
Time for my annual look back at what I read in the past year. Keeping in the same format as last year, each book has a rating (on a simple 5-star scale) as well as a very short review to give you (and me when I look back at this in a year or so) some idea of why I enjoyed each book.

我每年回顾一下过去一年阅读的内容的时间。 保持与去年相同的格式,每本书都有一个评分(以简单的5星制评分)以及非常简短的评论,以给您(和我在一年左右的时间里回头看)为什么我喜欢每本书。

My top three choices for fiction are: The Martian, Ancillary Justice and Genesis. For non-fiction: Chuck Amuck, Stuff Matters and The Noble Approach. For web-specific titles: Responsible Responsive Design, Designing for Performance and The Manual (I’m just going to cheat and say read all the issues).

我对小说的三大选择是: 《火星人》 ,《 辅助正义》和《 创世纪》 。 非小说类: 查克·阿默克 ( Chuck Amuck)《东西》《崇高的方法》 对于特定于网络的标题: 负责任的响应式设计性能设计《手册》 (我只是作弊并请阅读所有问题)。

I saw a tweet the other day from Austin Kleon where he shared that he had read 70 books this past year. He also shared a brief “How to read more” list. I only hit 39 books this year so I’m not as qualified as he is to provide advice on this, but my advice would be very similar. In particular tip #4 is important:

前几天,我在奥斯汀·克莱恩 ( Austin Kleon)上看到一条推文,他分享说他去年已经读了70本书。 他还分享了一个简短的“如何阅读更多信息”列表。 我今年只打了39本书,所以我不如他提供有关此方面的建议的资格,但是我的建议会非常相似。 特别要点4是重要的:

If you aren’t enjoying a book or learning from it, stop reading it immediately. (Flinging it across the room helps give closure.)

如果您不喜欢阅读本书或从中学习,请立即停止阅读。 (将其放在整个房间内有助于封闭。)

I mention this each year, but if I’m not enjoying a book on some level I don’t finish it. That’s why I have yet to give a book a review of less than three stars out of five. I don’t want to review books I haven’t finished and I don’t want to finish books I’m not enjoying. I currently have nearly 300 books on my “to-read” list according to Goodreads. There’s no time to waste on books that aren’t interesting to me.

我每年都提到这一点,但是如果我在某种程度上不喜欢看书,那我就不会读完。 这就是为什么我还没有给这本书提供少于五分之三的评价的原因。 我不想复习尚未读完的书,也不想读完不喜欢的书。 根据Goodreads的说法,目前我的“待阅读”清单上有近300本书。 没有时间浪费在我不感兴趣的书上了。

Onto the list (in order the books were read):


  1. Deaths of Tao by Wesley Chu 55


    Fantastic sequel in what is shaping up to be a very, very fun series to read. It’s definitely darker and grittier than its predecessor, but there’s still plenty of the same sort of snarky commentary taking place between the main characters. Thoroughly enjoyed it and eagerly awaiting book three!

    即将出版的精彩续集非常有趣。 它肯定比它的前作更黑暗,更坚韧,但是在主角之间仍然有很多类似的口子评论。 彻底享受它,并热切地等待着第三本书!

  2. Genesis by Bernard Beckett 55


    Genesis is the very best sort of science fiction. It manages to explore topics such as defining consciousness, the nature of the soul and what it means to be human without ever once getting bogged down by these discussions. It grips you from the very start, and when you think you know where everything is headed it takes a sharp turn. Absolutely loved it!

    创世纪是科幻小说中最好的一种。 它设法探索诸如定义意识,灵魂的本质以及对人类的意义之类的话题,而永远不会被这些讨论所困扰。 它从一开始就困扰着您,当您认为自己知道前进的方向时,它就会急转弯。 绝对喜欢它!

  3. Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni 35


    I’m not a big fan of the business fable/parable thing but this was a gift from a friend so I decided to give it a read. As far as business fables go this is a decent one. But, as can be expected from this type of book, it’s very light on meat and lofty on ideals and straw men.

