


One question I’ve seen posed a few times in the past several months is whether performance really is a moral or ethical concern, or if that’s all heavy-handed exaggeration.


It’s a fair question, I suppose. Advocates of any technique or technology can be a bit heavy-handed when it suits them if they’re not being careful–myself included. But I’m not sure if that’s the case here. When you stop to consider all the implications of poor performance, it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that poor performance is an ethical issue.

我想这是一个公平的问题。 如果他们不小心的话,任何一种或多种技术的拥护者如果适合他们的话,可能会有些笨拙-包括我自己。 但是我不确定是否是这种情况。 当您停止考虑不良绩效的所有含义时,很难不得出结论,不良绩效是一个道德问题。

表现为排斥 (Performance as exclusion)

Poor performance can, and does, lead to exclusion. This point is extremely well documented by now, but warrants repeating. Sites that use an excess of resources, whether on the network or on the device, don’t just cause slow experiences, but can leave entire groups of people out.

表现不佳可以而且确实会导致排斥。 到目前为止,这一点已经有充分的文献记载,但是值得重复。 无论是在网络上还是在设备上,使用过多资源的站点不仅会导致缓慢的体验,而且还会使整个人群失望。

There is a growing gap between what a high-end device can handle and what a middle to low-end device can handle. When we build sites and applications that include a lot of CPU-bound tasks (hi there JavaScript), at best, those sites and applications become painfully slow on people using those more affordable, more constrained devices. At worst, we ensure that our site will not work for them at all.

高端设备可以处理的内容与中低端设备可以处理的内容之间的差距越来越大。 当我们构建包含大量CPU任务的网站和应用程序时(充其量是JavaScript),充其量,对于那些使用价格更实惠,更受限制的设备的人们,这些网站和应用程序会变得非常痛苦。 最糟糕的是,我们确保我们的网站完全不适合他们。

Forget about comparing this year’s device to a device a couple of years old. Exclusion can happen on devices that are brand-new as well. The web’s growth is being pushed forward primarily by low-cost, underpowered Android devices that frequently struggle with today’s web.

忘记将今年的设备与几年前的设备进行比较了。 排除也可能发生在全新设备上。 互联网的增长主要是通过低成本,功能不足的Android设备(通常与当今的网络苦苦挣扎)推动的。

I recently profiled a page on a Pixel 2 (released in 2017), and an Alcatel 1x (released in 2018). The two devices represent very different ends of the spectrum. The Pixel 2 is a flagship Android device while the Alcatel 1x is a $100 entry-level phone.

我最近在一个页面上介绍了Pixel 2(2017年发布)和Alcatel 1x(2018年发布)的页面。 这两个设备代表了频谱的截然不同。 Pixel 2是旗舰Android设备,而Alcatel 1x是售价100美元的入门级手机。

On the Pixel 2, it took ~19 seconds for the site to become interactive.

在Pixel 2上,网站互动需要大约19秒的时间。

On the Alcatel 1x, it took ~65 seconds.


Similarly, there is a growing gap between what a top of the line network connection can handle and what someone with a poor mobile connection or satellite connection can handle. We frequently position this issue as one around reaching a more global audience (and often, it is), but it can also hit much closer to home.

类似地,在顶级网络连接可以处理的内容与移动连接或卫星连接状况不佳的人可以处理的内容之间存在越来越大的差距。 我们经常将此问题定位为吸引更多的全球受众(通常 ),但它也可能触及更近的地方。

My home internet connection gives me somewhere around 3 Mbps down. It seems blazingly fast compared to the 0.42 Mbps download speed Jake Archibald mentioned his relative getting or the 0.8 Mbps download speed my in-laws get at their house.

我的家庭互联网连接使我的速度降低了约3 Mbps。 与0.42 Mbps的下载速度相比, 杰克·阿奇博尔德(Jake Archibald)提到了他的相对速度或者我姻亲在家中获得的0.8 Mbps的下载速度,这似乎非常快。

The cost of that data itself can be a barrier, making the web prohibitively expensive to use for many without the assistance of some sort of proxy technology to reduce the data size for them—an increasingly difficult task in a web that has moved to HTTPS everywhere.


