









3:integration with eclipse (在eclipse中整合subversion)

4:SVN Service Wrapper for Windows(把subversion配置成windown的服务)

5:Keep Track of Your Documents(另一篇入门文档)





作者: Rock Sun






1. 软件下载

2. 服务器和客户端安装

3. 建立版本库(Repository)

4. 配置用户和权限

5. 运行独立服务器

6. 初始化导入

7. 基本客户端操作


· 下载Subversion服务器程序。

官方网站 的下载二进制安装文件,来到二进制包下载部分 ,找到 Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003部分,然后选择"this directory",这样我们可以看到许多下载的内容,目前可以下栽 svn-1.2.3-setup.exe

· 下载Subversion的Windows客户端TortoiseSVN。

TortoiseSVN是扩展Windows Shell的一套工具,可以看作Windows资源管理器的插件,安装之后Windows就可以识别Subversion的工作目录。
官方网站是TortoiseSVN,下载方式和前面的svn服务器类似,在Download页面的我们选择Official version for Win2k/XP or higher的版本,然后在sourceforge的下载页面选择目前的最高稳定版本的安装文件TortoiseSVN-


· 服务器安装,直接运行svn-1.2.3-setup.exe,根据提示安装即可,这样我们就有了一套服务器可以运行的环境。

· 安装TortoiseSVN,同样直接运行TortoiseSVN-按照提示安装即可,不过最后完成后会提示是否重启,其实重启只是使svn工作拷贝在windows中的特殊样式生效,与所有的实际功能无关,这里为了立刻看到好的效果,还是重新启动机器。



svnadmin create E:svndemorepository



在目录E:svndemorepository下"右键->TortoiseSVN->Create Repository here...“, 然后可以选择版本库模式, 这里使用默认即可, 然后就创建了一系列目录和文件。




# [general]
# password-db = passwd


password-db = passwd


# [users]
# harry = harryssecret
# sally = sallyssecret


harry = harryssecret
sally = sallyssecret



svnserve -d -r E:svndemorepository




1. 右键->TortoiseSVN->Import...

2.?????? URL of repository输入“svn://localhost/trunk”

3.?????? ok




来到任意空目录下,在本例中是E:svndemowc1,运行右键->Checkout,在URL of repository中输入svn://localhost/trunk,这样我们就得到了一份工作拷贝。




readme.txt上右键->TortoiseSVN->Show Log,这样我们就可以看到我们对这个文件所有的提交。在版本1上右键->Compare with working copy,我们可以比较工作拷贝的文件和版本1的区别。










执行命令:svnadmin create D:svnrepo或通过TortoiseSVN建立repo根目录。立即就可以使用client通过file:///d:/svnRepo来访问该目录。

SVN有3种常用访问方式。通过file://, svn://,http:// 等不同的协议来访问。对于协作开发,这三种都可以胜任:如果在同一局域网内,可通过windows的文件共享协议来访问其他机器上的文件,例如file://server/d/svnrepo。svn协议使用3690端口,如果防火墙无法打开端口,可与Apache整合使用http协议。

采用svn协议的好处是安全性比较强,可任意更改服务监听端口。运行%SVN_HOME%binsvnserve –d –r d:svnrepo,即可按照daemon方式来运行一个后台进程,监听svn协议的请求。-r的作用是声明root目录。

在linux下运行一个daemon进程非常简单,但是在windows中想让进程在后台运行就需要做成服务才行。下载并安装SVN Service Wrapper,将svnserve包装为服务。


执行:svnservice -install -d -r d:svnrepo,在控制面板->服务中手动开启。用TortoiseSVN浏览svn://localhost/,注意要带上最后的“/”指明root才能正确访问。


另一种简易的版本控制为使用passwd文件。修改%REPO_HOME%/conf/ svnserve.conf,包含如下几句:


