VR系列——Oculus Rift 开发者指南:三、Oculus Rift的渲染(一)

Oculus Rift的渲染

Oculus Rift 需要用带有失真校正的立体分屏来为每只眼睛取消镜头相关失真。

图3:OculusWorldDemo(一个例子) 立体渲染

校正失真是具有挑战性的,失真的参数随不同的镜头类型和个人的视距而变化。为了使开发更容易,Oculus SDk在分层组件(Compositor)进程中自动处理失真校正,同时它也会降低时延,并传送帧到头盔。

随着Oculus SDK做了大量的工作,应用程序的主要工作是基于位置跟踪进行模拟和渲染立体的世界。立体视图可以被渲染成一个或两个独立的纹理,并通过调用ovr_SubmitFrame提交给分层组件。我们将在这章中详细介绍这个过程。

Oculus Rift的渲染

Oculus Rift 需要分别为每只眼睛渲染一半屏幕的场景。





为了抵消这种失真,SDK使用后处理方式去渲染一个大小相同方向相反的桶形失真,来使两者相互抵消,从而眼睛看不到失真的视图。此外,SDK还纠正镜片边缘的颜色分离效果引起的色差。虽然准确的失真参数取决于镜头的特性和眼睛相对镜头的位置,但Oculus SDK也照顾到了网格失真产生时所有必要的矫正计算。

当Rift 进行渲染时,如下图所示,投影轴必须相互平行,左右视图完全独立于另一个。这意味着摄像机的设置与用于常规的非立体渲染非常相似,除了摄像机侧向移位以调整与眼睛的位置。

图5 HMD 视野锥

在实践中,Rift 的预测往往会因为我们的鼻子阻隔,而稍微偏离中心。但有一点,跟电视或电影屏幕中产生的立体视图不一样,在Rift中的左右视图完全互相独立的。这意味着因为它们通常不会应用在VR,所以如果想使用这些媒体开发的方法,必须非常小心。




Rendering to the Oculus Rift

The Oculus Rift requires split-screen stereo with distortion correction for each eye to cancel lens-related distortion.

Figure 3: OculusWorldDemo Stereo Rendering

Correcting for distortion can be challenging, with distortion parameters varying for different lens types and individual eye relief. To make development easier, Oculus SDK handles distortion correction automatically within the Oculus Compositor process; it also takes care of latency-reducing timewarp and presents frames to the headset.

With Oculus SDK doing a lot of the work, the main job of the application is to perform simulation and render stereo world based on the tracking pose. Stereo views can be rendered into either one or two individual textures and are submitted to the compositor by calling ovr_SubmitFrame. We cover this process in detail in this section.

Rendering to the Oculus Rift

The Oculus Rift requires the scene to be rendered in split-screen stereo with half of the screen used for each eye.

When using the Rift, the left eye sees the left half of the screen, and the right eye sees the right half. Although varying from person-to-person, human eye pupils are approximately 65 mm apart. This is known as interpupillary distance (IPD). The in-application cameras should be configured with the same separation.

Note: This is a translation of the camera, not a rotation, and it is this translation (and the parallax effect that goes with it) that causes the stereoscopic effect. This means that your application will need to render the entire scene twice, once with the left virtual camera, and once with the right.
The reprojection stereo rendering technique, which relies on left and right views being generated from a single fully rendered view, is usually not viable with an HMD because of significant artifacts at object edges.

The lenses in the Rift magnify the image to provide a very wide field of view (FOV) that enhances immersion. However, this process distorts the image significantly. If the engine were to display the original images on the Rift, then the user would observe them with pincushion distortion.

Figure 4: Pincushion and Barrel Distortion

To counteract this distortion, the SDK applies post-processing to the rendered views with an equal and opposite barrel distortion so that the two cancel each other out, resulting in an undistorted view for each eye. Furthermore, the SDK also corrects chromatic aberration, which is a color separation effect at the edges caused by the lens. Although the exact distortion parameters depend on the lens characteristics and eye position relative to the lens, the Oculus SDK takes care of all necessary calculations when generating the distortion mesh.

When rendering for the Rift, projection axes should be parallel to each other as illustrated in the following figure, and the left and right views are completely independent of one another. This means that camera setup is very similar to that used for normal non-stereo rendering, except that the cameras are shifted sideways to adjust for each eye location.

Figure 5: HMD Eye View Cones

In practice, the projections in the Rift are often slightly off-center because our noses get in the way! But the point remains, the left and right eye views in the Rift are entirely separate from each other, unlike stereo views generated by a television or a cinema screen. This means you should be very careful if trying to use methods developed for those media because they do not usually apply in VR.

The two virtual cameras in the scene should be positioned so that they are pointing in the same direction (determined by the orientation of the HMD in the real world), and such that the distance between them is the same as the distance between the eyes, or interpupillary distance (IPD). This is typically done by adding the ovrEyeRenderDesc::HmdToEyeViewOffset translation vector to the translation component of the view matrix.

Although the Rift’s lenses are approximately the right distance apart for most users, they may not exactly match the user’s IPD. However, because of the way the optics are designed, each eye will still see the correct view. It is important that the software makes the distance between the virtual cameras match the user’s IPD as found in their profile (set in the configuration utility), and not the distance between the Rift’s lenses.

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Virtual reality (VR) is changing the world of gaming and entertainment as we know it. VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift immerse players in a virtual world by tracking their head movements and simulating depth, giving them the feeling that they are actually present in the environment. We will first use the Oculus SDK in the book and will then move on to the widely popular Unity Engine, showing you how you can add that extra edge to your VR games using the power of Unity. In this book, you’ll learn how to take advantage of this new medium by designing around each of its unique features. This book will demonstrate the Unity 5 game engine, one of most widely-used engines for VR development, and will take you through a comprehensive project that covers everything necessary to create and publish a complete VR experience for the Oculus Rift. You will also be able to identify the common perils and pitfalls of VR development to ensure that your audience has the most comfortable experience possible. By the end of the book, you will be able to create an advanced VR game for the Oculus Rift, and you’ll have everything you need to bring your ideas into a new reality. What You Will Learn Increase immersion with 3D audio and intuitive interfaces Create group VR experiences using multi-player networking Design fun and engaging mechanics that utilize VR principles Explore the best ways to navigate and interact using the Oculus Rift Design intuitive ways to navigate and interact with scenes in VR Add stunning realism to a scene with three-dimensional audio Invent mechanics and features that take full advantage of VR hardware Table of Contents Chapter 1. Exploring a New Reality with the Oculus Rift Chapter 2. Stepping into Virtual Reality Chapter 3. Improving Performance and Avoiding Discomfort Chapter 4. Interacting with Virtual Worlds Chapter 5. Establishing Presence Chapter 6. Adding Depth and Intuition to a User Interface Chapter 7. Hearing and Believing with 3D Audio Chapter 8. Adding Tone and Realism with Graphics Chapter 9. Bringing Players Together in VR Chapter 10. Publishing on the Oculus Store




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