dasBlog 2.0发布

Congratulations to the team, dasBlog 2.0 is out and it runs on Medium Trust. There are numerous small bug fixes, but the move to 2.0 and Medium Trust support is the major feature. However, the fact that we are on 2.0 (and many of us are building on 3.5) will allow us to do some pretty cool innovation pretty quickly. Clemens Vaster is back on the team and checking in some "dasBlog 3.5" architectural spikes that are worth looking at. They can be found, as always, in the source via anonymous Subversion to https://dasblogce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dasblogce/trunk.

祝贺团队,dasBlog 2.0已经发布,并且可以在Medium Trust上运行。 有许多小错误修复,但是主要功能是迁移到2.0和Medium Trust支持。 但是,事实证明我们采用2.0(很多人都基于3.5),这将使我们能够很快进行一些非常酷的创新。 Clemens Vaster回到了团队,并检查了一些值得关注的“ dasBlog 3.5”架构峰值。 与往常一样,可以通过匿名Subversion到https://dasblogce.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dasblogce/trunk在源中找到它们。


The upgrade is simple, just back everything up, copy all DLLs and AS?X files. The only manual process is that you should merge your web.config with the new default one that includes a few ASP.NET 2.0 specific tags. Make sure your virtual directory is set in IIS to be an Application and that Application is set to ASP.NET 2.0.

升级很简单,只需备份所有内容,复制所有DLL和AS?X文件。 唯一的手动过程是,您应将web.config与包含几个ASP.NET 2.0特定标记的新默认合并。 确保您在IIS中将虚拟目录设置为应用程序,并且该应用程序设置为ASP.NET 2.0。

获得帮助 (Getting Help)

If you need help with dasBlog, you've got a number of options.


支持dasBlog的主机 (Hosts that Support dasBlog)

There are a number of commercial hosts that support dasBlog. That should mean that they won't say "huh?" when you ask them to setup your blog. Here's the ones we know about. If you're a host that supports or wants to support dasBlog, join our Developer Mailing List and start a dialog with us.

许多支持dasBlog的商业主机。 那应该意味着他们不会说“嗯?” 当您要求他们设置博客时。 这是我们所知道的。 如果您是支持或希望支持dasBlog的主机,请加入我们的开发者邮件列表并与我们开始对话。

中信任度(Medium Trust)

From my previous post on our Medium Trust Issues:


Tony Bunce has a fine write-up on the issues we ran into with dasBlog on Medium Trust. Here's some highlights:

对于我们与Medium Trust上的dasBlog遇到的问题, Tony Bunce进行了很好的撰写。 这里有一些亮点:

"The goal of medium trust is for hosting providers to provide functional ASP.NET 2.0 hosting while also protecting against rogue or malicious applications. Unfortunately that protection comes at the cost of application flexibility. ...There are a few features that are limited in a medium trust environment: SMTP on alternative ports and Mail to Weblog via POP3...dasBlog will let you know that you don't have these privileges by displaying warnings on the configuration page.

“中等信任的目标是使托管服务提供商能够提供功能性的ASP.NET 2.0托管,同时还可以防止流氓或恶意应用程序。不幸的是,保护功能是以牺牲应用程序灵活性为代价的。...一个中等信任的环境:备用端口上的SMTP和通过POP3 ...发送到Weblog的邮件通过dasBlog通过在配置页上显示警告,使您知道您没有这些特权。

There is some good news though, these limitations won't affect most users.  Many hosting providers that run limited trust environments don't run in the default medium trust, but rather a "modified full trust".  In that case you may already have all the permissions you need for all of the features to work."

虽然有一些好消息,但这些限制不会影响大多数用户。 运行有限信任环境的许多托管服务提供商不是以默认的中等信任运行的,而是“修改后的完全信任”的。 在这种情况下,您可能已经拥有了所有功能正常运行所需的所有权限。

Go check out his post for more details. The most interesting issue we bumped into was that you aren't supposed to be able to call out via HTTP on the server side to any other connections unless they match your originURL in your web.config. In other words, my blog at www.hanselman.com can't call to any other site that isn't hanselman.com. However, you can set you originUrl to a regular expression like ".*" and then you can connect anywhere. Phil Haack noticed this and got the fix from Cathal Connollys.

去检查他的帖子了解更多详情。 我们碰到的最有趣的问题是,除非服务器上的HTTP.URL与您的web.config中的originURL匹配,否则您就不能通过服务器端的HTTP调用该服务器。 换句话说,我在www.hanselman.com上的博客无法调用不是hanselman.com的任何其他网站。 但是,可以将originUrl设置为“。*”之类的正则表达式,然后可以在任何地方连接。 菲尔·哈克(Phil Haack)注意到了这一点,并从卡塔尔·康诺利斯(Catha Connollys)得到了解决。

未来 (The Future)

There's also some cool stuff going on around our pluggable editors, with John Forsythe setting up a YUI Editor as well as Rich Comments support for the folks who want to live on the edge. Do checkout the dasBlog section on John's blog for extra add-on macros and cool patches if you're compiling dasBlog on your own.

我们的可插拔编辑器周围还存在一些很酷的东西, John Forsythe设置了YUI编辑器,并为想要生活在边缘的人们提供了Rich Comments支持。 如果您自己编译dasBlog,请查看John博客上dasBlog部分,以获取其他附加宏和出色的补丁。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/dasblog-20-released





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