AGI STK 11.3 新特性(New Features)

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AGI STK 11.3 新特性(New Features)

Improved DPI Awareness

  • STK now detects when a high-resolution monitor is being used and properly resizes user interface components so that they are more readable.


  • Multiple Angle, Condition, and Vector constraints can now be defined using the STK user interface.

  • The Ground Sample Distance constraint has been added to vehicles.

  • The Temporal Intervals constraint can now be defined using a list of interval files.

Analysis Workbench

  • Analysis Workbench Parameter Sets of Trajectory, Cartographic Trajectory, Orbit, Vector, and Attitude type now have an embedded time array component called SampleTimes which is useful for reporting and graphing information contained in the parameter set.

  • Coverage Definition objects now have built-in Time Components in the Analysis Workbench.

  • An Analysis Workbench Time Array component called TLE_Epochs will automatically be created for Satellites using the SGP4 propagator. The new component contains all epochs in the TLE set used for propagation.

  • There are two new Analysis Workbench Time component types: Offset from Array Interval List and Offset from Time Instant Interval. These types take pad times to create Interval or Interval List components from a Time Instant or Time Array component, respectively.

  • MATLAB code snippets have been added for Analysis Workbench Time Events.

STK Data Federate (SDF)

  • Upon completion of a save operation to the STK Data Federate, you now have the option of copying the URL of the saved content to the clipboard or opening the web interface to the SDF.

  • When browsing the STK Data Federate contents, you can now launch the web interface to SDF via the right-click menu off a node in the tree.


  • An Electric power plant model has been added to the Advanced Fixed Wing performance models, which can be used to model electric aircraft.

  • New options for controlling departure airspeed have been added to the Advanced Takeoff Performance Model so you can specify best climb angle, best climb rate, or fall back to the Climb performance model.

  • Aviator can now ingest the exact Flight Performance Models used by front line mission planning systems such as JMPS so the same fuel burn and Takeoff/Climb/Cruise/Descent/Landing profiles will be computed inside STK.

  • The Relative to End of Previous Procedure Site now accepts bearings relative to the final course at the site. This facilitates stop signs and arbitrary polygonal maneuvers.

  • An example scenario for the MATLAB Aviator Guidance feature has been added that shows all four strategies in action using the default MFiles for each type of strategy: horizontal plane only, vertical plane only, full 3D control and 3D guidance using proportional navigation against a maneuvering bogey.

  • The MATLAB guidance strategy has been enhanced to facilitate seeker models using target aspect angle.

  • The Build Flight Range Area Target tool has been added to allow estimation of fuel range along a flight path similar to the Time/Fuel Ruler tool but using a sequence of Area Targets.


  • You can now specify multiple materials for a single target, allowing you to designate each component of the target model with unique temperature and material characteristics.

  • The synthetic scene can now be disabled by changing the sensor output method to improve performance when simulating high speed imaging sensors.

Communications and Radar

  • STK now supports an Ionospheric propagation fading loss model for links passing through the Ionospheric layers. It is based on the ITU-R recommendations P.531-13 release. Currently, it is using the IRI-2007 model for Ionospheric total electron content (TEC) data. This propagation loss may be applicable to space-to-ground or space-to-space links.

  • The pre-data for the Antenna Gain and Antenna Gain Matrix data providers associated with the Communications and Radar objects now lets you specify a desired coordinates system for the specified azimuth and elevation angles. For example, you can now generate rectangular azimuth cut for an antenna which has a native polar coordinate system. Before this feature, the azimuth and elevation angles were always assumed to be in the native coordinate system of the antenna.

  • The ability to model backlobe suppression as a cosine function has been added, which produces large suppression along the z-axis while reducing suppression at higher steering angles.

  • For both antenna gain volume graphics and radar cross section volume graphics, you can now specify the colors used to display the volume based on desired gain/rcs levels.


Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Models (MarsGRAM)

  • The Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model (MarsGRAM, version 2010) is now installed with both 32 and 64-bit STK. To properly use MarsGRAM, the STK Planetary Data Supplement must also be installed so that supporting data files are available.

  • MarsGRAM can now also be used within HPOP

  • Version 2010 has been added along with its Astrogator Object Model interface.

  • Namelist files have been updated with improved defaults and comments.


  • Maximize the power of Astrogator's high-fidelity Astrodynamical models with two new cutting-edge numerical optimizers, SNOPT (Sparse Nonlinear OPTimizer) and IPOPT (Interior Point OPTimizer). SNOPT and IPOPT are reliable and highly-efficient implementations of two separate classes of nonlinear programming algorithms, Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP), and Interior Point (IP) methods. Both optimization packages provide precise solutions to large-scale, complex, industrial-strength numerical optimization problems, and are staples in the Engineering and Scientific Computing realm. Design optimal orbits, plan best possible maneuvers, and optimize many other mission goals in the face of realistic constraints by leveraging the flexibility offered by these two alternatives. Both optimizers are fully customizable to the range of their own possible user options through the Astrogator interface.

  • Both the forward and backward sequence segments now offer an option to pre-iterate the sequence before invoking the associated scripting on the sequence. This supplies various calculation objects the necessary data to return useful computations prior to iterating the sequence, such as creating a minimum or maximum calculation object to find the associated extrema in some orbital element along the sequence’s ephemeris. This data was previously unavailable before executing the sequence’s scripting. The new option allows for an initial dry-run to supply the script with the appropriate values before being evaluated.

  • In the Object Model, the method for computing truncation points added when the OM AppendRunFromTime and AppendRunFromState methods are used has been improved.

Additional Astro Features

  • The Satellite Initial State Tool now supports the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems Orbit Parameter Message  (CCSDS OPM) file format as a source for the initial state of a vehicle.

  • The scenario's Earth Data property page now provides the ability to load an Earth Orientation Parameter file from the STK Data Federate.

  • The orbit wizard functionality has been extended to allow the creation of additional orbit types around non-Earth central bodies.

  • You can now save your custom Component Browser components to a location of your choice. This ability enables greater flexibility for groups to share their individual components for a particular project. The feature also represents a step in our continued effort to provide improved configuration management for Astrogator users.

  • More conveniently located options for loading satellites or a constellation from an SP3 file have been added.

  • A new TLE Set Data data provider is available for reporting and graphing the values in a TLE Set.

  • The AdvCAT Time Event data providers now expose the off-diagonal, correlation terms of the position error covariance matrix in addition to the diagonal terms, thus providing access to the full 3-by-3 matrix.


  • You can now visualize the Earth's Atmosphere in the 3D window.

  • Stereo rendering on the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality headset is now supported.

  • There are new 3D settings for brightness, contrast, and gamma correction post-processing effects.

  • STK now warns you when the animation time goes outside the availability of the viewed object in the 3D window.

  • The VO SnapFrame Connect command help now includes the "WindowID" parameter.

  • The PNG Image format is now an accepted output format for 3D Window Snaps and Soft VTR.





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