



Dear Marketing Director of Sunshine Company , According to your requirements, we analyze the ratings and reviews of competitive products on Amazon for baby pacifier, microwave and hair dryer to be introduced and sold by your company. We form three models dubbed as Informative Evaluation Model to assess the amount of information of each review, Difference Equation Based Model to formulate the change of product’s reputation and Time Series Forecasting Based Evaluation Model to predict potential success or failure of the product. And we get some meaningful results, which contribute to attract consumers and develop adaptable online sales strategies.

First of all, We construct the Informative Evaluation Model to help you track informative reviews and ratings conveniently. This model can assess whether each review is informative based on star rating, review text, and helpful votes, then rank the reviews based on the amount of information. We believe this informative evaluation is critical to your work when handling a large amount of review information, for informative reviews often provide more constructive input into the design features and therefore are more referential in reputation analysis.

We get consumer’s preferences and concerns by sifting through the top 1% most informative ratings and reviews of baby pacifier, microwave and hair dryer. The popular design features by our analysis are as follows: • Baby pacifier: Various alternatives to size and safe materials are necessary. Besides, cute patterns are popular with babies.

• Microwaves: Multifunctional microwaves with rotating grills, accurate timers, multiple usage patterns, etc. are welcomed by consumers.

• Hair dryer: Consumers prefer hair dryers small with high-power (on the premise of safety). Some additional designs like folding handle are beneficial to attracting consumers.

Then we establish time-based measures to predict the increase or decrease of product reputation in the online marketplace. Our model can accurately predict the reputation change of a product over a long period of time in the future. This precise prediction makes sense for you to generate strategies before the decrease of the reputation.

Based on the reputation prediction, we stipulate that the degree to which reputation will increase or decrease in the future as judgment of the potential success or failure of the product. Our analysis shows that, overall, baby pacifiers are potentially successful products, while microwaves and hair dryers are at greater risk of failure.

According to our analysis results, we formulate reasonable sales strategies for your company: (1) We recommend that you put microwaves and hair dryers into the market when the reputation rises. While the reputation of baby pacifiers is on the rise, and it’s best to put them on the market now. (2) The more complete the product information is, the less loss will be caused by the unequal information between buyers and sellers. (3) We recommend that you increase your promotional efforts when there are more five-star ratings of your products to form positive feedback. (4) When your product’s reputation declines, focus on one-star ratings and reviews.

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my letter. Hope our advice can help.

MCM Team # 2002116












Dear director, Considering today’s increasingly fierce competition in e-commerce, accurately grasping customer needs and specifying appropriate marketing strategies are of vital importance to improve corporate profits and product visibility. As response to your company’s requirement, we are here pretty glad to have the opportunity to introduce our research and suggestions to you, with the hope that it may give you some insights of the future strategies.

  1. Pay attention to and properly guide the early reviews.

Throughout the whole records of consumers’ ratings and reviews for hair dryer, microwave and pacifiers, we find the the averaged number of helpful votes for a single review in the first 5 stage is above 3.2 times than that in recent period. Moreover, the descriptions in some reviews with rate 2 look even worser than that with rate 1, and so are descriptions in reviews with rate 4,5. Since helpful votes and the fitness of review description associate tightly with people’s belief and the reputation propagation of products, we suggest Sunshine to properly guide and closely track the trend of early reviews, e.g.

make guidelines of which rate corresponds to which extent of attitude, so as to smoothly go through the cold start stage.

  1. Keep a good image of brand for all three products.

Based on our statistics, the number of reviews has increased rapidly in recent years, which reflects the great prospects of the online sales market. Whereas at the same time, it should be noted that the star rating and averaged review length will experience large fluctuations in the early stage of the product launch. This phenomena may give customers a bad or fuzzy brand impression. Moreover as the data shows, the early review volume, an indirected reflection of brand popularity, has been hovering at a lower level. As a result, if Sunshine can perform well, e.g. keep a good image of brand, in the early stage, great chances are that it will take a lead in such a highly competitive market, which may exert continuously positive effects on your subsequent development.

  1. Apply our reputation index to monitor product dynamics.

Since the review and rating data is rich and complex, refining a comprehensive indicator that summarizes product reputation and sales is necessary for Sunshine to quickly adjust its promotion strategy.

In our project, we design a reputation index which takes into account the star rating, time gap of adjacent reviews, review helpfulness rate and readability , information of vine and verification. The time-varying coefficients of joint contribution are calculated by LSTM, whose losses on testing dataset are small enough to be emphasized. Note that the time gap of neighboring reviews is a reflection of product popularity and we assume it to be proportional to the sales volumn, hence our reputation metric can be a great indicator of not only people’s attitude towards products but Sunshine’s profits.