# 指定匿名可读,授权后才可写入

anon-access = read

auth-access = write

# 指定密码文件为当前目录下passwd

password-db = passwd

Passwd文件内容如下,用户名 = 密码:


user1 = 123456



http://subversion.tigris.org SVN官方网站

http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org TortoiseSVN,很好的SVN客户端

http://dark.clansoft.dk/~mbn/svnservice/ SVN?Service Wrapper

http://subclipse.tigris.org SVN eclipse插件


http://svn.ntcu.net/kwiki/ 中文的SVN资料

http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ Book: Version Control with SVN

http://sun.cis.scu.edu.tw/~nms9115/articles/softeng/scm/svn/2-install/svn_install.htm SVN for Windows中文安装指南

http://svn.ntcu.net/svnbook/ SVN Book中文翻译

39 Responses to “配置Subversion”

kingfish Says:
October 21st, 2004 at 10:04 am


zhaohui Says:
October 22nd, 2004 at 6:24 pm

Access Control,而非Per-Directory Access Control。
3).svn不符合windows .net的规则,无法在.net项目中





3:标题 integration with eclipse


回复到: integration with eclipse (Michael Cornell)


From: Mark Phippard <MarkP@softlanding.com>

Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 09:31:35 -0400

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

Subject: integration with eclipse


"Michael Cornell" <michael.cornell@estafet.com> wrote on 04/27/2005

09:26:14 AM:


> I have been looking at all the opensource alternatives for source

control, and

> subversion (with tortoise) comes out tops. I have only one question


> assessing this product fully:


> Will subversion integrate with Eclipse 3.0.1 (ie the same as any

standard CVS

> repository with a p server etc), or has anybody tried this?










add this to eclipse update site:http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.0.x



4:SVN Service Wrapper for Windows


This is my Win32 Service wrapper for SVN. Source is included, and its in the public domain. No need to copyright this stuff.

Usage instructions:
? SVNService -??????????????????????????????? to display this list
? SVNService -install <svnserve parameters>?? to install the service
? SVNService -setup <svnserve parameters>???? to change command line parameters for svnserve
? SVNService -remove????????????????????????? to remove the service
? SVNService -debug?????????????????????????? to run as a console app for debugging
? SVNService -install -d -r c:svnrepo
? SVNService -setup -d -r c:otherplacesvnrepo
? Make sure you place SVNService.exe in the same directory as svnserve.exe

-Magnus Norddahl


5:Keep Track of Your Documents

ARTICLE DATE: 08.17.05

By?John Clyman

If you're a typical knowledge worker, you know the frustration of trying to stay afloat amidst a raging torrent of documents. When multiple people edit documents, or when you divide your work between a desktop and a notebook, it's hard to keep track of where the most current version of a file lives, and all too easy to lose critical information. But with Subversion and TortoiseSVN, a pair of open-source software programs, you can worry less about overwriting a critical file or inadvertently making destructive changes.

Software developers have long used version control to keep all of their files in a central repository. Individuals can "check out" these files, make changes locally, and then "check in" or "commit" the modified files to the repository. (Checking out a file doesn't remove it from the repository; instead, it creates a local copy for the user.)

More sophisticated than a simple folder-sharing arrangement, the version-control system manages all access to the repository. It prevents conflicts among users who try to modify the same file, and tracks changes between successive check-ins, so you can roll back to earlier versions—even for files that have since been deleted.

Subversion's developers specifically intend it as an improved successor to CVS (Concurrent Versions System), which is the dominant source-control system in the open-source world. CVS has limitations that make it appealing only to developers; but Subversion's capabilities should prove attractive to information workers as well, provided they're comfortable with basic file system concepts, like directories.

In a production environment, you'll likely install Subversion on a server. But to get started, you can just download the binary package from http://subversion.tigris.org and install it on your system.

By itself, Subversion (aka SVN) uses a command-line interface. TortoiseSVN ( http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org ) adds a more intuitive interface to the SVN client that integrates with Windows Explorer and common file dialogs. You'll still use the command line for some administrative tasks, but the majority of your day-to-day work can be handled with the GUI.