    我不是商业寓言/寓言的忠实拥护者,但这是朋友送来的礼物,所以我决定给它读一读。 就商业寓言而言,这是一个不错的选择。 但是,正如从这类书籍中可以预期的那样,对肉类的看法很淡,对理想主义者和稻草人的看法很高。

  4. The Upside of Irrationality by Dan Ariely 45


    The Upside of Irrationality is an interesting (and surprisingly intimate) continuation of the discussion started in Predictably Irrational. Ariely’s style of writing and storytelling moves the book along at a brisk pace. I think a few of the conclusions he came to probably would’ve benefited from a few additional experiments to verify them, but for the most part they’re well thought out. Worth a read.

    非理性的上行是对《可预见的非理性》开始的讨论的有趣的(令人惊讶的是亲密的)延续。 阿里(Ariely)的写作和讲故事风格使本书Swift发展。 我认为他得出的一些结论可能会从一些额外的实验中受益,以验证这些结论,但是在大多数情况下,它们都是经过深思熟虑的。 值得一读。

  5. Sand by Hugh Howey 55


    Howey is edging his way into must-read territory for me. Another great dystopian novel from him.

    豪伊正在逐步进入我必读的领域。 他的另一本伟大的反乌托邦小说。

  6. Crux by Ramez Naam 45


    Crux picked up where Nexus left off, letting us see the impact of a post-human technology being used by the masses. It’s a stronger novel than the first book. Though I enjoyed Nexus, it could get a little preachy at times—pushing the underlying ideas a little too heavily. Crux seems more mature. It still explores some really interesting concepts, but it feels better integrated into the story this time.

    克鲁斯在Nexus停产的地方开始工作,让我们看到了大众使用后人类技术的影响。 这是比第一本书更强的小说。 尽管我喜欢Nexus ,但有时可能会有点讲道-将基本思想推得太重了。 关键似乎更成熟。 它仍然探索了一些非常有趣的概念,但是这次感觉更好地融入了故事中。

    I also really appreciate how the ideas in the book are backed by current technological advancements. In both this and Nexus, Naam follows the last chapter up with a section describing how similar technologies are being used in real-life today.

    我也非常感谢本书中的想法如何得到当前技术进步的支持。 在本教程和Nexus中 ,Naam都在上一章的后面部分介绍了当今在现实生活中如何使用类似技术。

    Really looking forward to book #3.


  7. The Flight of the Silvers by Daniel Price 55


    The Flight of the Silvers has a little bit of everything—time travel, parallel universes and X-Men style rules of nature. At first I wondered if it would all be a little too scattered, but Price weaves it all together to create a super fast-paced book that was incredibly difficult to put down and lots of fun to read. Looking forward to the rest of the series and hoping they follow soon: lots of questions left to answer.

    白银飞行有一点点东西-时间旅行,平行宇宙和X战警风格的自然法则。 起初,我想知道这是否太分散了,但是Price将它们编织在一起,以创建一本超级快节奏的书,这本书难以置信,阅读乐趣很多。 期待本系列的其余部分,并希望它们能很快跟进:还有许多问题需要解答。

  8. A Web for Everyone by Sarah Horton and Whitney Quesenbery 55

    一个Web为大家萨拉霍顿和惠特尼Quesenbery 10/10

    This is the first book on the topic that I’ve read that I felt did a good job of presenting accessibility not as a list of bulletpoints to check off, but as a way of thinking about how you build your site. Whenever anyone is looking to get started in accessibility, this is where I’m going to point them.

    这是我读过的第一本关于该主题的书,我觉得将可访问性不是表现要检查的项目列表,而是思考如何构建网站的一种很好的方式。 每当有人希望开始使用辅助功能时,这就是我要指出的地方。

  9. The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch 45


    The book hits the ground running on the first page, but as a results it took me a while to care about the characters in Locke Lamora. Once I did (probably about a quarter or so through the book), I enjoyed the story quite a bit. Good anti-hero novel.

    这本书打在第一页上,这使我花了一些时间来关心洛克·拉莫拉的角色。 一旦做完了(大概是本书的四分之一左右),我就很喜欢这个故事了。 好的反英雄小说。

  10. Falling off the Edge by Alex Perry 45


    Perry walks you through a bunch of first-hand accounts of his experiences in areas where the impacts of globalization has been anything but encouraging. It’s not incredibly in depth, and a few of the stories seem a little more loosely tied to globalization than others, but altogether an interesting look at the “other” side of globalization.

