
Comand-line Installation

Use the ActiveState ppm-shell:

  • Open a cmd window by going to Start >> Run and typing 'cmd' and pressing return.
  • Do
C:> ppm-shell
  • Make sure you have the module PPM-Repositories. Try installing it:
ppm> install PPM-Repositories
  • For BioPerl 1.6.1, we require at least the following repositories. You may have some present already.
ppm> repo add
ppm> repo add uwinnipeg
ppm> repo add trouchelle
Because you have installed  PPM-Repositories, PPM will know your Perl version, and select the correct repo from the table above.
  • Install BioPerl (not "bioperl").
ppm> install BioPerl

If you are running ActiveState Perl 5.10, you may have a glitch involving SOAP::Lite. Use the following workaround:

  • Get the index numbers for your active repositories:
ppm> repo

│ id │ pkgs  │ name                           │
│  1 │ 11431 │ ActiveState Package Repository │
│  2 │    14 │                    │
│  3 │   291 │ uwinnipeg                      │
│  4 │ 11755 │ trouchelle                     │
  • Execute the following commands. (The session here is based on the above table. Substitute the correct index numbers for your situation.)
rem -turn off ActiveState, trouchelle repos
ppm> repo off 1
ppm> repo off 4
rem -to get SOAP-Lite-0.69 from uwinnipeg...
ppm> install SOAP-Lite
rem -turn ActiveState, trouchelle back on...
ppm> repo on 1
ppm> repo on 4
rem -now try...
ppm> install BioPerl

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With its highly developed capacity to detect patterns in data, Perl has become one of the most popular languages for biological data analysis. But if you're a biologist with little or no programming experience, starting out in Perl can be a challenge. Many biologists have a difficult time learning how to apply the language to bioinformatics. The most popular Perl programming books are often too theoretical and too focused on computer science for a non-programming biologist who needs to solve very specific problems., Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics is designed to get you quickly over the Perl language barrier by approaching programming as an important new laboratory skill, revealing Perl programs and techniques that are immediately useful in the lab. Each chapter focuses on solving a particular bioinformatics problem or class of problems, starting with the simplest and increasing in complexity as the book progresses. Each chapter includes programming exercises and teaches bioinformatics by showing and modifying programs that deal with various kinds of practical biological problems. By the end of the book you'll have a solid understanding of Perl basics, a collection of programs for such tasks as parsing BLAST and GenBank, and the skills to take on more advanced bioinformatics programming. Some of the later chapters focus in greater detail on specific bioinformatics topics. This book is suitable for use as a classroom textbook, for self-study, and as a reference., The book covers:, Programming basics and working with DNA sequences and strings, Debugging your code, Simulating gene mutations using random number generators, Regular expressions and finding motifs in data, Arrays, hashes, and relational databases, Regular expressions and restriction maps, Using Perl to parse PDB records, annotations in GenBank, and BLAST output




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