


















图 1-4










public interface Activity {

  /** the short display name given to this element. */
  String getName();

  /** the list of outgoing transitions.
   * Caution: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. */
  List<? extends Transition> getOutgoingTransitions();

  /** the default outgoing transition. */
  Transition getDefaultOutgoingTransition();

  /** the first leaving transition with the given name or null of no
   * such leaving transition exists. If the multiple transitions have 
   * the given transition name, the first (in order of {@link #getOutgoingTransitions()})
   * will be returned.
   * @param transitionName is the name of the transition to take.  A null value will 
   * match the first unnamed transition. */
  Transition getOutgoingTransition(String transitionName);

  /** indicates if a leaving transition with the given transitionName exists. 
   * A null value matches an unnamed transition. */
  boolean hasOutgoingTransition(String transitionName);

  /** indicates if this activity has leaving transitions */
  boolean hasOutgoingTransitions();

  /** the leaving transitions, keyed by transition name.  If a transition with 
   * the same name occurs mutltiple times, the first one is returned.
   * Leaving transitions with a null value for their name are not included 
   * in the map.
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made.  In fact, the 
   * returned map is maintained as a cache.  So updates to the map will 
   * influence subsequent retrievals of outgoing transitions by name. */
  Map<String, ? extends Transition> getOutgoingTransitionsMap();
  /** searches for the given transitionName in this activity and then up the 
   * parent chain. Returns null if no such transition is found. */
  Transition findOutgoingTransition(String transitionName);

  /** the list of arriving transitions.
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. */
  List<? extends Transition> getIncomingTransitions();

  /** indicates if this activity has arriving transitions */
  boolean hasIncomingTransitions();
  /** retrieve the parent activity in the composite activity structure.  This is 
   * different from {@link ObservableElement#getParent()} in that it is restricted 
   * to the parent activities.  It doesn't take into account the process definition. */ 
  Activity getParentActivity();
  /** indicates if this processDefinition has activities. */
  boolean hasActivities();

  /** the list of direct composite activities.  Recursively contained 
   * activities are not included in the list. 
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. */
  List<? extends Activity> getActivities();

  /** indicates if an activity with the given name exists directly in 
   * this element.  Only the direct contained activities are 
   * searched.  No recursive search is made. */
  boolean hasActivity(String activityName);

  /** the first composite activity with the given name or null of no
   * such activity exists. Only the direct contained activities are 
   * searched.  No recursive search is made. */
  Activity getActivity(String activityName);

  /** searches for the given activity in this element recursively, 
   * including this activity and all child activities.  The search 
   * is done depth-first. A null value for activityName matches a activity 
   * without a name. */
  Activity findActivity(String activityName);

  /** the composite activities, keyed by activity name.  If an activity 
   * with the same name occurs mutltiple times, the first in the list
   * is included in the map. Activities with a null value for their name 
   * are not included in the map. 
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. In fact, the 
   * returned map is maintained as a cache.  So updates to the map will 
   * influence subsequent retrievals of activities by name.*/
  Map<String, ? extends Activity> getActivitiesMap();

  /** the type of this activity which corresponds to the xml tag */
  String getType();
public interface CompositeElement extends ObservableElement {

  /** indicates if this processDefinition has activities. */
  boolean hasActivities();

  /** the list of direct composite activities.  Recursively contained 
   * activities are not included in the list. 
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. */
  List<? extends Activity> getActivities();

  /** indicates if an activity with the given name exists directly in 
   * this element.  Only the direct contained activities are 
   * searched.  No recursive search is made. */
  boolean hasActivity(String activityName);

  /** the first composite activity with the given name or null of no
   * such activity exists. Only the direct contained activities are 
   * searched.  No recursive search is made. */
  Activity getActivity(String activityName);

  /** searches for the given activity in this element recursively, 
   * including this activity and all child activities.  The search 
   * is done depth-first. A null value for activityName matches a activity 
   * without a name. */
  Activity findActivity(String activityName);

  /** the composite activities, keyed by activity name.  If an activity 
   * with the same name occurs mutltiple times, the first in the list
   * is included in the map. Activities with a null value for their name 
   * are not included in the map. 
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. In fact, the 
   * returned map is maintained as a cache.  So updates to the map will 
   * influence subsequent retrievals of activities by name.*/
  Map<String, ? extends Activity> getActivitiesMap();


public abstract class CompositeElementImpl extends ScopeElementImpl implements CompositeElement {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  protected List<ActivityImpl> activities;
  transient protected Map<String, ActivityImpl> activitiesMap;

  // nested activities /
   * creates a nested activity. Also the nested activity's parent pointer will be set 
   * appropriatly. 
  public ActivityImpl createActivity() {
    return createActivity(null);