    佩里向您介绍了他在全球化的影响令人鼓舞的领域中所经历的第一手资料。 它的深度不是令人难以置信的,并且一些故事似乎比其他故事与全球化之间的联系松散一些,但总的来说,有趣的是对全球化的“另一面”。

  11. Salt Sugar Fat by Michael Moss 35


    Moss takes a look at the big three (salt, sugar and fat) not through a scientific lens, but a business one. Based on numerous meetings and interviews, Moss dissects the food industry’s reliance on them—from their impact on taste to how manufacturers market them in a way that can often confuse even the smartest of shoppers.

    莫斯不是通过科学的角度,而是从商业角度来研究三大要素(盐,糖和脂肪)。 通过多次会议和访谈,Moss剖析了食品行业对食品的依赖-从食品对口味的影响到制造商如何以经常使最聪明的购物者困惑的方式销售食品。

    It’s a really interesting read, but unfortunately it can be a little repetitive. Some of the chapters seemed to retell parts of the same story told in other chapters, as well as reintroduce people we were already introduced too. It doesn’t completely detract from the points the author is making, but it is occurs frequently enough to make the book feel more disjointed than it should have.

    这是一个非常有趣的读物,但是不幸的是,它可能有点重复。 有些章节似乎重述了其他章节中讲述的同一故事的某些部分,并重新介绍了我们已经介绍过的人们。 它并没有完全偏离作者的观点,但是它经常发生,以至于使本书感觉与原本应有的分离度更高。

  12. The Humans by Matt Haig 35


    The Humans is about an alien who comes to earth to kill a few humans who know too much, learns to love humanity, and so on. There are certainly things to like: there are indeed a few thought provoking sentences as well as a good amount of humorous insights (like the aliens perception of magazines, for example). Overall though, it was just a little too heavy-handed. Some books can explore the topic of humanity in a way where ti sort of reveals itself throughout the story—this isn’t one of those books. The plot is thinly constructed and exists pretty much entirely to let the author share his thoughts on the topic. It’s not a bad book—just not that great either.

    人类是指一个外星人,他来到地球上是为了杀死一些认识得太多,学会热爱人类的人类,等等。 当然,有些事情值得喜欢:确实有一些令人发指的句子以及大量幽默的见解(例如,外星人对杂志的看法)。 总体而言,它有点笨拙。 有些书可以以某种方式在整个故事中展现自己,从而探索人类主题,但这不是其中的一本书。 该情节结构紧凑,几乎全部存在,目的是让作者分享对该主题的看法。 这不是一本糟糕的书,也不是那么好。

  13. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North 45


    In a similar vein to Replay (one of my all-time favorite books), The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August revolves around a character who lives his life over and over again. The world is ending, sooner than it used to, and it’s up to him to figure out why. While it does tend to linger on a few details longer than necessary, overall it’s a smart and well-written book that is equal parts drama, thriller and science-fiction.

    与《 重播》 (我一直以来最喜欢的书之一) 类似,《哈利·奥古斯特的第一十五条生活》围绕着一个一生又一生的角色旋转。 世界正在终结,比以往更快,这取决于他找出原因。 尽管它确实会在一些细节上停留比必要的时间更长的时间,但总的来说,这是一本精妙而写得很好的书,包括戏剧,惊悚片和科幻小说。

  14. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes 55


    Fantastic! Watching Charlie’s mental progression, and subsequent regression, was both fascinating and heartbreaking. But what really puts the book over the top for me is Keyes’ focus on the emotional baggage that comes along with a sudden burst in intelligence: the bad memories, the sudden realization that folks are not as nice as they had seemed, and the struggle that comes with trying to find a way to match his new found mental maturity with his still stunted emotional maturity. Definitely a book that keeps you thinking long after the final sentence.

    太棒了! 看着查理的心理发展以及随后的消退,既令人着迷又令人心碎。 但是真正让这本书对我来说最重要的是凯斯(Keyes)专注于情感的包with,伴随着智力的突然爆发:糟糕的回忆,突然意识到人们并不像他们看起来的那样美好以及奋斗随之而来的是设法找到一种方法,使他新发现的心理成熟度与仍然发育不良的情绪成熟度相匹配。 绝对是一本书,可以使您在最后一句话之后长时间思考。

  15. The Martian by Andy Weir 55


    Fantastic! The Martian is a realistic, thrilling and often humorous story of one man’s attempt at survival on Mars. Gripping from the very start of the book through to the very last sentence. Can’t recommend this book highly enough. Read it.

