VR系列——Oculus Rift 开发者指南:二、初始化和传感器枚举




// 引用OculusVR SDK
#include <OVR_CAPI.h>
void Application() {
    ovrResult result = ovr_Initialize(nullptr);
    if (OVR_FAILURE(result))
    ovrSession session;
    ovrGraphicsLuid luid;
    result = ovr_Create(&session, &luid);
    if (OVR_FAILURE(result)) {
    ovrHmdDesc desc = ovr_GetHmdDesc(session);
    ovrSizei resolution = desc.Resolution;


在这个例子中,ovr_Create(&session &luid)创建了HMD。使用它返回的LUID,为ID3D11设备创建的物体选择IDXGI适配器。最后,必须调用ovr_Destroy,在关闭库之前清除HMD。


如果没有Rift插入,ovr_Create(&session, &luid)将返回一个失败的ovrResult,除非通过RiftConfigUtil,使得有一个虚拟的HMD可用。虽然虚拟的HMD不支持任何的传感输入,但是它对调试Rift兼容的渲染代码、对没有物理设备的一般开发,是很有用的。



AvailableHmdCapsunsigned intHMD目前支持的能力,由ovrHmdCaps描述。
DefaultHmdCapsunsigned int目前HMD的默认能力,由ovrHmdCaps描述。
AvailableTrackingCapsunsigned intHMD目前支持的能力,由ovrTrackingCaps描述。
DefaultTrackingCapsunsigned int目前HMD的默认能力,由ovrTrackingCaps描述。


Oculus Rift硬件包含一些微电子机械(MEMS)传感器,包括陀螺仪、加速度计和磁力计。



ovrResult ovr_ConfigureTracking(
    ovrSession session, unsigned int requestedTrackingCaps,  
    unsigned int requiredTrackingCaps);



// 查询HMD当前的跟踪状态.
ovrTrackingState ts = ovr_GetTrackingState(session, ovr_GetTimeInSeconds());
if (ts.StatusFlags & (ovrStatus_OrientationTracked | ovrStatus_PositionTracked))
    Posef pose = ts.HeadPose;







  • 自下向上是Y轴的正方向
  • 自左向右是X轴的正方向
  • 自前向后脑方向是Z轴的正方向

旋转作为一个单位四元数,也可以通过三维空间的右手笛卡尔坐标表示( yaw-pitch-roll)。当你朝着每个坐标轴负方向看时,是按逆时针方向旋转(图中的旋转箭头的方向是逆时针的)

  • 俯仰(pitch)是绕着X轴旋转,也叫俯仰角,正向转动时就抬头
  • 偏航(yaw)是绕着Y轴旋转,也叫偏航角,正向转动时就向左转
  • 翻滚(roll)是绕着Z轴旋转,也叫翻滚角,正向转动就是让XY组成的面向左偏转

最简单的从ovrPose获取俯仰角、偏航角和翻滚角的方法是利用C++的包含库的数学辅助类。下面的示例就是直接将指定的ovrPosef转化为等价的C++ Posef类,你也可以使用Quatf::GetEulerAngles<>来直接获取所需的欧拉角。





ovrSession session;                                                        
ovrGraphicsLuid luid;                                                        
if(OVR_SUCCESS(ovr_Create(&session, &luid)))                                
    // Extract tracking frustum parameters.                                      
    float frustomHorizontalFOV = session->CameraFrustumHFovInRadians;        




FieldTypeTypical Value
CameraFrustumHFovInRadiansfloat1.292 radians (74 degrees)
CameraFrustumVFovInRadiansfloat0.942 radians (54 degrees)




注:这个可以通过API调用ovr_RecenterPose 重置追踪源到头戴式设备的当前位置,并且设置偏航起源到当前头戴式设备的偏航值。


  • HeadPose-包括头的位置和方向;
  • CameraPose-与追踪源相关的追踪器的状态;
  • LeveledCameraPose-与追踪源相关的追踪器的状态,并且翻滚角和俯仰角为零。你可以把它当作一个参照点,在正确的位置上来渲染真实世界的物体。


  • ovrStatus_PositionConnected-当位置追踪器已连接并且正常运行时,设置该状态位;
  • ovrStatus_PositionTracked-该状态位只有当头戴式设备被追踪时设置;
  • ovrStatus_CameraPoseTracked-在追踪器初始化后设置。一般情况下,在开始追踪后一秒左右,要求头戴式设备在视野范围内合理固定。如果在进入VR后,ovrStatus_CameraPoseTracked 标志没有被迅速设置的话,及时告知用户是非常必要的。

