机器学习学习笔记—— Welcome to machine learning!(欢迎来到机器学习)

Welcome to Machine learning. What is machine learning? You probably use it many times a day without even knowing it. Anytime you want to find out something like how do I make a sushi roll? You can do a web search on Google, Bing or Baidu to find out. And that works so well because their machine learning software has figured out how to rank web pages. Or when you upload pictures to Instagram or Snapchat and think to yourself, I want to tag my friends so they can see their pictures. Well these apps can recognize your friends in your pictures and label them as well. That's also machine learning. Or if you've just finished watching a Star Wars movie on the video streaming service and you think what other similar movies can I watch? Well the streaming service will likely use machine learning to recommend something that you might like. Each time you use voice to text on your phone to write a text message. >> Hey Andrew, how's it going? >> Or tell your phone. Hey Siri play a song by Rihanna, or ask your other phone okay Google show me Indian restaurants near me. That's also machine learning. Each time you receive an email titled, Congratulations! You've won a million dollars. Well maybe you're rich, congratulations. Or more likely your email service will probably flag it as spam. That too is an application of machine learning.

Beyond consumer applications that you might use, AI is also rapidly making its way into big companies and into industrial applications. For example, I'm deeply concerned about climate change, and I'm glad to see that machine learning is already hoping to optimize wind turbine power generation. Or in healthcare, is starting to make its way into hospitals to help doctors make accurate diagnosis. Or recently at Landing AI have been doing a lot of work, putting computer vision into factories to help inspect if something coming off the assembly line has any defects. That's machine learning, it's the science of getting computers to learn without being explicitly programmed.

In this course, you learn about machine learning and get to implement machine learning and code yourself. Millions of others have taken the earlier version of this course, which is of course, that led to the founding of Coursera. And many learners ended up building exciting machine learning systems or even pursuing very successful careers in AI. I'm excited that you're on this journey with me. Welcome and let's get started.


除了您可能使用的消费者应用之外,人工智能也正在迅速进入大公司和工业应用。例如,我非常关心气候变化,我很高兴看到机器学习已经在寻求优化风力发电。或者在医疗保健领域,开始进入医院帮助医生做出准确诊断。或者最近在Landing AI,我们做了很多工作,将计算机视觉引入工厂,帮助检查生产线上下线的产品是否有缺陷。这就是机器学习,它是让计算机在没有被明确编程的情况下学习的科学。






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