3GPP TS 29244-g30 中英文对照 | 6.2.7 PFCP Association Update Procedure


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6.2.7 PFCP Association Update Procedure PFCP偶联更新程序 General

The PFCP Association Update procedure shall be used to modify an existing PFCP association between the CP function and the UP function. It may be initiated by the UP function or by the CP function to update the supported features or available resources of the UP function.

应使用PFCP Association Update程序修改CP功能和UP功能之间的现有PFCP偶联。它可以由UP功能或CP功能启动,以更新UP功能的支持特性或可用资源。 PFCP Association Update Procedure Initiated by the CP Function 由CP功能启动的PFCP偶联更新过程 CP Function Behaviour CP功能行为

The CP function initiates the PFCP Association Update procedure to report changes to the PFCP association to the UP function, e.g. to update the supported features.

CP功能启动PFCP Association Update程序,向UP功能报告对PFCP偶联的更改,例如更新支持的功能。

When both the CP function and UP function support the EPFAR feature, the CP function may send a PFCP Association Update Request with the "PFCP Association Release Preparation Start" flag set to "1" when the CP function decides to release the PFCP association and request the UP function to report all non-zero usage reports for the PFCP session affected by the release of the PFCP association, as specified in clause 5.18.

当CP功能和UP功能都支持EPFAR功能时,当CP功能决定释放PFCP偶联时,CP功能可以发送PFCP Association Update Request,其中“PFCP Association Release Preparation Start”标志设置为“1”,并且请求UP功能报告受PFCP偶联释放影响的PFCP会话的所有non-zero使用报告。 UP Function Behaviour UP功能行为

When receiving a PFCP Association Update Request, the UP function:

当接收到PFCP Association Update Request时,UP功能

- shall update the list of optional features of the CP function, when received;


- shall send a PFCP Association Update Response with an appropriate error cause if the Node ID is not known by the UP Function;

-如果UP功能不知道Node ID,则应发送带有适当错误原因的PFCP Association Update Response

- shall return a PFCP Association Update Response with a successful cause value, if the PFCP Association Update Request is handled successfully.

-如果成功处理PFCP Association Update Response,则应返回带有成功原因值的PFCP Association Update Response

When both the CP function and UP function support the EPFAR feature, and the CP function has set the "PFCP Association Release Preparation" set to "1"  in the PFCP Association Update Request message, the UP function shall send PFCP Session Report Request messages to report non-zero usage reports (at least one message per PFCP Session) for the PFCP Sessions affected by the release of the PFCP association, as specified in clause 5.18.

当CP功能和UP功能都支持EPFAR功能,并且CP功能在PFCP Association Update Request消息中将“PFCP Association Release Preparation”设置为“1”时,UP功能应发送PFCP Session Report Request消息,报告受PFCP偶联发布影响的PFCP Sessionnon-zero使用报告。 PFCP Association Update Procedure Initiated by UP Function UP功能启动的PFCP偶联更新过程 UP Function Behaviour UP功能行为

The UP function initiates the PFCP Association Update procedure to report changes to the PFCP association to the CP function, e.g. change of optional features, change of the available user plane resources, an indication to request to release the PFCP association, change of the UE IP Address Pool Identifies configured in the UP function.

UP功能启动PFCP Association Update程序以向CP功能报告对PFCP偶联的更改,例如可选特征的更改、可用用户平面资源的更改、请求释放PFCP偶联的指示、在UP功能中配置的UE IP Address Pool Identities的更改。

The UP function may send a PFCP Association Update Request to request the CP function to perform the release of the PFCP association, optionally providing a Graceful Release Period.

UP功能可以发送PFCP Association Update Request以请求CP功能执行PFCP偶联的释放,可选地提供Graceful Release Period

When the Enhanced PFCP Association Release feature (EPFAR) (see clause 5.18) is supported by both the CP function and UP function, the UP function:

当CP功能和UP功能都支持Enhanced PFCP Association Release(EPFAR)时,UP功能

- may send a PFCP Association Update Request with the flag "PFCP Association Release Preparation" set to "1" when the UP function decides to release the PFCP association and thus inform the CP function that all non-zero usage reports for those PFCP session affected by the release of the PFCP association will be reported;

-当UP功能决定释放PFCP偶联时,可以发送标志“PFCP Association Release Preparation”设置为“1”的PFCP Association Update Request,从而通知CP功能将报告受PFCP偶联释放影响的那些PFCP会话的所有non-zero使用报告;

- shall then send a PFCP Association Update Request, with the URSS flag set to "1" once all non-zero usage reports for all the PFCP Sessions affected by the release of PFCP Association have been sent to the CP function.

