组织结构 - 职能型,矩阵型和项目型

PMBOK(2004 3rd 英)P28中介绍了几种组织结够,包括职能型(Functional) ,矩阵型(Matrix)和项目型(Projectized) 。其中矩阵型又分为Weak Matrix,Balanced Matrix和Strong Matrix. 书中只是从项目经理职权的角度比较了这几种组织结构的不同。下面是一些补充:


In a matrix organization, project charters are very important -- they're the documents that actually give the project manager authority to assign work to the team. A charter is necessary because the team doesn't report directly to the project manager, so a senior manager or sponsor has to explicitly grant that authority.

You may get questions about which type of organization provides the project manager with the most or least authority. The project manager has the least authority in a functional organization, then a little more in a weak matrix, then balanced matrix, strong matrix. The project manager has the most authority in a projectized organization.

2. 职能型组织的优点和缺点

Advantages of a functional organization; In a projectized organization, the team gets dismantled, once the project is over, hence the ownership of the career path of the project team members are not fully owned by any. This can be the situation in matrix organizations too, since there are two bosses. Whereas in a typical functional organization, the career progression of the team member is fully owned by the functional manager.

Team members report to only one boss, hence avoidance of conflict of interest. Easier management of specialists. Fully under the control of the functional manager. Similar resources are centralized, hence better synergy within groups

Disadvantages of functional organization;

  • Preference for functional specialization, at the cost of the project
  • No career path in project management
  • Project manager has no authority
3. 项目型组织的优点和缺点

Advantages of a projectized organization

  • Team members will be more committed to the project
  • Availability of career paths within the project management stream
  • More effective project related communication

Disadvantages of projectized organization

  • When the project gets over, the team gets dismantled, hence lack of security leading short term commitments
  • Duplication of facilities and job functions eg:- administrative officer for each project, HR coordinator for each project, seating arrangements for each projects, team outings for each projects etc.
  • Less efficient use of resources. Project teams tend to hang on to resources both material and human, even after the need for them. (Some project manager’s take pride in their team size or develop fear when the team size shrinks).
4. 矩阵型组织的优点和缺点

In a strong matrix, the power rests with the project manager. In a weak matrix, the power rests with the functional manager. In a balanced matrix, the power is shared between the project manager and the functional manager.

The structure of a matrix project organization, when used properly, can be quite effective. When misused, however, it can be quite disastrous. The matrix is a highly complex structure from an organizational point of view and management must constantly work at good communications to make it work properly.

Advantages of matrix organization;

  • More support from functional organizations
  • Maximum utilization of scarce resources, since they are easily accessible to the projects.

Better horizontal and vertical communication (better than functional)

  • Team members have a place to go, at the completion of the project

Disadvantages of matrix organization

  • More than one boss for project teams, leaving the team members between devil and deep sea, due to conflicts between the project manager and the functional manager (Dual Reporting)
  • More complex to monitor and control, if it spans different locations






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