Sybase, Inc 510-050 Exam

  • Exam Number/Code : 510-050
  • Exam Name : replication server 12.5 administrator prof. certification
  • Questions and Answers : 120 Q&As
  • Update Time: 2010-04-04


1. A route is required from Replication Server A to Replication Server B if data will: (Choose 2)
A. be replicated from A to B.
B. be replicated from B to A.
C. not be replicated between the two Replication Servers.
D. be replicated in both directions - A to B and B to A.
Answer: AD

2. Which command causes RepAgent to check owner information?
A. sp_setrepdefmode
B. sp_setrepcol
C. rs_helprep
D. rs_marker
Answer: A

3. A database can be added to a Replication Server system using: (Choose 3)
A. create connection
B. create database
C. rs_init
D. rs_subcmp
E. Sybase Central
Answer: ACE

4. In a Warm Standby replication system, the active database:
A. must be a primary only database.
B. must be a replicate only database.
C. may be either a primary or a replicate database.
D. cannot be involved in normal replication.
Answer: C

5. Which of these new features are introduced in 12.5 Replication Server Manager? (Choose 4)
A. Partition Affinity
B. LDAP services support
C. Support for connection parameters
D. Support for Secure Sockets Layer
E. Unicode Support
E. Unicode Support
Answer: BCDE

6. Where does Replication Server get the address of other servers?:
A. The ID server.
B. The interfaces file.
C. The primary database.
D. The replicate database.
E. The rs_sites table.
Answer: B

7. Which of the following are TRUE about subscriptions? (Choose 2)
A. Columns with a defined length greater than 255 bytes cannot be named in where clauses.
B. Values with more than 255 bytes cannot be used in where clauses.
C. Columns with a defined length greater than 255 bytes can be named in where clauses.
D. Values with more than 255 bytes can be used in where clauses.
Answer: BC

8. What is the effect of caching RSSD tables in Replication Server memory? (Choose 2)
A. It decreases network I/O and physical I/O.
B. It increases network I/O and physical I/O.
C. It decreases the amount of memory used by Replication Server.
D. It increases the amount of memory used by Replication Server.
Answer: AD

9. If changes take place on a primary table during bulk materialization, which of the following would help prevent
A. Nothing - you would need to run rs_subcmp afterwards.
B. Shutdown the RepAgent in the source database.
C. Turn on autocorrection for the replication definition underlying the subscription.
D. Truncate the inbound queue.
Answer: C

10. Which of the following error actions will suspend the connection when an error occurs?
A. ignore
B. log
C. retry_log
D. retry_stop
E. warn
Answer: D

11. The term RSSD stands for:
A. Replication Server Single Database.
B. Replication System Server Database.
C. Replication Server System Database.
D. Replication Single Server Database.
Answer: C

12. Which of the following are TRUE about automatic Warm Standby? (Choose 3)
A. Stored procedure execution is automatically marked for replication.
B. Changes to master database are not replicated.
C. User and group information are replicated.
D. Only the results of triggers are replicated.
Answer: BCD

13. Which of the following is TRUE in a Warm Standby environment?
A. replication definitions are required.
B. subscriptions are required.
C. replication definitions are optional.
D. subscriptions are optional.
Answer: C

14. Which of the following are TRUE about function strings? (Choose 3)
A. They can be used with text functions.
B. They can be used to assign actions to error conditions.
C. They can be used to execute remote procedure calls.
D. They can be used to modify instruction behavior at the replicate.
Answer: ACD

15. Which of the following must be TRUE to allow replication between two databases?
A. The databases must reside on separate machines.
B. The databases must be from the same vendor.
C. Each database must have a connection with a Replication Server.
D. The database ID and database owner must be the same for each database.
E. The primary database must be the same size or larger than the replicate database.
Answer: C

16. Which of the following should be done first if the DSI suspends?
A. resume connection server.database skip transaction
B. rs_subcmp
C. Read the error logs
D. admin quiesce_check
E. rs_helpexception
Answer: C

17. If a subscription is created using the parameter without holdlock, the materialization method is:
A. automatic atomic incremental
B. automatic nonatomic
C. bulk atomic
D. bulk nonatomic
Answer: B

18. Which of the following are TRUE about sts_cache_size parameter? (Choose 3)
A. Refers to the number of rows per RSSD table cached and not an explicit amount of memory.
B. Refers to the amount of memory used by the Subscription Transformation Service.
C. Adjusting the value higher may require increasing memory_limit.
D. Has no impact on the amount of memory used by the Replication Server.
E. Can improve system performance.
Answer: ACE

19. Which of the following are TRUE about request functions?
A. They replicate the execution of stored procedures in a primary database to a replicate database.
B. Deliver the execution of stored procedures from a replicate database to a primary database.
C. They require a subscription at the replicate database.
D. They replicate operations that are difficult to express through subscriptions to tables.
Answer: B

20. Which of the following are prevented by having replication definitions specifying replicate minimal columns?
A. Warm Standby
B. default function string
C. autocorrection
D. publication
Answer: C

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