Life Situation One

1 Waking someone up 


1,到时间做某事怎么用,醒来 ,起床,睡过头了,最好做... ,不得不做 ,形容人睡的很熟,这些句子怎么说 ,努力,小懒猪是哪个词? 


单词:  alarm 闹钟    rise 上升,起立,起床    shine 照耀,反光   sleepyhead 贪睡鬼    worm 虫子    effort 努力    thougher 困难

A : Hi  Jim ,it`s time to wake up and get out of  bed 

B:Do I have to get up now 

A: you should better  get up , or you will be late 

B:What are you talking about ? My alarm hasn`t even gone off yet  

A:Yes,it did,it went  off 30 minutes ago ,you slept right through it, you are  like a dead person while you sleep 

B:I must have slept right through it .

A: Rise and shine , Sleepyhead !

B:Just let me sleep five more minutes 

A:The early bird gets the worm 

B:I know, I know .But I don`t want any worms 

A:ha ha if you don`t make an effort now  , later on it will be a lot  thougher for you 


1,it`s time to do something  是时间做什么了    it`s time to do your homework .        It`s time to go to school 

2,wake up  醒来;开始警惕;唤醒

you should wake up soon and keep breathing. 你应该赶快醒来并保持呼吸    想当于 awake 

The  children woke me up  孩子们把我吵醒了

3, get out of  走出离开;从中获得     

Get out of my house now .从我房子里滚蛋       

What can you get out of  him?你能从他那获得什么?

4,get up  起床;站起来   

My mom told  me that I should get up now or I will be late 

Miss Jine make Tom to get up to answer the qustion 

5,have to 不得不 

I have to learn the math until 12pm,because tomorrow we will have a math exam 

6, go off 爆发爆炸;失去对....的兴趣; 警报铃声突然响起; (食物)变质坏掉;停止运转

7, just let me 再让我            just let me eat a little icecream


二 Bedtime 


1,熬夜; 即将到来; 为...做准备;我保证 ;用哪个词 ;在...上花费了... ;询问自己的看法正确吗以及肯定回复

2,单词默写  困倦的  ; 复习回顾 ; 极好的 ; 准备; 保证 ; 教训 课程;

3,让某人睡觉的情景 ; 默写课文

单词: sleepy 困倦的,冷清的     past  (adj)昔日的,过去的;(n)过去的经历;(adv)经过,逝去    promise 保证,承诺    prepare 准备    forget 遗忘       history 历史       review (n)评审检查; (v) 回顾,复习,反思              lesson  (n)课程,经验,教训         excellent 极好的,美妙的


A: It`s time for bed 

B:But I am not sleepy Mom ,can I stay up and watch more TV 

A:It`s already past 11 , you have school tomorrow ,you will be sleepy all day tomorrow if you don`t sleep well tonight

B: I know , but I promise I won`t be sleepy tomorrow , I work really hard .

A:Don`t  you  have exames coming up soon ? I am sure  you could  spend more time preparing for those 

B:Oh ,I nearly  forgot the exames. 

A:You do well in the math ,but your history is not  good enough, am I right ?

B:Yes, I guess so , Maybe I could go to sleep now  and get up early to review  the lessons tomorrow 

A:An excellent idear , work now and play later

B:I know you are right .school is more important than TV ,but can I  watch one more show,  then go to bed?

A:No ,now is bedtime 


1,it`s time to do  是时间做....

2,stay up   熬夜,不睡觉       I often with my little sister stay up to watch TV.

3,promise sb sth/ promise sth  /   promise to do            I promise you these money will for you         Promise not to tell anyone . I can`t  promise  anything.

4,come up 发生,走近,被讨论      coming up soon 很快就要来         The storm coming up soon.

5, I`m sure 我肯定 ,我知道       I`m sure you don`t love me ,but I don`t care,because I love you .

6,spend sth  on 在某方面上花费...     /  spend  sth  /  spend (in) doing sth     Don`t spend too much money on your girlfriend.

7,prepare for 为... 做准备      Hi,mom today my girlfriend will come to our house for dinner,let me help you prepare for the meal 

8,forgret   sth  忘记做某件事              forget to do sth 忘记要做某事

9,do well in 在某方面做的好 ,擅长于        I know you do well in music , so you can choose the music lesson .

10, am I right 我说的对吗 ?           I  guess so  我想是这样的

11, more...  than  ...比...更..         This dress is more smart than that one .

三  Talking about apartment


1,你对...怎么看 ; 对某人来说... ;充满了 ;   表达观点 或者景色用 ;   合适,放得下; 有能力做 都是那些句子?

2, 默写单词: 公寓; 健壮的 合适的 ; 东西物品, 壮观,精彩的表演 ; 尤其特别 ; 巨大的 ; 阳光欢乐; 厨房;阳台,剧院楼座 ; 难以置信的 ; 装备,使有能力 ; 淋浴 ;家具


单词: flat  公寓   bedroom 卧室    shower 淋浴    especially  尤其, 特别是     huge 巨大的    sunshine (n)阳光,幸福,欢乐  

enough (adj)足够的, (adv )充足地       kitchen 厨房             equip(v)装备,使有能力 equipment (n)装备

balcony 阳台,剧院的楼座        incredible  (adj) 难以置信的 ,极好的       spectacular (adj)壮观的 (n)精彩的表演

fit (v)适合,可容纳 (adj)健康的,健壮的(n)(癫痫)突发,痉挛,昏厥        stuff(n)东西物品(v)填满 

furniture (n)家具 

A: What do you think of  this flat ?

B: It`s not really all that good ,the bedroom  is a little small for us 

A:Small ? It should be enough for our needs,I think 

B: But there is no hot water after 10 at night , sometimes I like to have  a hot shower before bed ,especially in the winter, it feels good 

A:That is true , but I love the living room ,it`s huge and filled  with sunshine 

B: True , I like the kitchen ,it`s new and well equipped

A:It has a great balcony with an incredible view of the park .

B:You are right ,the  view is spectacular  but that  bedroom is so small ,we would never be able to fit all of our stuff in there 

A: Maybe we could get some new furniture , better stuff 

B: I haven`t thought of that 


1,What do you think of ...  你怎么看...       What do you think of the USA`s president Trump

2,be+ adj for  对某人来说...           Don`t jump form the balcony ,it`s dangerous for us .

3,be filled with 充满                If you love someone , he will filled with your heart.\

I am all over you 你是我生命的全部         I am over you  我已经不在乎你了

4,   冠词+ adj+  view of + 人  (表示观点)/  地点 (风景)

5,fit (sth) in  适合,装地下          She didn`t fit in and she had few social graces.     (grace   n风度,优雅 v为增色,装饰) 

6, be able to 能够          Can you able to do this work?

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