plot x轴标签 转向_关于转向0x1F的思考

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I turn 0x1F* on Saturday which puts me with one foot squarely in the grave. There's no mistaking it, I'm old. I haven't been this old since I turned 0x1E, nearly a year ago.

我在周六转0x1F *,这使我的一只脚正对着坟墓。 毫无疑问,我老了。 自从大约一年前我变成0x1E以来,我还没那么大。

I'm officially Sir now. I haven't been "dude"-ed at Blockbuster in at least five years, and the way the kid behind the counter looked at me when I asked for "The Breakfast Club" is still burned into my retina. You'd have thought I was asking for a silent film or something.

我现在正式是先生。 至少五年来,我一直没有在Blockbuster上“花花公子”,当我要求“早餐俱乐部”的时候,柜台后面的孩子看着我的样子仍然燃烧在我的视网膜上。 您可能以为我要一部无声电影或其他东西。

I went to Red Robin yesterday, a place I've been happily carded for years, but this time my receding hairline and advancing pooch caused the young greeter to immediately offer me a seat at the bar. I suspect he was right on the edge of helping me to the senior section until I shot a stern old-guy look at him.

昨天我去了红罗宾( Red Robin) ,这是我多年来一直很高兴被梳理的地方,但是这次,我渐渐退去的发际线和进取的狗狗让年轻的迎宾员立即为我提供了座位。 我怀疑他在帮助我升入高中课程之前是对的,直到我对他开枪了。

I'm pulling gray hairs out of my once Magnum-PI-quality moustache. I'm wondering if I need more fiber in my diet. I'm disappointed when Law & Order is a repeat. I Tivo Oprah. I've said "these young punks" while at the mall. I wonder how parents let their daughters out of the house with their butts hanging out while simultaneously wondering where these chicks were when I was in High School. I watched Napoleon Dynamite with the wife recently and explained (in about 20 minutes) all the different sub-classes of Geek (Dork, Dweeb, Spazz, Stoner, Theater Geek, Computer Nerd, etc) and my standing in the genus. I played Bard's Tale on my C64 emulator recently and wonder why the graphics weren't as good as I remember them being. I started with 128kb and now have 2gig. My watch has more CPU power than my own failing mind.

我正在从曾经具有Magnum-PI品质的小胡子中拔出白发。 我想知道我的饮食中是否需要更多的纤维。 当法律与秩序重演时,我感到失望。 我Tivo Oprah。 我在商场里说过“这些年轻的朋克”。 我不知道父母如何让女儿出去玩,而他们的臀部却垂悬着,同时又想知道我上高中时这些小鸡在哪里。 我最近和妻子一起看了拿破仑炸药,并在大约20分钟内解释了极客的所有不同子类别(Dork,Dweeb,Spazz,Stoner,Theater Geek,Computer Nerd等)以及我在这个类别中的地位。 我最近在C64模拟器上玩了《巴德的故事》,想知道为什么图形不如我记得的那么好。 我从128kb开始,现在有2gig 。 我的手表比自己的失败头脑拥有更多的CPU能力

Yep, it's a milestone, with 0x28 not far beyond, and beyond that, death.


On a related note, this Friday, I will be completely and totally prepared to enter High School.  I think I have the tools and emotional maturity now.

与此相关的是,这个星期五,我将完全完全准备进入高中。 我想我现在拥有工具和情感成熟度。

* That's 31 in Hex, just an FYI for my cousin Jack, who scored a 13 on the recent Nerd Test. He's "balanced" and goes "outside" and "gets involved with his community." Sheesh.

*这是Hex中的31,对于我堂兄Jack来说仅供参考,他在最近的Nerd测试中获得了13分 他“保持平衡”,走向“外部”,“参与社区活动”。 嘘。


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