Tutorial of the Website "Awesome of COVID-19"

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My Ph.D. project will focus on the application of spatial technology in Spatial Lifecourse Epidemiology. With the pandemic of COVID-19, I built up a website, “Awesome of COVID-19”, which collected the related resources of COVID-19 researches. This article is the tutorial of this website.

Snap spot of the website.

Url of the Weibsite? Click it

1 The tutorial of the website

I developed this website by docsite. The website consists of four pages including Home, Resources, Work, and Community. Besides, there are two buttons including language and search.

Once you click the ‘language’ button, the language of this website will convert to another language (Chinese/English).

The search button could be used for searching the correlated information in the Google search engine.

As for another four buttons, we could explore the website of home, resources, work, and community according to clicking the corresponding button. We will introduce the four detailed pages in the next section.

1 Homepage

The page of Home includes six parts. The first part is the title, and introduction of this website. Besides, it also include the two buttons, ‘Quick Start’, and ‘View on Github’.

Once you click the ‘Quick Start’ button, you will jump to the ‘ISLE’ page of this website.

On the other hand, the source code of this website is stored by the Github repository, Awesome COVID-19. If you click the ‘View on Github’ button, you will see all the source code of this website.

The second part is the overview of the COVID-19 time series data. You could explore the time series plot of COVID-19 confirmed and death cases. The plot was generated by Python language and Matplotlib. Besides, I also list all the sources of COVID-19 data that were used for generating the plot.

The third part list all the possible research topics of our modeling analysis of COVID-19 including Spatial Lifecourse Epidemiology, GIS, Satellite and Remote Sensing, GPS and Sensors, Statistics, and Machine Learning.

The fourth part shows the snap spot of a COVID-19 shiny app that was developed by me. You could explore the dashboard shiny app of COVID-19 by clicking the ‘READ MORE’ button. The detailed information about this Shiny app will be introduced in the next sections.

The fifth part is the list of contributors. If you want to become the contributors to the website, please contact me via E-mails and fork my Github repository.

The last part lists the quick links of correlated websites and resources. Besides, I also provide a globe which could show the location of the visitors of the website.

2 Resources

The resources page consists of various research resources that I collected. I divided the resources into different types including ISLE, Resources hub, Academic paper letter and news, Clinic Medicine Resources, Virology and Biology Resources, Epidemiology Resources, Comprehensive Research, Economic, Urban planning and Governance correlated Resources, Data, Visualization, Platform, Tools, Organizations, Journal special issues, Competitions, Lecture, Funding application, and Sustainable cities & mobility. I will introduce the detailed information about these resources by a short sentence. Besides, the resources include both Chinese and English resources.

  • Academic paper letter and news include the academic letter of a published paper or scientific reports, and the news about COVID-19.

  • Clinic Medicine Resources include the studies about radiology and clinic medicine.

  • Virology and Biology Resources include the studies about the virology and biology that developed from the laboratory.

  • Epidemiology Resources include the studies about the modeling spreading analysis, epidemiological analysis, risk assessment, and evaluation intervention of COVID-19.

  • Comprehensive Research includes the studies about cross-disciplinary research or different aspects of COVID-19.

  • Economic, Urban planning and Governance correlated Resources include the studies about economic, urban planning, and governance for the pandemic of COVID-19.

  • Data, Visualization, Platform, Tools include the data, visualization, platform and tools of COVID-19.

  • Organizations include the new organization of COVID-19 which is built up during the pandemic.

  • Journal special issues include the related specials of COVID-19 in different journals.

  • Competition includes the competitions about the COVID-19.

  • Lecture includes the lecture, speech, and course of COVID-19.

  • Funding application includes the application of funding which is related to COVID-19.

  • Sustainable cities & mobility is an open volunteer organization for the sustainable development of China which was built up by Daizong Liu. It includes all the WeChat articles about COVID-19.

3 Work

This page will deploy all the post articles about the short introduction to our work of COVID-19 related studies. All the recent COVID-19 related studies of our team will be introduced in these articles.

4 Community

The community display all the articles of our work according to events or news.



The spatial lifecourse epidemiology is the main theory of our team for supporting the analysis of COVID-19. I list the two main directions of our study for this pandemic of COVID-19 including the map of COVID-19, and modeling analysis of COVID-19. I also list the possible keywords for our study.

Finally, there are some ways to contact me and the guide for contributors.

2 COVID-19 Shiny app

I used R and Shiny correlated packages to develop a COVID-19 Shiny app to display the pandemic of COVID-19. I used the data which is collected by the Johns Hopkins University to construct a real-time dashboard of COVID-19 including the map of the distribution of COVID-19 confirmed and death cases (developed by mapbox), the interactive scatter plot of COVID-19 confirmed and death cases time-series data (developed by plotly), and the rank of the top 10 serious countries during the pandemic of COVID-19.


Besides, I developed a single dashboard for the COVID-19 confirmed and death cases in China including the map of the distribution of COVID-19 confirmed and death cases (developed by mapbox), and the interactive Voronoi Treemap of COVID-19 confirmed and death cases (developed by D3).

Finally, I design the interactive rank list of COVID-19 confirmed and death cases. You could type the random number n (n is from 0 to 187) in the box and show the detailed information of the top serious n countries during the pandemic of COVID-19.

3 Further Work

The further work of COVID-19 is still working on.

WIPO发布了新报告“2019年科技趋势之人工智能”。人工智能(AI)正日益推动技术发展,从自动驾驶汽车到医学诊断,再到先进制造。 人工智能正从理论转向商业应用 自20世纪50年代人工智能出现以来,创新者和研究人员已经提交了近34万项与人工智能相关的发明申请,出版了160多万份科技出版物。特别是来自日本、美国和中国的公司,在专利活动中占主导地位。 在前30位人工智能专利申请人中,有26家是公司,只有4家是大学或公共研究机构。拥有人工智能相关专利最多的20家公司中有12家位于日本,3家来自美国,2家来自中国。 IBM拥有最多的人工智能专利申请(8,290项),其次是微软(5,930项)。排名前靠前的还有东芝(5,223项)、三星(5,102项)和NEC(4,406项)。2013-2016年,中国国家电网公司跃居前20名,其专利投入平均每年增加70%。尤其是在生物发电机器学习技术方面。 大学对人工智能的研究做出了重要贡献,中国的大学占主导地位。在人工智能专利申请的前20名学术参与者中有17家是中国机构,在与人工智能相关的科技出版物中有10家是中国机构。在新兴的深度学习技术方面,中国尤其强大。主要的公共研究机构是中国科学院(CAS),拥有2500多个专利组合,发表了2万多篇人工智能科学论文。而且,CAS拥有最大的深度学习组合(235个专利家族)。中国企业正在巩固领先地位,2013-2016年,专利投资平均每年增长20%以上。 报告还分析了并购活动。自1998年以来,共有434家人工智能公司被收购,其中53%是2016年以来进行的。Alphabet在收购AI公司方面排名第一,苹果和微软也一直在积极收购。




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