


An interesting comment thread broke out in a recent post on Using Crowdsourcing for Expanding Localization of Products. Someone linked to a post and used the phrase:

在最近的一篇关于使用众包扩展产品本地化的帖子中出现了一个有趣的评论话题。 某人链接到帖子,并使用了以下短语:

"If you don't know English, you're not a programmer."


The post linked to didn't make the statement so boldly, but it's an interesting "link bait" phrase, isn't it? It's defintely phrased to get your attention and evoke opinions. I don't agree with it, but I wanted to dig more into the concept.

链接到的帖子并没有这么大胆地发表声明,但这是一个有趣的“链接诱饵”短语,不是吗? 它的用语明确是要引起您的注意并引起意见。 我不同意这一观点,但是我想进一步研究这个概念。

This whole conversation caught the eye of Fabrice Fonck, General Manager (GM) of Developer Content & Internationalization for DevDiv. He wrote this email to me and I wanted to share it with you. He's was a programmer before he became a manager, and English is not his first language, so I thought it fitting. I also added emphasis in spots. Fabrice believes very strongly in the usefulness of translation and translated content and has an entire organization dedicated to it, so you can understand why he'd feel strongly about this.

整个对话吸引了DevDiv开发人员内容和国际化总经理( Fabrice Fonck)的注意。 他给我写了这封电子邮件,我想和你分享。 在成为经理之前,他是一名程序员,英语不是他的母语,所以我认为这很合适。 我还强调了重点。 Fabrice坚信翻译和翻译内容的实用性,并拥有一个专门致力于翻译的组织,因此您可以理解为什么他会对此感到强烈。

I began studying computer science and programming in 1985 as a freshman in a business school in France, my native country. At the time , localized versions of programming tools were not available and I will always remember when I picked up that version of GW-Basic only to realize that it was all in English. Learning programming seemed already daunting, but doing it in a foreign language only increased my level of fear. Over 20 years have gone by and English does not feel quite as foreign to me anymore, but I cannot help but think that for billions of people around the world, taking on such a double challenge may not necessarily lead to the same outcome.

我从1985年开始在我的祖国法国的一所商学院学习计算机科学和编程。 当时还没有本地化的编程工具版本,我会永远记得当我选择那个版本的GW-Basic时才意识到它全是英文的。 学习编程似乎已经令人生畏,但是用外语进行编程只会增加我的恐惧感。 20多年过去了,英语对我来说已经不那么陌生了,但是我不禁认为,对于全球数十亿人来说,承受如此双重挑战不一定会带来相同的结果。

Over the past 17 years in the Developer Division at Microsoft, I have devoted a large portion of my time and energy making sure our products and technologies are available in as many languages as possible because I believe it is important to make them accessible to as many people as possible around the world. During all these years, I have had the privilege of traveling to many countries around the world and I have talked to many of our customers, a number of which through interpreters. I have met many brilliant developers out there whose English language skills were limited if not practically non-existent. This anecdotal evidence is supported by our sales figures. In Japan for instance, where we have one of our largest developer population in the world, over 99% of our product sales are in Japanese. Entering that market with an English-only product is a recipe for failure. That same is true in counties such as France, Germany, Spain, Russia or China where our localized products represent over 80% of our sales. The list of countries goes on and on.

在过去的17年中,我在Microsoft开发人员部门投入了大量的时间和精力,以确保我们的产品和技术以尽可能多的语言提供,因为我认为让许多人可以使用它们非常重要。世界各地的人们。 这些年来,我有幸去了世界许多国家,并与许多客户进行了交谈,其中许多都是通过口译员进行的。 我遇到了许多出色的开发人员,他们的英语能力几乎是根本不存在的。 这个轶事证据得到我们销售数据的支持。 例如,在日本,我们是全球开发人员最多的国家之一,其产品销售的99%以上是日语。 使用仅英语的产品进入该市场是失败的秘诀。 在法国,德国,西班牙,俄罗斯或中国等县,我们的本地化产品占我们销售额的80%以上,这也是事实。 国家名单不胜枚举。

While it is true that a number of people overseas for whom English is not their native tongue will eventually learn and benefit from the vast amounts of technical content available in English, a greater number will not. That is why we continue to expand the number of languages in which Developer Division products and technologies are localized into. Cost is obviously an important factor here, especially for smaller geographies. That is why we continue to invest in technologies such as machine translation, translation wikis and CLIP, and concepts such as crowdsourcing and community engagement to drive down costs and make these languages a reality for the millions of developers out there (and aspiring developers) that do not speak English. By making our products available in all these languages, we also foster more community engagement in these languages, through blogs, forums, chat rooms, etc.