  1. Attach different importance to products’ properties according to people’s preferences.

Trough the text mining of LDA topic model, we extract 7 topics for each product, which represent the product properties that customers care about most. By an integrative consideration of reviews’ keywords, ratings, helpful votes and the time decay of ratings, we estimate customers’ preference vectors in 8 topics for each products, i.e.


As can be seen from the figures above, except for the tight control of products’ materials quality, we suggest that your company ensure the security, heat and after sales service of hair dryer and microwave, as well as the size, shape and packing of pacifier.

We are really appreciated for this opportunity to assist you in building up an online marketing strategy, and we are convinced that our proposal can be utilized in improvement of your competence for the three products. Please feel free to contact us for further information on the project.

Sincerely yours MCM 2020 Team














诚挚的您的MCM 2020团队



Dear Sir/Madam, We are sorry for the unfortunate event of the Asian giant hornet invasion. We know how problematic this situation is for agriculture and how it causes worries in the community . To help with the endeavor to eradicate the pest, we propose a model to improve the efficiency of processing the reports, and provide insight into how they can be monitored.

Simply put, the model works in three steps:

  1. Determine the current nesting area through processing current confirmed sightings.

  2. Predict the distribution of future nests using data from the first step.

  3. Judge the credibility of sightings by considering results from the two steps before and the characteristics of the hornet.

This model makes reliable guesses at where the nest of a hornet may be found by tracing the tracks of sighted workers, and makes predictions on where new nests may be found.

This information can aid wildlife officers in their search-and-destroy tasks, and also warn beekeepers of possible danger zones.

It can also sort pictures of sightings by placing them in different groups belonging to different insects. This helps improve the efficiency of the government agency in examining the reports by aiding entomologists through doing a rough screening of incoming pictures first. Besides this, factors such as geographical information and coordinates are also taken into consideration, because of the habits of the insect. The resulting algorithm can reach 98% when it comes to identifying only the pictures of the Asian giant hornet.

The model is also capable of updating itself when new information is given. Depending on the circumstance, the model will change: • by updating its figure set if any new photo comes in; • by adding a new site as a possible nest if confirmed sightings occur far away from any known nest; • every year by deleting information of current nests, since queens migrate and old nests die out.

Fighting a horde of invasive species can be a hard task, but our model can be of great help, especially when it comes to the examination of sighting reports. When the amount of sightings peaks at around august, your experts will be overloaded with pictures to examine.

Besides the aforementioned ability of roughly screening the photos, it is also capable of flagging and prioritizing the most probable photos for further examination. Our tests show that it can correctly prioritize 5 photos out of the bulk of 1400 photos for human intervention.

We can almost convince ourselves of victory when no new confirmed sighting occurs from May to November, since the hornets are most active at these times of the year. But to be more confident with this judgement, we would want to see a declining trend in the number of confirmed sightings to reassure ourselves of victory. According to our calculations, a trend of sighting numbers decreasing representing a probability of survival lower than 0.05 would be sufficient to demonstrate that the pest has been eradicated.


The Figure 13 above is an illustration of how the model will work: you can select the map view by checking the three boxes on the top-left. The three pictures below the map represent the results after expert analysis in the three groups. The figure on the bottom-left illustrates how the photo identification algorithm improves itself over time: it makes fewer mistakes. The text on the middle-left is the output of p and the predicted situation of the hornet colony .

We hope this model can serve as a valuable tool in our united effort to fight the horde.

After all, the eradication of this invasive species is the common goal of both our team and the civilians of Washington State. If there are any further questions or problems regarding this model, please contact us and we will do whatever we can to explain and/or improve the model.

We are looking forward to your good news.

Yours Sincerely, Team # 2101587



















TO: The Washington State Department of Agriculture FROM: MCM Team 2107870 DATE: February 8, 2021 SUBJECT: Analysis of Vespa mandarinia Sightings and Recommendations for Investigation We are writing to address the State of Washington’s ongoing efforts to detect occurrences and spread of the Vespa mandarinia species, commonly known as the Asian Giant Hornet. Vespa mandarinia poses a great threat to the Washington state ecology. In our new partnership, we are dedicated to protecting the State of Washington and greater area ecology, helping the community find safety in nature, and most importantly, developing a concrete metric that allows better allocation your resources in these efforts.

By sifting through the image, text and location data collected in your initial efforts to track public sightings of Vespa mandarinia, our team has developed a long-term process and metric which will assist your department in identifying which civilian submissions should be allocated highest priority and conversely lowest priority investigation. We will walk you through the development of the model used to process reports, and furthermore provide concrete recommendations to your department.

OUR APPROACH We developed a model with two analysis tracks: image data analysis and notes/date of detection analysis.

