
This may be the year of Video Chat. Someone is bound to get it right this year.

今年可能是视频聊天的一年。 今年一定有人做对了。

Skype totally nailed voice chat last year. Nailed it shut. Seven versions of MSN Messenger tried to get voice chat right and Skype totally nailed it. Now they've released Skype 2.0  and it includes Video. If they nail this, it'll be a happy day for me. I'm all about chat with about 280 folks on Messenger and I'd love to be able to chat with video. Their interface is really very nice and polished. It's no iChat, but it's nice for Windows.

去年, Skype完全实现了语音聊天。 钉它关闭。 七个版本的MSN Messenger试图使语音聊天正确,而Skype完全将其钉牢。 现在他们已经发布了Skype 2.0 它包括视频。 如果他们能做到这一点,那对我来说将是快乐的一天。 我想与Messenger上的280位同事聊天,我希望能够与视频聊天。 它们的界面确实非常漂亮且优美。 它不是iChat ,但对Windows来说很好。

Now Messenger 8 Beta is out and using invites (ala Gmail) to spread the word. I invited 5 folks. The screen shot at right is me chatting with my buddy John. The audio was iffy, but the video was pretty sweet. There's the Messenger Team's blog that points out a nice new feature of this version: type ahead contact searching.

现在, Messenger 8 Beta已经发布,并使用邀请函(ala Gmail)进行宣传。 我邀请了5个人。 右边的屏幕截图是我和我的好友约翰聊天。 音频很不稳定,但是视频却很甜美。 Messenger Team的博客中指出了此版本的一个不错的新功能:提前输入联系人搜索


As a tangent, I run Large Icons on my systems. Note the pixelly icon for Messenger. I'm REALLY looking forward to scalable icons in Vista. The icons (most) in the current Vista Betas are scalable vectors. I hope this ushers in a renaissance for UI and not the Garish mid-90s when Flash (remember FutureSplash?) was first introduced. Flash really put bad designers into motion. You think a static image sucks? Make it fly across the page and you'll discover what it really means to suck. But, I digress.

作为切线,我在系统上运行大图标。 请注意Messenger的像素图标。 我真的很期待Vista中的可扩展图标。 当前Vista Beta中的图标(最多)是可缩放的矢量。 我希望这能引发UI的复兴,而不是在90年代初引入Flash(还记得FutureSplash吗?)的Garish复兴。 Flash确实使糟糕的设计师动起来。 您认为静态图像糟透了吗? 让它飞过页面,您将发现真正吮吸的含义。 但是,我离题了。

Video Chat will happen (and really work this time) in 2006. Google Talk will likely add it. AOLs Instant Messenger "Triton" includes video chat. ICQ5 has video. Gaim-vv will soon do video with MSN and Yahoo.

视频聊天将在2006年进行(并且这次确实有效) 。GoogleTalk可能会添加它。 AOL的Instant Messenger“ Triton”包括视频聊天。 ICQ5有视频。 Gaim-vv很快将与MSN和Yahoo一起制作视频。

The real question is this: It's 2005 and why aren't our chat services interoperable? Why is there a market for Trillian? Because folks don't want to get together and standardize. Sure, there's Jabber (XMPP) and there's SILC, but I don't see it sweeping the Windows world. Maybe I'm mistaken.

真正的问题是:2005年,为什么我们的聊天服务不兼容? 为什么Trillian有市场? 因为人们不想聚在一起并标准化。 当然,有Jabber ( XMPP )和SILC ,但我认为它没有席卷Windows世界。 也许我弄错了。

Can't we all just get along? 


Now playing: Freshlyground - Buttercup 

现在播放: Freshlyground-毛cup

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/2006-is-the-year-of-video-chat





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