VR系列——Oculus Rift入门手册:二、演示


现在您的Oculus Rift已插入,驱动程序已安装,SDK也装上了,您就可以开始使用SDK了。

注释:如果你还没有准备好,花点时间调整Rift头盔,以便您的头和眼睛舒服。关于配置Rift更详细的信息可以在这份手册中的Oculus Rift硬件设置中找到。


  • OculusWorldDemo—一个有视觉吸引力的屏幕上有文本和控件的场景。
  • OculusRoomTiny—一个最小的C++示例显示传感器在Rift上的集成和渲染。


Oculus推荐运行预编译的OculusWorldDemo来探索SDK。你可以找到一个链接Oculus SDK安装的根目录中的可执行文件。



OculusWorldDemo 控制


Key or InputMovement
W, SMove forward, back
A, DStrafe left, right
MouseLook left, right
Left gamepad stickMove
Right gamepad stickTurn



F4Multisampling toggle
F5sRGB toggle
F7Mono/stereo view mode toggle
F9Hardware full-screen (low latency)
F11Performance HUD toggle
EMotion relative to head/body
RReset sensor orientation
EscCancel full-screen
-, +Adjust eye height
LAdjust fourth view value
TabOptions Menu
SpacebarToggle debug info overlay
TReset player position
GCycle grid overlay mode
U, JAdjust second view value
I, KAdjust third view value
;Cylce rendered scenes
+ShiftAdjust values quickly
OToggle Time-Warp
CToggle FreezeEyeUpdate
VToggle Vsync








根据您的实际高度,你可能会感到比正常较矮或高。在OculusWorldDemo中玩家默认的眼睛高度为1.61米(大约平均成人眼睛高度),但可以使用 “+”和“-”键调整。或者,你可以在Oculus Configuration Utility中设置高度(通过Oculus系统托盘图标访问)。





如果你要集成Oculus SDK到你的游戏引擎,Oculus建议从示例项目开始。




这是一个很好的开始,因为它的源代码紧密结合了Oculus SDK的所有关键特性。它包含初始化libovr核心的必要逻辑,接入Oculus设备,利用玩家的个人资料,实现头部跟踪,传感器融合,立体3D渲染和变形处理。




当你熟悉了Oculus SDK基础后,这是一个很好的应用实验。它还包括和覆盖菜单选项,切换自定义绘制包括FOV的许多方面,渲染目标作用,变速和显示设置。尝试这些选项可以为开发人员提供深入了解相关的数字是什么意思,以及它们如何影响幕后的东西。



如果你要集成Oculus SDK到你的游戏引擎,Oculus建议从示例项目开始。

如果你是一个不熟悉C ++的艺术家或游戏设计师,我们建议下载UE3 UE4或Unity以及相应的Oculus集成。您可以使用我们的外装即用的集成立即开始构建基于Oculus的内容。




Getting Started with the Demos

Now that the Rift is plugged in, the drivers are installed, and the SDK is installed, you are ready to begin using the SDK.

Note: If you haven’t already, take a moment to adjust the Rift headset so that it’s comfortable for your head and eyes. More detailed information about configuring the Rift can be found in the Oculus Rift Hardware Setup this guide.

After the hardware is configured, the next step is to test the development kit. The SDK comes with a set of fullsource C++ samples designed to help you get started quickly. These include:

  • OculusWorldDemo—A visually appealing scene with on-screen text and controls.
  • OculusRoomTiny—A minimal C++ sample showing sensor integration and rendering on the Rift.

Getting Started

Oculus recommends running the pre-built OculusWorldDemo to explore the SDK. You can find a link to the executable file in the root of the Oculus SDK installation.

The following is a screenshot of the OculusWorldDemo application:

Figure 1: OculusWorldDemo Application

OculusWorldDemo Controls

The OculusWorldDemo uses a mix of standard and specialized controls.

