the advantages of using SRL16 to make large delay

Hi all,


   Xilinx recommend using SRL16 to make large delay instead of cascade flip-flops. Can you tell me the advantages of it? And for the large delay, it often uses SRL16+flip-flop which means the last delay element is flip-flop. Can you tell me why the last delay element is not SRL16 but a flip-flop?


At least a couple of advantages:


1. less area. Using a single SRL you can implement up to 32-cycle shift register. 

2. performance. Routing delays between cascaded flops decreases the performance (Fmax) comparing to SRL.


The clock-to-output time of a flop is much lower than clock-to-output of an SRL. For example, Virtex-6 clock-to-output of a flop is 0.33ns, whereas SRL is 1.3ns (from ds152 - Virtex-6 switching characteristics). That's why it makes sense to add a flop on the output of an SRL.


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The Bucket Brigade FIFO SRL16E is a type of shift register that is commonly used in digital circuits to implement a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) buffer. It operates by shifting data through a series of stages or "buckets", with each stage containing one or more flip-flops. The SRL16E is a specific type of shift register that can store up to 16 bits of data. In VHDL, the SRL16E can be implemented using a combination of behavioral and structural modeling techniques. The behavioral model describes the functional behavior of the FIFO, while the structural model describes how the various components are interconnected. Here is an example VHDL code for implementing a Bucket Brigade FIFO SRL16E: ```vhdl library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity bb_fifo is port ( clk : in std_logic; reset : in std_logic; data_in : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); data_out: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); empty : out std_logic; full : out std_logic ); end entity; architecture rtl of bb_fifo is signal stage0, stage1, stage2, stage3, stage4, stage5, stage6, stage7, stage8, stage9, stage10, stage11, stage12, stage13, stage14, stage15 : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); begin -- behavioral model process(clk, reset) begin if reset = '1' then -- clear all stages stage0 <= (others => '0'); stage1 <= (others => '0'); stage2 <= (others => '0'); stage3 <= (others => '0'); stage4 <= (others => '0'); stage5 <= (others => '0'); stage6 <= (others => '0'); stage7 <= (others => '0'); stage8 <= (others => '0'); stage9 <= (others => '0'); stage10 <= (others => '0'); stage11 <= (others => '0'); stage12 <= (others => '0'); stage13 <= (others => '0'); stage14 <= (others => '0'); stage15 <= (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) then -- shift data through stages stage0 <= data_in(0) & stage0(1); stage1 <= stage0(0) & stage1(1); stage2 <= stage1(0) & stage2(1); stage3 <= stage2(0) & stage3(1); stage4 <= stage3(0) & stage4(1); stage5 <= stage4(0) & stage5(1); stage6 <= stage5(0) & stage6(1); stage7 <= stage6(0) & stage7(1); stage8 <= stage7(0) & stage8(1); stage9 <= stage8(0) & stage9(1); stage10 <= stage9(0) & stage10(1); stage11 <= stage10(0) & stage11(1); stage12 <= stage11(0) & stage12(1); stage13 <= stage12(0) & stage13(1); stage14 <= stage13(0) & stage14(1); stage15 <= stage14(0) & stage15(1); end if; end process; -- structural model data_out <= stage15 & stage14 & stage13 & stage12 & stage11 & stage10 & stage9 & stage8 & stage7 & stage6 & stage5 & stage4 & stage3 & stage2 & stage1 & stage0; empty <= stage15(0); full <= stage0(1); end architecture; ``` This VHDL code implements a 16-bit Bucket Brigade FIFO SRL16E with a behavioral model for shifting data through the stages and a structural model for connecting the stages and outputting the data. It also includes inputs for clock and reset signals, as well as outputs for the data_out, empty, and full signals.




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