【电子书资源】数值方法&最优化理论&算法&凸优化 ---书籍调研(附网盘下载地址)...

  随着计算机和计算方法的飞速发展,几乎所有学科都走向定量化和精确化,从而产生了一系列计算性的学科分支,如计算物理、计算化学、计算生物学、 计算地质学、计算气象学和计算材料学等, 计算数学中的数值计算方法则是解决“计算”问题的桥梁和工具。我们知道,计算能力是计算工具和计算方法的效率的乘积, 提高计算方法的效率与提高计算机硬件的效率同样重要。科学计算已用到科学技术和社会生活的各个领域中。

     数值计算方法,是一种研究并解决数学问题的数值近似解方法, 是在计算机上使用的解数学问题的方法,简称计算方法。

     在科学研究和工程技术中都要用到各种计算方法。例如,在航天航空、地质勘探、汽车制造、桥梁设计、 天气预报和汉字字样设计中都有计算方法的踪影。

     计算方法既有数学类课程中理论上的抽象性和严谨性,又有实用性和实验性的技术特征, 计算方法是一门理论性和实践性都很强的学科。在70年代,大多数学校仅在数学系的计算数学专业和计算机系开设计算方法这门课程。随着计算机技术的迅速发展和普及, 现在计算方法课程几乎已成为所有理工科学生的必修课程。

     计算方法的计算对象是微积分,线性代数,常微分方程中的数学问题。内容包括:插值和拟合、数值微分和数值积分、求解线性方程组的直接法和迭代法、 计算矩阵特征值和特征向量和常微分方程数值解等问题。

最优化理论是关于系统的最优设计、最优控制、最优管理问题的理论与 [1] 方法。最优化,就是在一定的约束条件下,使系统具有所期待的最优功能的组织过程。是从众多可能的选择中作出最优选择,使系统的目标函数在约束条件下达到最大或最小。最优化是系统方法的基本目的。优化方法有几个基本因素:系统目标;实现目标的可能方案;实行各方案的支付代价;建立系统模型;制定系统评价标准等。现代优化理论及方法是在本世纪40年代发展起来的,其理论和方法愈来愈多,如线性规划、非线性规划、动态规划、排队论、对策论、决策论、博弈论等。


凸优化应用于很多学科领域,诸如自动控制系统,信号处理,通讯和网络,电子电路设计,数据分析和建模,统计学(最优化设计),以及金融。在近来运算能力提高和最优化理论发展的背景下,一般的凸优化已经接近简单的线性规划一样直捷易行。许多最优化问题都可以转化成凸优化(凸最小化)问题,例如求凹函数f最大值的问题就等同于求凸函数 -f最小值的问题。 [1]

「数值方法」https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/y9Kq35Rg5HP 提取码: op78 点击链接保存,或者复制本段内容,打开「阿里云盘」APP ,无需下载极速在线查看,视频原画倍速播放。

网盘 数值方法文件夹下电子书籍列表:

2022 P.Dechaumphai,  N. Wansophark - NumericalMethods in Science and Engineering Theories with MATLAB, Mathematica, Fortran,C and Python Programs-Alpha Science International Ltd. (2022)

2022 Jean-PierreCorriou - Numerical Methods and Optimization_ Theory and Practice forEngineers (Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 187)-Springer (2022)

2022 HaksunLi  PhD - Numerical Methods UsingJava_ For Data Science, Analysis, and Engineering-Apress (2022)

2021 QingkaiKong, Timmy Siauw, Alexandre M. Bayen - Python Programming and NumericalMethods. A Guide for Engineers and Scientists-Elsevier (2021)

2021 MichaelSchäfer - Computational Engineering - Introduction to Numerical Methods-Springer(2021)

2021 JamesF. Epperson - An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis-Wiley(2021)

2020 JocelynO. Padallan (Author) - Introduction to Computer Programming and NumericalMethods-Arcler Press (2020)

2020 CheolHo Hong_ Wŏn-yŏng Yang等 Applied numerical methodsusing MATLAB® (2020)

2020 AlexGezerlis - Numerical Methods in Physics with Python-Cambridge UniversityPress (2020)

2019 RajeshKumar Gupta - Numerical Methods_ Fundamentals and Applications-CambridgeUniversity Press (2019)

2019 Guenther,Ronald B._ Kharab, Abdelwahab - An introduction to numerical methods _ aMATLAB® approach-CRC Press (2019)

2018 Surana,Karan S. - Numerical methods and methods of approximation in science andengineering-Taylor & Francis (2018)

2018 B. S.Grewal - Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science_ C, C++, and MATLAB-mercuryLearning & Information (2018)

2018 (SpringerINdAM Series 29) Maurizio Falcone, Roberto Ferretti, Lars Grüne, William M.McEneaney - Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems-SpringerInternational Publishing (2018)

2018 (Mechanicalengineering and solid mechanics series._ Mathematical and mechanicalengineering set 7) Bouchaib Radi, Abdelkhalak El Hami - Advanced NumericalMethods with Matlab 2_ Resolution of Nonlinear,Differential and PartialDifferential Equations.