    太棒了! 火星人是一个现实,激动人心且常常幽默的故事,讲述了一个人试图在火星上生存的故事。 从本书的开始到最后一句都令人rip目结舌。 不能高度推荐这本书。 阅读。

  16. A Better World by Marcus Sakey 55


    I really enjoyed Brilliance, so when the sequel came out I grabbed it right away and had pretty high hopes. Sakey did not disappoint.

    我真的很喜欢华晨 ,所以当续集问世时,我立即抓住了它,并抱有很高的希望。 萨基丝毫不失望。

    When I wrote my review about the first book, I said he touched on some social topics but didn’t really explore them in much depth. A Better World starts to flesh that out a bit more by adding more dimension to the characters and more meaning to the over-arching plot. The result is a book that is a bit more though-provoking than the first, and just as fun and fast-paced.

    当我写有关第一本书的评论时,我说他谈到了一些社会话题,但并没有真正深入地探讨它们。 一个更美好的世界通过为角色增加更多的维度和对总体情节的更多含义来使这一点更加充实。 结果是,这本书比第一本书更发人深省,并且既有趣又快节奏。

  17. Financial Intelligence by Karen Berman, John Case and Joe Knight 45


    I was looking for a book to help me brush up on some of the things I had forgotten from college and high school, as well as give me a little better understanding of what to pay attention to when it comes to the financial health of my company. Financial Intelligence fits the bill very nicely. It’s a pretty nice refresher for those who learned some of this stuff in the past and gentle enough for people completely new to the concepts as well. Good starting point.

    我正在寻找一本书,以帮助我复习我在大学和高中时代遗忘的一些事情,并使我对公司财务状况应注意的问题有更好的理解。 。 金融情报非常适合该法案。 对于那些过去学过一些东西的人来说,这是一个非常不错的复习,并且对于那些完全不熟悉这些概念的人也足​​够温和。 良好的起点。

  18. The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey 45


    Well this was a surprisingly enjoyable read! I’m not a huge fan of the whole horror genre. Movies, books—there’s precious few of either that I’ve enjoyed. This one definitely breaks the mold. It feels fresh and has significantly more depth to it. The relationship between the main characters is fascinating, as is the way those relationships alter—and even seem to come full circle in some cases—by the end of the book. Thoroughly enjoyed.

    好吧,这是令人惊讶的愉快阅读! 我不是整个恐怖类型的忠实拥护者。 电影,书籍-我很少欣赏其中的一种。 这肯定会打破常规。 感觉很新鲜,并且深度更深。 到本书结尾时,主要人物之间的关系令人着迷,这些关系的改变方式甚至在某些情况下甚至变成完整的圆圈。 彻底享受。

  19. Daily Rituals by Mason Currey 45


    Daily Rituals provides overviews of 150+ people’s day—what they did to be productive, to relax, when they worked, when the rested, etc. Each profile is short and stands alone, so it’s an easy pick it up/set it down read. Some of the profiles are more detailed and interesting than others, but what I enjoyed most was seeing the patterns emerge (for example, you can almost do a 5050 split of people who claimed long walks and exercise were the key to their success, versus people who turned to some sort of drugs or medicine to keep themselves going).

    Daily Rituals概述了150多个人的一天-他们做了什么工作,如何放松,什么时候工作,什么时候休息等。每个简介都很简短并且可以单独使用,因此很容易将其设置/阅读下来。 一些轮廓更细致,比别人有趣,但我最喜欢的是所看到的模式出现(例如,你几乎可以做的谁声称长距离散步和运动是对他们成功的关键人五十零分之五十○分,与那些为了维持健康而求助于某种药物或药物的人)。

  20. Off to Be the Wizard by Scott Meyer 55


    Just plain old fun. Heavy on the comedy and full of geeky references.

    只是普通的老好玩。 喜剧沉重,充满怪异参考。

  21. Spell or High Water by Scott Meyer 45


    Not quite as funny as book 1, but still plenty to like. Really looking forward to round 3.

