HD vs.SD-翻转MinoHD vs Flip Ultra-头对头

I picked up a Flip Ultra in May and we love it. We use it all the time and the wife keeps it in her purse. We've taken three different camcorders to Africa on three different trips and we've enjoyed the Flip Ultra the most. (Flip Ultra Video Review here)

我在五月份拿起了Flip Ultra ,我们很喜欢它。 我们一直使用它,妻子将其保存在钱包中。 我们已经在3次不同的旅行中将3架便携式摄像机带到了非洲,我们最喜欢Flip Ultra 。 (在这里翻转Ultra Video Review )

Now, let me preface this review with a statement. I don't like being negative. I don't like blogging negativity, and I'm likely to keep my mouth shut rather than say negative things. I know the Flip marketing folks will eventually find this review and I'm sure they worked hard on this new product. However, it's a step backward in so many ways and that needs to be said.

现在,让我在声明的开头作些评论。 我不喜欢被否定。 我不喜欢博客否定性,而且我可能会闭嘴而不是说负面的话。 我知道Flip营销人员最终会找到此评论,并且我相信他们会为这款新产品而努力。 但是,它在很多方面都向后退了,这是必须要说的。

But, first...


关于翻转MinoHD的好处 (The Good about the Flip MinoHD)

  • It's really small, about half the volume of the Flip Ultra.

    真的很小,大约只有Flip Ultra的一半。

  • It's 1280x720p HD H.264 video compression, AAC audio compression, MP4 file format. 9.0 Mbps bitrate.

    它是1280x720p HD H.264视频压缩,AAC音频压缩,MP4文件格式。 9.0 Mbps比特率。
  • You can customize the skin online with your own pics.

  • It has decent low-light support.


关于翻转MinoHD的坏处 (The Bad about the Flip MinoHD)

  • Batteries


    • The Flip Ultra uses AA batteries. This is so convenient when away from your laptop. You can get AAs anywhere.

      Flip Ultra使用AA电池。 远离笔记本电脑时,这非常方便。 您可以在任何地方获得AA。

    • The Flip MinoHD is sealed and can only be replaced via Flip Support. They are Internal Lithium-Ion batteries and they last between 3 and 4 hours. There's no included power adapter, so you need either a USB charger or a laptop to charge it. Inconvenient when on safari.

      Flip MinoHD是密封的,只能通过Flip Support进行更换。 它们是内置锂离子电池,可持续3到4个小时。 没有随附的电源适配器,因此您需要USB充电器或笔记本电脑为它充电。 进行野生动物园旅行时不便。



  • Resolution


    • There's a lot of artifacting. I'd have preferred a higher bit rate or even uncompressed, but I realize that this is a consumer device made for folks who don't care about that kind of stuff.

      有很多工件。 我本来希望使用更高的比特率甚至是未压缩的比特率,但是我意识到这是一种消费类设备,是为那些不在乎这类东西的人们而设计的。
    • It's just not 1080p. You may think, "oh, HD!" but 720p vs. 480p is dramatic, but not Dramatic.

      它不是1080p。 您可能会想,“哦,高清!” 但720p与480p相比却是戏剧性的,但不是戏剧性的。



  • Field of View


    • The MinoHD has a much narrower field of view. It's not just the letter boxing, it's left-to-right also. I'd have to step back at least 2 feet to see the same visual field. Not a huge deal, but immediately noticeable vs. the Flip Ultra

      MinoHD的视野要狭窄得多。 这不仅是字母拳击,而且是从左到右。 我必须后退至少2英尺才能看到相同的视野。 没什么大不了的,但与Flip Ultra相比,立即可见

    Field of View


  • Ergonomics


    • Here's where the profound disappointment begins. The Ultra isn't a beautiful slim device, but it can be easily used without looking at it; you can use it completely by touch. The MinoHD is pretty, almost iPod pretty, but it's smooth buttons are useless without looking. Two are indented, which is a noble attempt at tactile feedback, but it doesn't work in practice. There's sound as you click, but without an actually "clicky" feeling, you'll find yourself accidentally pressing buttons you don't mean to.

      在这里,深深的失望开始了。 Ultra并非精美的纤薄设备,但无需看即可轻松使用。 您可以通过触摸完全使用它。 MinoHD漂亮,几乎与iPod漂亮,但是光滑的按钮如果不看就没用。 缩进两个,这是对触觉反馈的一种崇高尝试,但在实践中不起作用。 单击时会发出声音,但没有实际的“可疑”感觉,您会发现自己不小心按下了并非故意的按钮。



  • Video Out Port


    • This one is almost unforgiveable. The Flip Ultra uses a standard camcorder RCA video cable with 1/8" 3-ring connector. The Flip site glosses over this. The MinoHD uses a non-standard 1/16" video out cable. This is one more cable that I can't afford to keep (I have enough unmarked, unlabeled random cables, don't you?) but without it, watching videos on your TV isn't possible without first down-rezzing the videos to 480p on a DVD, or burning to Blu-Ray.

