

今天给大家分享一款微观山水的Flux LORA模型:数字中国风,这是一款将中国古典山水画的唯美意境与现代艺术表现手法的完美融合,呈现出一个如梦似幻的境界和超梦幻视觉体验的flux-lora模型。展现出中国古典风格的数字科技插图艺术创作。

  • 基础触发词:huajuan

  • L加粗样式ORA权重:0.8-1

  • 推荐步数:30 ~ 40步

  • 提示词:提示词前面建议加“This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface.”。

数字中国风 ComfyUI体验



  • FLUX.1模型

  • 数字中国风:

  • 工作流-Flux文|图生图+LORA+CN+提示反推一键切换工作流:


01. 书画卷轴

huajuan,This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface., This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface. The scroll, A transparent rice paper scroll with bioluminescence,featuring a Qingming Riverside Map,miniature landscape,axial photography,8k resolution,night view,volumetric light,mystery,transparent golden light,high resolution,and realistic details,.


02. 山水卷轴

huajuan,This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface., This is a highly detailed digital illustration depicting a serene, traditional Chinese landscape scene. The central focus is a small, ornate, red-roofed pavilion with a single, slender, golden spire, situated on a tranquil lake. The pavilion is surrounded by lush, green trees and a winding stone path leading to its entrance. The background features majestic, snow-capped mountains in the distance, their peaks shrouded in mist, and a serene sky with wispy clouds. The foreground is dominated by a large, rolled-up scroll, which is the primary subject of the illustration. The scroll is intricately designed with Chinese characters and intricate, flowing patterns, adding a sense of cultural significance and historical depth. The colors are predominantly warm and earthy, with shades of gold, red, and green, complemented by cool blues and whites in the sky and water. The texture of the scroll is smooth and glossy, while the landscape is rendered with fine, delicate lines and soft, blended gradients, giving it a realistic yet ethereal quality. The overall style is a blend of traditional Chinese art and modern digital illustration, emphasizing both cultural heritage and artistic innovation.



03. 小桥流水人家

huajuan,This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface., This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface. The scroll, a warm beige color with delicate golden accents, is bathed in a soft, diffused light that seems to emanate from an unseen source. The light plays gently over the intricate imagery, casting delicate shadows and highlighting the texture of the paper. On the scroll unfolds a scene of a charming landscape with a small bridge arching over a gentle stream. The bridge is made of weathered wood, and as the light falls on it, the grain of the wood is brought to life, with shadows pooling in the crevices. Under the bridge, the water flows smoothly, reflecting the blue sky and surrounding greenery. The sunlight filters through the trees, creating dappled patterns on the surface of the stream. The water sparkles and shimmers where the light touches it, while in the shadows, it takes on a deeper, more mysterious hue. Along the banks, there are small houses with tiled roofs and white walls. The sunlight catches the edges of the tiles, creating a warm glow, while the shadows beneath the eaves add depth and contrast. In the yards, potted plants and drying laundry are illuminated by patches of sunlight, while the areas in shadow create a sense of stillness and tranquility. The surrounding landscape is filled with lush trees, their leaves in various shades of green. As the light filters through the foliage, it creates a play of light and shadow, with bright spots of sunlight contrasting with the cool shadows beneath the branches. In the distance, misty mountains rise, partially obscured by a veil of haze. The sunlight gives the mountains a soft, ethereal glow, while the shadows add a sense of mystery and grandeur. The calligraphic inscriptions on the scroll are written in an elegant script, and the light catches the edges of the characters, making them stand out against the background. The reflective surface beneath the scroll mirrors the scene perfectly, enhancing the dreamlike quality of the illustration. The interplay of light and shadow throughout the image creates a sense of depth and realism, inviting the viewer to step into this serene and inviting world.


04. 书山游玩

huajuan,This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface., Adorable Chinese little girl with big black eyes, delicate features, and rosy cheeks, wearing a traditional qipao dress with intricate embroidery, sitting on a wooden swing in a courtyard, surrounded by lush greenery and blooming flowers, her long black hair tied up with a red ribbon, a gentle breeze making the swing sway, the sun is shining warmly, casting playful shadows on the cobblestone ground, the atmosphere is serene and joyful, the background includes a traditional Chinese pavilion and a small pond with koi fish, the whole scene is depicted in a soft, pastel color palette, with a touch of realism and a hint of whimsy, capturing the essence of a peaceful childhood moment in a tranquil Chinese garden.



05. 北国风光

huajuan,This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface., This is a highly detailed, digital illustration depicting an ancient scroll unrolled on a reflective surface. The scroll, painted with meticulous care, brings to life a captivating scene of a winter landscape blanketed in fresh snow. The sky is painted in a soft, icy blue, with the last light of the day casting a gentle glow over the serene white expanse. The air is crisp, and the snowfall has ceased, leaving behind a pristine, untouched blanket of white that stretches as far as the eye can see. In the foreground, the silhouettes of ancient Chinese villages are visible, their rooftops dusted with snow, and their walls adorned with intricate, traditional designs that stand out against the snowy backdrop. The houses are nestled among bare, snow-covered trees, their branches heavy with snow, creating a scene of quiet solitude and natural beauty. The landscape itself is a harmonious blend of rolling hills, frozen rivers, and snow-covered fields, all of which are painted with a fine attention to detail that captures the essence of traditional Chinese winter scenes. The use of light and shadow is masterful, creating a sense of depth and dimension that makes the scene come alive. The reflective surface beneath the scroll adds to the overall effect, mirroring the soft, icy hues and subtle details of the snow-covered landscape, and enhancing the sense of tranquility and peace that pervades the entire illustration. The result is a digital artwork that captures the beauty and serenity of a traditional Chinese winter scene, inviting the viewer to lose themselves in the quiet, contemplative atmosphere of the moment.


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