Building Coder(Revit 二次开发) - 拓扑表面(Toposurface)内部和边界点

原文链接: Toposurface Interior and Boundary Points







/// <summary>
/// For each point of the given mesh,
/// determine how many triangles it belongs to.
/// </summary>
void DetermineTriangleCountForPoints( Mesh mesh )
  int np = mesh.Vertices.Count;
  int nt = mesh.NumTriangles;
  Debug.Print( "Mesh has {0} point{1} and {2} triangle{3}.",
    np, PluralSuffix( np ), nt, PluralSuffix( nt ) );
  MapVertexToTriangleIndices map
    = new MapVertexToTriangleIndices();
  for( int i = 0; i < nt; ++i )
    MeshTriangle t = mesh.get_Triangle( i );
    for( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
      map.AddVertex( t.get_Vertex( j ), i );
  List<XYZ> pts = new List<XYZ>( map.Keys );
  pts.Sort( Compare );
  foreach( XYZ p in pts )
    int n = map[p].Count;
    Debug.Print( "  vertex {0} belongs to {1} triangle{2}",
      PointString( p ), n, PluralSuffix( n ) );

TopographySurface 128689:
Mesh has 6 points and 5 triangles.
  (-35.952648163, -68.290878296, 0.000000000)
    belongs to 3 triangles and is therefore interior
  (-34.969902039, -57.134258270, 0.000000000)
    belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore exterior
  (-24.212404251, -76.898384094, 0.000000000)
    belongs to 2 triangles and is therefore exterior
  (-23.932262421, -60.340045929, 0.000000000)
    belongs to 3 triangles and is therefore interior
  (-23.100381851, -69.003776550, 0.000000000)
    belongs to 4 triangles and is therefore exterior
  (-14.513459206, -65.842926025, 0.000000000)
    belongs to 2 triangles and is therefore exterior

能给我建议一个可行的区分边界点和内部点的方法吗?Revit 有这个功能,但是我不知道它是怎么做到的。顺便问一句:在 Revit 里是否有办法显示网格三角形,甚至它们的索引。

目前没有原生的 Revit API 实现这个功能。我们知道目前的拓扑表面 API 有些缺陷,不过这里有个 convex hull algorithms 算法你可以尝试一下。

记住,如果你只是想找边界,那么知道拓扑表面的 XY 位置就足够了,Z 坐标应该是可忽略的。

Revit 内部判断一个网格边界使用了如下算法:



  1. 为每个网格顶点判断其所属的三角形数量。这一步和你在 DetermineTriangleCountForPoints 中实现一样。但是正如你发现的,仅依赖这个信息是不够的。
  2. 判断一个边缘是否是内部边缘。代码如方法 DetermineTriangleCountForEdges 所示。


例如,方法 DetermineTriangleCountForEdges 就是基于一个帮助类来代表一个三角形边缘,这个帮助类包含完整的对应边缘的XYZ起始点和结束点。

public class MeshTriangleEdge
  public XYZ A { get; set; }
  public XYZ B { get; set; }
  public MeshTriangleEdge( XYZ a, XYZ b )
    int d = Compare( a, b );
    Debug.Assert( 0 != d, "expected non-equal edge vertices" );
    A = ( 0 < d ) ? a : b;
    B = ( 0 < d ) ? b : a;
/// <summary>
/// Manage a mesh triangle edge by storing the
/// index of the mesh vertex corresponing to
/// the edge start and end point.
/// For reliable comparison purposes, the
/// lower index is always stored in A and
/// the higher in B.
/// </summary>
public class JtEdge
  public int A { get; set; }
  public int B { get; set; }
  public JtEdge( int a, int b )
    Debug.Assert( a != b, "expected non-equal edge vertices" );
    A = ( a < b ) ? a : b;
    B = ( a < b ) ? b : a;
方法 ClassifyPoints 实现了判断一个点是内部点还是边界点的第三步。如果一个点所属的边缘都是内部边缘,则该点为内部点。如果其中有一条所属边缘是边界边缘,则该点为边界点。

