


As our understanding of performance on the web improves, we are starting to shift from the traditional metrics we’ve focused on. Things like load time and page weight are rightfully being given less focus as we move to more mature metrics like SpeedIndex that provide a better understanding of perceived performance.

随着我们对网络性能的了解不断提高,我们开始从我们关注的传统指标转变。 随着我们转向更成熟的指标(如SpeedIndex),可以更好地理解可感知的性能,因此诸如加载时间和页面权重之类的东西理应被给予更少的关注。

But that doesn’t mean we can dismiss page weight altogether. The web is not free. Data has a cost and that cost varies around the world. We’ve always sort of guessed that sites could be a little expensive in some areas, but other than a few helpful people tweeting how much certain sites cost while roaming, there wasn’t much in the way of hard data. So, I built What Does My Site Cost?.

但这并不意味着我们可以完全消除页面重量。 网络不是免费的。 数据是有代价的,而且这种代价在世界各地是不同的。 我们一直在猜测,某些地区的网站可能会有点贵,但是除了一些有用的人在推特上漫游时某些网站的成本外,硬数据的方式还很少。 因此,我建立了我的网站成本是多少?

The ITU has data about the cost of mobile data in various countires and World Bank provides some great information about the economic situation around the world. Pairing the two together, we can get an idea of how much things might cost—and what that means in relation to the overall economy in those countries. I’m not particularly good with economics, but thankfully for me Victoria Ryan is and she was willing to help me work through the details to make sure the numbers actually mean something.

国际电联拥有有关各个国家移动数据成本的数据, 世界银行提供了有关世界各地经济状况的一些重要信息。 将两者结合在一起,我们可以了解可能要花多少钱,以及这对于那些国家的整体经济而言意味着什么。 我不是经济学特别好,但幸运的是,我维多利亚瑞安是,她愿意帮助我通过细节上下工夫,以确保实际的数字意味着什么。

For starters, the site is going to report three metrics.


  1. Cost in USD


    What is the approximate cost to the user of loading that page around the world (based on information about the cost of 500MB of data).


  2. Cost in USD, PPP


    What is the approximate cost to the user of loading that page around the world (based on information about the cost of 500MB of data), with Purchasing Power Parity factored in. This gives a better representation of relative costs based on the differences in values of currency.


  3. Cost as a % of GNI, PPP


    Using the


    PPP cost already calculated, this metric compares that value to the daily Gross National Income per capita to factor in affordability.


运行测试 (Running Tests)

Thanks to the always helpful Pat Meenan, the site is powered by everyone’s favorite performance testing tool: WebPageTest.org. You can choose to run the test directly from What Does My Site Cost?. If you do, WebPageTest will run the test using Chrome mobile over a 3G network and you’ll be able to jump to those results once the test has completed.

感谢始终有用的Pat Meenan ,该站点由每个人最喜欢的性能测试工具WebPageTest.org提供支持 。 您可以选择直接从“我的网站费用多少”中运行测试 。 如果您这样做,WebPageTest将在3G网络上使用Chrome移动版运行测试,测试完成后,您将可以跳转到这些结果。

Figure 1: Site cost indicators are now available directly in WebPageTest results.

Figure 1: Site cost indicators are now available directly in WebPageTest results.


But what really has me excited is the integration directly into WebPageTest. If you use WebPageTest to analyze your site, you’ll see a new “Cost” column in your test results giving you an indicator of how (relatively) expensive your site is. Following the link there will bring you back to What Does My Site Cost for a deeper dive. In other words, you don’t have to go out of your way to find out how much a site might cost—the information will be seamlessly presented to you whenever you test a page.

但是真正令我兴奋的是直接集成到WebPageTest中。 如果您使用WebPageTest分析您的网站,您将在测试结果中看到一个新的“费用”列,从而可以指示您的网站(相对)昂贵。 通过该链接,您将返回“我的网站需要多少钱”以进行更深入的了解。 换句话说,您不必费力地找出一个网站可能要花多少钱—每当您测试页面时,信息都会无缝地呈现给您。

下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

For starters, I want to get more countries in there. I’m working on that. I also hope to add in information about roaming costs (almost scared to see how bad those numbers will be) but I have to track down more reliable data there first. That’s a little trickier (so it seems), but I’m sure it can be found somewhere.

首先,我想在那里有更多的国家。 我正在努力。 我还希望添加有关漫游成本的信息(几乎不敢看到这些数字有多糟糕),但是我必须首先在那儿查找更可靠的数据。 (看起来有些棘手),但我敢肯定它可以在某个地方找到。

As I mentioned before, I’m not very good with economics so if one of you out there are and have recommendations for additional metrics to show definitely let me know.


翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2015/03/what-your-site-costs/






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