
Stuart Celarier works here at Corillian (a division of CheckFree) and is not only a Senior Engineer, but a "Placemat Visualization Expert." Just kidding, but handouts are just one of the things that we believe makes an effective presentation.

Stuart Celarier在Corillian(CheckFree的一个部门)工作,不仅是高级工程师,还是“ Placemat可视化专家”。开个玩笑,但讲义只是我们认为能有效展示内容之一。

Presentation Rule: When possible and appropriate, ALWAYS offer a handout. Folks can read faster than you can speak.

演示规则:在可能和适当时,始终提供讲义。 人们的阅读速度比您说的更快。

Stuart has taken a lot of what makes up our architecture at Corillian and started creating 11x17 Visualizations in the form of what I've been calling Placemats. They're the kind of thing that could teach you all about our design, then you could eat on it. :)

Stuart在Corillian采取了许多构成我们体系结构的方法,并开始以我一直称之为Placemats的形式创建11x17可视化 它们是可以教会您所有有关我们设计的东西,然后您可以在上面吃东西。 :)

He hangs these mini-posters up all over the company, along with pens, and encourages folks to scribble on them. Someone who knows more than we will walk by, notice a mistake or whatever, and fix it. He's on version 28 of some of these posters - It's Collective Knowledge with an Open Source-style, disseminated in mini-poster form. Anyone can propose a patch, just by scribbling on the poster. Stuart then comes around and collects the changes. So much cleaner than "Reply To All" or even SharePoint. Perhaps not as profound as the most famous visualization: Napoleon's March, but we try.

他将这些迷你海报和笔一起挂在公司各处,并鼓励人们在上面涂鸦。 知道比我们更多的人,发现错误或其他任何错误,并加以解决。 他在其中一些海报的第28版中- 具有开源风格的集体知识,以微型海报的形式传播。 任何人都可以通过在海报上涂鸦来提出补丁。 然后,Stuart出现并收集更改。 比“回复所有人”甚至SharePoint干净得多。 也许不如最著名的可视化:拿破仑的《三月》深刻,但我们尝试。

HOW TO SPREAD THE GOOD WOOD: Get the word about whatever you're interested in getting the word out about. When possible, make posters. Hang them everywhere. Let them soak in. Let folks scribble on them for a few months. Laminate them. Make T-Shirts. Rinse, Repeat.

如何传播好木材:获得关于您感兴趣的一切的信息。 尽可能制作海报。 将它们挂在任何地方。 让他们浸泡。让人们在上面涂鸦几个月。 层压它们。 制作T恤。 冲洗,重复。

We're huge fans of NDepend over at Corillian, and working with it more each day. I've done a Podcast on Static Analysis with NDepend and written up a pretty long article about NDepend and what it can bring to software development at your shop. We're just scratching the surface.

在Corillian,我们是NDepend的忠实拥护者,并且每天都在与之合作。 我已经用NDepend完成了有关静态分析播客,撰写了一篇很长的文章,内容涉及NDepend及其在您的商店中为软件开发带来的好处。 我们只是在摸摸表面。

In order to get the word out about NDepend (which is a pretty complex thing, especially the underlying Comp.Sci. concepts around software complexity) Stuart created this NDepend Metrics Placemat, suitable for printing at 11x17. 

为了弄清楚有关NDepend的信息(这是一件相当复杂的事情,尤其是有关软件复杂性的基础Comp.Sci。概念),Stuart创建了此NDepend Metrics Placemat,适用于11x17打印。

If you're at TechEd, go see our colleague Patrick Cauldwell along with Stuart "Celery Stew" Celarier at the NDepend Birds of a Feather at TechEd. They'll be passing out high-quality color prints of this poster. The BOF is at lunch, so bring food:

如果您在TechEd,请在TechEd的NDepend Birds of Feather上与我们的同事Patrick Cauldwell和Stuart “ Celery Stew” Celarier见面。 他们将分发此海报的高质量彩色印刷品。 BOF正在吃午餐,所以带上食物:

BOF09: Exiting the Zone of Pain: Static Analysis with NDepend, scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, 2007 at 12:00 PM, in Room S331 A.  We'll be discussing how and why to use static analysis tools like NDepend.  I'm especially interested in hearing not just how people use tools like NDepend, but who uses them (in their organization) and how often.

BOF09:退出痛苦区域:使用NDepend进行静态分析,计划于2007年6月5日,星期二,下午12:00,在S331 A室中。我们将讨论如何以及为什么使用NDepend等静态分析工具 我不仅对人们不仅使用NDepend之类的工具,而且还了解谁在组织中使用它们的频率,特别感兴趣。

Here's the PDF for your download, use and abuse. Thanks to Patrick Smacchia, creator of NDepend for his help and review:

这是供您下载,使用和滥用的PDF。 感谢NDepend的创建者Patrick Smacchia的帮助和评论:


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/educating-programmers-with-placemats-ndepend-static-analysis-poster

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