的确,确实有许多不是英语为母语的海外人最终将学习并受益于英语提供的大量技术内容,但更多的人不会。 这就是为什么我们继续增加将Developer Division产品和技术本地化所使用的语言数量的原因。 在这里,成本显然是一个重要因素,尤其是对于较小的地区。 这就是为什么我们继续投资于机器翻译,翻译Wiki和CLIP等技术以及诸如众包和社区参与之类的概念以降低成本并使这些语言成为数百万开发人员(以及有抱负的开发人员)的现实的原因,不会说英语。 通过以所有这些语言提供我们的产品,我们还通过博客,论坛,聊天室等促进了社区对这些语言的参与。

Here's some choice comments from the previous post:


Erling Paulsen: "Most articles, knowledge bases, books and so on are in English, so if you want to read up on something in depth, you need to have at least basic reading skills in English. Translating tooltips inside Visual Studio could end up causing confusion for at least new developers, as what they would see on-screen potentially did not match up with what the tutorial/book they were following." and "...I truly do appreciate that Microsoft is trying to make an effort, and I believe that MSDN has had a vast improvement in usability the past year or so. And the fact that MSFT are allowing community contribution is absolutely fantastic, but at least to me, the translation effort just seems a bit unnecessary." and "I never said, or meant to say that you need to be fluent in english to be a good programmer. And as Scott points out, the side-by-side translation feature would actually be a great way for learning english."

埃林·保尔森(Erling Paulsen): “大多数文章,知识库,书籍等都是用英语撰写的,因此,如果您想深入阅读某些内容,则需要至少具有英语的基本阅读技能。在Visual Studio中翻译工具提示可能最终会至少会使新开发者感到困惑,因为他们在屏幕上看到的内容可能与他们所遵循的教程/书不符。”“ ...我真的很感激微软正在努力,并且我相信MSDN在过去一年左右的时间里在可用性方面有了很大的改善。而且MSFT允许社区做出贡献这一事实绝对是不可思议的,但是至少对我来说,翻译工作似乎有点不必要。” 而且“我从没说过,或者说要想成为一名优秀的程序员,您需要精通英语。而且正如Scott指出的那样,并行翻译功能实际上是学习英语的好方法。”

Paul van de Loo: "Developers might as well get used to learning new languages (even if they aren't programming languages)."

Paul van de Loo: “开发人员也可能会习惯于学习新语言(即使他们不是编程语言)。”

Spence: ""A programmer who doesn't at least understand English is not a programmer" that's an outrageous statement. That's like saying "a musician who is deaf is not a musician" patently untrue and ridiculous. plus pretty offensive to millions of programmers."

斯彭斯: ““至少不懂英语的程序员不是程序员”,这是一个离谱的说法。这就像在说“聋哑的音乐家不是音乐家”显然是不真实和可笑的,而且还冒犯了数百万程序员。”

Ramiro: "I believe that in an ideal world every programmer should speak and read enough English to be able to work, learn and interact. However (and specially in Latin America) this is still a long term goal. I really applaud the effort being put in by Microsoft and other companies to make resources more available for everyone."


Robert Höglund: "I do think we developers need a common language. When you have a problem, get a strange exception, 9/10 just googling the error message will get you the answer. I have tried developing on a Swedish version of XP but trying to search for those error messages doesn't work. Can't say i agree with the statement "If you don't know English, you're not a programmer" but it does make life easier."

RobertHöglund: “我确实认为我们的开发人员需要一种通用语言。当您遇到问题时,会遇到一个奇怪的异常,只需搜索错误消息即可获得9/10的错误答案。我曾尝试使用瑞典语版XP进行开发,但试图搜索这些错误消息是行不通的。不能说我同意“如果您不懂英语,那么您不是程序员”这样的说法,但这确实使工作变得更轻松。

Farhaneh: "I can not speak and write english very well , but i'm taking classes and reading english books in my major to make it better. because i want to be a good programmer."

Farhaneh: “我的英语说和写得不太好,但是我想学习更好的专业来学习英语,因为我想成为一名优秀的程序员。”

Filini: "The english syntax that has been used in programming languages for the last 50 years."

菲利尼: “过去50年来,编程语言一直使用英语语法。”

John Peek: "To say that if you don't know English, you're not a programmer is a perfect example of ethnocentrism in this country."

约翰·皮克(John Peek): “如果您不懂英语,那么您不是程序员,就是这个国家种族中心主义的完美典范。”

What do YOU think? Is learning English the #1 thing a Programmer should do (after learning to type)? Can you be an awesome programmer and speak little or NO English?

你怎么看? 学习英语是程序员(学习打字后)应该做的第一件事吗? 您可以成为一名了不起的程序员,只会说一点点英语吗?

The comment that *I* personally agree with the most is from Ryan:


"It would *seem* (totally non-scientific sampling) that the non-english speakers (as a first language anyway) tend to agree with the statement "If you don't know English, you're not a programmer" more than native english speakers."


What do YOU think, Dear Reader?


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/do-you-have-to-know-english-to-be-a-programmer






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