
I haven't done a Reading List blog post in a few years now. I used to do them with some regularity but full off lately. Interestingly, I'm still reading about a book a week pretty consistently since I got the a Kindle . The Kindle is a direct one-way link between my wallet and Jeff Bezos' bank account. I've literally found myself reading the covers of books in airport bookstores then buying them on the Kindle. The battery life is insane (weeks) and since the last update, I can even use the 3G overseas.

几年来,我还没有做过阅读列表博客文章。 我过去经常有规律地做这些事,但最近都忙得不可开交。 有趣的是,自从有了Kindle以来,我仍然每周持续阅读一本书。 Kindle是我的钱包和Jeff Bezos的银行帐户之间的直接单向链接。 从字面上看,我已经在机场书店里读书了,然后在Kindle上买了书。 电池寿命很长(几周),自从上次更新以来,我什至可以在海外使用3G。

年轻的成人电子书将拯救科幻小说 (Young Adult eBooks Will Save Science Fiction)

I've been a big sci-fi reader my whole life, and recently I've felt I've been running out. I've read all the classics, re-read the classic classics, and enjoyed some of the recent releases. However, where I've really found innovation is in the "Young Adult Market." These books are mostly for the older teen set, and not just the ones that like vampires and werewolves. So much of Young Adult Fiction is Science Fiction, but while it's some of the most read fiction on the market today, it's not being formally recognized by the old guard, either critically or with awards.

我一生都是科幻小说的主要读者,最近我感觉自己已经精疲力尽了。 我已经阅读了所有经典书籍,重新阅读了经典书籍,并喜欢了最近发行的一些专辑。 但是,我真正发现创新的地方是“年轻成人市场”。 这些书籍主要是针对年龄较大的青少年,而不仅仅是那些喜欢吸血鬼和狼人的书籍。 如此多的年轻人小说都是科幻小说,但尽管它是当今市场上最受欢迎的小说,但无论是批评还是奖项,老兵都没有对其正式认可。

Here's some of the books I've read in the last few months. Many are multi-part series. I recommend ALL these books. I've not included the ones that I've read that suck. That said, I pay attention to reviews and avoid the suck. I have had pretty good luck. I've read more great books and had more fun reading in the last year than I can remember in the last ten years.

这是最近几个月我读过的一些书。 许多是多部分的系列。 我推荐所有这些书。 我没有包括我读过的那些烂书。 也就是说,我要注意评论并避免糟透了。 我运气很好。 在过去的一年中,我读了很多很棒的书,阅读的乐趣也超过了过去十年。