-一旦受PFCP Association释放影响的所有PFCP Session的所有non-zero使用报告被发送到CP功能,则应发送PFCP Association Update Request,并将URSS标志设置为“1”。

After reception of the PFCP Association Update Response, the UP function shall consider that the PFCP association is still setup until receiving a PFCP Association Release Request. When the UP function requests to release the PFCP Association and sends a PFCP Association Update Request message with a Graceful Release Period or with the URSS flag set, if no PFCP Association Release Request is received before the Graceful Release Period or a configurable timer (when the URSS flag is set) expires, the UP function may locally release the association, behaving as if the PFCP Association Release Request had been received.

在接收到PFCP Association Update Response后,UP功能应认为PFCP偶联仍处于建立状态,直到接收到PFCP Association Release Request为止。当UP功能请求释放PFCP Association并发送具有Graceful Release Peridod或设置了URSS标志的PFCP Association Update Request消息时,如果在Graceful Release Period或可配置定时器到期之前没有接收到PFCP Association Release Request,则UP功能可以本地释放偶联,表现得好像已收到PFCP Association Release Request CP Function Behaviour CP功能行为

When receiving a PFCP Association Update Request, the CP function:

当接收到PFCP Association Update Request时,CP功能

- shall update the list of optional features of the UP function, when received;


- shall send a PFCP Association Update Response with an appropriate error cause if the Node ID is not known by the CP Function;

-如果CP功能不知道Node ID,则应发送带有适当错误原因的PFCP Association Update Response

- shall return a PFCP Association Update Response with a successful cause value if the PFCP Association Update Request is handled successfully.

-如果成功处理PFCP Association Update Request,则应返回带有成功原因值的PFCP Association Update Response

If the UP function has requested to release the PFCP association in the PFCP Association Update Request, the CP function should initiate a PFCP Association Release Request to release the PFCP association, as soon as possible if no Graceful Release Period was included in the request or before the expiry of the Graceful Release Period. The CP function should stop creating new PFCP sessions in the UP function during the Graceful Release Period. When the final usage report(s) for a PFCP Session (upon being deleted) is required, e.g. based on operator policies, the CP function should initiate a PFCP Session Deletion Procedure to collect the usage reports per PFCP Session affected by the release of PFCP Association before the Graceful Release Period is expired.

如果UP功能已在PFCP Association Update Request中请求释放PFCP偶联,则CP功能应在请求中未包含Graceful Release PeriodGraceful Release Period到期之前尽快启动PFCP Association Release Request以释放PFCP偶联。CP功能应该在Graceful Release Period停止在UP功能中创建新的PFCP会话。当需要PFCP Session的最终使用情况报告时(例如基于运营商策略),CP功能应启动PFCP Session Deletion Procedure,以便在Graceful Release Period到期之前收集每个受PFCP Association释放影响的PFCP Session的使用情况报告。

When both the CP function and UP function support the EPFAR feature, and if the UP function has set the URSS flag to "1" in the PFCP Association Update Request message, the CP function shall immediately initiate the PFCP Association Release Procedure, as specified in clause 5.18.

当CP功能和UP功能都支持EPFAR功能时,如果UP功能在PFCP Association Update Request消息中将URSS标志设置为“1”,CP功能应立即启动PFCP Association Release Procedure

If the UP function has included UE IP address Pool Identity IE in the PFCP Association Update Request message, the CP function shall use it to overwrite the UE IP address Pool Identity previously received from the UP function.

如果UP功能在PFCP Association Update Request消息中包含UE IP address Pool Identity IE,则CP功能应使用它来覆盖先前从UP功能接收的UE IP address Pool Identity





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