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原创 8,功能开发 - 温度传感器DS18B20

1,运行软件 cubeMX,软件界面如下

2021-06-21 09:21:29 411

原创 7,功能开发 - UART+DMA

1,运行软件 cubeMX,软件界面如下

2021-06-06 16:34:07 419 4

原创 6,功能开发 - 串口打印

使用 cubeMX 生成软件库,使用串口1用做调试接口

2021-06-03 17:12:36 362

原创 5,配置烧录环境 - openOCD

开发环境:ubuntu22.04 + stm32CubeMX + gcc-arm-none-eabi,烧录工具:openOCD下载 openOCD

2021-06-01 20:59:26 3568 6

原创 4,配置开发环境 - 编译工程示例

开发环境:ubuntu22.04 + stm32CubeMX + gcc-arm-none-eabi编译工程

2021-05-31 16:04:36 431

原创 3,配置开发环境 - 安装 arm-none-eabi-gcc

开发环境:ubuntu22.04 + stm32CubeMX + gcc-arm-none-eabigcc-arm-none-eabi 的具体信息和用途,可以在网络上看看别人的总结。首先登录到该软件的下载地址 https://developer.arm.com/tools-and-software/open-source-software/developer-tools/gnu-toolchain/gnu-rm/downloads ,选择那个适合自己电脑环境的版本,我的电脑是 linux 64bit

2021-05-31 14:32:27 2481

原创 2,配置开发环境 - 创建项目代码

开发环境:ubuntu22.04 + stm32CubeMX + gcc-arm-none-eabi

2021-05-31 14:28:38 4394 7

原创 3,配置开发环境 - 安装 gcc-arm-none-eabi

开发环境:ubuntu20 + stm32CubeMX + gcc-arm-none-ebai1,关于 gcc-arm-none-ebai 的具体信息和用途,可以在网络上看看

2021-05-31 11:25:15 3624

原创 1,配置开发环境 - 安装 CubeMX

开发环境:ubuntu22.04 + stm32CubeMX + gcc-arm-none-ebai安装 CubeMX

2021-05-31 10:23:16 2082

原创 2021/5/8 练车记录之科目二 #1

自从三月份考过科目一之后,拖拖拉拉地今天第一次真正地上车练习。早晨六点钟起床,收拾停当就骑着自行车去驾校报道,到达那里已经是七点十分,教练可能有点不高兴,害她起个大早等我。从七点二十分到八点半,学了知识点:转方向盘,调整座椅,调整后视镜,钥匙启动,手刹,脚踏板,换档,前进后退,左右前进转弯,左右后退转弯。1,转方向盘这是个铁架子上面放着的圆盘,放在驾校的休息区,让新手练习用的。打方向盘分为向左或者向右的 1/4圈,1/2圈,1圈,1圈半。首先,人坐在椅子上,身体正对着方向盘,两手掌自然握住方

2021-05-08 14:45:33 170

原创 create Golang project with channel

1, create new project "test11_channel"$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test11_channel$ cd test11_channel$ touch channel.go2,add following lines in “channel.go”package mainimport ( "fmt" "time")func main() { // TEST 1, goroutine var n1, n2 string =

2020-12-27 13:53:26 99

原创 create Golang project with interface #2

1, create new project "test10_assert"$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test10_assert$ cd test10_assert$ touch assert.go2,add following lines in “assert.go”package mainimport ( "fmt")type Mint inttype Name struct { firstName string secondName string

2020-12-26 15:19:18 83

原创 create Golang project with interface #1

1, create new project "test9_interface"$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test9_interface$ cd test9_interface$ touch interface.go2,add following lines in “interface.go”package mainimport ( "fmt" "time")type example interface { describe() change()}

2020-12-25 18:30:45 81 2

原创 create Golang project with method

1, create new project "test8_method"$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test8_method$ cd test8_method$ touch method.go2,add following lines in “method.go”package mainimport ( "fmt")type Book struct { author string publish uint64}type Bus struct {