Everlost (The Skinjacker Trilogy) Nick and Allie don’t survive the car accident, but their souls don’t exactly get where they’re supposed to go either. Instead, they’re caught halfway between life and death, in a sort of limbo known as Everlost: a shadow of the living world, filled with all the things and places that no longer exist. It’s a magical, yet dangerous place where bands of lost kids run wild and anyone who stands in the same place too long sinks to the center of the Earth. When they find Mary, the self-proclaimed queen of lost souls, Nick feels like he’s found a home, but Allie isn’t satisfied spending eternity between worlds. Against all warnings, Allie begins learning the “Criminal Art” of haunting, and ventures into dangerous territory, where a monster called the McGill threatens all the souls of Everlost. In this imaginative novel, Neal Shusterman explores questions of life, death, and what just might lie in between.
Everlost(The Skinjacker Trilogy) Nick和Allie未能幸免于车祸,但他们的灵魂也无法准确到达他们应该去的地方。 取而代之的是,它们陷入生死之间的半途而废,被称为“永恒”(Everlost):生活世界的阴影,充满了不再存在的所有事物和地方。 这是一个神奇而又危险的地方,一群迷路的孩子们疯狂奔跑,任何站在同一地方太久的人都沉入地球中心。 当他们找到自称失去灵魂的女王玛丽(Mary)时,尼克(Nick)感到自己已经找到了家,但是艾莉(Allie)对在两个世界之间度过永恒的满足感不满意。 面对所有警告,艾莉开始学习困扰的“犯罪艺术”,并冒险进入危险区域,在那里一个名为麦吉尔的怪物威胁着永乐山的所有灵魂。 在这本富有想象力的小说中,尼尔·舒斯特曼(Neal Shusterman)探索了生命,死亡以及两者之间可能存在的问题。
Everfound (The Skinjacker Trilogy) While Mary lies in a glass coffin aboard a ghost train heading west, her minions are awaiting her re-awakening by bringing lots of new souls into Everlost to serve her. Meanwhile Jackin’ Jill has met Jix, a fur-jacker—a skin jacker who can take over the bodies of animals, most notably jaguars. Jix serves a Mayan god who collects Everlost coins, and has his own agenda. In the concluding volume of The Skinjacker Trilogy, Neal Shusterman reveals new sides of the characters of Everlost, who are pitted against each other in a battle that may destroy all life on Earth.
Everfound(《 Skinjacker三部曲》)当Mary躺在向西行驶的幽灵火车上的玻璃棺材中时,她的奴才正等待着自己的觉醒,将许多新的灵魂带入Everlost为她服务。 与此同时,杰金·吉尔(Jackin'Jill)遇到了皮草夹克杰克斯(Jix),这是一种皮夹克杰克,可以接管动物的身体,尤其是美洲虎。 吉克斯(Jix)为玛雅神服务,他收集Everlost硬币,并有自己的日程。 在《 The Skinjacker Trilogy》的最后一卷中,Neal Shusterman揭示了Everlost角色的新面,他们在一场可能摧毁地球上所有生命的战斗中相互对抗。
The Maze Runner (Maze Runner Trilogy, Book 1) When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. His memory is blank. But he’s not alone. When the lift’s doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade—a large, open expanse surrounded by stone walls.Just like Thomas, the Gladers don’t know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night they’ve closed tight. And every 30 days a new boy has been delivered in the lift. Thomas was expected. But the next day, a girl is sent up—the first girl to ever arrive in the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers. Thomas might be more important than he could ever guess. If only he could unlock the dark secrets buried within his mind.
迷宫奔跑者(Maze Runner Trilogy,Book 1)当托马斯在电梯中醒来时,他唯一能记住的就是他的名字。 他的记忆是空白。 但是他并不孤单。 当电梯的门打开时,托马斯发现自己被孩子们包围着,欢迎他来格拉德,这是一个大而开阔的广阔空间,周围环绕着石墙。就像托马斯一样,格拉德斯也不知道为什么或如何到达格拉德。 他们所知道的是,每天早晨,通往迷宫的石门已经打开。 每天晚上他们都关门了。 每隔30天,会有一个新男孩搭电梯。 托马斯是预期的。 但是第二天,一个女孩被送上来,这是有史以来第一个到达Glade的女孩。 她传达的信息更加令人惊讶。 托马斯可能比他想像的还要重要。 如果他能解开埋在他脑海中的黑暗秘密。
The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner Trilogy, Book 2) Solving the Maze was supposed to be the end. No more puzzles. No more variables. And no more running. Thomas was sure that escape meant he and the Gladers would get their lives back. But no one really knew what sort of life they were going back to.In the Maze, life was easy. They had food, and shelter, and safety . . . until Teresa triggered the end. In the world outside the Maze, however, the end was triggered long ago.Burned by sun flares and baked by a new, brutal climate, the earth is a wasteland. Thomas can only wonder—does he hold the secret of freedom somewhere in his mind? Or will he forever be at the mercy of WICKED?
