High-DPI上很清楚,并且开发人员需要测试,包括适当的资源,或者不声称支持high-dpi。 我有一些较旧的Windows应用程序,在此显示器上看起来很棒。 它们只是按2倍缩放。 当然,它们可能有点模糊(它们的缩放比例是2倍),但它们都是100%可用的。

NOTE: There's a very technical session on getting high-dpi to look good in Windows Desktop apps at BUILD. The Video is here.


Here's a few examples that have caused me pain in just the last week, as well as some Good Citizen apps that look great at High-DPI.

这是上个星期让我感到痛苦的示例,以及一些在High-DPI上表现出色的Good Citizen应用。

高DPI行为不佳的示例 (Examples of Poor High-DPI behavior)

Let's start with Windows Live Writer, one of my favorite apps and the app I'm using to write this post. It almost looks great, presumably because it's a WPF application and WPF is pretty good about DPI things. However, note the pictures. They are exactly half the size of reality. Well, let me be more clear. They are exactly pixel-sized. They are the size they are, rather than scaled to 200%. This has caused me to upload either giant pics or too-small pics because WLW scales text at one size and images at another, within the same document!

让我们从Windows Live Writer开始,这是我最喜欢的应用程序之一,也是我用来撰写本文的应用程序。 它看起来几乎很棒,大概是因为它是WPF应用程序,并且WPF在DPI方面非常出色。 但是,请注意图片。 它们恰好是现实的一半。 好吧,让我更加清楚。 它们恰好是像素大小。 它们是它们的大小,而不是缩放到200%。 这导致我上载大图片或过小图片,因为WLW在同一文档中以一种尺寸缩放文本,以另一种尺寸缩放图像!

Adobe everything. I am shocked at how bad Adobe stuff looks on a high-dpi display. Just flip a coin, chances are it's gonna be a mix of small and large. Here's Adobe Reader.

Adobe的一切。 我对高dpi显示屏上的Adobe东西看起来多么糟糕感到震惊。 只需掷一枚硬币,它就有可能是大大小小的混合。 这是Adobe Reader。

Here's the Flash installer.


Here's a great example - Dropbox.



Dropbox gets worse the deeper you get into the menus.



SQL Server Management Studio is a bad example.

SQL Server Management Studio是一个不好的例子。


Here's an easy fix, just add high-res arrow resources, or draw them with a vector.



良好的高DPI行为示例 (Examples of Good High-DPI behavior)

Visual Studio 2013 looks great. Fonts are well-sized, and while the icons aren't high-res (retina) they still look ok. All the Dialog boxes and menus work as they should.

Visual Studio 2013看起来很棒。 字体大小适中,并且图标不是高分辨率(视网膜)时,它们看起来仍然不错。 所有对话框和菜单均应正常工作。


Word 2013 and all of Office look great at High-DPI. They've got great icons, great fonts and generally are awesome.

Word 2013和所有Office都非常适合High-DPI。 他们有很棒的图标,很棒的字体,而且通常很棒。

Paint.NET 4.0 Alpha also looks great. There's some scaled icons, but the app is smart and there's pixel perfect editing.

Paint.NET 4.0 Alpha看起来也很棒。 有一些可缩放的图标,但该应用程序很智能,并且像素完美编辑。

GitHub for Windows looks awesome at High-DPI.


Do you have any examples of high-DPI frustration on the Desktop? Upload them to ImgUr.com and link to them in the comments!

您在台式机上是否有遭受DPI困扰的示例? 将它们上传到ImgUr.com,并在评论中链接到它们!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/living-a-highdpi-desktop-lifestyle-can-be-painful

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