- 头戴式设备部分或全部被移动到追踪范围之外;
- 头戴式设备采用了一个不容易被现有的硬件追踪到的方向(比如背对追踪器);
- 从追踪器的角度来看,头戴式设备的表面被部分或者完全遮挡(比如头发或手);
- 头戴式设备的速度超出了预期范围。





概括来说,开发人员在为VR设计应用程序的时候,需要认真考虑他们的控制算法以及如何结合头部追踪。OculusRoomTiny 应用提供了示例源码,描述了如何整合Oculus 头戴式追踪器以及上述标准的FPS控制算法。

更多关于好的和坏的实践信息,请查看《Oculus Best Practices Guide》。


使用设备时,所有使用Oculus Riftd的应用程序显示健康和安全警告。






HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Oculus VR, LLC\LibOVR\HSWToggleEnabled

在Oculus的配置项中的高级设置面板中,设定HSWToggleEnabled的值为1,可以禁用健康和安全警告。对于非Windows版本,您必须创建一个值为“1”的变量Oculus LibOVR HSWToggleEnabled。


Initialization and Sensor Enumeration

This example initializes LibOVR and requests information about the available HMD.

Review the following code:

// Include the OculusVR SDK
#include <OVR_CAPI.h>
void Application() {
    ovrResult result = ovr_Initialize(nullptr);
    if (OVR_FAILURE(result))
    ovrSession session;
    ovrGraphicsLuid luid;
    result = ovr_Create(&session, &luid);
    if (OVR_FAILURE(result)) {
    ovrHmdDesc desc = ovr_GetHmdDesc(session);
    ovrSizei resolution = desc.Resolution;

As you can see, ovr_Initialize is called before any other API functions and ovr_Shutdown is called to shut down the library before you exit the program. In between these function calls, you are free to create HMD objects, access tracking state, and perform application rendering.

In this example, ovr_Create(&session &luid) creates the HMD. Use the LUID returned by ovr_Create() to select the IDXGIAdapter on which your ID3D11Device is created. Finally, ovr_Destroy must be called to clear the HMD before shutting down the library.

You can use ovr_GetHmdDesc() to get a description of the HMD.

If no Rift is plugged in, ovr_Create(&session, &luid) returns a failed ovrResult unless a virtual HMD is enabled through RiftConfigUtil. Although the virtual HMD will not provide any sensor input, it can be useful for debugging Rift-compatible rendering code and for general development without a physical device.

The description of an HMD (ovrHmdDesc) handle can be retrieved by calling ovr_GetHmdDesc(session).

The following table describes the fields:

TypeovrHmdTypeType of the HMD, such as ovr_DK1 or ovr_DK2 .
ProductNamechar[]Name of the product as a string.
Manufacturerchar[]Name of the manufacturer.
VendorIdshortVendor ID reported by the headset USB device.
ProductIdshortProduct ID reported by the headset USB device
SerialNumberchar[]Serial number string reported by the headset USB device.
FirmwareMajorshortThe major version of the sensor firmware
FirmwareMinorshortThe minor version of the sensor firmware.
CameraFrustumHFovInRadiansfloatThe horizontal FOV of the position tracker frustum.
CameraFrustumVFovInRadiansfloatThe vertical FOV of the position tracker frustum.
CameraFrustumNearZInMetersfloatThe distance from the position tracker to the near frustum bounds
CameraFrustumNearZInMetersfloatThe distance from the position tracker to the far frustum bounds
AvailableHmdCapsunsigned intCapability bits described by ovrHmdCaps which the HMD currently supports.
DefaultHmdCapsunsigned intDefault capability bits described by ovrHmdCaps for the current HMD.
AvailableTrackingCapsunsigned intCapability bits described by ovrTrackingCaps which the HMD currently supports.
DefaultTrackingCapsunsigned intDefault capability bits described by ovrTrackingCaps for the current HMD.
DefaultEyeFovovrFovPort[]Recommended optical field of view for each eye.
MaxEyeFovovrFovPort[]Maximum optical field of view that can be practically rendered for each eye.
ResolutionovrSizeiResolution of the full HMD screen (both eyes) in pixels.
DisplayRefreshRatefloatNominal refresh rate of the HMD in cycles per second at the time of HMD creation.

Head Tracking and Sensors

The Oculus Rift hardware contains a number of micro-electrical-mechanical (MEMS) sensors including a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer.

Starting with DK2, there is also a tracker to track headset position. The information from each of these sensors is combined through the sensor fusion process to determine the motion of the user’s head in the real world and synchronize the user’s view in real-time.

