


The first day of the first ever Google AMP conference was today in New York. I would have loved to have been able to participate, but I had to settle for listening to bits and pieces from afar (thanks to Google for always doing such a good job of live streaming all of their events).

首次Google AMP会议的第一天今天在纽约举行。 我本来希望能够参加,但是我不得不定下来聆听远方的点点滴滴(感谢Google一直以来都非常出色地实时直播他们的所有活动)。

The only session I circled back to watch in its entirety so far was the panel about “AMP & The Web Platform.” Unsurprisingly to anyone who has read anything I’ve written in the past about AMP, this was the session that looked the most interesting to me. I’m not typically a fan of panels—panels are so hard to do well—but this was a good one.

到目前为止,我回圈观看的唯一一次会议是有关“ AMP&Web Platform”的小组讨论。 对于阅读过我过去关于AMP的任何内容的人来说,这并不奇怪,这对我来说是最有趣的会议。 我通常不喜欢面板-面板很难做得很好-但这是一个很好的面板。

Now first off, hats off to the AMP team for assembling the panelists that they did. They could’ve gone the easy route and pulled in a bunch of AMP diehards, but they didn’t. They assembled a smart group of panelists who weren’t afraid to ask some important and hard-hitting questions: Gina Trapani, Nicole Sullivan, Sarah Meyer, Jeremy Keith and Mike Adler.

现在首先要向AMP团队致敬,要求他们召集小组成员参加。 他们本可以走简单的路线,加入一群AMP顽固派,但事实并非如此。 他们召集了一群精明的小组成员,他们不怕问一些重要而棘手的问题: 吉娜·特拉帕尼 ( Gina Trapani)妮可·沙利文 ( Nicole Sullivan)莎拉·迈耶 ( Sarah Meyer)杰里米·基思 ( Jeremy Keith)迈克·阿德勒 ( Mike Adler)

That was not accidental. Talking to Paul Bakaus (who moderated the panel) before the event, that’s exactly what he wanted to do: put people on the panel who wouldn’t be afraid to voice dissent. When they split the talks out into separate videos, I’d definitely recommend watching this one. There is so much good discussion from every single panelist.

那不是偶然的。 在活动开始前与Paul Bakaus (主持小组的对话 )进行交谈,这正是他想做的事情:将不怕表达异议的人放在小组中。 当他们将演讲分成单独的视频时,我绝对建议您观看此视频。 每个专家组成员都有很多精彩的讨论。

I’ve not been shy in expressing my opinion of AMP. As a performance “framework”, it would be ok. But it’s not treated that way. It’s treated as the incentive. Create AMP content, and you can get in the “Top Stories” carousel and you can get AMP’s little “lightning-bolt of approval”. I don’t think that’s healthy for the web.

表达我 对AMP的意见时,我并不害羞。 作为性能的“框架”,可以。 但这不是那种方式。 它被视为激励措施。 创建AMP内容,您可以进入“ Top Stories”轮播,并且可以获得AMP的“批准的闪电”。 我认为这对网络不健康。

These incentives have repeatedly been downplayed whenever I chat with someone involved with AMP, but my own experience has shown otherwise. I’ve been lucky enough to talk to a lot of publishers since AMP first came out and the most common sentiment has been: “We’re feeling pressure to use AMP to get our content into the top stories carousel. How can we do this without having to use AMP?”

每当我与涉及AMP的人聊天时,这些激励措施就一再被低估了,但是我的经验却显示出了其他的原因。 自AMP首次问世以来,我一直很幸运地与许多发行商交谈,最常见的看法是:“使用AMP将我们的内容带入顶级轮播中,我们感到压力很大。 我们如何在不使用AMP的情况下做到这一点?”

Gina talked about how she’s seen the same thing, where the incentives are what is driving the adoption:

吉娜(Gina) 谈到了她如何看待同一件事 ,其中激励因素是推动采用率的原因:

In my experience people are motiviated to use AMP…I’ve seen this from our clients…mostly because of SEO. They want it in that top stories carousel, they want that lightning bolt of approval in regular search results wwhich is happening now. And that concerns me. I’d rather that the concern for them was about performance and better user experience but it’s about SEO and search rankings. How many publishers would use AMP if that weren’t a factor? Fewer.

根据我的经验,人们很愿意使用AMP……我从客户那里看到了这一点……主要是因为SEO。 他们希望在热门新闻轮播中使用它,并希望在常规搜索结果中获得认可。 这关系到我。 我希望他们关注的是性能和更好的用户体验,但这与SEO和搜索排名有关。 如果这不是一个因素,那么有多少出版商会使用AMP? 少一点

This makes total sense: you need incentive to drive adoption of, well, anything. And Google can offer a very clear incentive for using AMP. Now AMP can argue all they want that about how they’re trying to advocate for performance and a better experience, but that’s not the message everyone is hearing.

这完全有道理:您需要激励来推动采用任何事物。 Google可以为使用AMP提供非常明确的激励。 现在,AMP可以就他们想要如何倡导性能和更好的体验而争论不休,但这并不是每个人都听到的信息。

This is evidenced by most of the AMP case studies I’ve seen. AMP gets noted as the reason for metric improvement, but if you actually look at the non-AMP version of those same pages you’ll find they’re incredibly bloated. Improve performance without AMP and I’m sure you’ll see similar improvements.

我所看到的大多数AMP案例研究都证明了这一点。 AMP被认为是改进度量标准的原因,但是,如果您实际上查看那些页面的非AMP版本,您会发现它们非常膨胀。 在没有AMP的情况下提高性能,我相信您会看到类似的改进。

That the message is more about AMP’s incentives than performance was also evidenced many times in the panel. Paul would point out you could, for example, cache your AMP content on your own servers. The panelists were quick to point out that, while technically true, you don’t get the carousel or lightning bolt if you do.