Once you've installed both programs, you can create a repository. Pick a directory, open a command prompt, and enter:

svnadmin create /path/to/repository

Next, run the Subversion server, which responds to commands from Subversion clients. At the command prompt, enter:

svnserve -d -r /path/to/repository

The server listens on port 3690 (open this port on your local firewall if necessary). By default, the server permits only read-only repository access; to change that, open the file /path/to/repository/conf/svnserve.conf and add the lines:

[general] anon-access = write

To begin managing your documents, open Windows Explorer and pick a directory to put under version control. Right-click, and you'll notice that the context menu includes new Subversion-oriented commands (see Figure 1 at the top of the page). Choose TortoiseSVN | Import. You'll be asked for the URL of your repository; enter svn:// followed by your IP address or machine name.

Now you can check out files from any machine with TortoiseSVN installed. Pick a convenient location, right-click, and select SVN Checkout. Again, specify the repository URL. Subversion downloads copies of all the files stored in the repository.

Notice that file icons are overlaid with a green checkmark, indicating that the files haven't been modified. If you make changes, the overlay icons will change accordingly (Figure 2). To upload your changes to the repository, right-click and select SVN Commit. Subversion will object if someone else has already updated the same file in the repository; otherwise, it will check in the file but preserve previous versions, so you can always undo changes. As long as you use the TortoiseSVN context menu to rename and delete files, Subversion can even track those operations.

Once you start using Subversion and TortoiseSVN, you'll enjoy the security of knowing that multiple users can't trample on each other's work, and that you can always roll back to an earlier version of a file.

Continue on to http://go.pcmag.com/subversion for a more detailed, illustrated walkthrough.

John Clyman is a contributing editor of PC Magazine.

Subversion and TortoiseSVN: An Illustrated Walkthrough
ARTICLE DATE: 08.05.05

In our Solutions article "Keep Track of Your Documents," we describe how you can use version control to improve the way you and your team manage your documents. In this walkthrough, we provide step-by-step illustrations showing how to use Subversion and TortoiseSVN for basic version control. By the end of the walkthrough, you'll see some of the specific benefits version control provides, such as letting you roll back changes -- even deletions -- and helping you keep files synchronized between multiple users or multiple machines.—Continue Reading

Importing an Existing Directory

Once you've installed Subversion and TortoiseSVN and created a repository as described in the article text, you can begin moving files into your repository. Pick a directory whose contents you wish to place under version control and right click. Select TortoiseSVN | Import.

Enter svn:// followed by the name or IP address of the machine where the Subversion server is running. If it's on your own machine, you can use the name "localhost".

TortoiseSVN instructs Subversion to import all the files in the directory you selected. Click OK.

Checking Files Out

Now that you've uploaded files into the repository, you should no longer edit those files directly. Instead, you'll create a local "working copy" of a portion of the repository and do all your work on that working copy. Then when you're ready to share your changes or to make a permanent record of them, you can commit them to the repository.

To create a working copy, pick a location on your hard disk, right-click, and select SVN Checkout from the context menu.

Choose the repository URL from the pick list and make sure the directory where you want to create your working copy is indicated. (We'll call it c:work). Click OK.

TortoiseSVN shows the results of the checkout. Click OK. (Since these confirmation dialogs appear similar for most operations, we'll omit them for the remaining steps in this walkthrough.)

Updating the Working Copy

When you browse within the working directory or a subdirectory, you'll see that files are overlaid with a green check mark. This indicates that you haven't changed the file since you checked it out.

If you change some documents, the overlay icon on those documents changes to a red exclamation point. This indicates that the local copy contains alterations you'll need to check into the repository. Notice that there's also a new file, Sidebar.doc, which has no overlay icon because we haven't yet told Subversion about it.