焦炉试炼(迷宫奔跑者三部曲,第二册)解决迷宫应该被告一段落。 没有更多的难题。 没有更多的变量。 不再运行。 托马斯确信逃脱意味着他和格拉德斯将重新获得生命。 但是没人真正知道他们要回到什么样的生活中。在迷宫中,生活很轻松。 他们有食物,住所和安全。 。 。 直到Teresa触发了结局。 然而,在迷宫之外的世界中,末日是很久以前触发的。 托马斯只能想知道-他是否在头脑中某个地方拥有自由的秘密? 还是他会永远受邪恶的摆布?
The Hunger Games In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlaying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one girl and one boy between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the Games. But Katniss has also resolved to outwit the creators of the games. To do that she will have to be the last person standing at the end of the deadly ordeal, and that will take every ounce of strength and cunning she has.
饥饿游戏Panem国家位于一个曾经被称为北美的地方的废墟中,Panem是一个发光的国会大厦,周围环绕着十二个支出地区。 国会大厦严酷残酷,迫使各地区都派一个12岁至18岁的女孩和一个男孩参加一年一度的饥饿运动,这是现场直播电视上的一场死战。 十六岁的凯妮丝·埃弗丁(Katniss Everdeen)与母亲和妹妹独自一人住在一起,当她被迫代表运动会所在地区时,将其视为死刑。 但是,卡特尼斯(Katniss)也决心超越游戏的创造者。 要做到这一点,她将必须是致命折磨结束时的最后一个人,这将需要她的每一分力量和狡猾。
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, Book 2) Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games with fellow district tribute Peeta Mellark. But it was a victory won in defiance of the Capitol and its harsh rules. Katniss and Peeta should be happy. After all, they have just won for themselves and their families a life of safety and plenty. But there are rumors of rebellion among the subjects, and Katniss and Peeta, to their horror, are the faces of that rebellion. The Capitol is angry -- and now it wants revenge. Full of plot twists, this riveting sequel to the New York Times bestseller is guaranteed to keep young readers on the edge of their seats!
着火(The Hunger Games,Book 2)千方百计,Katniss Everdeen与地区致敬Peeta Mellark一起赢得了年度饥饿游戏。 但这是对国会大厦及其苛刻规则的无视胜利。 凯妮丝和佩塔应该很高兴。 毕竟,他们刚刚为自己和家人赢得了安全而充实的生活。 但是,有传言称,这些叛乱的对象之间,叛乱的面Kong是卡特尼斯和皮埃塔。 国会大厦很生气-现在想报仇。 这本充满《纽约时报》畅销书的铆接续集充满情节曲折,可以确保让年轻读者坐在座位上!
Mockingjay (The Final Book of The Hunger Games) Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has survived the Hunger Games twice. But now that she’s made it out of the bloody arena alive, she’s still not safe. The Capitol is angry. The Capitol wants revenge. Who do they think should pay for the unrest? Katniss. And what’s worse, President Snow has made it clear that no one else is safe either. Not Katniss’s family, not her friends, not the people of District 12. Powerful and haunting, this thrilling final installment of Suzanne Collins’s groundbreaking The Hunger Games trilogy promises to be one of the most talked about books of the year.
Mockingjay(《饥饿游戏》的最终书)千方百计,Katniss Everdeen在饥饿游戏中两次幸存。 但是现在她已经活出了血腥的舞台,她仍然不安全。 国会大厦很生气。 国会大厦想报仇。 他们认为应该为谁付出动荡的代价? 凯妮丝更糟糕的是,斯诺总统明确表示,没有其他人也是安全的。 不是Katniss的家人,不是她的朋友,也不是第12区的人民。强大而令人困扰的是Suzanne Collins的开创性的《饥饿游戏》三部曲的最后一部令人激动的三部曲,有望成为本年度最受关注的书籍之一。
I Am Number Four Nine of us came here. We look like you. We talk like you. We live among you. But we are not you. We can do things you dream of doing. We have powers you dream of having. We are stronger and faster than anything you have ever seen. We are the superheroes you worship in movies and comic books—but we are real.Our plan was to grow, and train, and become strong, and become one, and fight them. But they found us and started hunting us first. Now all of us are running. Spending our lives in shadows, in places where no one would look, blending in. we have lived among you without you knowing. I am Number Four.
我是四号我们当中有九个人来到这里。 我们看起来像你。 我们像你一样说话。 我们住在你们中间。 但是我们不是你。 我们可以做您梦dream以求的事情。 我们拥有您梦dream以求的力量。 我们比您所见过的任何事物都要强大和快捷。 我们是您在电影和漫画中崇拜的超级英雄,但我们是真实的。我们的计划是成长,训练,变得强大,成为一体并与之抗争。 但是他们找到了我们,并首先开始狩猎我们。 现在我们所有人都在奔跑。 在阴影中,没有人看的地方度过我们的生活,融入其中。我们在您不知情的情况下生活在您中间。 我是四号。