2017 RavishR Singh_Mukul Bhatt - Numerical and Statistical Methods for ComputerEngineering Gujarat Technological University 2017-McGraw-Hill Education(2017) 第二版

2017 RaminS. Esfandiari - Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists Using MATLAB®-CRCPress (2017)

2017 Esfandiari,Ramin S. - Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists Using MATLAB®,Second Edition.-Chapman and Hall_CRC (2017)

2016 RichardKhoury, Douglas Wilhelm Harder - Numerical Methods and Modelling forEngineering-Springer (2016)

2010(俄罗斯数学教材选译系列)Н. С. 巴赫瓦洛夫_ Н. П. 热依德科夫 - 数值方法_ 数值方法-高等教育出版社(2010)

2002VisualC++常用数值算法集 by 何光渝 (z-lib.org)

0002 GeorgeLindfield, John Penny - Numerical Methods_ Using MATLAB-AcademicPress (2019) 第四版 (中文有第三版)

0001 工程数值方法  第6版 by (美)查布拉,(美)卡纳尔著 (z-lib.org)

0001 Steven C. Chapra_ Raymond P. Canale- Numerical methods for engineers (2021) 工程数值方法第八版

0000Steven C. Chapra - Applied NumericalMethods with MatLab-McGraw-Hill (2017)

0000 Steven C. Chapra Dr. - AppliedNumerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists-McGraw-HillEducation (2017)  第四版英文版

「最优化理论与算法_凸优化_数值计算方法」https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/6zKM2cco4oc 提取码: op78 点击链接保存,或者复制本段内容,打开「阿里云盘」APP ,无需下载极速在线查看,视频原画倍速播放。

网盘 最优化理论与算法_凸优化_数值计算方法

算法精粹:经典计算机科学问题的 Python 实现 by David Kopec [Kopec, David] (z-lib.org)

Algorithms for Convex Optimization by Vishnoi, Nisheeth K. (z-lib.org)

2022 Jean-Pierre Corriou - NumericalMethods and Optimization_ Theory and Practice for Engineers (SpringerOptimization and Its Applications, 187)-Springer (2022)

2022 (Springer Optimization and ItsApplications 188) Ivan V. Sergienko, Valeriy K. Zadiraka, Oleg M. Lytvyn -Elements of the General Theory of Optimal Algorithms-Springer (2022)

2021 Nisheeth K. Vishnoi - Algorithmsfor Convex Optimization-Cambridge University Press (2021)

2021 Michael H. Veatch - Linear andConvex Optimization_ A Mathematical Approach-Wiley (2021)

2021 Kevin W. Cassel - Matrix,Numerical, and Optimization Methods in Science and Engineering-Cambridge UniversityPress (2021)

2021 Altaf Q. H. Badar - EvolutionaryOptimization Algorithms-CRC Press (2021)

2021 Algore, Matt - Machine LearningWith Python_ The Definitive Tool to Improve Your Python Programming and DeepLearning to Take You to The Next Level of Coding and Algorithms Optimization(2021)

2021 (Texts in Computer Science) AndreasAntoniou, Wu-Sheng Lu - Practical Optimization_ Algorithms and EngineeringApplications-Springer (2021)

2021 第三版(SpringerOptimization and Its Applications 67) Michael L. Bynum, Gabriel A. Hackebeil,William E. Hart, Carl D. Laird, Bethany L. Nicholson, John D. Siirola,Jean-Paul Watson, David L. Woodruff – Pyomo-Optimizationmodeling in Python Third Edition

2020最优化:建模、算法与理论 by刘浩洋 户将 李勇锋 文再文 (z-lib.org)

2020 Yu. K. Mashunin - Theory andMethods of Vector Optimization, Volume 1_ The Theory and Methods of VectorOptimization-Cambridge Scholars Publishing (2020)

2020 The MathWorks, Inc. - MATLABOptimization Toolbox™ User's Guide-The MathWorks, Inc. (2020)

2020 The MathWorks, Inc. - MATLAB GlobalOptimization Toolbox™ User's Guide-The MathWorks, Inc. (2020)

2020 Qingkai Kong, Timmy Siauw, AlexandreBayen - Python Programming and Numerical Methods_ A Guide for Engineers andScientist-Academic Press (2020)

2020 Prerna Bansal - Maths in Chemistry_Numerical Methods for Physical and Analytical Chemistry-Walter de GruyterGmbH & Co KG (2020)

2020 Pammy Manchanda_ Rene Pierre Lozi_Abul Hasan Siddiqi - Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Analytic andNumerical Solutions-Springer (2020)

2020 Karl F. Warnick - Numerical Methodsfor Engineering_ An introduction using MATLAB® and computational electromagneticsexamples (Electromagnetic Waves)-Scitech Publishing (2020)

2020 Jocelyn O. Padallan (Author) - Introductionto Computer Programming and Numerical Methods-Arcler Press (2020)

2020 G. R. Sinha, Ahmed Sirajuddin,Chamorshikar Rajesh, Choubey Siddharth, Choubey Abha - Modern OptimizationMethods for Science, Engineering and Technology-IOP Publishing (2020)