    虽然不如第一本书那么有趣,但仍然值得喜欢。 真的很期待第三轮比赛。

  22. The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester 45


    The Stars My Destination (or Tiger, Tiger) seems to come up all the time in the discussion of great sci-fi classics. Having finally read it, it’s fairly easy to see why and to see the influence the book has had on cyberpunk and sci-fi in general. While it never quite reached the same level of quality as Bester’s The Demolished Man, that’s more a testament to how good that book is than it is a detriment to this one. The plot moves forward at a blistering pace and despite the fact that the main character is very unlikeable, you still can’t pry yourself away from finding out what happens next.

    在讨论伟大的科幻经典著作时,似乎总是出现《我的目的地之星》 (或《 老虎》,《老虎》 )。 最终阅读它之后,很容易就能理解为什么以及要看这本书对计算机朋克和科幻小说的影响。 尽管这本书的质量从未达到与Bester的《被拆毁的人 》相同的水平,但这更多地证明了这本书的出色,而不是对这本书的不利。 剧情以惊人的速度向前发展,尽管主角是非常不可能的,但您仍然无法摆脱发现接下来会发生什么的麻烦。

  23. The Mobile Web Handbook by Peter-Paul Koch 55


    You can always trust PPK’s writing to be extremely well-researched and thorough. There is no shortage of books about the mobile web but he managed to find plenty of new and interesting tidbits regardless. I especially enjoyed the chapters on the mobile market and browsers.

    你可以永远信赖PPK的写作是非常精心研究透彻。 关于移动网络的书籍并不乏,但他设法找到了许多新颖有趣的花絮。 我特别喜欢有关移动市场和浏览器的章节。

  24. Stuff Matters by Mark Miodownik 55


    So, so good. The book starts with a picture of the author and each chapter explores the “stuff” in that picture: glass, concrete, dark chocolate, etc. He discusses how the stuff gets made, what it’s good for, and it’s evolution over time. In some hands, this could be dry stuff but the author is incredibly passionate about materials and it’s contagious. You feel his enthusiasm throughout each chapter and can’t help but start looking at the everyday materials around you in a new light. One of my favorite reads of the year!

    太好了 本书以作者的图片开头,每一章都探讨了图片中的“东西”:玻璃,混凝土,黑巧克力等。他讨论了东西是如何制成的,有什么用处以及随着时间的发展。 在某些情况下,这可能是干燥的东西,但作者对材料充满热情,而且具有感染力。 您会在每一章中感受到他的热情,并且不禁开始以崭新的眼光看待您周围的日常资料。 我今年最喜欢的读物之一!

  25. Designing for Performance by Lara Hogan 55


    Designing for Performance is the book to hand to anyone—designer or developer—who wants to get started making faster sites. Lara carefully and clearly explains not just how you can create better performing sites, but how you can champion performance within your organization ensuring it remains a priority long after launch. Consider this the starting point in your web performance journey.

    “为性能设计”是一本面向想要开始制作更快网站的人(无论是设计师还是开发人员)的书。 Lara仔细清晰地说明了您不仅可以创建性能更好的网站,而且还可以在组织内部维护绩效,以确保绩效在发布后很长一段时间内仍然是优先事项。 将此视为您的Web性能之旅的起点。

  26. Chuck Amuck by Chuck Jones 55


    Chuck Amuck is more memoir than autobiography, which makes it all the more fascinating. Chuck talks about the very intense process of cartoon animation, the team that was in place at WB (along with some fairly harsh assessments of “management”) and how iconic characters like Bugs Bunny, Wile E. Coyote, and Daffy Duck evolved and developed their own personalities over time. As a bonus, the book sprinkles sketches and storyboards of the Looney Tunes animations throughout.

    Chuck Amuck比自传更让人回忆录,这使它更加迷人。 Chuck谈论了卡通动画的非常紧张的过程,WB的团队(以及对“管理”的一些相当苛刻的评估)以及像Bugs Bunny,Wile E. Coyote和Daffy Duck这样的标志性人物如何发展和发展。随着时间的推移他们自己的个性。 此外,这本书还散布了Looney Tunes动画的素描和情节提要。

  27. On Web Typography by Jason Santa Maria 55


    Fantastic primer on web typography. Loads of useful information and advice all very clearly explained. If you’ve been interested in typography but have had a hard time making sense of it all, this is the ideal place to start.