我使用了多个自定义的字典帮助类来简化代码。一个是 MapEdgeToTriangles,它映射一个网格三角形边缘到一组顶点,每个顶点又包含其所属的所有三角形。

/// <summary>
/// Map mesh triangle edges to a list of the
/// indices of all the triangles they belong to.
/// </summary>
class MapEdgeToTriangles
  : Dictionary<JtEdge, List<int>>
  public MapEdgeToTriangles()
    : base( new JtEdgeEqualityComparer() )
  /// <summary>
  /// Add a new edge.
  /// If it is already known, append the triangle
  /// index of the current triangle. Otherwise,
  /// generate a new key for it.
  /// </summary>
  public void AddEdge(
    JtEdge e,
    int triangleIndex )
    if( !ContainsKey( e ) )
      Add( e, new List<int>( 2 ) );
    ( this )[e].Add( triangleIndex );
另外一个帮助类是 MapVertexToEdges,映射一个网格顶点的索引到该顶点所属的一组边缘。
/// <summary>
/// Map mesh vertex index to a list of the edges
/// the vertex belongs to.
/// </summary>
class MapVertexToEdges
  : Dictionary<int, List<JtEdge>>
  public MapVertexToEdges( int capacity )
    : base( capacity )
  /// <summary>
  /// Append a new edge for a given vertex.
  /// If the vertex is new, generate a new key for it.
  /// </summary>
  public void AddVertexEdge(
    int vertexIndex,
    JtEdge e )
    if( !ContainsKey( vertexIndex ) )
      Add( vertexIndex, new List<JtEdge>( 2 ) );
    ( this )[vertexIndex].Add( e );


/// <summary>
/// For each point of the given mesh,
/// determine whether it is interior or boundary.
/// The algorithm goes like this:
/// Every triangle edge belongs to either one or two triangles,
/// depending on whether it it boundary or interior.
/// For each edge, determine whether it is boundary
/// or interior. A point is interior if all of the edges it
/// belongs to are interior.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A dictionary mapping each mesh vertex index
/// to a Boolean which is true if the corresponding point
/// is interior and false if it is on the boundary</returns>
Dictionary<int, bool> ClassifyPoints( Mesh mesh )
  int nv = mesh.Vertices.Count;
  int nt = mesh.NumTriangles;
  int i, n;
  Debug.Print( "\nClassifyPoints: mesh has {0} point{1} and {2} triangle{3}:",
    nv, PluralSuffix( nv ), nt, PluralSuffix( nt ) );
  // set up a map to determine the vertex
  // index of a given triangle vertex;
  // this is needed because the
  // MeshTriangle.get_Vertex method
  // returns the XYZ but not the index,
  // and we base our edges on the index:
  Dictionary<XYZ, int> vertexIndex
    = new Dictionary<XYZ, int>( nv, new XyzEqualityComparer() );
  for( i = 0; i < nv; ++i )
    XYZ p = mesh.Vertices[i];
    Debug.Print( "  mesh vertex {0}: {1}", i, PointString( p ) );
    vertexIndex[p] = i;
  // set up a map to determine which
  // edges a given vertex belongs to:
  MapVertexToEdges vertexEdges
    = new MapVertexToEdges( nv );
  // set up a map to determine which
  // triangles a given edge belongs to;
  // this is used to determine the edge's
  // interior or boundary status:
  MapEdgeToTriangles map
    = new MapEdgeToTriangles();
  for( i = 0; i < nt; ++i )
    MeshTriangle t = mesh.get_Triangle( i );
    for( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
      // get the start and end vertex
      // of the current triangle edge:
      int a = vertexIndex[t.get_Vertex( 0 == j ? 2 : j - 1 )];
      int b = vertexIndex[t.get_Vertex( j )];
      JtEdge e = new JtEdge( a, b );
      map.AddEdge( e, i );
      vertexEdges.AddVertexEdge( a, e );
      vertexEdges.AddVertexEdge( b, e );
  int nBoundaryEdges;
  int nInteriorPoints = 0;
  Dictionary<int, bool> dict = new Dictionary<int,bool>( nv );
  Debug.Print( "Classify the {0} point{1}:", nv, PluralSuffix( nv ) );
  for( i = 0; i < nv; ++i )
    nBoundaryEdges = 0;
    n = vertexEdges[i].Count;
    nBoundaryEdges = vertexEdges[i].Count<JtEdge>(
      e => 1 == map[e].Count );
    dict[i] = ( 0 == nBoundaryEdges );
    XYZ p = mesh.Vertices[i];
    if( 0 == nBoundaryEdges )
    Debug.Print( "  point {0} {1} belongs to {2} edge{3}, "
      + "{4} interior and {5} boundary and is therefore {6}",
      i, PointString( p ), n, PluralSuffix( n ),
      n - nBoundaryEdges, nBoundaryEdges,
      ( 0 == nBoundaryEdges ? "interior" : "boundary" ) );
  Debug.Print( "{0} boundary and {1} interior points detected.",
    nv - nInteriorPoints, nInteriorPoints );
  return dict;

