TOEFL wordlist 22

1. impulse [ˈɪmpʌls]

(1). n. An impulse is a sudden desire to do something.

(2). n. An impulse is a short electrical signal that is sent along a wire or nerve or through the air, usually as one of a series.

(3). adj. An impulse buy or impulse purchare is something that you decide to buy when you see it, although you had not planned to buy to.

(4). phrase. If you do something on impulse, you suddenly decide to do it, without planning it.

Fish also use such ability to produce and detect electrical impulses to communicate.

2. rite [raɪt]

n. A rite is traditional ceremony that is carried out by a particular group or within a particular society.

In this area there are certain things one should not do in everyday life because they are linked to funeral rites.

3. primordial [praɪˈmɔːdiəl]

adj. You use primordial to describe things that belong to a very early time in the history of the world.

It must be some primordial impulse that drives me to play electric keyboard instruments.

4. sledding [ˈsledɪŋ]

This bill faces tough sledding in the ledislature.

5. forage [ˈfɒrɪdʒ]

(1). v. If someone forages for something, they search for it in a busy way.

(2). v. When animals forage, they search for food.

(3). n. Forage is crops that are grown as food for cattle and horses.

Many ants forage across the countryside in large numbers.

6. lounge [laʊndʒ]

(1). n. In a house, a lounge is a room where people sit and relax.

(2). n. In a hotel, club, or other public place, a lounge is a room where people can sit and relax.

(3). n. In an airport, a lounge is a very large room where people can sit and wait for aircraft to arrive or leave.

(4). v. If you lounge somewhere, you sit or lie there in a relaxed or lazy way.

Several students were lounging around, reading newspapers.

7. flora [ˈflɔːrə]

n. You can refer to plants as flora, especially the plants growing in a particular area.

Plants are grouped into floras based on region, period, special environment, or climate.

8. staggered [ˈstæɡəd]

I was staggered at the foreigner's knowledge of Chinese literature.

9. pine [paɪn]

(1). n. A pine tree or a pine is a tall tree which has very thin, sharp leaves and a fresh smell. Pine trees have leaves all year round.

(2). v. If you pine for someone who has died or gone away, you want them to be with you very much and feel sad because they are not there.

(3). v. If you pine for something, you want it very much, especially when it is unlikely that you will be able to have it.

He was pining for the mountains of his motherland.

10. naval [ˈneɪvl]

adj. Naval means belonging to, relating to, or involving a country's navy.

England emerged as a major naval power in the mid-17th century.

11. elm [elm]

n. An elm is a tree that has broad leaves which it loses in winter.

The hedgerows were planted with elm.

12. sensory [ˈsensəri]

adj. Sensory means relating to the physical senses.

In Europe, interest in sensory science has grown and will continue to play an essential role in understanding the European consumer's perception of food quality.

13. aquifer [ˈækwɪfə(r)]

n. In geology, an aquifer is an area of rock underneath the surface of the earth which absorbs and holds water.

An aquifer is an underground layer of rock or sediment that has pores or holes in it.

14. petroleum [pəˈtrəʊliəm]

n. Petroleum is oil which is found under the surface of the earth or under the sea bed. Petrol and paraffin are obtained from petroleum.

Petroleum is also the raw material for many chemical products.

15. elongate [ˈiːlɒŋɡeɪt]

phrase. If you elongate something or if it elongates, you stretch it so that it becomes longer.

The singer's face is too elongated in the photos.

16. oblivious [əˈblɪviəs]

adj. If you are oblivious to something or oblivious of it, you are not aware of it.

The lad standing beside the mast seems oblivious to the spray of the bow waves.

17. imagist ['ɪmɪdʒɪst]

The imagist movement in poetry arose during the second decade of the twentieth century.

18. yoke [jəʊk]

(1). n. If you say that people are under the yoke of a bad thing or person, you mean they are forced to live in a difficult or unhappy state because of that thing or person.

(2). n. A yoke is a long piece of wood which is tied across the necks of two animals such as oxen, in order to make them walk close together when they are pulling a plough.

(3). v. If two or more people or things are yoked together, they are forced to be closely linked with each other.

Before the Civil War, slaves were under the yoke of their masters.

19. abridge [əˈbrɪdʒ]

A book publisher may alter or abridge the author's work with the permission of the writer.

20. adept [əˈdept , ˈædept]

adj. Someone who is adept at something can do it skilfully.

Jack was adept at horse riding and enjoyed other outdoor activities.

21. hail [heɪl]

(1). v. If a person, event, or achievement is hailed as important or successful, they are praised publicly.

(2). n. Hall  consists of small balls of ice that fall like rain from the sky.

(3). v. When it hails, hail falls like rain from the sky.

(4). n. A hail of things, usually small objects, is a large number of them that hit you at the same time and with great force.

(5). v. Someone who hails from a particular place was born there or lives there.

(6). v. If someone or something hails from a particular background, they come from it.

(7). v. If you hail someone, you call to them.

(8). v. If you hail a taxi, you wave at it in order to stop it because you want the driver to take you somewhere.

(9). phrase. Hail is used as a word of greeting.

Telecommuting has been hailed as a solution to all kinds of problems related to office work.

22. aptitude [ˈæptɪtjuːd]

n. Someone's aptitude for a particular kind of work or activity is their ability to learn it quickly and to do it well.

Ted has an aptitude for languages, for he can speak six languages.

23. trifle [ˈtraɪfl]

(1). phrase. You can use a trifle to mean slightly or to a small extent, especially in order make something you say seem less extreme.

(2). n. A trifle is something that is considered to have little importance, value, or significance.

(3). n. Trifle is a cold dessert made of layers of sponge cake, jelly, fruit, and custard, and usually covered with cream.

Do not trifle away your time on such meaningless things.

24. defer [dɪˈfɜː(r)]

(1). v. If you defer an event or action, you arrange for it to happen at a later date, rather than immediately or at the previously planned time.

(2). v. If you defer to someone, you accept their opinion or do what they want you to do, even when you do not agree with it yourself, because you respect them or their authority.

Many women defer children-bearing in response to career development.

25. frenzy [ˈfrenzi]

n. Frenzy or a frenzy is great excitement or wild behaviour that often results from losing control of your feelings.

Adams lamented the role that the new frenzy for business was playing in eroding traditional values.






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