专家组还多次证明,传达的信息更多是关于AMP的激励而不是业绩。 Paul会指出您可以,例如,将AMP内容缓存在自己的服务器上。 小组成员很快指出,尽管从技术上讲是正确的,但如果您这样做,则不会得到旋转木马或闪电。

Whether they intended it to incentive performance or not, that’s not the incentive that most people see in using AMP.


Gina also pointed out (much more eloquently than I ever have) the broader risk and concern that many (myself included) see with AMP:


But hearing you say that the lightning bolt is a symbol of Google verifying and validating and hosting this page that’s scary to me as someone who cares about the open web. If you talk about the open web you’re talking about standards based and decentralized and where content isn’t privileged right? And AMP does all those things. It’s not a W3C standard…yet. It’s not decentralized because at least all AMP pages are hosted on Google’s cache. So if you search Twitter for there’s lots of results there people are sharing that URL so it’s not decentralized….AMP content is privileged in search results, and that concerns me.

但是,听到您说闪电是Google验证,验证和托管此页面的象征,对于关心开放网络的人来说,这让我感到恐惧。 如果您谈论的是开放式网络,那么您所谈论的是基于标准和分散的标准,而内容没有特权的地方对吗? AMP做所有这些事情。 它不是W3C标准……但是。 它不是分散的,因为至少所有AMP页都托管在Google的缓存中。 因此,如果您在Twitter上搜索,就会有很多结果,人们会共享该URL,因此它不会分散。….AMP内容在搜索结果中具有特权,这与我有关。

This isn’t to say that AMP is entirely a bad idea. These are issues that could be fixed. But while the fact that people like Paul are so willing and eager to hear critical feedback gives me hope, so far I haven’t seen a lot of evidence that these issues will be addressed. Consider the fact that AMP now accepts other valid AMP caches other than Google. The single cache source was one of the early criticisms and now they’ve, seemingly, opened that up with Cloudflare being the first to publicize it.

这并不是说AMP完全不是一个好主意。 这些是可以解决的问题。 但是,尽管像Paul这样的人如此愿意并渴望听到批评意见的事实给了我希望,但到目前为止,我还没有看到很多证据可以解决这些问题。 考虑以下事实:AMP现在可以接受除Google之外的其他有效AMP缓存。 单一的缓存来源是早期的批评之一,现在,它们似乎已经打开了大门Cloudflare成为第一个公开它的人

That’s great, except it does nothing to alleviate the actual underlying concern about centralization. While I can cache AMP content anywhere I want, I don’t get the benefits Google is promising unless that content is also cached on Google’s cache. That’s not decentralization, and frankly, I’m not entirely sure what the point is. After all, I can cache my AMP documents on Akamai, or Fastly, or whatever other service I want—AMP approved or not—but I won’t get the incentives that are tihe primary reason AMP is adopted unless it’s on Google’s cache.

那很好,除了它无助于减轻集中化的实际潜在问题。 虽然我可以在任何地方缓存AMP内容,但除非将内容也缓存在Google的缓存中,否则我无法获得Google承诺的好处。 那不是权力下放,坦率地说,我不确定一点。 毕竟,我可以将AMP文档缓存在Akamai,Fastly或我想要的任何其他服务上(无论是否经过AMP批准),但是我不会得到采用AMP的主​​要动机,除非它被保存在Google缓存中。

There was some optimism from the panelists that, perhaps, AMP will be a gateway to better performance. A platform for learning, a way to make performance more “accessible” as Sarah Meyer put it. And maybe it will be. After all, the work the AMP team has done is already leading to new standards proposals that, if implemented, will greatly improve performance on the web—certainly a great thing.

与会者对与会者感到乐观,也许AMP将成为提高绩效的门户。 正如Sarah Meyer所说的那样,这是一个学习平台,一种使绩效更“可访问”的方法。 也许会的。 毕竟,AMP团队所做的工作已经带来了新的标准提案,这些提案一旦实施,将极大地提高网络性能-无疑是一件很了不起的事情。

I want to believe the same thing will happen with the priority organizations put on performance. I want to believe that people learn from AMP’s tricks. That they’ll get to a point where they’ve seen the benefit of performance and start to incorporate these things into their own site. In the long-term, that’s where the effort is best spent.

相信组织将绩效放在优先位置会发生同样的事情。 我相信人们会从AMP的技巧中学到东西。 他们将在某种程度上看到性能的好处,并开始将这些内容整合到自己的站点中。 从长远来看,这是尽力而为的地方。

This is something Jeremy pointed out as well as he thought about all the interesting work folks had been presenting all day.


That’s great but could you imagine if you’d put that same amount of work into your HTML pages?


From what I’ve read and seen in the past from folks working with AMP, they’re doing some incredibly intelligent work making new features and functionality work inside of AMP. What if we could channel that same effort directly to the web instead?

从我过去与AMP一起工作的人所阅读和看到的内容来看,他们正在做一些非常聪明的工作,使AMP内的新功能得以实现。 如果我们可以将相同的工作直接引导到网络上怎么办?

Optimistically, AMP may be a stepping stone to a better performant web. But I still can’t shake the feeling that, in its current form, it’s more of a detour.

乐观地讲,AMP可能是性能更好的网的垫脚石。 但是我仍然不能撼动这种感觉,以目前的形式,它更像是绕道而行。



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