VR系列——Oculus Rift 开发者指南:四、高级渲染配置(三)



例如,要在DK1上实现将一个1:1的像素映射在作者视场的中心,需要一个大得多的达到2000 x1056像素大小的渲染目标。

即使现在的显卡可以在规定的60Hz渲染这个分辨率,但未来的HMD可能拥有更高的分辨率。对于虚拟现实,下降到60Hz以下的话将会导致非常糟糕的用户体验,最好是降低分辨率来维持帧率。这类似于一个用户拥有一个分辨率高达2560 x1600的显示器。极少数的3D应用程序可以在这种原始分辨率下全速运行,所以大部分应用允许用户选择一个较低的分辨率,这样显示器能够提升整个屏幕的频率。




float pixelsPerDisplayPixel = GetPixelsPerDisplayFromApplicationSettings();
Sizei recommenedTexSize = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Left, fovLeft, pixelsPerDisplayPixel);


OculusWorldDemo允许你尝试改变渲染目标像素密度。导航到设置菜单(按Tab键),然后选择像素密度(Pixel Density),按上下方向键调整像素在眼睛的中心的投影密度。值为1.0时,渲染目标像素密度以1:1显示在显示面.值为0.5时,渲染目标像素密度为显示面的一半。此外,你还可以选择动态分辨率(Dynamic Res Scaling),这样能使像素密度自动在0到1之间进行调整。


Improving Performance by Decreasing Pixel Density

The DK1 has a resolution of 1280x800 pixels, split between the two eyes. However, because of the wide FOV of the Rift and the way perspective projection works, the size of the intermediate render target required to match the native resolution in the center of the display is significantly higher.

For example, to achieve a 1:1 pixel mapping in the center of the screen for the author’s field-of-view settings on a DK1 requires a much larger render target that is 2000x1056 pixels in size.

Even if modern graphics cards can render this resolution at the required 60Hz, future HMDs might have significantly higher resolutions. For virtual reality, dropping below 60Hz provides a terrible user experience; it is always better to decrease the resolution to maintain framerate. This is similar to a user having a high resolution 2560x1600 monitor. Very few 3D applications can run at this native resolution at full speed, so most allow the user to select a lower resolution to which the monitor upscales to the fill the screen.

You can use the same strategy on the HMD. That is, run it at a lower video resolution and let the hardware upscale for you. However, this introduces two steps of filtering: one by the distortion processing and one by the video upscaler. Unfortunately, this double filtering introduces significant artifacts. It is usually more effective to leave the video mode at the native resolution, but limit the size of the intermediate render target. This gives a similar increase in performance, but preserves more detail.

One way to resolve this is to allow the user to adjust the resolution through a resolution selector. However, the actual resolution of the render target depends on the user’s configuration, rather than a standard hardware setting This means that the ‘native’ resolution is different for different people. Additionally, presenting resolutions higher than the physical hardware resolution might confuse some users. They might not understand that selecting 1280x800 is a significant drop in quality, even though this is the resolution reported by the hardware.

A better option is to modify the pixelsPerDisplayPixel value that is passed to the ovr_GetFovTextureSize function. This could also be based on a slider presented in the applications render settings. This determines the relative size of render target pixels as they map to pixels at the center of the display surface. For example, a value of 0.5 would reduce the render target size from 2000x1056 to 1000x528 pixels, which might allow mid-range PC graphics cards to maintain 60Hz.

float pixelsPerDisplayPixel = GetPixelsPerDisplayFromApplicationSettings();
Sizei recommenedTexSize = ovr_GetFovTextureSize(session, ovrEye_Left, fovLeft, pixelsPerDisplayPixel);

Although you can set the parameter to a value larger than 1.0 to produce a higher-resolution intermediate render target, Oculus hasn’t observed any useful increase in quality and it has a high performance cost.

OculusWorldDemo allows you to experiment with changing the render target pixel density. Navigate to the settings menu (press the Tab key) and select Pixel Density. Press the up and down arrow keys to adjust the pixel density at the center of the eye projection. A value of 1.0 sets the render target pixel density to the display surface 1:1 at this point on the display. A value of 0.5 means sets the density of the render target pixels to half of the display surface. Additionally, you can select Dynamic Res Scaling which will cause the pixel density to automatically adjust between 0 to 1.





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