    网页排版的奇妙入门。 大量有用的信息和建议都得到了非常清晰的解释。 如果您对排版感兴趣,但是很难理解所有内容,那么这是一个理想的起点。

  28. The Manual, Issue 1 55

    手册,第1期 10/10

    Finally got around to purchasing the first three issues of the Manual and I’m wondering what took me so long. Issue 1 was fantastic. A combination of great writing and careful editing resulted in a really enjoyable book with every section providing food for thought. I particularly enjoyed the sections from Simon Collison, Dan Rubin, and Frank Chimero. I also was really impressed by the quality of the book itself: looks great and lovely attention to detail.

    终于购买了《手册》的前三期,我想知道花了这么长时间吗? 第1期很棒。 出色的写作和精心的编辑相结合,使本书非常有趣,每个部分都为您提供了深思的内容。 我特别喜欢Simon Collison,Dan Rubin和Frank Chimero的文章。 这本书本身的质量也给我留下了深刻的印象:对细节的关注非常可爱。

  29. Lock In by John Scalzi 55


    A blend of mystery and science-fiction (leaning more heavily towards mystery), Scalzi’s latest is a good one. Some of the issues discussed in the book are fairly thinly veiled allusions to current situations but they never feel forced in anyway (as happens when an author pushes too hard). Instead, the story moves quickly with plenty of tension, humor and thought-provoking dialogue along the way.

    Scalzi的最新作品融合了神秘感和科幻小说(更倾向于神秘感),是一部很好的小说。 书中讨论的一些问题只是针对当前情况的隐喻,但无论如何它们从不感到被强迫(就像作者过分用力时所发生的那样)。 取而代之的是,故事发展Swift,充满紧张,幽默和发人深省的对话。

  30. The Manual, Issue 2 55

    手册,第2期 10/10

    Proving that issue 1 wasn’t a fluke, the second installment is just as excellent. Really tough to choose, but I’d say the sections from Karen McGrane, Cennydd Bowles and Trent Walton were probably my favorites.

    证明第一期不是a幸,第二期同样出色。 确实很难选择,但是我想说Karen McGrane,Cennydd Bowles和Trent Walton的部分可能是我的最爱。

  31. The Noble Approach by Tod Polson 55


    A wonderful blend of biographical details and animation design principles that leaves you with a whole new appreciation for cartoon design. After reading the book, watching the cartoons becomes an even more enjoyable experience as you realize just how beautifully crafted they are. Really enjoyed this one!

    传记细节和动画设计原则的完美融合,使您对卡通设计有了全新的认识。 读完书后,观看动画片将变得更加有趣,因为您意识到它们的制作精美。 真的很喜欢这个!

  32. Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie 55


    I purchased Ancillary Justice almost immediately after talking to a friend earlier this year and hearing her rave about it, but it had remained untouched in my pile of books to eventually since then. I like sci-fi, but I’m not a huge space opera kinda guy so I hesitated. I shouldn’t have.

    在今年早些时候与一位朋友交谈并听到她的赞美之后,我几乎立即购买了Ancillary Justice ,但是直到那以后,它在我的书堆中一直没有动过。 我喜欢科幻小说,但我并不是一个太空歌剧大佬,所以我犹豫了一下。 我不应该

    Ancillary Justice is a great book—well deserving of the awards it won. It’s smart, beautifully written and gripped me from early on. Ann does an incredible job of building tension throughout without a ton of superfluous battles and forced action. A tight plot and smart dialogue is all she needs to put you on the edge of your seat and keep you there until the final page.

    《辅助司法》是一本好书-值得获得的奖项。 它很聪明,写得很漂亮,从一开始就吸引了我。 Ann在没有大量不必要的战斗和强迫行动的情况下,在建立紧张关系方面做得令人难以置信。 她只需要紧张的情节和精巧的对话,就可以把您放在座位的边缘,并一直保持到最后一页。

  33. Responsible Responsive Design by Scott Jehl 55

    负责任的响应式设计由斯科特·Jehl 10/10

    I’ve already written up a full review, but here’s the short version: this is a fantastic book firmly rooted in real-world knowledge. It should be on the shelves of web developers everywhere.

    我已经写了一篇完整的评论 ,但这是简短的版本:这是一本扎根于真实世界知识的出色著作。 它应该在任何地方的Web开发人员的架子上。

  34. The Manual, Issue 3 55

    手册,第3期 5 5⁄5

    In typical Manual form, the book was high quality from start to finish. In particular the entries from Duane King, Jeremy Keith and Ethan Marcotte stood out.