1. 一个三角形
2. 一个包含四个边界点的四边形
3. 另外一个多包含一个内部点的四边形
4. 一个大的包含26个点的拓扑表面

TopographySurface 128701:

ClassifyPoints: mesh has 3 points and 1 triangle:
  mesh vertex 0: (-14.39,11.53,0)
  mesh vertex 1: (2.81,12.55,0)
  mesh vertex 2: (-7.4,22.76,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 0: (-14.39,11.53,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 1: (2.81,12.55,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 2: (-7.4,22.76,0)
Classify the 3 edges:
  edge 0->1 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 0->2 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 1->2 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
Classify the 3 points:
  point 0 (-14.39,11.53,0) belongs to 2 edges, 0 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 1 (2.81,12.55,0) belongs to 2 edges, 0 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 2 (-7.4,22.76,0) belongs to 2 edges, 0 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
3 boundary and 0 interior points detected.

TopographySurface 128712:

ClassifyPoints: mesh has 4 points and 2 triangles:
  mesh vertex 0: (25.45,10.77,0)
  mesh vertex 1: (25.01,23.65,0)
  mesh vertex 2: (38.32,11.22,0)
  mesh vertex 3: (38.77,24.09,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 0: (25.01,23.65,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 1: (25.45,10.77,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 2: (38.32,11.22,0)
  triangle 1 vertex 0: (38.32,11.22,0)
  triangle 1 vertex 1: (38.77,24.09,0)
  triangle 1 vertex 2: (25.01,23.65,0)
Classify the 5 edges:
  edge 0->1 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 0->2 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 1->2 belongs to 2 triangles and is therefore interior
  edge 1->3 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 2->3 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
Classify the 4 points:
  point 0 (25.45,10.77,0) belongs to 2 edges, 0 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 1 (25.01,23.65,0) belongs to 4 edges, 2 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 2 (38.32,11.22,0) belongs to 4 edges, 2 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 3 (38.77,24.09,0) belongs to 2 edges, 0 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
4 boundary and 0 interior points detected.

TopographySurface 128718:

