WordEngEnter是开源跨平台C++游戏引擎,支持DX12和Vulkan渲染器的光线跟踪和路径跟踪。Wicked engine既可以作为构建自己游戏引擎的底层框架,也可以作为自己的完全功能引擎,它增强了以下功能:
- DirectX 11, DirectX 12 & Vulkan renderers
- Image rendering,animation : 2D,3D space
- Font rendering (True Type)
- Networking (UDP)
- meshes,objects,armatures,animation,materials,lights,hit-spheres,wind,world info,dynamic cameras,ribbon trails,particle systems
- 3D mesh rendering
- Skeletal animation
- Physically based materials
- Animated texturing
- Normal mapping
- Displacement mapping
- Parallax occlusion mapping
- Real time planar reflections
- Cube map reflections (static and real time)
- Refractions (screen space, blurred)
- Interactive Water
- Gaussian Blur
- Bloom
- Edge outline
- Motion Blur
- Lens Flare
- Light shafts
- Bokeh Depth of Field
- Chromatic aberration
- Multithreaded rendering
- Tessellation (silhouette smoothing, displacement mapping)
- GPU-based particles (emit from point, mesh, animated mesh)
- Soft particles
- Hair particle systems (grass/vegetation)
- Instanced rendering
- MSAA (Forward rendering only)
- TAA (Temporal Antialiasing)
- Supersampling
- Deferred shading
- Directional lights + cascaded shadow maps
- Spotlights + shadow maps
- Point lights + shadow cubemaps
- Soft shadows (PCF)
- BULLET Physics: rigid body, soft body
- 3D Audio (Xaudio2)
- Input: keyboard, mouse, controller (rawinput, xinput), touch
- Controller feedback (vibration, LED)
- Backlog: log,input,scripting
- Gamma correct, HDR rendering
- Resource Manager
- Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO, HBAO, MSAO)
- Screen Space Reflections
- Skin shader (Subsurface scattering)
- Stencil layering
- Deferred decals
- Forward decals
- Color Grading
- Sharpen filter
- Eye adaption
- Lua Scripting
- Dynamic environment mapping
- Impostor system
- Tiled forward (Forward+) rendering (+2.5D culling)
- Tiled deferred rendering
- Occlusion culling with GPU queries
- Texture atlas packing
- Tiled decals
- Area lights: Sphere, Disc, Rectangle, Tube
- Frame Profiler
- Voxel Global Illumination
- Huge draw distance support with reversed Z-buffer
- Force Fields GPU simulation
- Particle - Depth Buffer collisions
- Ocean simulation (FFT)
- Translucent shadows
- Refraction caustics
- Local parallax-corrected environment maps
- Volumetric light scattering
- Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Fluid Simulation
- Ray tracing, path tracing (on GPU)
- Entity-Component System (Data oriented design)
- Lightmap baking (with GPU path tracing)
- Job system
- Inverse Kinematics
- Springs
- Terrain Rendering (material blending)