CCRibbon is used to create line drawing effects using the image you specify for drawing paths or aimlines or trajectories.
First you create CCRibbon with width , image , length , color and fade parameters
ccColor4B myColor = ccc4(255, 255, 255, 150);
CCRibbon *ribbon = [CCRibbon ribbonWithWidth:10 image:@"green.png" length:10.0 color:myColor fade:0.7f];
Then we add it as a child:
[self addChild:ribbon z:8];
If you run the application now you will not see anything because you didn’t add any points yet to the CCRibbon so lets add 2 points
[ribbon addPointAt:ccp(10,10) width:10];
[ribbon addPointAt:ccp(15,15) width:10];
You cannot remove individual points but you can remove the CCRibbon from its parent
[self removeChild:ribbon cleanup:YES];
Now Run and watch the results