By default the SDK will enable all of the available tracking features for the attached HMD. If you’d like to toggle the tracking features, you can do so by calling ovr_ConfigureTracking. This function has the following signature:

ovrResult ovr_ConfigureTracking(
    ovrSession session, unsigned int requestedTrackingCaps,  
    unsigned int requiredTrackingCaps);

ovr_ConfigureTracking takes two sets of capability flags as input. These both use flags declared in ovrTrackingCaps. supportedTrackingCaps describes the HMD tracking capabilities that should be used when available. requiredTrackingCaps specifies capabilities that must be supported by the HMD at the time of the call for the application to operate correctly. If the required capabilities are not present, ovr_ConfigureTracking will fail.

Once the ovrSession is created, you can poll sensor fusion for head position and orientation by calling ovr_GetTrackingState. These calls are demonstrated by the following code:

// Query the HMD for the current tracking state.
ovrTrackingState ts = ovr_GetTrackingState(session, ovr_GetTimeInSeconds());
if (ts.StatusFlags & (ovrStatus_OrientationTracked | ovrStatus_PositionTracked))
    Posef pose = ts.HeadPose;

This example initializes the sensors with orientation, yaw correction, and position tracking capabilities if available, while only requiring basic orientation tracking. This means that the code will work for DK1, but will automatically use DK2 tracker-based position tracking. If you are using a DK2 headset and the DK2 tracker is not available during the time of the call, but is plugged in later, the tracker is automatically enabled by the SDK.

After the sensors are initialized, the sensor state is obtained by calling ovr_GetTrackingState. This state includes the predicted head pose and the current tracking state of the HMD as described by StatusFlags. This state can change at runtime based on the available devices and user behavior. For example with DK2, the ovrStatus_PositionTracked flag is only reported when HeadPose includes the absolute positional tracking data from the tracker.

The reported ovrPoseStatef includes full six degrees of freedom (6DoF) head tracking data including orientation, position, and their first and second derivatives. The pose value is reported for a specified absolute point in time using prediction, typically corresponding to the time in the future that this frame’s image will be displayed on screen. To facilitate prediction, ovr_GetTrackingState takes absolute time, in seconds, as a second argument. The current value of absolute time can be obtained by calling ovr_GetTimeInSeconds. If the time passed into ovr_GetTrackingState is the current time or earlier, the tracking state returned will be based on the latest sensor readings with no prediction. In a production application, however, you should use the real-time computed value returned by GetPredictedDisplayTime. Prediction is covered in more detail in the section on Frame Timing.

As already discussed, the reported pose includes a 3D position vector and an orientation quaternion. The orientation is reported as a rotation in a right-handed coordinate system, as illustrated in the following figure.

Figure 1: Rift Coordinate System

The x-z plane is aligned with the ground regardless of camera orientation.

As seen from the diagram, the coordinate system uses the following axis definitions:

  • Y is positive in the up direction.
  • X is positive to the right.
  • Z is positive heading backwards.

Rotation is maintained as a unit quaternion, but can also be reported in yaw-pitch-roll form. Positive rotation is counter-clockwise (CCW, direction of the rotation arrows in the diagram) when looking in the negative direction of each axis, and the component rotations are:

  • Pitch is rotation around X, positive when pitching up.
  • Yaw is rotation around Y, positive when turning left.
  • Roll is rotation around Z, positive when tilting to the left in the XY plane.

The simplest way to extract yaw-pitch-roll from ovrPose is to use the C++ OVR Math helper classes that are included with the library. The following example uses direct conversion to assign ovrPosef to the equivalent C‍++ Posef class. You can then use the Quatf::GetEulerAngles<> to extract the Euler angles in the desired axis rotation order.

All simple C math types provided by OVR such as ovrVector3f and ovrQuatf have corresponding C++ types that provide constructors and operators for convenience. These types can be used interchangeably.

Position Tracking

The frustum is defined by the horizontal and vertical FOV, and the distance to the front and back frustum planes.

Approximate values for these parameters can be accessed through the ovrHmdDesc struct as follows:

ovrSession session;
ovrGraphicsLuid luid;
if(OVR_SUCCESS(ovr_Create(&session, &luid)))
    // Extract tracking frustum parameters.
    float frustomHorizontalFOV = session->CameraFrustumHFovInRadians;

The following figure shows the DK2 position tracker mounted on a PC monitor and a representation of the resulting tracking frustum.