    在典型的手册形式中,本书从头到尾都是高质量的。 特别是来自杜安·金(Duane King),杰里米·基思(Jeremy Keith)和伊桑·马可特(Ethan Marcotte)的参赛作品脱颖而出。

  35. Ancillary Sword by Ann Leckie 45


    A worthy follow-up to Ancillary Justice that only slightly falls short of matching Ancillary Justice’s excellence. Still thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was paced a bit slower and only picked things up about 23 of the way through. The same smart, high-quality writing is there. It just felt a little more like a setup for the final book in the trilogy (which should be very eventful).

    辅助司法的值得跟进,仅与辅助司法的卓越水平相差甚远。 还是彻底喜欢它,但它是节奏有点慢,只捡到东西有关的途中经过三分之二 。 那里同样聪明,高质量。 感觉更像是三部曲中最后一本书的设置(应该很重要)。

  36. Timing for Animation by John Halas 45

    时序动画由John Halas的五分之四

    A solid introduction to the topic. A lot of good ideas and principles here—not just for cartoon animation, but for other timing in other interactive mediums as well.

    对该主题的扎实介绍。 这里有很多好的创意和原则,不仅用于卡通动画,而且还用于其他交互式媒体中的其他计时。

  37. That’s All Folks! by Steve Schneider 45

    那就是所有的人! 通过史蒂夫施耐德五分之四

    While you’ll find more detailed information elsewhere, the author does a pretty good job of providing some context and historical insight into the evolution of the Looney Tunes, the creation of the major characters, and the personalities behind the scenes. Where this book really shines, though, is in the many beautiful and hard-to-find sketches and animation artwork prominently on display. It’s a gorgeous book!

    尽管您可以在其他地方找到更详细的信息,但作者还是做了很好的工作,它提供了有关Looney Tunes的演变,主要角色的创建以及幕后人物的一些背景信息和历史见解。 但是,本书真正发亮的地方是突出显示的许多精美且难以找到的草图和动画作品。 这是一本漂亮的书!

  38. Hollywood Cartoons by Michael Barrier 45


    Barrier’s book is an extremely well researched and well written look at American cartoon animation from the 30’s to 50’s. While, understandably, Disney gets the most attention, he does discuss the work produced by places such as Warner Bros, Terrytoons, Hanna-Barbera and UPA. That’s really where the book flourishes. Seeing how ideas and techniques spread from studio to studio and being able to compare and contrast their different approaches is fascinating.

    Barrier的书对30年代到50年代的美国卡通动画进行了非常深入的研究和撰写。 可以理解的是,虽然迪士尼引起了最大的关注,但他确实讨论了华纳兄弟,特里卡通,汉娜·巴贝拉和UPA等地方制作的作品。 那才是那本书蓬勃发展的地方。 看到想法和技术如何在工作室之间传播,并能够比较和对比他们的不同方法,这很令人着迷。

    Barrier doesn’t pull punches. Nobody in this book is free from criticism: their miscues are highlighted just as much as their successes. In fact, he’s quite critical of all the studio’s and their work. While I don’t necessarily agree with a few of his critiques of some of the cartoons (his opinion on the impact of Noble & Jones combined work couldn’t be farther from my own), it’s interesting to hear his thoughts on them nonetheless.

    屏障不会拉拳。 本书中没有人没有批评的余地:他们的弊端与成功一样重要。 实际上,他对所有工作室及其工作都非常批评。 尽管我不一定同意他对某些漫画的一些评论(他对Noble&Jones合并作品的影响的看法离我自己的看法再远不过了),但仍能听到他对它们的想法很有趣。

  39. Getting Schooled by Garret Keizer 55


    After a 15 year absence Keizer returns to teaching for one year and, thanks to this book, we get to follow along. The result is an insightful look at modern day teaching that is both humorous at times, and depressing at others.

    在缺席15年后,凯泽(Keizer)重新开始了一年的教学,由于有了这本书,我们得以继续学习。 结果是对现代教学的深刻见解,有时既幽默又使他人沮丧。

There you have it. If you have any recommendations for what I should add to my stack of books to read in 2015, feel free to let me know!

你有它。 如果您对我应在2015年阅读的书本有任何建议,请随时告诉我!

历年 (Past years)

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2015/01/what-i-read-in-2014/





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