Other great books I've read or re-read lately that I highly recommend.


Fledgling The story of an apparently young, amnesiac girl whose alarmingly unhuman needs and abilities lead her to a startling conclusion: She is in fact a genetically modified, 53-year-old vampire. Forced to discover what she can about her stolen former life, she must at the same time learn who wanted-and still wants-to destroy her and those she cares for and how she can save herself. Recipient of a MacArthur Foundation "genius" grant, the Nebula Award, the Hugo Award, and numerous other literary awards, Octavia Butler has been acclaimed for her lean prose, strong protagonists, and social observations that range from the distant past to the far future.
雏鸟的故事一个貌似年轻的健忘症女孩的惊人的非人类需求和能力使她得出一个惊人的结论:她实际上是一个基因改造的53岁的吸血鬼。 被迫发现自己对被偷的前世可以做什么,她必须同时了解谁想要-仍然想要-摧毁她和她所关心的人,以及如何拯救自己。 麦克阿瑟基金会“天才”奖,星云奖,雨果奖以及其他众多文学奖的获得者,奥克塔维亚·巴特勒以其精瘦的散文,坚强的主角以及从遥远的过去到未来的社会观察而广受赞誉。
Kindred Dana, a modern black woman, is celebrating her twenty-sixth birthday with her new husband when she is snatched abruptly from her home in California and transported to the antebellum South. Rufus, the white son of a plantation owner, is drowning, and Dana has been summoned to save him. Dana is drawn back repeatedly through time to the slave quarters, and each time the stay grows longer, more arduous, and more dangerous until it is uncertain whether or not Dana's life will end, long before it has a chance to begin.
亲戚达娜( Kindred Dana)是一位现代黑人妇女,正在与她的新丈夫一起庆祝她的26岁生日,当时她突然从加利福尼亚的家中被抢走,并被运送到南部的战前。 种植园主的白人儿子Rufus溺水身亡,Dana已被召唤以拯救他。 随着时间的流逝,丹娜被反复抽回奴隶区,每次逗留时间变得更长,更艰巨和更加危险,直到不确定丹娜的生命是否会结束,才有机会开始。
Blind Lake Robert Charles Wilson, says The New York Times, "writes superior science fiction thrillers." His Darwinia won Canada's Aurora Award; his most recent novel, The Chronoliths, won the prestigious John W. Campbell Memorial Award. Now he tells a gripping tale of alien contact and human love in a mysterious but hopeful universe.At Blind Lake, a large federal research installation in northern Minnesota, scientists are using a technology they barely understand to watch everyday life in a city of lobster like aliens upon a distant planet. They can't contact the aliens in any way or understand their language. All they can do is watch.Then, without warning, a military cordon is imposed on the Blind Lake site.
《纽约时报》说,盲人湖罗伯特·查尔斯·威尔逊“写出了出色的科幻惊悚小说。” 他的达尔文尼亚获得加拿大的极光奖; 他最近的小说《千篇一律》获得了著名的约翰·W·坎贝尔纪念奖。 现在他在一个神秘而充满希望的宇宙中讲述了一个令人难忘的外星人接触和人类爱情的故事。在明尼苏达州北部的大型联邦研究机构Blind Lake,科学家正在使用一种他们几乎不了解的技术来观看龙虾之类的城市的日常生活在遥远的星球上的外星人。 他们无法以任何方式联系外星人或听不懂他们的语言。 他们所能做的就是看守,然后在没有警告的情况下,在盲人湖现场强加了警戒线。
Spin One night in October when he was ten years old, Tyler Dupree stood in his back yard and watched the stars go out. They all flared into brilliance at once, then disappeared, replaced by a flat, empty black barrier. He and his best friends, Jason and Diane Lawton, had seen what became known as the Big Blackout. It would shape their lives. The effect is worldwide. The sun is now a featureless disk--a heat source, rather than an astronomical object. The moon is gone, but tides remain. Not only have the world's