Figure 2: Position Tracking Camera and Tracking Frustum

The relevant parameters and typical values are list below:

FieldTypeTypical Value
CameraFrustumHFovInRadiansfloat1.292 radians (74 degrees)
CameraFrustumVFovInRadiansfloat0.942 radians (54 degrees)

These parameters are provided to enable application developers to provide a visual representation of the tracking frustum. The previous figure also shows the default tracking origin and associated coordinate system.

Note: Although the tracker axis (and hence the tracking frustum) are shown tilted downwards slightly, the tracking coordinate system is always oriented horizontally such that the axes are parallel to the ground.

By default, the tracking origin is located one meter away from the tracker in the direction of the optical axis but with the same height as the tracker. The default origin orientation is level with the ground with the negative axis pointing towards the tracker. In other words, a headset yaw angle of zero corresponds to the user looking towards the tracker.

Note: This can be modified using the API call ovr_RecenterPose which resets the tracking origin to the headset’s current location, and sets the yaw origin to the current headset yaw value.

Note: The tracking origin is set on a per application basis; switching focus between different VR apps also switches the tracking origin.

The head pose is returned by calling ovr_GetTrackingState. The returned ovrTrackingState struct contains several items relevant to position tracking:

  • HeadPose—includes both head position and orientation.
  • CameraPose—the pose of the tracker relative to the tracking origin.
  • LeveledCameraPose— the pose of the tracker relative to the tracking origin but with roll and pitch zeroed out. You can use this as a reference point to render real-world objects in the correct place.

The StatusFlags variable contains three status bits relating to position tracking:

  • ovrStatus_PositionConnected—set when the position tracker is connected and functioning properly.
  • ovrStatus_PositionTracked—flag that is set only when the headset is being actively tracked.
  • ovrStatus_CameraPoseTracked—set after the initial tracker calibration has taken place. Typically this requires the headset to be reasonably stationary within the view frustum for a second or so at the start of tracking. It may be necessary to communicate this to the user if the ovrStatus_CameraPoseTracked flag doesn’t become set quickly after entering VR.

There are several conditions that may cause position tracking to be interrupted and for the flag to become zero:

  • The headset moved wholly or partially outside the tracking frustum.
  • The headset adopts an orientation that is not easily trackable with the current hardware (for example facing directly away from the tracker).
  • The exterior of the headset is partially or fully occluded from the tracker’s point of view (for example by hair or hands).
  • The velocity of the headset exceeds the expected range.

Following an interruption, assuming the conditions above are no longer present, tracking normally resumes quickly and the ovrStatus_PositionTracked flag is set.

User Input Integration

To provide the most comfortable, intuitive, and usable interface for the player, head tracking should be integrated with an existing control scheme for most applications.

For example, in a first person shooter (FPS) game, the player generally moves forward, backward, left, and right using the left joystick, and looks left, right, up, and down using the right joystick. When using the Rift, the player can now look left, right, up, and down, using their head. However, players should not be required to frequently turn their heads 180 degrees since this creates a bad user experience. Generally, they need a way to reorient themselves so that they are always comfortable (the same way in which we turn our bodies if we want to look behind ourselves for more than a brief glance).

To summarize, developers should carefully consider their control schemes and how to integrate head-tracking when designing applications for VR. The OculusRoomTiny application provides a source code sample that shows how to integrate Oculus head tracking with the aforementioned standard FPS control scheme.

For more information about good and bad practices, refer to the Oculus Best Practices Guide.

Health and Safety Warning

All applications that use the Oculus Rift display a health and safety warning when the device is used.

This warning appears for a short amount of time when the Rift first displays a VR scene; it can be dismissed by pressing a key or tapping on the headset. Currently, the warning displays for at least 15 seconds the first time a new profile user puts on the headset and 3 seconds afterwards.

The warning displays automatically as a layer.

The Health and Safety Warning can be disabled through the Oculus Configuration Utility. Before suppressing the Health and Safety Warning, please note that by disabling the Health and Safety warning screen, you agree that you have read the warning, and that no other person will use the headset without reading this warning screen.

To use the Oculus Configuration Utility to suppress the Health and Safety Warning, a registry key setting must be added for Windows builds, while an environment variable must be added for non-Windows builds.

For Windows, the following key must be added:

HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Oculus VR, LLC\LibOVR\HSWToggleEnabled

Setting the value of HSWToggleEnabled to 1 enables the Disable Health and Safety Warning check box in the Advanced Configuration panel of the Oculus Configuration Utility. For non-Windows builds, you must create an environment variable named Oculus LibOVR HSWToggleEnabled with the value of ”1”.

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