intuit_为什么我不使用Intuit的Quicken或Microsoft Money




I've been banking online as long as I've been online. I've always avoided checks, preferring to do as much as I can electronically.

我一直在网上银行,只要我一直在线。 我一直避免支票,宁愿尽我所能以电子方式进行检查。

I used QuickBooks under DOS, and ComputerServe Finance under OS/2. Even though I took "Home Economics" in school - we were all required to learn how to balance a checkbook - it never made sense to me why I should have to reconcile how much I THINK I have with how much the Bank knows I have.

我在DOS下使用QuickBooks,在OS / 2下使用ComputerServe Finance。 即使我在学校上过“家政经济学”,我们都被要求学习如何平衡支票簿,但对我而言,为什么我必须调和我的想法与银行知道的知识之间的关系对我来说从来没有道理。

I used QuickBooks, then OFX (Open Financial eXchange - arguably the first public "Web Service," even though it's SGML and bailing-wire - and moved forward as new, better personal finance managers (PFM) came out.

我使用了QuickBooks,然后使用了OFX(尽管是SGML和紧急求助,但可以说是第一个公共“ Web服务”,它可以说是第一个公共“ Web服务”),并且随着新的更好的个人理财经理(PFM)的出现而前进。

I diligently have exported and imported, massaged and cajoled over 20 years (yes, twenty) of financial data from my first sole-proprietorship at 15 until today moving accounts and account data from bank to bank and from PFM to PFM.


To this day, I'm convinced that Microsoft Money 95 was brilliant, wonderful and before its time. It had a forward/backward browser like metaphor and was unapologetic about it. It wasn't trying to be like the MDI (Multiple Document Interface) "peer applications" of time. It focused on one thing and one thing only - to be a local register for all your money.

直到今天,我深信Microsoft Money 95是辉煌,出色的,并且早于它。 它具有像隐喻一样的前进/后退浏览器,对此毫无疑问。 它并没有试图像时间的MDI(多文档接口)“对等应用程序”。 它只关注一件事,而是只关注一件事-成为您所有资金的本地登记人。

Then came the fancy stuff, and the advertising and upselling. I upgraded like clockwork. Oh! A new version of money! It must be 365 days better! I paid my $49.95, then got the Deluxe the next year for $79.95, then the super Deluxe Business Edition. It got slower and slower. Remember I've got Money files with data going back decades, plural. I tried culling the data, to include just the last 10, then 5, then 2 years. Still slow. Painting slow.

然后是花哨的东西,以及广告和促销。 我像发条一样升级。 哦! 钱的新版本! 一定要好365天! 我支付了$ 49.95,然后在第二年以$ 79.95的价格购买了Deluxe,然后是超级Deluxe Business Edition。 它越来越慢。 请记住,我有Money文件,其数据可以追溯到几十年前。 我尝试收集数据,以仅包含最近10年,然后5年,然后2年。 还是慢。 绘画慢。

Accounts open and closed, banks changed account numbers, banks changed OFX servers, things broke. I got downloaded transaction data like "JITB#45,21312323423,$%@#$@ - $4.95" and wondered why my bank was swearing at me, rather than telling me I spent $4.95 at Jack In the Box on the corner of Walker and Jenkins then plotting it on a map.

开设和关闭帐户,银行更改了帐号,银行更改了OFX服务器,事情破裂了。 我下载了诸如“ JITB#45,21312323423,$%@#$ @-$ 4.95”之类的交易数据,不知道为什么我的银行向我发誓,而不是告诉我我在沃克街角的Jack In the Box花了$ 4.95,詹金斯然后将其绘制在地图上。


Of course, this isn't all Money's fault, it's the banks, it's the data consortiums like OFX and IFX (disclosure, I was the OFX Vendor Committee Chairman for 2 years and I suck too. I could have done a LOT more.) and it's the back end systems.


Data's not pretty, and Money and Quicken are forced to create local rules to parse out the data they get from bank and the bill payment clearing house and built lists of rules of regular expressions to convert JITB#45 into "Jack In The Box."

数据不够漂亮,Money和Quicken被迫创建本地规则以解析从银行和账单结算所获得的数据,并建立正则表达式规则列表以将JITB#45转换为“ Jack In The Box”。

Plus, if you don't log into your Money or Quicken for a few months, just try catching up and reconciling, especially if your bank only holds 90 days or less of account history.


I switched this year from Money 2006 to Quicken. Sadly, it's even worse. It paints unspeakably slowly, and in the 5 months I've been using it, it's updated itself at least three times, presumably in order to play well with Vista. Regardless, it's the same old story. Chasing data feeds in order to get my small mind around my smaller money. Even more, these OFX feeds that bring this data into Microsoft Money and Quicken may starting costing extra.

我今年从Money 2006切换到Quicken。 可悲的是,情况甚至更糟。 它的绘制速度令人难以置信,在我使用它的5个月中,它至少进行了3次自我更新,大概是为了与Vista兼容。 无论如何,这是同样的古老故事。 追逐数据馈送,以便让我的小脑袋绕开我的小钱。 甚至,将这些数据带入Microsoft Money和Quicken的这些OFX feed可能会开始额外花费

So, I stopped. I log into my bank's websites directly. I use their online tools, and they continue to get better, adding Ajaxy goodness, some powered by Corillian/CheckFree (my employer).

所以,我停了下来。 我直接登录银行的网站。 我使用他们的在线工具,并且他们继续变得更好,增加了Ajaxy优点,其中一些由Corillian / CheckFree(我的雇主)提供支持。

wachoviasample(By the way that's not a screenshot of my account...whoever that is did a lousy blurring job.)


I never thought I'd say it and I know Chris "Mr. Desktop App" Sells will disagree vehemently, but if I can get an application online, I'm more likely to use it, and use it often.

我从没想过要这么说,而且我知道Chris“ Mr. Desktop App” Sells会强烈反对,但是如果我可以在线获得一个应用程序,则更有可能使用它,并且经常使用它。

Sure, a lot, if not all, of the cool features of a site like Wesabe could be had via a connected local desktop application, but then there's all the updating and what not.


Maybe there's a space in the world for a Personal Finance Manager - a MoneyKiller or QuickenKiller - written in Adobe Apollo, Flash or Silverlight. Maybe online apps that manage money will get smarter with new Browser Plugins like Google Gears (once there's a security story). Either way, I don't think the future of my money involves a 350 megabyte CD-based installer.

也许世界上存在用Adobe Apollo,Flash或Silverlight编写的Personal Finance Manager(MoneyKiller或QuickenKiller)的空间。 也许可以使用新的浏览器插件(例如Google Gears)来管理资金的在线应用变得更加智能(一旦出现安全问题)。 无论哪种方式,我都不认为我未来的钱会涉及一个350 MB的基于CD的安装程序。

Do you use Quicken, QuickBooks or Microsoft Money? Do you connect to your bank from inside those apps?

您使用Quicken,QuickBooks还是Microsoft Money? 您是否从这些应用程序内部连接到银行?







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