16 C预处理器和C库

2 明示常量:#define

#define预处理器指令和其他预处理器指令一样, 以#号作为一行的开始。ANSI和后来的标准都允许#号前面有空格或制表符,而且还允许在#和指令的其余部分之间有空格。但是旧版本的C要求指令从一行最左边开始,而且#和指令其余部分之间不能有空格。指令可以出现在源文件的任何地方,其定义从指令出现的地方到该文件末尾有效。我们大量使用#define指令来定义明示常量(manifest constant) (也叫做符号常量),但是该指令还有许多其他用途。程序清单16.1演示了#define指令的一些用法和属性。



/* preproc.c -- simple preprocessor examples */
#include <stdio.h>
#define TWO 2 			//可以使用注释
#define OW "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimagina\
tive. - Oscar Wilde" 	//反斜线把该定义延续到下一行

#define FOUR TWO*TWO
#define PX printf("X is %d.\n", x);
#define FMT "X is %d. \n"

int main(void){
 	int x = TWO;
 	x = FOUR;
 	printf(FMT, x);
 	printf("%s\n", OW);
 	printf("TWO: OW\n");
 	return 0;

每行#define (逻辑行)都由3部分组成。第1部分是#define指令本身。第2部分是选定的缩写,也称为宏。有些宏代表值(如程序16.1中的例子所示),这些宏被称为类对象宏(objct-like macro)。 C语言还有类函数宏(function-like macro),稍后讨论。宏的名称中不允许有空格,而且必须遵循C变量的命名规则:只能使用字符、数字和下划线_字符,而且首字符不能是数字。第3部分(指令行的其余部分)称为替换列表或替换体(见图16.1)。一旦预处理器在程序中找到宏的示实例后,就会用替换体代替该宏(也有例外,稍后解释)。从宏变成最终替换文本的过程称为宏展开(macro expansion)。注意,可以在#define行使用标准C注释。如前所述,每条注释都会被一个空格代替。

X is 2.
X is 4.
Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. - Oscar Wilde

注意语句PX;变成了printf("X is %d.\n", x);,这里同样进行了替换。这是一个新用法,到目前为止我们只是用宏来表示明示常量。从该例中可以看.出,宏可以表示任何字符串,甚至可以表示整个C表达式。但是要注意,虽然PX是一个字符串常量,它只打印-一个名为x的变量。

下一行x = FOUR;替换的实际过程如下,首先变成x=TWO*TWO;,即是x=2*2;。宏展开到此处为止。由于编译器在编译期对所有的常量表达式(只包含常量的表达式)求值,所以预处理器不会进行实际的乘法运算,这一过程在编译时进行。预处理器不做计算,不对表达式求值,它只进行替换。


#define OW "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimagina\
tive. - Oscar Wilde" 


#define OW "Consistency is the last refuge of the unimagina\
    tive. - Oscar Wilde" 


"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimagina    tive. - Oscar Wilde" 



#define LIMIT 20
const int LIM = 50;
static int data1[LIMIT]; 	//有效
static int data2[LIM]; 		//无效
const int LIM2 = 2 * LIMIT; //有效
const int LIM3 = 2 * LIM; 	//无效

这里解释- -下上面代码中的“无效”注释。在C中,非自动数组的大小应该是整型常量表达式,这意味着表示数组大小的必须是整型常量的组合(如5)、枚举常量和sizeof表达式,不包括const声明的值(这也是C++和C的区别之一,在C++中可以把const值作为常量表达式的一- .部分)。但是,有的实现可能接受其他形式的常量表达式。例如,GCC 4.7.3不允许data2的声明,但是Clang 4.6允许。

2.1 记号

从技术角度来看,可以把宏的替换体看作是记号(token) 型字符串,而不是字符型字符串。C预处理器记号是宏定义的替换体中单独的“词”。用空白把这些词分开。例如:

#define FOUR 2*2

该宏定义有一个记号: 2*2。但是,下面的宏定义中:

#define SIX 2 * 3

有3个记号: 2*3


#define EIGHT 4 * 8

如果预处理器把该替换体解释为字符型字符串,将用4*8替换EIGHT。即,额外的空格是替换体的一部分。 如果预处理器把该替换体解释为记号型字符串,则用3个的记号4 * 8 (分别由单个空格分隔)来替换EIGHT。换而言之,解释为字符型字符串,把空格视为替换体的一部分;解释为记号型字符串,把空格视为替换体中各记号的分隔符。在实际应用中,–些C编译器把宏替换体视为字符串而不是记号。在比这个例子更复杂的情况下,两者的区别才有实际意义。


2.2 重定义常量


3 Using Arguments with #define

By using arguments, you can create function-like macros that look and act much like functions. A macro with arguments looks very similar to a function because the arguments are enclosed within parentheses. Function-like macro definitions have one or more arguments in parentheses, and these arguments then appear in the replacement portion, as shown in Figure 16.2 .

Here’s a sample definition:

#define SQUARE(X) X*X 

It can be used in program like this:

z = SQUARE(2); 

This looks like a function call, but it doesn’t necessarily behave identically. Listing 16.2illustrates using this and a second macro. Some of the examples also point out possible pitfalls, so
read them carefully.

