开源框架 Open Source Framework and Library Recommendations

As the technical editor for the UK MSDN Flash I get surprisingly free rein to decide what content to place in it . I suspect one day they will notice – but I will enjoy it while it lasts. Every 3 months or so I do a special edition of the Flash, and this week I chose to go with “Open Source Frameworks and Libraries”. I have written before on Microsoft and Open Source and the rosy future I see ahead and I decided it was time (long overdue?) to give some of the great OSS for .NET developers wider visibility. The Flash newsletter is great for this as it goes out to around 70K developers in the UK. With the help of the UK community (see the provisional list of suggestions), I came up with the following 23 OSS projects.

I have tried to strike a balance between some fairly well known projects and some lesser known but equally well respected offerings. Which means we have “old favourites” such as xUnit and Moq (testing and mocking respectively), alongside Argotic (syndication framework), Excel Data Reader (Excel file to DataSet) and #SNMP(SNMP library) as well as some frameworks primarily developed out of the UK such as Fluent NHibernate (no more XML ORM mapping) and OpenRasta (REST based framework for building web applications).


  1. Download [TEST] xUnit.net 
    One of several very good testing frameworks to aid with TDD.
  2. Download [TEST] RhinoMocks mocking framework 
    Ease testing by allowing the developer to create mock implementations of objects.
  3. Website [TEST] White for automation of Windows applications 
    Programmatically drive Windows applications.
  4. Download [TEST] Gallio Automation Platform 
    Works with many testing frameworks including MSTest, xUnit, NUnit and MbUnit.
  5. Download [DATA] Fluent NHibernate 
    Fluent NHibernate lets you write mappings in strongly typed C# code.
  6. Download [OOP] StructureMap Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control 
    Enable looser coupling between classes and their dependencies.
  7. Download [OOP] Managed Extensibility Framework 
    Make the shift from applications being statically compiled to dynamically composed.
  8. Download [APPFX] s#arp architecture for web applications 
    Foundation for rapidly building web applications using ASP.NET MVC with NHibernate.
  9. Download [APPFX]OpenRasta REST based framework for building web applications 
    Simplify exposing a REST based API to your application.
  10. Download [APPFX]CSLA.NET Application Framework 
    A comprehensive framework for .NET development.
  11. Download [APPFX]Spring.NET Application Framework 
    A comprehensive framework for building web applications.
  12. Download [RUNTIME]Mono enables .NET on Linux and Mac 
    Use those .NET skills to target Linux, BSD and OS X.
  13. Download [UTIL] Sandcastle Help File Builder 
    Create MSDN-style documentation from .NET assemblies.
  14. Download [HELPER] EasyHook for Windows API Hooking 
    Extend unmanaged code (APIs) with managed code.
  15. Download [HELPER] Json.NET for working with JSON formatted data 
    R/W using the JsonReader and JsonWriter or serialize your .NET objects with a single call.
  16. Download [HELPER] Excel Data Reader for Excel 97 to 2007 
    Read Excel files straight into a dataset.
  17. Download [HELPER]#SNMP Library 
    A natural API interface to encapsulate SNMP functions.
  18. Download [HELPER] DotNetZip Library 
    A great ZIP library plus samples.
  19. Download [HELPER] Visio Automation Library 
    Automate Visio from C#, Visual Basic and more.
  20. Download [HELPER] PHPExcel is not just about Excel! 
    PHP classes to r/w Excel 2007, PDF, HTML and more.
  21. Download [HELPER] Argotic Syndication Framework for RSS, Atom, OPML and more 
    Makes the reading and writing syndicated content in common formats very easy.
  22. Download [HELPER] NLog logging library 
    Easily write diagnostic traces from your application.
  23. Website A great directory of C# Open Source software Nicely indexed directory of libraries, frameworks and tools.

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功能描述: 1.业务流程更加合理、系统化 将业务流程按照部门管理职能进行划分,突破了单部门信息化处理的模式,着眼于将整个企业集 团范围内的业务流程控制更加系统化、合理化,企业运作效率因而得到最大限度的提高。 2.部门管理更具严密性、有序性 以组织机构为基础,进行工作和权限的分配,企业内部各个部门的管理职能更加清晰完整,各部 门之间通过严格的审核制度,形成紧密而连续的业务流,使企业的资金流、物流、信息流得到有 效的管理和监控,极大程度降低企业经营管理等方面的风险指数。 3.业务管理模式更加灵活、多样化 企业的业务流程各具特色,因而系统提供了可配置的业务流程模式和表单定制模式,使企业可以 根据实际情况配置业务管理流程,既可以满足企业的实际管理要求,又能够对业务流程进行监控 与跟踪。 4.统计分析功能更加丰富、实用化 系统将经营分析、财务分析、图形分析有机结合,为管理人员的决策提供了详尽的、全面的、准 确的数据资料,因而对企业经营情况一目了然,为企业的管理决策提供了充分依据。 5.预警功能更加智能化 系统可以结合采购计划、客户订单和当前库存、商品最高库存、最低库存等数据,给出真实的库 存预警报表,即时给予预警提示,确保企业生产经营正常进行。 6.零售功能强大 多种销售折扣(返点,根据不同的客户定制不同的产品销售价格),询价分析与退货方式等,还 可以对顾客不满意或有问题商品进行退货处理。 7.数据处理安全、方便 系统加强了管理业务过程中敏感数据的保密管理,保障了企业运作的商业安全。系统的自动维护 和备份功能进一步保证了数据的安全性。严谨的权限和业务流程控制可以确保数据不被伪造和篡 改,使企业领导可以充分授权。 8.办公管理趋于协同化、自动化 系统集成了企业收发文管理,加强了企业内部的沟通联系。




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