You could check in documents one at a time by right-clicking on an individual document, but it's often faster to navigate up a directory and check in all the changes to the directory at once. Right-click and choose SVN Commit from the context menu.

(Note: By default, TortoiseSVN doesn't change the icons at higher levels of the directory hierarchy to reflect the status of files and directories at lower levels. You can change this behavior to make alterations anywhere within the directory hierarchy more obvious. Right-click in Explorer, select TortoiseSVN | Settings, select the Look and Feel tab, and check the "Recurse into folders to fetch the status" checkbox. You might also want to check the "Force shell icon refresh" checkbox on the Main tab of the settings dialog, as this will cause TortoiseSVN to update icons immediately when it detects a change, rather than waiting until the Explorer window is refreshed for some other reason. Although selecting these options can slow Explorer down somewhat, they can help keep you oriented while you're learning to use the new tools.)

TortoiseSVN lists the files that are scheduled to be committed (checked in). We've checked the checkbox beside Sidebar.doc to ensure that it's included in the check-in, and entered a short log message.

Making More Changes: Deleting and Renaming Files

At this point, you're well on your way to being productive with Subversion and TortoiseSVN. Note that TortoiseSVN's capabilities are available not just in Windows Explorer, but also in common file dialogs.

Once you've started using Subversion and TortoiseSVN, you should always use their built-in features for renaming and deleting files within your working copy. Doing so ensures that Subversion can track the history of a document even if you change its name or location.

To rename or delete a file, right-click and select TortoiseSVN | Delete or TortoiseSVN | Rename. (As when you change a file's contents, changing its name or location doesn't affect the repository until you commit.)

Rolling Back Changes

One of the benefits of version control is that the repository contains a complete history of files that have been committed. Someday you'll make a destructive change to a working copy of a file and wish you could undo it. Fortunately, Subversion and TortoiseSVN make that easy.

To take a look at the revision history for a file, right-click on it and choose either Revision Graph (for a purely graphical view) or Show Log (which provides more detail, including any log messages you entered). If you right-click one of the listed revisions, you'll get a context menu with a number of useful options.

You can choose Save Revision To if you want to recover an old version of the file and save it somewhere. Or you can select Update Item To Revision if you want to roll back the selected file to a specific prior version. If you're working with a text file, you can choose Compare with working copy to compare versions side-by-side using TortoiseSVN's built-in diff utility.

Or you can use this menu to undo a destructive change. If, for example, you delete an entire directory and later realize that was a mistake, you can use the Show Log command to determine when you deleted the directory (good log messages help!) and select Revert changes from this revision.

TortoiseSVN will put back all the files you deleted and otherwise roll back the changes you wish you hadn't made.

Supporting Multiple Users and Multiple Machines

So far we've only looked at how Subversion works when you're a single user working on a single machine. But much of the power of a version-control system lies in its mechanisms for synchronizing changes between multiple working copies and preventing users from inadvertently overwriting each others' work.

To demonstrate this, let's start by creating a working copy on another machine that has TortoiseSVN installed. To create the working copy, right-click in Windows Explorer and choose SVN Checkout.

At any time, you can see if someone has updated the repository since you checked out your working copy. Right-click in a file view and select TortoiseSVN | Check For Modifications. Then click the Check Repository button. If there have been changes, you'll see a list something like this.

To retrieve those changes, right-click in a file view and select SVN Update.

Of course, if two people are working on the same files at the same time, the possibility for conflict exists. Subversion watches out for this, and if you try to check out a file that you've changed in your local copy, it will warn you and ask you to resolve the conflict. This isn't an automatic process; you'll need to determine which material from your version and which from the other person's version to keep. While that requires a bit of effort, it's certainly preferable to having one of you simply overwrite the other's work without realizing it.



Subversion's conflict detection ensures that checking out files will never cause you to lose changes you've made to your working copy. Similarly, if you try to check in a file that someone else has already checked in changes to, Subversion will prevent you from overwriting those changes inadvertently.

