
 Coding – Havok utility class
Some coding at last! If you look on that stand alone demo we launched at at the beginning, you will see that it is written procedurally for simplification. Drawback of that solution is much code in one place (although comments written by demo makers are very good and they help to orientate). I deciced to take adventage of more OO approach. Take a look at declaration of a class which encapsulate Havok data and allow to step the simulation forward.

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class HavokUtilities  
{   //HavokUtilities类的内部
 virtual ~HavokUtilities(void);
 //sets default timestep and calls private initHavok() method
 //This way, if HavokUtilities object is destroyed, all resources assigned by it will be freed.
 void registerVisualDebugger();  
 //sets up Visual Debugger. If you want to use VD, you have to call this after creating HavokUtilities object

 void stepSimulation(float dt);  

 void stepVisualDebugger(float dt);  
 //have to be called inside some loop. They tell the simulation and VD to step forward by delta time dt.

 hkpWorld* getWorld();  
 //returns pointer to hkpWorld (Havok world instance)
 hkVisualDebugger* getVisualDebugger();  
 //returns pointer to hkVisualDebugger (VD instance)

 float getTimestep();  //得到时间流逝
 void initHavok();  
 void deinitHavok();  
 bool m_visualDebuggerActive;   //VD是否激活变量
 hkpWorld* m_world;   //物理世界 指针初始化
 hkVisualDebugger* m_vdb;   //VBD 指针初始化
 hkpPhysicsContext* m_context;   //context 指针初始化
 hkJobThreadPool* m_threadPool;   //线程池 指针初始化
 hkThreadMemory* m_threadMemory;   //线程内存? 指针初始化
 hkJobQueue* m_jobQueue;    //工作队列 指针初始化
 char* m_stackBuffer;   //字符串
   //In the interface section you can see declaration of physics world, Visual Debugger and context(which processes information from referenced world and presents them to debugger). World is container for simulated objects. We can add simulation elements to it, and during simulation stepping physical interactions of those objects will be resolved.
   //Havok memory, thread pool and job queue are declared below. Thread pool and job queue are used in multithread world stepping. If you would like to read more about how multithreading is implemented in Havok, refer to “Multithreading” chapter in User Manual. At the moment keep in mind that after registering physics world with job queue (initHavok() function):


   //we can step the world using current and all the threads in the thread pool (stepSimulation() function):

   m_world->stepMultithreaded(m_jobQueue, m_threadPool, dt); 

//Now we have to esablish some kind of game loop in main(). We will duplicate this loop from stand alone Havok demo, but before that we have to create our HavokUtilities object, register VDB:

int main(int argc, const char** argv)  
    HavokUtilities* havokUtilities = new HavokUtilities();  

//建立watch(表)物体 - 我们将模拟30秒时间  
hkStopwatch stopWatch;   //秒表实例化
stopWatch.start();       //秒表.开始
hkReal lastTime = stopWatch.getElapsedSeconds();   //得到秒表流逝的时间
//initialize fixed time step - one step every 1/60 of a second  
hkReal timestep = 1.f / 60.f;  

//calculate number of steps for entire loop 
//为整个循环 计算步数
//(30 seconds divided by single time step)  
int numSteps = int(30.f / timestep);  
//application loop, breaks after 15 real time seconds  
for ( int i = 0; i < numSteps; ++i )  

    //step the simulation and VDB  

    //pause until the actual time has passed  
    while (stopWatch.getElapsedSeconds() < lastTime + timestep);  
    {   //只要当前时间<最后模拟时间+单步时间,那么最后模拟时间增加一个单步时间长度
         lastTime += timestep;  

//We set a watch to simulate 30 seconds of real time - that's our simulation duration. 1/60 time step means that simulation should be stepped 60 times during one second of real time. Time stepping if complicated concept, especially with varying framerate (i.e. in real applications with graphics). For our console demo this fixed step should work well.
//After setting time step, we calculate number of steps needed for entire simulation and run a loop, where simulation and VDB are stepped forward by that fixed time step. To simulate real time pass, we hold loop execution after stepping until the actual time has passed. Don't forget to delete HavokUtilities object after loop, so it can call deinitHavok() and free aquired resources.
//Our demo should confirm connection to Visual Debugger by writing to the console, although scene in VBD will be still empty - we haven't added any objects to the simulation.

5. 建立固定面//creating fixed surface
//Last thing I promised at the beginning of this tutorial - we will create a flat, fixed(static game scene element) surface to preview in VDB. It's not much, but it shows the basics of Havok shapes creation. Write function definition in main.cpp, before main() function:

void addFixedSurface(hkpWorld* world, const hkVector4& position,  
                             const hkVector4& dimensions)  
    //creates fixed surface with specified position and dimensions  
    //create box shape using given dimensions  
    hkpConvexShape* shape = new hkpBoxShape(dimensions,0);  
    //create rigid body information structure
    hkpRigidBodyCinfo rigidBodyInfo;  
    //MOTION_FIXED means static element in game scene  
    //MOTION_FIXED 的意思就是在游戏场景中是静态不动的,位置不受任何力影响的
    rigidBodyInfo.m_motionType = hkpMotion::MOTION_FIXED;  
    rigidBodyInfo.m_shape = shape;  
    rigidBodyInfo.m_position = position;  
    //create new rigid body with supplied info  
    hkpRigidBody* rigidBody = new hkpRigidBody(rigidBodyInfo);  
    //add rigid body to physics world  
    //decerase reference counter for rigid body and shape  

//Funtion first creates a hkBoxShape, which defines the object's shape and size for collision detection purposes. hkBoxShape constructor takes half extents as a parameter - X by Y by Z box has a X/2 by Y/2 by Z/2 half extents. This shape, among with position and motion type is used to fill rigid body info structure. Any scene object that doesn't change it's size could be rigid body - boxes, surfaces, car chassis etc. MOTION_FIXED motion type means that object will be static in our physics world. It is necessary - fixed motion type will cause it to fall, according to gravitation set during initialization.
//The function has one more thing to do: create a rigid body with rigidBodyInfo passed as a parameter and add it to physics world. Notice the removeReference() calls on rigidBody and shape objects. Havok manages those objects by using a reference system. Therefore physics world (hkpWorld) will keep reference to rigid body once added. If we don't need it anymore here, we could decerase reference counter, giving hkpWorld object full ownership over the object.
//We have to call addFixedSurface() in our main() function, after we create HavokUtilities object:

HavokUtilities* havokUtilities = new HavokUtilities();  
addFixedSurface(havokUtilities->getWorld(), hkVector4(0,0,0),  





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