
Q1: True or false, and state why:

  1. If the p-value is 0.03, the corresponding test will reject at the significance level 0.02.
    解: 错误,如果 α < p − v a l u e \alpha<p-value α<pvalue,则接受原假设

  2. If a test rejects at significance level 0.06, then the p-value is less than or equal to 0.06.
    解: 正确,对于 p − v a l u e p-value pvalue,当 p ≤ α p\leq\alpha pα时拒绝原假设, 当 p > α p>\alpha p>α时接受原假设。因此如果试验在显著性水平0.06处被拒绝,则有 p ≤ 0.06 p\leq0.06 p0.06

  3. The p-value of a test is the probability that the null hypothesis is correct.
    解: 错误, p − v a l u e p-value pvalue是由检验统计量的样本观察值得出的原假设可被拒绝的最小显著性水平

Q2: Mutual funds are investment vehicles consisting of a portfolio of various types of investments. If such an investment is to meet annual spending needs, the owner of shares in the fund is interested in the average of the annual returns of the fund. Investors are also concerned with the volatility of the annual returns, measured by the variance or standard deviation. One common method of evaluating a mutual fund is to compare it to a benchmark, the Lipper Average being one of these. This index number is the average of returns from a universe of mutual funds. The Global Rock Fund is a typical mutual fund, with heavy investments in international funds. It claimed to best the Lipper Average in terms of volatility over the period from 1989 through 2007. Its returns are given in the table below.

Year Investment Return % Year Investment Return %
1989 15.32 1999 27.43
1990 1.62 2000 8.57
1991 28.43 2001 1.88
1992 11.91 2002 -7.96
1993 20.71 2003 35.98
1994 -2.15 2004 14.27
1995 23.29 2005 10.33
1996 15.96 2006 15.94
1997 11.12 2007 16.71
1998 0.37

The standard deviation for the Lipper Average is 11.67 % 11.67\% 11.67%. Let σ 2 \sigma^2 σ2 denote the variance of the population represented by the return
percentages shown in the table above. Consider the test

H 0 : σ 2 ≥ ( 11.67 ) 2   v s .   H 1 : σ 2 < ( 11.67 ) 2 . H_0: \sigma^2\ge(11.67)^2\ vs.\ H_1:\sigma^2<(11.67)^2. H0:σ2(11.67)2 vs. H1:σ2<(11.67)2.

  • If the significance level α = 0.05 \alpha=0.05 α=0.05, what’s your decision?

  • Show up the p-value of your test.

解: 在这里插入图片描述
假设回报率 X X X服从正态分布(原因见上图),即 X ∼ N ( μ , σ 2 ) X\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2) XN(μ,σ2),其中 μ , σ 2 \mu,\sigma^2 μ,σ2未知。因为 μ \mu μ未知,所以我们选择检验统计量 T ( X 1 : n ) = n S n 2 σ 0 2 T(X_{1:n})=\frac{nS_n^2}{\sigma_0^2} T(X1:n)=σ0</

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概率论数理统计是一门研究随机现象的规律性和统计推断的学科。它的基础是概率论,该理论研究的是随机事件发生的可能性。数理统计则是根据观察到的样本,通过对未知参数的估计和对假设的检验来对总体进行推断。 概率论数理统计的应用非常广泛,涉及到许多不同的领域。在自然科学中,概率论数理统计被用来建立和分析模型,解释实验结果,以及进行科学研究。在社会科学和人文科学中,它帮助研究人员通过统计分析来得出结论,并提供可靠的推断和决策依据。在工程领域,概率论数理统计被用来分析和优化系统的可靠性和性能。 《概率论数理统计笔记PDF》是一种学习资料,它提供了该学科的基本概念、定理和方法。这份笔记可以帮助读者理解概率论数理统计的基本原理和应用,并提供实际案例和习题来加深对这些概念的掌握。通过阅读这份笔记,读者可以了解概率、随机变量、概率分布、统计推断等重要概念,以及它们在实际问题中的应用。 这份笔记的PDF格式使得它可以方便地在电子设备上阅读和存储。读者可以自由地选择在自己的电脑、平板电脑或手机上学习,随时随地进行学习。此外,PDF格式还允许读者进行注释和书签,方便他们标记和回顾重要内容。 总之,《概率论数理统计笔记PDF》是一份有助于理解和掌握概率论数理统计学习资料。它提供了基本的概念和方法,并通过实例和习题帮助读者巩固所学知识。同时,它的PDF格式也方便读者在电子设备上学习和存储。


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