关于 AtlasSprite & AtlasSpriteManager
AtlasSprite 可当作sprite
AtlasSprite has all the features from CocosNode with the following additions and limitations:
- New features
- It is MUCH faster than Sprite
- supports flipX, flipY
- Limitations
- Their parent can only be an AtlasSpriteManager
- They can't have children
- Camera is not supported yet (eg: OrbitCamera action doesn't work)
- GridBase actions are not supported (eg: Lens, Ripple, Twirl)
- The Alias/Antialias property belongs to AtlasSpriteManager, so you can't individually set the aliased property.
- The Blending function property belongs to AtlasSpriteManager, so you can't individually set the blending function property.
- Parallax scroller is not supported, but can be simulated with a "proxy" sprite.
我也不知道 。。。。。。。。
字面意思 管理AtlasSprite用的
1 先创建AtlasSpriteManager类对象 :
AtlasSpriteManager *m_spriteManager = [AtlasSpriteManager spriteManagerWithFile:@"GradeColor.png"];
2 创建CGRect变量 该变量用于从m_spriteManager 中截取对应的部分。
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(<#CGFloat x#>, <#CGFloat y#>, <#CGFloat width#>, <#CGFloat height#>);
3 从m_spriteManager中开始截取, 并且返回AtlasSprite类对象:
AtlasSprite* sp = [AtlasSprite spriteWithRect:rect spriteManager:m_spriteManager];