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原创 L - Polynomial Integration HUST - 1575

I guess that everybody has learned the course Calculus(微积分). To tell you the truth, I hate what course because of the endless exercise to do! My teacher was so strict that he assig

2017-04-30 21:45:12 208

原创 what dp其实是dfs(深搜)的简版

直接看代码,怎么运行的还是搞不懂, mmp,跑了好几遍,都没跑出程序的运行步骤,; 感觉智商好低,但是能敢说这就是01的函数形式;#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cmath>#include<cstring>#include<string>#include<algorithm>#include<stack>#include<qu

2017-04-28 15:28:39 535

原创 return 递归用法

return用法“”“”“”“”“”return 用于函数,不再执行其后的部分,返回调用该函数的地方继续执行。 break,continue,return的相同之处是, 它们都改变了程序的执行流程。 区别是:break 用于循环和switch分支,跳出它所在的块(分支 或 循环体),到它所在的块的后面去执行。 例如:for(…){break;/* L1 /}/ L2 */L1处不执行,跳至L

2017-04-27 19:45:40 2622

原创 POJ 3617 Best Cow Line

Best Cow LineTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 65536KBThis problem will be judged on PKU. Original ID: 361764-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainPrev Submit St

2017-04-24 16:11:11 216

原创 K. Yet Another Story of Rock-paper-scissors

K. Yet Another Story of Rock-paper-scissorsTime Limit: 2000msMemory Limit: 65536KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status Font PID: 18517Akih

2017-04-20 22:09:25 1110

原创 链表笔记一

链表搞了两个星期,说实话让我不用模板我还真写不来创建链表结构体typedef struct library List;typedef struct library Position;struct library{ int offical_number; char book_name[100]; int book_num; List *next;};链

2017-04-20 20:54:53 305

原创 Week7——图书管理系统


2017-04-20 20:45:13 399

原创 ZOJ 3710Friends

FriendsTime Limit: 2000msMemory Limit: 65536KBThis problem will be judged on ZJU. Original ID: 371064-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainPrev Submit Status S

2017-04-17 23:09:07 390

原创 H. Hard to Play

H. Hard to PlayTime Limit: 2000msMemory Limit: 65536KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status FontMightyHorse is playing a music game called os

2017-04-17 18:45:23 392

原创 J. Java Beans

J. Java BeansTime Limit: 2000msMemory Limit: 65536KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status FontThere are N little kids sitting in a circle, ea

2017-04-17 18:16:10 180

原创 Wu Xing

Wu XingTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 32768KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status Font PID: 18235IntroductionThe Wu Xing, or the Five M

2017-04-16 21:13:17 223

原创 Somali Pirates

Somali PiratesTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 32768KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status Font PID: 18230It is said that the famous Somali

2017-04-16 18:11:34 231

原创 A. Who is Older?

A. Who is Older?Time Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 32768KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status Font PID: 18229Javaman and cpcs are arguing wh

2017-04-16 18:10:22 521

原创 zoj 3326 An Awful Problem

E. An Awful ProblemTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 32768KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status FontIn order to encourage Hiqivenfin to study

2017-04-16 16:59:28 262

原创 素数表 最快,最好记

#includelong long num[1000001],a[1000001];int main(){ long long i,j,n; long long count=0; num[2]=1; for(i=3;i {  num[i++]=1;  num[i]=0; } for(i=3;i {  for(j=i+i;j  {   

2017-04-16 16:02:29 393

原创 Lake Counting

Lake CountingTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 65536KBThis problem will be judged on PKU. Original ID: 238664-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainPrev Submit St

2017-04-16 00:24:00 202

原创 I. A Stack or A Queue?

I. A Stack or A Queue?Time Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 32768KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status Font PID: 18117Do you know stack and que

2017-04-15 20:51:22 518

原创 A. Second-price Auction

A. Second-price AuctionTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 32768KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status Font PID: 18109Do you know second-price

2017-04-15 20:19:19 483

原创 F. 80ers' Memory

F. 80ers' MemoryTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 32768KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status Font PID: 18114I guess most of us are so calle

2017-04-15 20:17:36 584

原创 Light Bulb

B. Light BulbTime Limit: 1000msMemory Limit: 32768KB64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: MainSubmit Status Font PID: 18110Compared to wildleopard's wealthin

2017-04-15 19:46:40 407

原创 hdu 1636 Invitation Cards //spfa 详解;

In the age of television, not many people attend theater performances. Antique Comedians of Malidinesia are aware of this fact. They want to propagate theater and, most of all, Antique Comedies. The

2017-04-06 20:09:38 300

原创 Min Number

Now you are given one non-negative integer n in 10-base notation, it will only contain digits ('0'-'9'). You are allowed to choose 2 integers i and j, such that: i!=j, 1≤i<j≤|n|, here |n| means the le

2017-04-04 18:17:21 235

原创 hdu 1241 Oil Deposits

The GeoSurvComp geologic survey company is responsible for detecting underground oil deposits. GeoSurvComp works with one large rectangular region of land at a time, and creates a grid that divides th

2017-04-03 22:01:31 272

原创 hdu 1312Red and Black

dfs 水题wa两个小时,dfs 数据范围和map范围有偏差错了好久,真要认真,最近太浪了;There is a rectangular room, covered with square tiles. Each tile is colored either red or black. A man is standing on a black tile. From a tile,

2017-04-03 21:17:50 418

原创 2016 湖南省省赛

给出正整数 n 和 m,统计满足以下条件的正整数对 (a,b) 的数量:1. 1≤a≤n,1≤b≤m;2. a×b 是 2016 的倍数。Input输入包含不超过 30 组数据。每组数据包含两个整数 n,m (1≤n,m≤109).Output对于每组数据,输出一个整数表示满足条件的数量

2017-04-03 14:55:37 358



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