The following table describes keys and devices that you use for movement:

Key or InputMovement
W, SMove forward, back
A, DStrafe left, right
MouseLook left, right
Left gamepad stickMove
Right gamepad stickTurn

Table 1: Movement

The following table describes keys that you use for functions:

F4Multisampling toggle
F5sRGB toggle
F7Mono/stereo view mode toggle
F9Hardware full-screen (low latency)
F11Performance HUD toggle
EMotion relative to head/body
RReset sensor orientation
EscCancel full-screen
-, +Adjust eye height
LAdjust fourth view value
TabOptions Menu
SpacebarToggle debug info overlay
TReset player position
GCycle grid overlay mode
U, JAdjust second view value
I, KAdjust third view value
;Cylce rendered scenes
+ShiftAdjust values quickly
OToggle Time-Warp
CToggle FreezeEyeUpdate
VToggle Vsync

Table 2: Functions

OculusWorldDemo Usage

Once you’ve launched OculusWorldDemo, you should see a window on your PC monitor similar to the previous screenshot.

When the image is correctly displayed inside the Rift then take a moment to look around in VR and doublecheck that all of the hardware is working properly. If you’re using a DK2 then you should be able to see that physical head translation is now also recreated in the virtual word as well as rotation.

Important: If you need to move the DK2 tracker for any reason after initial calibration, be sure to minimize the movement of the HMD for a few seconds while holding it within the tracking frustum. This will give the system chance to recalibrate the tracker pose.

If you would like to explore positional tracking in more detail, you can press the semicolon (;) key to bring the “sea of cubes” field that we use for debugging. In this mode, cubes are displayed that allow you to easily observe positional tracking behavior. Cubes are displayed in green when head position is being tracked and in red when sensor fusion falls back onto the head model.

There are a number of interesting things to take note of the first time you experience OculusWorldDemo. First, the level is designed to scale. Thus, everything appears to be roughly the same height as it would be in the real world. The sizes for everything, including the chairs, tables, doors, and ceiling, are based on measurements from real world objects. All of the units are measured in meters.

Depending on your actual height, you may feel shorter or taller than normal. The default eye height of the player in OculusWorldDemo is 1.61 meters (approximately the average adult eye height), but this can be adjusted using the using the ‘+’ and ‘-’ keys. Alternatively, you can set your height in the Oculus Configuration Utility (accessed through the Oculus System Tray Icon).

OculusWorldDemo includes code that shows how to use values set in the player’s profile such as eye height, IPD, and head dimensions, and how to feed them into the SDK to achieve a realistic sense of scale for a wide range of players. The scale of the world and the player is critical to an immersive VR experience. More information about scale is available in the Oculus Best Practices Guide.

Next Steps

After trying the OculusWorldDemo, there are other samples and tools.

Software Developers and Integration Engineers

If you’re integrating the Oculus SDK into your game engine, Oculus recommend starting with the sample projects.

Open the following projects, build them, and experiment with the provided sample code:



This is a good place to start, because its source code compactly combines all critical features of the Oculus SDK. It contains logic necessary to initialize LibOVR core, access Oculus devices, use the player’s profile, implement head-tracking, sensor fusion, stereoscopic 3D rendering, and distortion processing.

Figure 2:OculusRoomTiny


This is a more complex sample. It is intended to be portable and support many more features. These include windowed/full-screen mode switching, XML 3D model and texture loading, movement collision detection, adjustable view size and quality controls, 2D UI text overlays, and so on.

This is a good application to experiment with after you are familiar with Oculus SDK basics. It also includes and overlay menu with options and toggles that customize many aspects of rendering including FOV, render target use, timewarp and display settings. Experimenting with these options may provide developers with insight into what the related numbers mean and how they affect things behind the scenes.

Beyond experimenting with the provided sample code, Oculus recommends reading the rest of this guide. It covers LibOVR initialization, head-tracking, rendering for the Rift, and minimizing latency.

Artists and Game Designers

If you’re integrating the Oculus SDK into your game engine, Oculus recommends starting with the sample projects.

If you’re an artist or game designer unfamiliar with C++, we recommend downloading UE3, UE4 or Unity along with the corresponding Oculus integration. You can use our out-of-the-box integrations to begin building Oculus-based content immediately.

We also recommend reading through the Oculus Best Practices Guide, which has tips, suggestions, and research oriented around developing great VR experiences. Topics include control schemes, user interfaces, cut-scenes, camera features, and gameplay. The Best Practices Guide should be a go-to reference when designing your Oculus-ready games.

Aside from that, the next step is to start building your own Oculus-ready game or application. Thousands of other developers are out building the future of virtual reality gaming. To see what they are talking about, go to forums.oculus.com. To see what they are building, go to share.oculus.com.





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