2020-12-25 09:21:41 100

原创 create Golang project with function

1, create new project “test7_function”$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test7_function$ cd test7_function$ touch function.go2,add following lines in “function.go”package mainimport ( "fmt")type Dog struct { name string weight float32 sex string}

2020-12-23 21:08:10 85

原创 create Golang project with condition statement

1, create new project “test6_condition”$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test6_condition$ cd test6_condition$ touch condition.go2,add following lines in “condition.go”package mainimport ( "fmt" "math")func main() { // TEST 1, regular for loop forCase1

2020-12-20 17:05:44 117

原创 create Golang project with basic concepts

1, create new project “test5_concept”$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test5_concept$ cd test5_concept$ touch concept.go2,add following lines in “concept.go”package mainimport ( "fmt" "time" "math/rand")const ( year int = 365 month int = 12 day int =

2020-12-20 13:26:18 94

原创 create Golang project with unitTest

1, create new project “test3_multiple”$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test4_unittest2, create new module for project “test4_unittest”$ mkdir pkg3, initialize “pkg” folder$ touch lib.go$ touch lib_test.go4,add following lines in “lib.go”package pkgimpor

2020-12-20 09:39:30 118 1

原创 create Golang project with multiple returns

package mainimport "fmt"func main() { fmt.Println("Hello world .")}

2020-12-19 19:59:46 66 2

原创 create Golang project with random

1, create new project "test2_random"$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test2_random2, create new module for project "test2_random"$ cd test2_random$ mkdir main$ mkdir pkg3, initialize "main" folder$ cd main$ touch magic.goadd following lines in "mag

2020-12-16 20:27:51 78

原创 creat Golang project with function

1, create new project "test1_function"$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test1_function2, create new module for project "test1_function"$ cd test1_function$ mkdir main$ mkdir pkg3, initialize "main" folder$ cd main$ touch calculate.goadd following l

2020-12-15 20:08:30 70

原创 create first Golang project

1, create new project "test0_math"$ cd ~/project$ mkdir test0_math2, create new module for project "test0_math"$ mkdir mmath_lib$ go mod init test0_math3, add function for module "mmath_lib"$ touch calculate.go4, add following lines in func

2020-12-14 20:38:01 111

原创 Hello Golang !

1, create new folder "project" for Golang execise code$ mkdir ~/project2, create go file$ touch hello.go3, edit go file, add following lines in file "hello.go"package mainimport ( "fmt")func main() { fmt.Println("Hello Golang !")}

2020-12-14 19:07:55 83

翻译 Install Golang

Requirements: Ubuntu1, Download source package for Golang from: https://golang.org/doc/install2, click here:3, check there is a new package named "go1.15.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz" bellow Downloads folder4, install golang in your PC: $ sudo tar -C /us

2020-12-14 18:27:23 165

原创 print local time by Python3

# ============== CODE==============#!/usr/bin/python3import timetime_tick = time.time()time_date = time.localtime(time_tick)#print(time_tick, time_tick%1)print("current time: year-month-dat...

2020-03-23 11:21:29 140

原创 create thread of C++ on linux

This is a simple project on C++(ubuntu16.04), try to create a thread and define a condition_variable to notify thread to do something. I compile this project by cmake. So 2 files is needed: main.cpp &...

2019-08-12 22:08:21 317

原创 Convert dict to string in Python3

#!/usr/bin/env python3# define a dict object/dd = dict()d['0'] = 'a'd['1'] = 'b'print("type/d:", type(d), " value/d:", d)# convert dict to strings = str(d)print("type/s:", type(s), " value/s...

2019-03-28 16:24:38 628

翻译 exception in Python3

Some excercise about exception issue in Python3.5Sample Zero:#!/usr/bin/env python3try:   # hello exception !    x = input("Enter the first number: ")    y = input("Enter the second number: ")...