   * creates a nested activity with the given name. Also the nested activity's parent pointer will be set 
   * appropriatly. 
   * @param activityName may be null. 
  public ActivityImpl createActivity(String activityName) {
    ActivityImpl activity = new ActivityImpl();
    return activity;

  public Activity addActivity(ActivityImpl activity) {
    if (activities==null) {
      activities = new ArrayList<ActivityImpl>();
    if (! activities.contains(activity)) {
    activitiesMap = null;
    return activity;
  /** removes the given activity from the nested activities.
   * Also the activity's parent will be nulled.
   * This method will do nothing if the activity is null or if 
   * the activity is not in the list of nested activities.
   * If the activity is actually removed from the list of 
   * activities, the activity's source will be nulled. 
   * In case this is the activity that was in the 
   * activitiesMap and another activity exists with the same
   * name, that activity (the first) will be put in the 
   * activitiesMap as a replacement for the removed activity.
  public boolean removeActivity(ActivityImpl activity) {
    if ( (activity!=null)
         && (activities!=null)
       ) {
      boolean isRemoved = activities.remove(activity);
      if (isRemoved) {
        if (activities.isEmpty()) {
          activities = null;
        activitiesMap = null;
      return isRemoved;
    return false;

  /** the first nested activity with the given name or null of no
   * such activity exists.
  public ActivityImpl getActivity(String activityName) {
    return (getActivitiesMap()!=null ? activitiesMap.get(activityName) : null);

  /** is this activity present ? */
  public boolean hasActivity(String activityName) {
    return ((getActivitiesMap()!=null) && (activitiesMap.containsKey(activityName)));

  public ActivityImpl findActivity(String activityName) {
    if (activities!=null) {
      for(ActivityImpl n : activities) {
        ActivityImpl activity = n.findActivity(activityName);
        if (activity!=null) {
          return activity;
    return null;

  /** the list of nested activities.
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. 
  public List<? extends Activity> getActivities() {
    return activities;

  /** the nested activities, keyed by activity name.  If a activity with 
   * the same name occurs mutltiple times, the first in the list
   * is included in the map.
   * Activities with a null value for their name are not included 
   * in the map.
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. 
  public Map<String, ? extends Activity> getActivitiesMap() {
    if (activitiesMap == null) {
      this.activitiesMap = ActivityImpl.getActivitiesMap(activities);
    return activitiesMap;
  /** indicates if this processDefinition has activities. */
  public boolean hasActivities() {
    return ((activities!=null) && (!activities.isEmpty()));





public class ActivityImpl extends CompositeElementImpl implements Activity {

  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  protected ActivityBehaviour activityBehaviour;
  protected boolean isActivityBehaviourStateful = false;
  protected Descriptor activityBehaviourDescriptor;
  protected List<TransitionImpl> outgoingTransitions = new ArrayList<TransitionImpl>();
  protected List<TransitionImpl> incomingTransitions = new ArrayList<TransitionImpl>();
  protected TransitionImpl defaultOutgoingTransition;
  protected ActivityImpl parentActivity;

  protected String type;
  protected Continuation continuation = Continuation.SYNCHRONOUS;

  protected ActivityCoordinatesImpl coordinates;
  // Do not initialize. Caching is based on the nullity of this map
  transient protected Map<String, TransitionImpl> outgoingTransitionsMap = null;
   * Use {@link ProcessDefinitionImpl#createActivity()} or {@link ActivityImpl#createActivity()} instead.
  public ActivityImpl() {
  // specialized activity containment methods /
  public ActivityImpl addActivity(ActivityImpl activity) {
    return activity;
  public ActivityImpl findActivity(String activityName) {
    if (activityName==null) {
      if (name==null) {
        return this;
    } else if (activityName.equals(name)) {
      return this;
    return super.findActivity(activityName);

  // outgoing transitions //

  /** creates an outgoing transition from this activity. */
  public TransitionImpl createOutgoingTransition() {
    // create a new transition
    TransitionImpl transition = new TransitionImpl();
    // wire it between the source and destination

    // if there is no default transition yet
    if (defaultOutgoingTransition==null) {
      // make this the default outgoing transition
      defaultOutgoingTransition = transition;
    return transition;
   * adds the given transition as a leaving transition to this activity.
   * Also the source of the transition is set to this activity.
   * Adding a transition that is already contained in the leaving 
   * transitions has no effect. 
   * @return the added transition. 
   * @throws NullPointerException if transition is null.
  public Transition addOutgoingTransition(TransitionImpl transition) {
    if (! outgoingTransitions.contains(transition)) {
    return transition;