artificial satellites fallen out of orbit, their recovered remains are pitted and aged, as though they'd been in space far longer than their known lifespans. As Tyler, Jason, and Diane grow up, a space probe reveals a bizarre truth: The barrier is artificial, generated by huge alien artifacts. Time is passing faster outside the barrier than inside--more than a hundred million years per year on Earth. At this rate, the death throes of the sun are only about forty years in our future. Jason, now a promising young scientist, devotes his life to working against this slow-moving apocalypse.
在十月的一个晚上,当他十岁的时候,泰勒杜普里站在他的后院,看着星星出门。 他们一下子都爆发出光彩,然后消失了,取而代之的是一个平坦的空的黑色障碍。 他和他最好的朋友杰森(Jason)和黛安·劳顿(Diane Lawton)看到了大停电事件。 这将影响他们的生活。 这种影响在世界范围内。 太阳现在是一个无特征的盘-一个热源,而不是一个天文物体。 月亮不见了,但潮汐依然存在。 不仅世界人造卫星坠落轨道,而且回收的遗体也被挖坑和老化,好像它们在太空中的寿命比已知寿命长得多。 随着泰勒(Tyler),杰森(Jason)和黛安(Diane)的成长,太空探测器揭示了一个奇怪的事实:屏障是人为的,是由巨大的外星人工产物产生的。 时间越过障碍越过内部—在地球上,每年超过一亿年。 以这种速度,在我们的未来,太阳的死亡之痛只有大约40年。 杰森(Jason)现在是一位很有前途的年轻科学家,他一生致力于应对这种缓慢移动的世界末日。
Agent to the Stars The space-faring Yherajk have come to Earth to meet us and to begin humanity’s first interstellar friendship. There’s just one problem: They’re hideously ugly and they smell like rotting fish.So getting humanity’s trust is a challenge. The Yherajk need someone who can help them close the deal.Enter Thomas Stein, who knows something about closing deals. He’s one of Hollywood’s hottest young agents. But although Stein may have just concluded the biggest deal of his career, it’s quite another thing to negotiate for an entire alien race. To earn his percentage this time, he’s going to need all the smarts, skills, and wits he can muster.
恒星代理人太空中的耶赫拉克(Yherajk)来到地球与我们会面,并开始了人类的第一个星际友谊。 有一个问题:它们丑陋丑陋,闻起来像腐烂的鱼,因此获得人类的信任是一个挑战。 Yherajk需要一个可以帮助他们完成交易的人。请输入对完成交易有所了解的Thomas Stein。 他是好莱坞最炙手可热的年轻特工之一。 但是尽管斯坦因可能刚刚结束了他职业生涯中最大的一笔交易,但为整个外星人种族进行谈判是另一回事。 为了这次赢得自己的百分比,他将需要他能召集的所有聪明才智,技巧和智慧。
Camouflage Two aliens have wandered Earth for centuries. The Changeling has survived by adapting the forms of many different organisms. The Chameleon destroys anything or anyone that threatens it. Now, a sunken relic that holds the key to their origins calls to them to take them home--but the Chameleon has decided there's only room for one.
伪装两个外星人在地球上徘徊了几个世纪。 通过适应许多不同生物的形式,改变者得以幸存。 变色龙摧毁任何东西或威胁它的任何人。 现在,一个拥有它们起源钥匙的沉没的文物要求它们将它们带回去,但是变色龙决定只有一个空间。
Marsbound A novel of the red planet from the Hugo and Nebula Award–winning author of The Accidental Time Machine and Old Twentieth.Young Carmen Dula and her family are about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime—they’re going to Mars. Once on the Red Planet, however, Carmen realizes things are not so different from Earth. There are chores to do, lessons to learn, and oppressive authority figures to rebel against. And when she ventures out into the bleak Mars landscape alone one night, a simple accident leads her to the edge of death until she is saved by an angel—an angel with too many arms and legs, a head that looks like a potato gone bad, and a message for the newly arrived human inhabitants of Mars: We were here first.