2018-12-19 15:17:57 187

原创 Install VScode on ubuntu

My OS is ubuntu16.04 and my laptop is 32bit, then I install Visual Studio Code1.29.1.Step 1: go to official web to download source package: https://code.visualstudio.com/DownloadStep 2: choose tha...

2018-11-27 20:11:51 587

原创 Floyd algorithm in Python3.5

#!/usr/bin/env python3# Refer to: http://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/easy-learn-algorithm/floyd.html# Comments: The Floyd algorithm can tell how much the nearest path between 2 vertex costsN = 4...

2018-08-30 15:36:28 228

原创 Dijkstra algorithm in Python3.5

#!/usr/bin/env python3# Refer to: http://wiki.jikexueyuan.com/project/easy-learn-algorithm/dijkstra.html# Comments: The Dijkstra algorithm can tell what is the shortest path and how much it cost.c...

2018-08-30 14:40:59 299

原创 mqtt client communication

I write 2 mqtt clients with Python2.7: mqtt_talk.py and mqtt_listen.py, they get publisher and subscriber inside. Take mqtt_talk.py as example, once received a mqtt message from mqtt_listen.py, it ech...

2018-08-28 18:04:32 251

原创 mqtt publish and subscribe with Python

Assume you have read some introduction papers about MQTT(like here: https://pypi.org/project/paho-mqtt/)I write 2 Python scripts with python2.7: mqtt_talk.py as publisher, mqtt_listen.py as subscrib...

2018-08-28 17:39:20 451

原创 stm32f7 CAN: loop-back communication on CAN1 and CAN2

    Struggling three days on CAN communication, tons of CAN protocol to read, but I prefer creating new project on STM32 than reading papers alone, with the reference of STM32Cube and searched informa...

2018-05-18 15:03:20 655

原创 write in and read from TXT file by python

Simple example to open a new TXT file and write down some helpful data.import timefin = open("data.txt", "w")fin.write(str(1000 * round(time.time())))fin.write("Hello Python World !")fin.write("\n")fi...

2018-05-11 15:35:45 309

原创 KNN algorithm in Python

This is a homework of Computer Vision class(2017) of Feifei Li, CS231n, Stanford University. I prefer to focus on single task of every assignment in one blog, so I will display my work for task1 in as...

2018-04-26 21:55:06 228

原创 stm32f7 TIM: input capture and PWM output

Busying with TIM function of stm32f7 these two days, I spend almost one week to get familiar with TIM and create a simple example about TIM configuration and Interruption capturing and PWM wave creati...

2018-04-23 16:06:39 638

原创 Configure Eclipse for stm32

Comes an instruction to help you create simple STM32 project in Eclipse.Requirements: Ubuntu 16.04, STM32F767IG.Source available here:

2017-12-09 20:30:11 217

原创 LSD algoritm

Once considering detect a line from image, Hough Line Detection algorithm must be the first choice, it's classic and easily to understand, but in this blog I would like to share another useful algorit

2017-10-22 09:02:21 327

原创 Publish ROS message from terminal

Here are some simple steps to make you know how to publish a ROS message in terminal by command line:Step 1: Set up roscore.Step 2: Define a ROS message in your ROS workspace, I get a nonsense mes

2017-10-09 16:58:10 397







stm32 CAN1 CAN2 loopback

an example of loop-back communication in CAN1 and CAN2 of STM32f767 board


stm32 TIM input capture and create PWM wave

it consist of two project: one for Timer input capture, another for Timer PWM wave


KNN algorithm

a short document to describe KNN algorithm, a silde


stm32 TIM input capture

a simple example to use stm32's TIM input capture function


Configure Eclipse for STM32 development

An instruction paper to help you setup Eclipse and configure its environments for creating stm32 projects, at the end, a simple LED test is available to verify the whole operation.


LSD a line detection algorithm

This is a simple example for explaining LSD algorithm, include a paper , a script and some configure files.





数字图像处理 冈萨雷斯 中文第二版




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