   * removes the given transition from the leaving transitions.
   * Also the transition's source will be nulled.
   * This method will do nothing if the transition is null or if 
   * the given transition is not in the list of this activity's leaving 
   * transitions.
   * In case this is the transition that was in the 
   * outgoingTransitionsMap and another transition exists with the same
   * name, that transition (the first) will be put in the 
   * outgoingTransitionsMap as a replacement for the removed transition.
   * If the transition is actually removed from the list of 
   * leaving transitions, the transition's source will be nulled. 
  public boolean removeOutgoingTransition(TransitionImpl transition) {
    if (transition!=null) {
      boolean isRemoved = outgoingTransitions.remove(transition);
      if (isRemoved) {
      return isRemoved;
    return false;

  /** the first leaving transition with the given name or null of no
   * such leaving transition exists.
  public TransitionImpl getOutgoingTransition(String transitionName) {
    return (getOutgoingTransitionsMap()!=null ? outgoingTransitionsMap.get(transitionName) : null);
  /** searches for the given transitionName in this activity and then up the 
   * parent chain. Returns null if no such transition is found. */
  public TransitionImpl findOutgoingTransition(String transitionName) {
    TransitionImpl transition = getOutgoingTransition(transitionName);
    if (transition!=null) {
      return transition;
    if (parentActivity!=null) {
      return parentActivity.findOutgoingTransition(transitionName);
    return null;
  /** searches for the default transition in this activity and then up the 
   * parent chain. Returns null if no such transition is found. */
  public TransitionImpl findDefaultTransition() {
    if (defaultOutgoingTransition!=null) {
      return defaultOutgoingTransition;
    if (parentActivity!=null) {
      return parentActivity.findDefaultTransition();
    return null;

  /** the list of leaving transitions.
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. 
  public List<? extends Transition> getOutgoingTransitions() {
    return outgoingTransitions;

  /** indicates if a leaving transition with the given transitionName exists. */
  public boolean hasOutgoingTransition(String transitionName) {
    return (getOutgoingTransition(transitionName)!=null);

  /** indicates if this activity has leaving transitions */
  public boolean hasOutgoingTransitions() {
    return !outgoingTransitions.isEmpty();

  /** sets the outgoingTransitions to the given list of outgoingTransitions.
   * A copy of the collection is made.  Also the outgoingTransitionsMap will 
   * be updated and the source of all the transitions in the given list will 
   * be set to this activity.
   * In case there was a leaving transitions list present, these transition's
   * source will be nulled.
  public void setOutgoingTransitions(List<TransitionImpl> outgoingTransitions) {
    if (!this.outgoingTransitions.isEmpty()) {
      List<TransitionImpl> removedTransitions = new ArrayList<TransitionImpl>(outgoingTransitions);
      for (TransitionImpl removedTransition: removedTransitions) {
    if (outgoingTransitions!=null) {
      this.outgoingTransitions = new ArrayList<TransitionImpl>();
      for (TransitionImpl addedTransition: outgoingTransitions) {
    } else {
      this.outgoingTransitions = new ArrayList<TransitionImpl>();

  // arriving transitions /
   * adds the given transition as an arriving transition to this activity.
   * Also the source of the transition is set to this activity. 
   * @return the added transition. 
   * @throws NullPointerException if transition is null.
  public Transition addIncomingTransition(TransitionImpl transition) {
    return transition;

  /** removes the given transition if it is contained in the arriving
   * transitions of this activity.  If this transition was actually removed,
   * its destination pointer is nulled.
   * @return true if a transition was removed.
  public boolean removeIncomingTransition(TransitionImpl transition) {
    if ( (transition!=null) && (incomingTransitions.remove(transition))) {
      return true;
    return false;

  /** the list of arriving transitions.
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made.
  public List<? extends Transition> getIncomingTransitions() {
    return incomingTransitions;

  /** indicates if this activity has arriving transitions */
  public boolean hasIncomingTransitions() {
    return !incomingTransitions.isEmpty();

  /** sets the incomingTransitions to the given list of incomingTransitions.
   * A copy of the collection is made.  Also the destination of all the transitions 
   * in the given list will be set to this activity.
   * In case there was an arriving transitions list present, these transition's
   * destination will be nulled.
  public void setIncomingTransitions(List<TransitionImpl> incomingTransitions) {
    if (!this.incomingTransitions.isEmpty()) {
      for (TransitionImpl removedTransition: this.incomingTransitions) {
    if (incomingTransitions!=null) {
      this.incomingTransitions = new ArrayList<TransitionImpl>(incomingTransitions);
      for (TransitionImpl addedTransition: incomingTransitions) {
    } else {
      this.incomingTransitions = null;

