

d p [ u ] [ i ] [ 0 / 1 ] [ 0 / 1 ] dp[u][i][0/1][0/1] dp[u][i][0/1][0/1]表示 u u u的子树除自己都已经保证被监听,用了 i i i个监听器,当前节点是否安装监听器,是否被监听
d p [ u ] [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = ∑ d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ∗ d p [ u ] [ i − j ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] dp[u][i][0][0]=\sum dp[v][j][0][1]*dp[u][i-j][0][0] dp[u][i][0][0]=dp[v][j][0][1]dp[u][ij][0][0]
d p [ u ] [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = ∑ ( d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) ∗ ( d p [ u ] [ i − j ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] + d p [ u ] [ i − j ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) − d p [ u ] [ i ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] dp[u][i][0][1]=\sum (dp[v][j][1][1]+dp[v][j][0][1])*(dp[u][i-j][0][1]+dp[u][i-j][0][0])-dp[u][i][0][0] dp[u][i][0][1]=(dp[v][j][1][1]+dp[v][j][0][1])(dp[u][ij][0][1]+dp[u][ij][0][0])dp[u][i][0][0]
d p [ u ] [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = ∑ ( d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) ∗ d p [ u ] [ i − j ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] dp[u][i][1][0]=\sum (dp[v][j][0][0]+dp[v][j][0][1])*dp[u][i-j][1][0] dp[u][i][1][0]=(dp[v][j][0][0]+dp[v][j][0][1])dp[u][ij][1][0]
d p [ u ] [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = ∑ ( d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] + d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] + d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] + d p [ v ] [ j ] [ 0 ] [ 1 ] ) ∗ ( d p [ u ] [ i − j ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] + d p [ u ] [ i − j ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] ) − d p [ u ] [ i ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ] dp[u][i][1][1]=\sum (dp[v][j][1][1]+dp[v][j][1][0]+dp[v][j][0][0]+dp[v][j][0][1])*(dp[u][i-j][1][0]+dp[u][i-j][1][1])-dp[u][i][1][0] dp[u][i][1][1]=(dp[v][j][1][1]+dp[v][j][1][0]+dp[v][j][0][0]+dp[v][j][0][1])(dp[u][ij][1][0]+dp[u][ij][1][1])dp[u][i][1][0]
首先,因为是树形计数问题,所以DP的时候前面的状态不能保留,要开一个临时数组g更新(当然可以不用,特判一下 j = 0 j=0 j=0的情况优先更新,再倒序更新即可)
其次,我们需要考虑每次转移时的枚举边界,否则复杂度会假:(下文 s i z [ u ] siz[u] siz[u]均为只算入当前子树和之前已更新子树的值,详见代码)
i i i肯定不能超过其子树大小
0 < = i < = m i n ( s i z [ u ] , k ) 0<=i<=min(siz[u],k) 0<=i<=min(siz[u],k)
j j j要满足 i − j < = s i z [ u ] − s i z [ v ] i-j<=siz[u]-siz[v] ij<=siz[u]siz[v]且不超过 v v v的子树大小:
m a x ( 0 , s i z [ v ] − s i z [ u ] + i ) < = j < = m i n ( i , s i z [ v ] ) max(0,siz[v]-siz[u]+i)<=j<=min(i,siz[v]) max(0,siz[v]siz[u]+i)<=j<=min(i,siz[v])
由于我们的更新是正确的且没有冗余的(也许),所以转移复杂度能够达到 O ( K 2 ) O(K^2) O(K2)的点最多 n / k n/k n/k个,所以复杂度为 O ( n k ) O(nk) O(nk)


using namespace std;
#define re register
#define ll long long
inline int rd(){
	int re data=0;static char ch=0;ch=getchar();
	return data;
const int N=1e5+5,K=105,mod=1e9+7;
int n,k,first[N],siz[N],cnt,dp[N][K][2][2],g[K][2][2];
struct edges{int v,nxt;}e[N<<1];
inline void add(int u,int v){e[++cnt]=(edges){v,first[u]},first[u]=cnt;}
inline void dfs(int u,int fa){
	for(int re v,i=first[u];i;i=e[i].nxt){
		dfs(v,u),siz[u]+=siz[v],memcpy(g,dp[u],sizeof g);
		for(int re i=min(k,siz[u]);~i;--i)dp[u][i][0][0]=dp[u][i][0][1]=dp[u][i][1][0]=dp[u][i][1][1]=0;
		for(int re i=min(k,siz[u]);~i;--i){
			int re maxl=min(i,siz[v]);
			for(int re j=max(0,i+siz[v]-siz[u]);j<=maxl;++j){
signed main(){
	for(int re u,v,i=1;i^n;++i)u=rd(),v=rd(),add(u,v),add(v,u);
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Game Development and Simulation with Unreal Technology explores the use of Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) for the development of real-time digital interactive contents to be used in computerized games or simulations. The engine is considered in three main iterations: from the basic use of the engine to build games and simulation content out of the box, to intermediate design of interactive content by building on the pre-supplied contents from the base engine, and through advanced implementations geared toward a comprehensive understanding of the power of the Unreal Engine. This is one of the first books on developing interactive content for games, entertainment, and simulation to cover the newly released UE4. Industry-level game concepts in level design, coding, and programming, networking, and multiplayer concepts are covered. The book presents beginner- through advanced-level concepts in designing and developing games with the Unreal Engine 4. It includes small/mid-scale projects developed as concept examples throughout the book, which can be used in more comprehensive and entertaining interactive computer simulations and games. The book is organized into three parts. Part 1 covers the basics of the unreal engine, including an overview of each subcomponent of the engine, an overview of the UE4 project templates, and the main features each provides. Part 2 delves into more advanced topics in the new UE4 material pipeline, including layered materials and different shading models. Part 3 walks you through the steps of building your own games with UE4. It also provides advanced coverage of Blueprint systems in UE4. Each chapter includes do-it-yourself extensions to the concept modules presented to solidify your understanding of the concepts and techniques. Exercises and summaries are also included at the end of each chapter to help take your understanding of Unreal Engine 4 to the next level. Table of Contents SECTION I Unreal Technology Basics: Introductory Development Techniques Chapter 1 Setting up Unreal Project Templates Chapter 2 Introduction to Level Design in Unreal Technology Chapter 3 Unreal Visual Scripting with Blueprints Chapter 4 Materials in Unreal Engine SECTION II Making Game Worlds Stand Out: Intermediate Development Concepts Chapter 5 Advanced Material Concepts in Unreal Engine Chapter 6 Visual Effects and Cascade in Unreal Engine Chapter 7 Terrains and Landscapes in Unreal Engine SECTION III Example Games: Advanced Game Development Concepts Chapter 8 Advanced Blueprint Concepts Chapter 9 A Top-Down Game with Blueprints Appendix A Material Expressions in Unreal Engine 4 Appendix B Distributions in Unreal Engine 4 Appendix C The Curve Editor in Unreal Engine 4


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