(Note that some version control systems take a different approach to preventing conflicts, requiring users to explicitly lock files they intend to edit and requiring other users to check out locked files in read-only mode. We'll sidestep any debates about which solution works better in practice.)

Even if you use it by yourself, Subversion can prove handy for synchronizing files between multiple machines. As long as you keep your most up-to-date data in the repository, you can simply check out whatever files you need on any given system, without ever worrying about where the most recent version of a document is located.

For more information about how to use TortoiseSVN, which provides the graphical front-end interface to Subversion that we've seen, visit http://tortoisesvn.berlios.de/?q=support.












0 假设安装Apache至D:Apache2

1 复制%SVN_HOME%binlibdb42.dll、libeay32.dll、以及 ssleay32.dll到%APACHE_HOME%bin

2 复制%SVN_HOME%httpd*.so到%APACHE_HOME%modules

3 修改%APACHE_HOME%confhttpd.conf,增加或修改:

LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so

LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/mod_dav_fs.so

LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so

LoadModule authz_svn_module modules/mod_authz_svn.so

4 在<VirtualHost>中增加/svn的<Location>

<Location /svn>

DAV svn

# 指向SVN Repository的ROOT

SVNPath d:/svnrepo


5 重起apache,通过浏览器访问http://localhost/svn 可看到Subversion的信息。


此处我采用文件方式,首先建立一个保存密码的文件,如果不需要对密码加密,可增加-p参数生成plain text。

%APACHE_HOME%binhtpasswd –c -p d:passwdpasswords user1





#格式:GroupName: username1 username2

svngroup: user1 user2


<Location /svn>

DAV svn

# 指向SVN Repository的ROOT

SVNPath d:/svnrepo


AuthType Basic

AuthName "Subversion Repository"

AuthUserFile d:/passwd/passwords

AuthGroupFile d:/passwd/groups

Require group svngroup




http://httpd.apache.org/ Apache Web Server 官方网站


http://sun.cis.scu.edu.tw/~nms9115/articles/softeng/scm/svn/2-install/svn_install.htm 蔡煥麟 SVN for Windows的安装教程

http://www.douzhe.com/docs/ApacheManual/ Apache2.0 中文参考

http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/ Apache2.0 文档

Responses to “整合Subversion与Apache”

liupeng Says:
December 29th, 2004 at 7:48 pm

事件类型: 错误
事件来源: Apache Service
事件种类: 无
事件 ID: 3299
日期: 2004-12-29
事件: 18:23:30
用户: N/A
计算机: CDY
The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> Cannot load C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/modules/mod_dav_svn.so into server: xd5xd2xb2xbbxb5xbdxd6xb8xb6xa8xb5xc4xc4xa3xbfxe9xa1xa3 .

事件类型: 错误
事件来源: Apache Service
事件种类: 无
事件 ID: 3299
日期: 2004-12-29
事件: 18:23:30
用户: N/A
计算机: CDY
The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> Syntax error on line 173 of C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf: .

是什么原因?请给予帮助,我的Email: liupeng_lp@163.com

冰云 Says:
December 29th, 2004 at 11:32 pm


wbq Says:
December 30th, 2004 at 4:19 pm

我也出现与 icecloud 一样的问题,但是怎么样也搞不定,我也确性我的配置严格按照上述方法完成,apache可以单独跑起来,subversion也可以在本机通过file访问,但是二者整合却不行。
至于版本我用的是For Subversion 1.1,*.so也是从那里copy过来的。

wbq Says:
January 11th, 2005 at 11:56 am

No body can answer this question?!

hqerl Says:
January 26th, 2005 at 3:10 pm

You don’t have permission to access /svn/ on this server.

tlg Says:
January 31st, 2005 at 1:10 am


Jingle Says:
March 27th, 2005 at 11:50 am


Fwolf Says:
June 30th, 2005 at 11:53 pm
就是重新安装了Apache 2.0.54,就可以了






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