  1. The image data analysis track requires the input of still images of the insect being reported.

The output of this track is a list that links the GlobalIDs of the sighting to the probability that the image is of Vespa mandarinia. These probabilities range from 0 to 1. A value of 0 means the image is not of Vespa mandarinia, and a value of 1 means the image is an image of Vespa mandarinia.

  1. The notes/date of detection detection analysis requires the input of these two data points and outputs the a list linking the GlobalIDs of the sightings to the probability that the notes data of that sighting refers to Vespa mandarinia on a the same scale of 0 to 1.

Our model takes these two lists from the separate tracks, as well as the location data of longitude and latitude, and combines them. Y ou are given a list of pairings between GlobalIDs and the probability that the reported sighting is not of Vespa mandarinia on a scale of 0 to 1. A value 1 indicates that the sighting is not Vespa mandarinia and 0 indicates that the sighting is Vespa mandarinia. The following table presents the priority levels assigned to the probability deliverable:


To continue our ongoing partnership, we also propose a model for future use that assigns a probability of a sighting being Vespa mandarinia based upon pest spread from past seasonal cycles. Such a model will be useful as more data on the location of positive sightings are collected.

OUR FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Our short term recommendations follow as such: 1. The most urgent locations that should be investigated are: Whatcom county, Skagit County, and San Juan County. After running our model on all the unverified and unprocessed data, these three counties scored the highest probability of being a Vespa mandarinia sighting.

  1. Our short term logistical recommendation is that the Agricultural Department make great amendments to the civilian submission form. When preprocessing the initial data, our team had to remove many submissions because records contained incorrect dates and photos. The preprocessed notes suffered from noisy data because many submissions contained additional irrelevant description of possibly identifying Vespa mandarinia, but did not go into any details of what the alleged insect looked like. This makes distinction of ID increasingly difficult. We suggest specifying on the form uploads of “Insect Photos” and “Vivid Description of Insect Seen” to curate better civilian data.

Our long term recommendations follow as such: 1. Investigation into high priority sightings (according to the Priority Levels Table above) should be emphasized most; however, this is not to say that a sighting with a low priority level is not Vespa mandarinia. It is simply less likely to be Vespa mandarinia than the other sightings. For this reason, some level of investigation into all of the priority levels should be allocated; however, the most urgent are the sightings in the high priority level.

  1. Evidence of eradication of this pest in a region can be determined by this model when all of the reported sightings exist in the low priority level within a 30km radius of the region of interest for two Vespa mandarinia seasonal cycles (two years).

We appreciate your time and consideration and hope to expand upon this partnership to help ensure the ecological safety of the State of Washington in the future.

Sincerely, Team 2107870

致:华盛顿州农业部来源:MCM Team 2107870日期:2021年2月8日主题:对野黄蜂目击事件的分析和调查建议










1.最需要调查的紧急地点是:Whatcom县、Skagit县和San Juan县。在对所有未经验证和处理的数据运行我们的模型后,这三个县获得了最高的胡蜂目击概率。









This memo introduces our investment strategy model for you from four perspectives: the establishment of transaction strategy model, the robustness of the model, the sensitivity of the model, and investment returns.

  1. Establishment of transaction strategy model.

It is common sense that accurately predicting the future trend of asset prices is the basic premise of correct investment decisions. We use the ARIMA model commonly used in time series analysis to determine reasonable model parameters based on known historical data to predict the next day’s price. Because too frequent trading will increase transaction costs and bring greater investment risks , we clarify the current market state and judge whether to trade at present based on the moving average long arrangement method. Finally, we established a revenue-CV AR dual-objective optimization model and obtained a series of feasible solutions through the NSGA-II algorithm, and then the daily trading strategy is obtained by combining the upper limit of the downside semi-variance of the asset portfolio. At the same time, our model can modify the upper limit of the risk constraint according to the investor’s degree of risk aversion, and obtain the best investment strategy that matches anyone’s risk tolerance.


  1. Robustness of the model.

In the prediction bias test, the MAPE values are all less than 0.1, very close to 0. R2-score values are all greater than 94%, close to 1, indicating that the model can accurately predict the key moment when the asset price fluctuates greatly, thus providing a good precondition for subsequent investment decisions.

After the investment strategy optimality test, our investment model can buy assets before the bull market, hold to rise, and accurately grasp the profit opportunities. At the same time, the model has the ability to survive the period of bear market smoothly, with high anti-risk fluctuation ability, and can keep the asset loss to a minimum in the bear market.

In addition, we apply random disturbance to the given investment strategies to generate 1000 groups of new simulated investment strategies. The comparison of returns shows that the average annual returns of simulated investments are lower than the investment strategies given by us, and the 5-year total returns of our investment strategies are higher than 93% of the simulated investment strategies, which is enough to prove that our investment model can provide you with a relatively profitable investment strategy while minimizing risk.