2020 Alex Gezerlis - Numerical Methodsin Physics with Python-Cambridge University Press (2020)

2020 (de Gruyter Stem) Dingyü Xue - SolvingOptimization Problems with MATLAB (De Gruyter STEM)-De Gruyter (2020)

2020 (Texts in Computer Science) AndreasAntoniou, Wu-Sheng Lu - Practical Optimization. Algorithms and engineeringapplications.-Springer (2020)

2020 (Springer Tracts on Transportation andTraffic 15) Alexander Krylatov, Victor Zakharov, Tero Tuovinen - OptimizationModels and Methods for Equilibrium Traffic Assignment-Springer

2020 (Springer Optimization and ItsApplications) Zaslavski, Alexander J. - Convex Optimization withComputational Errors-Springer (2020)

2020 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)Anand J. Kulkarni, Suresh Chandra Satapathy - Optimization in MachineLearning and Applications-Springer Singapore (2020)

2019 Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Tim A. Wheeler- Algorithms for Optimization (The MIT Press)-The MIT Press (2019)

2019 George Lindfield, John Penny - Numerical Methods_ Using MATLAB-AcademicPress (2019)

2019 Ancău, Mircea - Practical Optimization with MATLAB-CambridgeScholars Publishing (2019)

2019.9计算方法及其应用 by 王洋、程晓亮、滕飞 (z-lib.org)

2019 (Springer Tracts on Transportation andTraffic 15) Alexander Krylatov, Victor Zakharov, Tero Tuovinen -Optimization Models and Methods for Equilibrium Traffic Assignment-SpringerInternational Publishing

2019 (Springer INdAM Series 35) CarlottaGiannelli, Hendrik Speleers - Advanced Methods for Geometric Modeling andNumerical Simulation-Springer International Publishing (2019)

2019 (International Series in OperationsResearch & Management Science 282) H. A. Eiselt, Carl-Louis Sandblom - NonlinearOptimization _ Methods and Applications-Springer International Publishing(2019)

2018 最优化基础理论与方法(第二版) by 王燕军 梁治安 崔雪婷 (z-lib.org)

2017 Steven C. Chapra - AppliedNumerical Methods with MatLab-McGraw-Hill (2017)

2019 Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Tim A. Wheeler- Algorithms for Optimization-The MIT Press (2019)

2017 James Evans - OptimizationAlgorithms for Networks and Graphs, Second Edition,-CRC Press_Taylor andFrancis (2017)

2017 Esfandiari, Ramin S. - NumericalMethods for Engineers and Scientists Using MATLAB®, Second Edition.-Chapmanand Hall_CRC (2017)

2017 Alexandre L. Madureira - NumericalMethods and Analysis of Multiscale Problems-Springer (2017)

2017 (it-ebooks-2017) it-ebooks - Convex Optimization (Stanford CVX101)-iBookerit-ebooks (2017)

2017 (Chapman & Hall_CRC NumericalAnalysis and Scientific Computing Series) James Patrick Howard II - Computationalmethods for numerical analysis with R-Chapman and Hall__CRC Press (2017)

2017 (Cambridge Series in ChemicalEngineering) Kevin D. Dorfman, Prodromos Daoutidis - Numerical Methods withChemical Engineering Applications-Cambridge University Press (2017)

2016 Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe - AdditionalExercises for Convex Optimization (with Solutions) (2016)

2016.8数值计算方法与算法(第三版) by 张韵华 等 (z-lib.org)

2016 (Springer Optimization and ItsApplications 108) Alexander J. Zaslavski (auth.) - Numerical Optimizationwith Computational Errors-Springer International Publishing (2016)

2015 Dimitri P. Bertsekas - ConvexOptimization Algorithms (for Algorithmix)-Athena Scientific (2015)

2015 (EBL-Schweitzer) Gupta, Abhishek - NumericalMethods using MATLAB-Apress (2015)

2013.11.21 Classical and ModernNumerical Analysis_ Theory, Methods and Practice-Chapman and Hall/CRC

2013 (信息技术和电气工程学科国际知名教材中译本系列) Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe - 凸优化-清华大学出版社 (2013)

2013 (Wiley Series in Discrete Mathematicsand Optimization)2013 Edwin K. P. Chong, Stanislaw H. Zak - An Introductionto Optimization-Wiley (2013)

2013 运筹学与最优化方法 by 吴祈宗,侯福均(z-lib.org)

2012精通MATLAB最优化计算第2版 by 龚纯,王正林(z-lib.org)

2012最优化理论与算法习题解答 by陈宝林 (z-lib.org)

2009S. Boyd, L. Vandenberghe - ConvexOptimization [math] (corr.)-Cambridge (2009)

2008非线性优化计算方法 by 袁亚湘 YUAN YA XIANG (z-lib.org)

2006 (Springer series in operationsresearch) Jorge Nocedal, Stephen Wright - Numerical Optimization-Springer(2006)

2005 最优化理论与算法 by 陈宝林 (z-lib.org)

1997最优化理论与方法 by 袁亚湘孙文瑜著 (z-lib.org)





The End





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