This isn’t just hyperbole. When I worked with Radio Free Europe a few years back, it was staggering to consider that many of the visitors of the site were breaking the law, jumping through hurdles and risking their livelihood to access the site. Poor performance was not an option.

这不仅仅是夸张。 几年前,当我与欧洲自由电台合作时,令人惊讶的是,该站点的许多访问者都在违反法律,越过障碍并冒着生命危险访问该站点。 性能不佳不是一个选择。

The YouTube feather story—where they improved performance and saw an influx of new users from areas with poor connectivity who could, for the first time, actually use the site—is well documented by now. Other companies have had similar stories that they’re unable to tell.

YouTube的传奇故事 -他们提高了性能,并看到了来自连通性较差的地区的新用户涌入,他们首次可以真正使用该网站-现已得到了充分的记录。 其他公司也有类似的故事,他们无法透露

We can point the fingers at the networks and businesses behind them all we want for the high costs associated with connectivity, but the reality is that we play our own part in this with the bloated web we build.


性能浪费 (Performance as waste)

Less often considered is the sheer waste that poor performance results in.


Let’s say that you’re one of those people with a device a year or two old. The web runs a little slower for you than it does for those with the latest phone off the shelf. It makes sense. Hardware gets better, sure. But just as critically sites are getting heavier and more computationally expensive. It’s not just that an older device will be less equipped to deal with the complexity of today’s sites, but also that it’s far less likely that the folks building those sites will have tested on your device.

假设您是拥有一两岁设备的人之一。 与运行最新手机的人相比,网络运行对您来说要慢一些。 这说得通。 硬件会变得更好。 但是,同样重要的是,站点变得越来越重,计算量也越来越大。 这不仅是因为较旧的设备没有能力应对当今站点的复杂性,而且建造这些站点的人在您的设备上进行测试的可能性也大大降低。

This is a point Cennydd Bowles made in his excellent book, Future Ethics.

这是Cennydd Bowles在其出色的著作《 未来伦理学》中提出的观点。

Software teams can reduce the environmental impact of device manufacturing, even if they don’t make devices themselves. Durable software not only saves the expense of frequent product overhauls; it also reduces the temptation of unnecessary device upgrades. Why buy a new handset when the old one works just fine?

软件团队可以减少设备制造对环境的影响,即使他们自己不制造设备。 耐用的软件不仅节省了频繁检修产品的费用; 它还减少了不必要的设备升级的诱惑。 当旧的手机运行良好时,为什么还要购买新的手机呢?

Or, for our specific purposes, why would I need an expensive device with higher-powered CPU if the sites and applications run well on a lower-powered device?


Poor performance can also result in actually reducing the life-span of the devices we do have, even if we are able and willing to suffer through the slowness. Anything that is taxing on the processor (JavaScript, high-resolution images, heavy layout costs) is going to be taxing on the battery as well, causing wear and tear to the device.

即使我们有能力并愿意忍受缓慢的影响,性能低下也会导致实际上减少我们拥有的设备的使用寿命。 对处理器造成负担的任何事情(JavaScript,高分辨率图像,沉重的布局成本)也将对电池造成负担,从而导致设备的磨损。

It’s not just the short shelf-life of devices that is impacted by poor performance. Cennydd also makes the case that performance also has an impact on energy consumption:

受性能不良影响的不仅是设备的短保质期。 Cennydd还证明了性能也会对能耗产生影响:

In 2016, video, tracking scripts and sharing buttons caused the average website to swell to the same size as the original version of Doom. Ballooning bandwidth and storage have fostered complacency that we can do without. Performance is conservation. Habits like compressing images, reducing HTTP requests, preferring standards to third-party plugins, and avoiding video unless necessary have well-known benefits to usability, but are also acts of environmental protection.

在2016年,视频,跟踪脚本和共享按钮使普通网站的规模膨胀到与原始版本的《毁灭战士》相同。 不断增长的带宽和存储使我们无法自满。 表现就是保护。 诸如压缩图像,减少HTTP请求,倾向于使用标准而不是第三方插件以及避免使用视频(除非有必要)的习惯,对可用性具有众所周知的好处,但这也是环保行为。

Again, this isn’t hyperbole.