  1. Model sensitivity.

Since changes in the global financial and economic environment, domestic macro-politics, and economic environment will all have an impact on the market, the volatile assets transaction costs are likely to change accordingly. By adjusting the parameter settings of transaction costs, we find that our investment model is more sensitive to the transaction cost of bitcoin, and the model is more sensitive to the reduction of transaction cost relative to the increase of transaction cost. At the same time, after multiple robustness tests, our investment model also has good performance under different transaction costs, exceeding 90% of the simulated decisions, which is worthy of trust.

  1. Investment return.

The 5-year total rate of return on the investment reaches 616.63%, the average annual rate of return is 261.41%, and the highest annual rate of return is 664.68%, which means our model has strong profitability. The lowest annual rate of return is 55.6%, which means that the model can quickly adjust asset allocation and has strong anti-risk capabilities.

Should you need more information, we’ll be glad to introduce more about the Investment Strategy Model.

From 2016 to 2018, the market performance was relatively stable and the risk was small.

We are optimistic about the rise of bitcoin, choose to hold a large share of bitcoin with a relatively low valuation and hold a certain amount of gold to hedge risks, which accurately predict and grasp the upward trend of bitcoin. The three-year returns were 368.99%, 664.68%, and 102.48%.

In 2019-2021, the market performance was volatile, and bull and bear markets appeared frequently. In 2020, we accurately grasped the opportunities in the bitcoin market, buy at low prices, and achieve an annual return of 55%. In 2021, we will seize the opportunity to reduce bitcoin holdings and buy gold to take profit before the bear market comes. The yield in 2021 is 453.03%, finally achieved a 5-year cumulative growth of 616.63%.

Therefore, our investment strategy model can grasp the reasonable relationship between investment opportunities and trading volume, and have the ability to stop loss and take profit for the purpose of effectively avoiding risks, recommending profitable investment strategies that best suit your risk-resisting ability.

The above is the whole content of our model. Should you need more information, we’ll be glad to discuss our investment strategy models in detail at next meeting.




















Our team was assigned to create a model that would calculate the optimal daily strategy to trade between cash, gold, and bitcoin in order to generate the most profit.

The model was initialized at $1000 cash on September 11, 2016 and terminated on September 11, 2021. Using price data that was recorded up to only the day of trading, we successfully created a model that predicted future trends and informed current investment strategies utilizing various trading and normalization methods.

Our model was created on the basis of two main trading strategies: momentum theory and reversion to the mean. The momentum of the financial asset is calculated through the price gradient – the change in price in an interval of time – and moving average – the summation of previous weighted prices divided by a sum of previous weights. If both the gradient and moving average are greater than 1 at the time of trading, a buy signal will be generated. Otherwise, a sell signal is issued. Since momentum trading determines trades when the price rises above the moving average, the reversion to mean strategy is used to catch price movements below it. This theory states that the farther the price deviates away from the moving average, the greater the probability it will move towards the average on its next time step. If the price falls far below the moving average, it is more likely to increase in the future, so our model will generate a buy signal. A combination of these two theories creates the trading strategy our model uses for normal market conditions.

The second part of trading is to determine how much to buy at each trade. We do this by calculating the profitability of the current market. The profitability is directly proportional to the gradient of the price, so the larger the magnitude the gradient has, the larger the amount of assets it will purchase.

In standard market conditions, the general sequence of asset trading is coded as follows: The model checks for sell indicators, selling any assets if demanded. The model checks the gold and bitcoin buy indicators, compares them to decide if and what to buy. If neither buy signals were issued, the model can choose to sell both assets.

When an asset is bought, it will not immediately be sold, even though a continuous buying and selling at any increase in value may seem profitable because of the transaction fees in place. Therefore, our model implements a holding period of z days where the asset is not bought or sold.

The strategy described previously was to operate during normal market conditions. In the case of extreme market conditions, a second sequence of logic is activated, overriding our previous methods. If the current gradient is calculated to fivetimes the average historical gradient, the extreme market conditions algorithm is run.

This means that the model will not sell until the price of the asset has returned to a price ∆P below its maximum over the interval. This method is used to prevent the premature selling that could have occurred if the normal strategy was implemented.

Following the extreme market conditions sequence, we run a no-buy condition where the model will not buy into the market for a certain period of time.

After running our model for the four-year period, we obtained a final asset value of $219,799 – a return on investment of 21,880%. Our model buys and sells at near optimal points and responds effectively to market crashes and critical points. Since our model’s purpose is profit, it will buy and sell assets with that sole intention, resulting in a final portfolio of largely bitcoin and less gold.

Though our model is profitable and effective, we recognize its strengths and weaknesses. We will be glad to discuss any further recommendations on improving it to increase its efficiency and profitability.

Thank you for supporting this endeavor.

Sincerely, Modeling Team

























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