Marsbound ,《雨果和星云》奖的一部红色星球小说,曾获得《偶然的时间机器》和《二十世纪老年代》的作者。年轻的卡门·杜拉(Carmen Dula)和她的家人即将踏上一生的冒险之旅,他们将前往火星。 然而,卡门到达红色星球后,意识到事物与地球并没有太大的不同。 有很多工作要做,有经验的教训,有压迫性的权威人士也要反抗。 当她一个晚上独自冒险进入荒凉的火星景观时,一次简单的事故便使她走向死亡的边缘,直到她被天使拯救-天使的胳膊和腿太多,头部看起来像土豆变坏了,以及给刚到来的人类火星的信息:我们首先来了。
Starbound (A Marsbound Novel) A New from the Hugo, Nebula, and John W. Campbell Award-winning author of Marsbound. Carmen Dula and her husband have spent six years travelling to a distant solar system that is home to the enigmatic, powerful race known as "The Others," in the hopes of finding enough common purpose between their species to forge a delicate truce. By the time Carmen and her party return, fifty years have been consumed by relativity-and the Earthlings have not been idle, building a massive flotilla of warships to defend Earth against The Others. But The Others have more power than any could imagine-and they will brook no insolence from the upstart human race.
《星际迷航》(一部遇难的小说) ,《雨果,星云和约翰·W·坎贝尔的获奖新作》。 卡门·杜拉(Carmen Dula)和她的丈夫花了六年的时间,前往一个遥远的太阳系,该系是神秘而强大的种族“其他”的家园,希望在它们的物种之间找到足够的共同目的,以缔造精致的停战协议。 到卡门和她的政党返回时,相对论已经消耗了五十年-地球人还没有闲着,建立了庞大的舰队,以保卫地球免受他人侵害。 但是“其他人”拥有比任何人想象的都要强大的力量,而且他们不会因暴发户的种族暴行而暴行。
Replay Jeff Winston, forty-three, didn't know he was a replayer until he died and woke up twenty-five years younger in his college dorm room; he lived another life. And died again. And lived again and died again -- in a continuous twenty-five-year cycle -- each time starting from scratch at the age of eighteen to reclaim lost loves, remedy past mistakes, or make a fortune in the stock market. A novel of gripping adventure, romance, and fascinating speculation on the nature of time, Replay asks the question: "What if you could live your life over again?"
重播杰夫·温斯顿(Jeff Winston),四十三岁,直到他去世并在大学宿舍里年轻25岁的时候醒来,他才知道自己是一名重赛球员。 他过着另一种生活。 并再次死亡。 并再次生活并再次死亡-以连续的25年周期-每次都是从18岁开始从零开始,以挽回失去的爱情,纠正过去的错误或在股市上发大财。 Replay是一部令人惊叹的冒险小说,浪漫小说和对时间本质的有趣猜测,它问一个问题:“如果能再过一辈子怎么办?”
Room: A Novel  In many ways, Jack is a typical 5-year-old. He likes to read books, watch TV, and play games with his Ma. But Jack is different in a big way--he has lived his entire life in a single room, sharing the tiny space with only his mother and an unnerving nighttime visitor known as Old Nick. For Jack, Room is the only world he knows, but for Ma, it is a prison in which she has tried to craft a normal life for her son. When their insular world suddenly expands beyond the confines of their four walls, the consequences are piercing and extraordinary. A stunning and original novel of survival in captivity, readers who enter Room will leave staggered, as though, like Jack, they are seeing the world for the very first time.
室:一部小说从许多方面来看,杰克都是典型的5岁男孩。 他喜欢和马妈妈一起读书,看电视和玩游戏。 但是杰克在很大程度上与众不同-他一生都住在一个房间里,只和他的母亲以及一个令人不安的夜间来访者(称为老尼克)共享这狭小空间。 对于杰克来说,房间是他所知道的唯一世界,但对于马来说,这是一个监狱,她试图在其中为儿子过上正常的生活。 当他们的世外桃源突然扩展到他们四壁的范围之外时,后果将是刺耳而非同寻常的。 一部令人着迷的原始小说,讲述了如何在被囚禁中生存的故事,进入房间的读者会错开,就像杰克一样,他们是第一次看到这个世界。

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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/spring-2011-fiction-reading-list-young-adult-ebooks-will-save-science-fiction





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