Just how much kWh are expended per one GB of data is up for some debate depending on your method of analysis. In a 2012 paper, The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy estimated the internet uses 5 kWh on average to support every GB of data. Let’s run with that for a second.

取决于您的分析方法,每一个GB数据消耗多少kWh尚待商debate。 美国能源效率经济委员会在2012年的一篇论文中估计,互联网平均使用5 kWh来支持每GB数据 。 让我们运行一秒钟。

The median desktop site (5 kWh was not looking at the energy consumption of mobile networks which is almost certainly significantly higher) is 1848 kb.

台式机站点中位数 (5 kWh并未关注移动网络的能耗,几乎可以肯定要高得多)为1848 kb。

Let’s say just 2 billion people (somewhere around 4 billion are connected to the internet) view 5 pages at that weight in a day (surveys from 2010 showed the number to be around 10 sites on any given day, so I’m being overly safe here). That would be about 1,500,000 GB of data transferred on a single day. Based on the 5 kWh energy consumption estimate, we’re looking at spending 17.6 million kWh of energy to use the web every single day.

假设只有20亿人(大约有40亿人已连接到互联网)每天浏览5页该页面的重量(2010年的调查显示,每天有10个站点,因此我过于安全了)这里)。 一天将传输大约1,500,000 GB的数据。 根据5 kWh的能耗估算,我们正在考虑每天花费1760万kWh的能量来使用网络

绩效是一个道德考量,现在呢? (Performance is an ethical consideration, now what?)

When you look at the evidence, it’s hard to see one could argue performance doesn’t have ethical ramifications. So clearly, folks who have built a heavy site are bad, unethical people, right?

当您查看证据时,很难看到有人会认为绩效没有道德方面的影响。 显然,那些建造重型基地的人是坏的,不道德的人,对吗?

Here’s the thing. I have never in my career met a single person who set out to make a site perform poorly. Not once.

这是东西 在我的职业生涯中,我从未遇到过一个使网站表现不佳的人。 不止一次。

People want to do good work. But a lot of folks are in situations where that’s very difficult.

人们想做好工作。 但是很多人都处于非常困难的境地。

The business models that support much of the content on the web don’t favor better performance. Nor does the culture of many organizations who end up prioritizing the next feature over improving things like performance or accessibility or security.

支持网络上许多内容的商业模式并不倾向于更好的性能 。 许多组织的文化也没有,他们最终把下一个功能放在优先位置,而不是在改善性能,可访问性或安全性等方面。

There’s also a general lack of awareness. We’ve come along way on that front, but the reality is that a lot of folks are still not aware of how important performance is. That’s not a knock on them so much as it’s a knock on the way our industry prioritizes what we introduce to new folks who want to work on the web.

也普遍缺乏认识。 我们已经在这方面取得了进展,但现实是,很多人仍然不知道表演的重要性。 这并不是对他们的打击,而是对我们行业将我们介绍给想要在网络上工作的新人们的优先次序的方式所带来的影响。

I don’t want it to sound like I’m making excuses for poor performance, but at the same time, I’m pragmatic about it because I’ve been there too. I’ve built sites that were heavier and less performant than I would have liked. It happens.

我不希望它听起来像是我为糟糕的表现找借口,但与此同时,我对此也很务实,因为我也去过那里。 我建立的网站比我想要的要重且性能较差。 它发生了。

That it happens doesn’t make any of us bad people. But it does us no good to try to ignore the real repercussions of what we’re building either.

发生这种事情不会使我们成为坏人。 但是,试图忽略我们正在构建的内容的真实影响也无济于事。

There are consequences to the way we build. Real consequences, felt by real people around the world.

我们的建设方式会有后果。 真实的后果,世界各地的真实人都感受到。

Performance is an ethical issue, and it’s one each and every one of us can work towards improving.


翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/remembers/2019-01-09-the-ethics-of-performance/






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