      这几乎是不可原谅的。 翻盖超使用具有1/8"标准摄像机RCA视频电缆3环连接器翻转部位掩盖了这一点。在MinoHD使用非标准1/16"视频输出电缆。 这是我负担不起的另一条电缆(我有足够的未标记,未标记的随机电缆,对吗?),但如果没有它,在不先将视频向下滚动到的情况下就无法在电视上观看视频DVD上的480p,或刻录到蓝光。

    • The real tragedy here is that this HD camcorder can't output HD to an HDTV. There's no HDMI, no DVI, not even a Component Video Adapter for sale. It outputs SDTV via Composite (Y/W/R) Cables and letterboxed at that. At this point, it appears the Creative Vado HD would have been a better choice as it includes HDMI out.

      这里真正的悲剧是这种高清摄录一体机无法将高清输出到高清电视。 没有HDMI,DVI,甚至没有分量视频适配器。 它通过复合(Y / W / R)电缆输出SDTV,并在其上加上信箱。 在这一点上, Creative Vado HD似乎是一个更好的选择,因为它包含HDMI输出。

  • Color Reproduction


    • The Ultra and the MinoHD really have different CMOS sensors. The MinoHD has a red tint and a level of color saturation that's really strange. I can't decide which I think looks like real life, but I'm leaning towards the Ultra. It is more muted, but looks like real life.

      Ultra和MinoHD实际上具有不同的CMOS传感器。 MinoHD具有红色调和一定程度的色彩饱和度,这确实很奇怪。 我无法确定我认为哪一种看起来像现实生活,但我倾向于Ultra。 它更无声,但看起来像真实的生活。
    • To it's created, the low-light pickup on the MinoHD is clearly better than the Ultra, which is unusual in a cheap digital camera, video or otherwise.


Conclusion: It's not a BAD camera, by any means. It's is a step backwards from with the Ultra, save it's improved resolution. It's harder to charge, harder to view, and harder to operate.

结论:无论如何,它不是坏相机。 与Ultra相比,这是倒退了一步,但保留了更高的分辨率。 充电,观看和操作都比较困难。

To test, I recorded 1 minute of my random crazy family after dinner tonight. I put the two cameras right next to each other and tried bright light, low light, action, slow, far, near, etc. Here's the results, both on You Tube and on Vimeo.

为了测试,我在今晚的晚餐后录制了我随机的疯狂家庭的1分钟。 我将两个摄像头紧挨着,并尝试了强光,弱光,动作,慢速,远距离,近距离等。这是在You Tube和Vimeo上的结果。

NOTE: You'll need to visit the video pages directly and hit "Watch in HD" or whatever the highest res available is, to be sure you're getting a good comparison. Put them next to either other and hit Play at the same time and mute the sound to get a good comparison. (Yes, I realize the videos have been double compressed, so it's not 100% fair. However, that's why I put them on two different sites as mitigation.)

注意:您需要直接访问视频页面,然后单击“高清观看”或任何可用的最高分辨率,以确保您获得良好的比较。 将它们彼此相邻并同时击打Play,然后将声音静音以获得良好的比较。 (是的,我知道视频已被双重压缩,因此不完全是100%公平的。但是,这就是为什么我将它们放在两个不同的站点上作为缓解措施的原因。)

示例-在YouTube上翻转Ultra Video(标准分辨率) (Sample - Flip Ultra Video on YouTube (Standard Res))

示例-在YouTube上翻转Ultra Video(HD Res) (Sample - Flip Ultra Video on YouTube (HD Res))

样本-在Vimeo上翻转Ultra Video(Standard Res) (Sample - Flip Ultra Video on Vimeo (Standard Res))

Family Video Test using Flip Ultra at 640x480 from Scott Hanselman on Vimeo.

Scott HanselmanVimeo使用640x480的Flip Ultra进行家庭视频测试

样本-在Vimeo上翻转Ultra Video(HD Res) (Sample - Flip Ultra Video on Vimeo (HD Res))

I'm not able to embed my Vimeo HD version. Click the video below and visit the site for HD.

我无法嵌入我的Vimeo HD版本。 单击下面的视频,然后访问高清站点。

Family Video Test using Flip Mino HD at 1280x720 from Scott Hanselman on Vimeo.

Scott HanselmanVimeo使用1280x720的Flip Mino HD进行家庭视频测试

Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/hd-vs-sd-flip-minohd-vs-flip-ultra-head-to-head





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