


I work in a room in my basement. It works well enough, but it’s small and quite dark. The only source of external light is a small window that looks out underneath our front porch.

我在地下室的一个房间里工作。 它工作得很好,但是它很小而且很暗。 外部光线的唯一来源是一扇小窗户,从我们的前门下方可以看到。

Contrary to what Hollywood may have you believe about the “developer in a basement”, I actually do enjoy light. So I have spent a decent chunk of time researching how to properly light small, windowless rooms.

与好莱坞对您对“地下室的开发人员”的看法相反,我确实很喜欢光线。 因此,我花了很多时间研究如何适当地照亮无窗的小房间。

It turns out the one of the most important pieces is finding a nice balance of different light sources. Mix a desk lamp with an overhead lamp and a floor lamp or two. Better yet, make sure those floor lamps are different heights. You need variety to produce quality lighting.

事实证明,最重要的部分之一是找到不同光源之间的平衡。 将台灯与头顶灯和一盏或两盏落地灯混合使用。 更好的是,确保那些落地灯的高度不同。 您需要多样化才能生产出优质的照明。

The results are rewarding. Working in a poorly lit environment feels depressing and lonely. It’s energizing to step out of the shadows.

结果令人鼓舞。 在光线不足的环境中工作会感到沮丧和孤独。 走出阴影令人振奋。

But sometimes working in the light doesn’t go so well, as has been the case for Kathy Sierra:

但是有时候在光线下工作并不顺利,就像凯西·塞拉(Kathy Sierra)那样

Life for women in tech, today, is often better the less visible they are.




This sort of thing has happened before, of course. It still happens. Many, many times. Sometimes we don’t hear about it. Sometimes we do.

当然,这种事情以前已经发生过。 它仍然发生。 很多很多次 有时我们没有听说。 有时候我们会。

I remember a particular exchange of a prominent person in our industry attacking another in a blog post because he felt her position was unwarranted. Despite the many people who spoke up against his post, he didn’t seem to comprehend the damage he had done. He instead boasted of all the people who had privately thanked him and agreed with him.

我记得在我们的行业中某位知名人士的一次特殊交流,他在一篇博客文章中攻击了另一位,因为他觉得她的职位没有根据。 尽管有很多人反对他的职位,但他似乎并不理解他所遭受的伤害。 相反,他吹嘘所有私下感谢他并同意他的人。

The impact of these attacks extends far beyond those two incredible women on the receiving end of them. There’s a ripple effect.

这些攻击的影响远远超出了接收方那两个不可思议的女人。 有连锁React。

In both cases, many came to the same conclusion as Kathy: it’s safer to stay in the shadows.


I have seen tweets from people I know and have incredible respect for saying that they fear that this will happen to them.


I have talked to people who were excellent speakers or writers, but now don’t do it because something like this happened to them.


I have had private conversations with people who point to situations like this and say this is why they don’t put themselves out there. Fear of this happening to them is why they don’t write more, or give more speak at conferences.

我曾与指出此类情况的人进行私下交谈,并说这就是为什么他们不把自己摆在那儿的原因。 他们担心这种情况发生的原因,就是为什么他们不写更多或在会议上发表更多演讲。

We’re losing their voices. We’re turning off their lights.

我们正在失去他们的声音。 我们正在关灯。

Each time we follow someone, share their blog post, invite them on our podcasts or to speak at our events, we are giving that person a platform. We’re giving them an opportunity to share their voice.

每次我们关注某人,分享他们的博客文章,邀请他们加入我们的播客或在我们的活动中发言时,我们都会为该人提供一个平台。 我们正在为他们提供一个分享他们的声音的机会。

We have a lot of say in who gets a voice and who doesn’t in our community. That’s a huge responsibility and a tremendous amount of power. We need to use it wisely.

在我们的社区中,谁有发言权,谁没有发言权,我们有很多发言权。 这是巨大的责任和巨大的​​力量。 我们需要明智地使用它。

A couple months ago, Andy Baio sent out a tweet:

几个月前, Andy Baio发了一条推文

A yearly reminder to everyone making stuff: For every anonymous idiot trashing you online, there are thousands more that quietly love you.


Let’s flip that around. Let’s make it a point to tell people that we value their contributions, they they are loved and appreciated.

让我们翻转一下。 让我们重点告诉人们我们珍视他们的贡献,他们受到爱戴和赞赏。

If someone writes something that resonates, gives a talk that alters the way you think, shares some work that you find useful or provides a helpful hand—let them know you value it. Send them a friendly tweet, leave a comment, write an email, send a postcard—how you do it matters less than that you do it. Actively seek opportunities to tell people they’re appreciated.

如果某人写了一些引起共鸣的东西,发表了讲话,改变了您的思维方式,分享了一些您认为有用的工作或提供了帮助的手,那么他们就会知道您重视它。 给他们一个友好的鸣叫,发表评论,写邮件,发送postcard-你是怎么做到的事项小于做到这一点。 积极寻找机会告诉别人他们很感激。

We’re never going to completely eliminate the trolls, but we can drown them out. We can show them that our community values respect and appreciation. That trolling and harassment are things we will not tolerate. Those voices are not the ones we wish to give power to.

我们永远不会完全消除巨魔,但我们可以淹没它们。 我们可以向他们表明,我们的社区重视尊重和赞赏。 巨魔和骚扰是我们不会容忍的。 这些声音不是我们希望赋予力量的声音。

As we do this, we tip the power scales. We make it safer for those who hope to contribute in earnest to come out of the shadows, while making it all the more uncomfortable for those who would try to dim their lights.

在执行此操作时,我们将减小功率刻度。 对于希望认真贡献自己的人,我们使其更加安全,而对于那些试图调暗灯光的人来说,这使他们更加不舒服。

Because what’s true of lighting a room is true of building a vibrant community as well. We need a variety of different voices and perspectives.

因为照明房间的真正意义也在于建设一个充满活力的社区。 我们需要各种不同的声音和观点。

And right now, that’s exactly what we risk losing.


翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2014/10/keeping-the-lights-on/






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