  /** the leaving transitions, keyed by transition name.  If a transition with 
   * the same name occurs mutltiple times, the first one is returned.
   * Leaving transitions with a null value for their name are not included 
   * in the map.
   * Beware: the actual member is returned.  No copy is made. 
  public Map<String, ? extends Transition> getOutgoingTransitionsMap() {
    if(outgoingTransitionsMap == null){
      outgoingTransitionsMap = new HashMap<String, TransitionImpl>();
      for (TransitionImpl transition: outgoingTransitions) {
        if (!outgoingTransitionsMap.containsKey(transition.getName())) {
          outgoingTransitionsMap.put(transition.getName(), transition);
    return outgoingTransitionsMap;

  void clearOutgoingTransitionsMap() {
    outgoingTransitionsMap = null;

  // various helper methods ///

  static Map<String, ActivityImpl> getActivitiesMap(List<ActivityImpl> activities) {
    Map<String, ActivityImpl> map = null;
    if (activities!=null) {
      map = new HashMap<String, ActivityImpl>();
      for (ActivityImpl activity: activities) {
        if (! map.containsKey(activity.getName())) {
          map.put(activity.getName(), activity);
    return map;

  public String toString() { 
    if (name!=null) return "activity("+name+")";
    if (dbid!=0) return "activity("+dbid+")";
    return "activity("+System.identityHashCode(this)+")"; 

  /** collects the full stack of parent in a list.  This activity is the 
   * first element in the chain.  The process definition will be the last element.
   * the chain will never be null. */
  public List<ObservableElementImpl> getParentChain() {
    List<ObservableElementImpl> chain = new ArrayList<ObservableElementImpl>();
    ObservableElementImpl processElement = this;
    while (processElement!=null) {
      processElement = processElement.getParent();
    return chain;

  public boolean isAsync() {
    return ! (continuation==Continuation.SYNCHRONOUS);

  public boolean contains(ActivityImpl activity) {
    while (activity!=null) {
      if (activity.getParent()==this) {
        return true;
      activity = activity.getParentActivity();
    return false;

  // customized getters and setters ///

  public ActivityBehaviour getActivityBehaviour() {
    if (activityBehaviour!=null) {
      return activityBehaviour;
    if (activityBehaviourDescriptor!=null) {
      ActivityBehaviour createdBehaviour = (ActivityBehaviour) ReflectUtil.instantiateUserCode(activityBehaviourDescriptor, processDefinition, null);
      if (!isActivityBehaviourStateful) {
        activityBehaviour = createdBehaviour;
      return createdBehaviour;
    return null;

  // getters and setters //
  public ObservableElementImpl getParent() {
    return (parentActivity!=null ? parentActivity : processDefinition);
  public String getName() {
    return name;
  public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;
  public TransitionImpl getDefaultOutgoingTransition() {
    return defaultOutgoingTransition;
  public void setDefaultOutgoingTransition(TransitionImpl defaultOutgoingTransition) {
    this.defaultOutgoingTransition = defaultOutgoingTransition;
  public ActivityImpl getParentActivity() {
    return parentActivity;
  public void setParentActivity(ActivityImpl parentActivity) {
    this.parentActivity = parentActivity;
  public String getType() {
    return type;
  public void setType(String type) {
    this.type = type;
  public ActivityCoordinatesImpl getCoordinates() {
    return coordinates;
  public void setCoordinates(ActivityCoordinatesImpl coordinates) {
    this.coordinates = coordinates;
  public Continuation getContinuation() {
    return continuation;
  public void setContinuation(Continuation continuation) {
    this.continuation = continuation;
  public void setActivityBehaviour(ActivityBehaviour activityBehaviour) {
    this.activityBehaviour = activityBehaviour;
  public Descriptor getActivityBehaviourDescriptor() {
    return activityBehaviourDescriptor;
  public void setActivityBehaviourDescriptor(Descriptor activityBehaviourDescriptor) {
    this.activityBehaviourDescriptor = activityBehaviourDescriptor;
  public boolean isActivityBehaviourStateful() {
    return isActivityBehaviourStateful;
  public void setActivityBehaviourStateful(boolean isActivityBehaviourStateful) {
    this.isActivityBehaviourStateful = isActivityBehaviourStateful;





public interface HistorySession {
  void process(HistoryEvent historyEvent);



public class HistorySessionImpl implements HistorySession {

  public void process(HistoryEvent historyEvent) {



public class HistorySessionChain implements HistorySession {

  protected List<HistorySession> historySessions = new ArrayList<HistorySession>();

  public HistorySessionChain(List<HistorySession> historySessions) {
    this.historySessions = historySessions;

  public void process(HistoryEvent historyEvent) {
    for (HistorySession historySession: historySessions) {



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