ClassifyPoints: mesh has 5 points and 4 triangles:
  mesh vertex 0: (80.05,28.53,0)
  mesh vertex 1: (63.18,39.63,0)
  mesh vertex 2: (84.49,41.85,0)
  mesh vertex 3: (75.61,52.06,0)
  mesh vertex 4: (98.7,45.84,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 0: (75.61,52.06,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 1: (63.18,39.63,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 2: (84.49,41.85,0)
  triangle 1 vertex 0: (80.05,28.53,0)
  triangle 1 vertex 1: (98.7,45.84,0)
  triangle 1 vertex 2: (84.49,41.85,0)
  triangle 2 vertex 0: (84.49,41.85,0)
  triangle 2 vertex 1: (98.7,45.84,0)
  triangle 2 vertex 2: (75.61,52.06,0)
  triangle 3 vertex 0: (80.05,28.53,0)
  triangle 3 vertex 1: (84.49,41.85,0)
  triangle 3 vertex 2: (63.18,39.63,0)
Classify the 8 edges:
  edge 0->1 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 0->2 belongs to 2 triangles and is therefore interior
  edge 0->4 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 1->2 belongs to 2 triangles and is therefore interior
  edge 1->3 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 2->3 belongs to 2 triangles and is therefore interior
  edge 2->4 belongs to 2 triangles and is therefore interior
  edge 3->4 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
Classify the 5 points:
  point 0 (80.05,28.53,0) belongs to 4 edges, 2 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 1 (63.18,39.63,0) belongs to 4 edges, 2 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 2 (84.49,41.85,0) belongs to 8 edges, 8 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 3 (75.61,52.06,0) belongs to 4 edges, 2 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 4 (98.7,45.84,0) belongs to 4 edges, 2 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
4 boundary and 1 interior points detected.

TopographySurface 128725:

ClassifyPoints: mesh has 26 points and 39 triangles:
  mesh vertex 0: (-87.01,-44.72,0)
  mesh vertex 1: (-75.47,-26.96,0)
  . . .
  mesh vertex 25: (-83.46,-24.3,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 0: (-87.01,-44.72,0)
  triangle 0 vertex 1: (-77.69,-55.82,0)
  . . .
  triangle 38 vertex 2: (-75.47,-26.96,0)
Classify the 64 edges:
  edge 0->8 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  edge 0->11 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
  . . .
  edge 24->25 belongs to 1 triangle and is therefore boundary
Classify the 26 points:
  point 0 (-87.01,-44.72,0) belongs to 6 edges, 4 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
 point 1 (-75.47,-26.96,0) belongs to 10 edges, 10 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 2 (-55.49,-19.86,0) belongs to 10 edges, 10 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 3 (-53.71,-33.18,0) belongs to 12 edges, 12 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 4 (-43.06,-26.96,0) belongs to 8 edges, 6 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 5 (-43.06,-42.5,0) belongs to 10 edges, 10 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 6 (-65.26,-35.4,0) belongs to 12 edges, 12 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 7 (-60.37,-53.15,0) belongs to 12 edges, 12 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 8 (-77.69,-55.82,0) belongs to 8 edges, 6 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 9 (-68.36,-43.83,0) belongs to 14 edges, 14 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 10 (-41.28,-54.49,0) belongs to 8 edges, 6 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 11 (-88.34,-33.62,0) belongs to 4 edges, 2 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 12 (-66.14,-61.14,0) belongs to 6 edges, 4 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 13 (-79.02,-44.28,0) belongs to 10 edges, 10 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 14 (-81.68,-32.73,0) belongs to 14 edges, 14 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 15 (-63.93,-26.96,0) belongs to 14 edges, 14 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 16 (-55.05,-43.39,0) belongs to 12 edges, 12 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 17 (-47.5,-50.93,0) belongs to 8 edges, 8 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 18 (-74.58,-50.93,0) belongs to 8 edges, 8 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 19 (-68.81,-54.93,0) belongs to 10 edges, 10 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 20 (-53.71,-26.07,0) belongs to 10 edges, 10 interior and 0 boundary and is therefore interior
  point 21 (-47.06,-18.97,0) belongs to 6 edges, 4 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 22 (-49.72,-14.98,0) belongs to 4 edges, 2 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 23 (-67.03,-17.64,0) belongs to 6 edges, 4 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 24 (-74.58,-19.42,0) belongs to 6 edges, 4 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
  point 25 (-83.46,-24.3,0) belongs to 6 edges, 4 interior and 2 boundary and is therefore boundary
11 boundary and 15 interior points detected.

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