Listing 16.2 The mac_arg.c Program

/* mac_arg.c -- macros with arguments */
#include <stdio.h>
#define SQUARE(X) X*X
#define PR(X) printf("The result is %d.\n", X)

int main(void){
 	int x = 5;
 	int z;
 	printf("x = %d\n", x);   //5
 	z = SQUARE(x);
 	printf("Evaluating SQUARE(x): ");
 	PR(z);  //25
 	z = SQUARE(2);
 	printf("Evaluating SQUARE(2): ");
 	PR(z);  //4
 	printf("Evaluating SQUARE(x+2): ");
 	PR(SQUARE(x+2)); //17
 	printf("Evaluating 100/SQUARE(2): ");
 	PR(100/SQUARE(2));  //100
 	printf("x is %d.\n", x);  //5
 	printf("Evaluating SQUARE(++x): ");
 	PR(SQUARE(++x));  //42
 	printf("After incrementing, x is %x.\n", x); //7
 	return 0;

For SQUARE(x+2) it becomes x+2*x+2. This example pinpoints an important difference between a function call and a macro call. A function call passes the value of the argument to the function while the program is running. A macro call passes the argument token to the program before compilation; it’s a different process at a different time. Can the definition be fixed to make SQUARE(x+2) yield 49? Sure. You simply need more parentheses:

 #define SQUARE(x) (x)*(x) 

Consider the events leading to the next output line, 100/SQUARE(2) becomes 100/2*2. And SQUARE(++x) becomes ++x*++x, x gets incremented twice, once before the multiplication and once afterward:

++x*++x = 6*7 = 42 

Because the order of operations is left open, some compilers render the product 7*6. Yet other compilers might increment both terms before multiplication, yielding 7*7,or 49. Indeed, evaluating this expression results in what the standard calls undefined behavior. In all these cases, however, x starts with the value 5 and ends up with the value 7, even though the code looks as though x was incremented just once.

The simplest remedy for this problem is to avoid using ++x as a macro argument. In general, don’t use increment or decrement operators with macros. Note that ++x would work as a function argument because it would be evaluated to 6, and then the value 6 would be sent to the function.

3.1 Creating Strings from Macro Arguments: The # operator

Here’s a function-like macro:

 #define PSQR(X) printf("The square of X is %d.\n", ((X)*(X))); 

Suppose you used the macro like this:


Here’s the output:

The square of X is 64. 

Note that the X in the quoted string is treated as ordinary text, not as a token that can be replaced.

Suppose you do want to include the macro argument in a string. C enables you to do that. Within the replacement part of a function-like macro, the # symbol becomes a preprocessing
operator that converts tokens into strings. For example, say that x is a macro parameter, and then #x is that parameter name converted to the string "x". This process is called stringizing .
Listing 16.3illustrates how this process works.

Listing 16.3 The subst.c Program

/* subst.c -- substitute in string */
#include <stdio.h>
#define PSQR(x) printf("The square of " #x " is %d.\n",((x)*(x)))
int main(void){
 	int y = 5;
 	PSQR(2 + 4);
 	return 0;

Here’s the output:

 The square of y is 25.
 The square of 2 + 4 is 36.

In the first call to the macro, #x was replaced by "y", and in the second call #x was replaced by "2 + 4". ANSI C string concatenation then combined these strings with the other strings in the printf() statement to produce the final strings that were used. For example, the first invocation becomes this:

 printf("The square of " "y" " is %d.\n",((y)*(y))); 

Then string concatenation converts the three adjacent strings to one string:

"The square of y is %d.\n" 
3.2 Preprocessor Glue: The ## operator

Like the # operator, the ## operator can be used in the replacement section of a function-like macro. Additionally, it can be used in the replacement section of an object-like macro. The ## operator combines two tokens into a single token. For example, you could do this:

 #define XNAME(n) x ## n

Then the macro


would expand to the following:


Listing 16.4uses this and another macro using ## to do a bit of token gluing.

Listing 16.4 The glue.c Program

// glue.c -- use the ## operator
#include <stdio.h>
#define XNAME(n) x ## n
#define PRINT_XN(n) printf("x" #n " = %d\n", x ## n);

int main(void){
	int XNAME(1) = 14; // becomes int x1 = 14;
 	int XNAME(2) = 20; // becomes int x2 = 20;
 	int x3 = 30;
 	PRINT_XN(1); // becomes printf("x1 = %d\n", x1);
 	PRINT_XN(2); // becomes printf("x2 = %d\n", x2);
 	PRINT_XN(3); // becomes printf("x3 = %d\n", x3);
 	return 0;

Here’s the output:

x1 = 14
x2 = 20
x3 = 30
3.3 Variadic Macros: … and VA_ARGS

Some functions, such as printf(), accept a variable number of arguments. The stdvar.h header file, discussed later in this chapter, provides tools for creating user-defined functions with a variable number of arguments. And C99/C11 does the same thing for macros. Although not used in the standard, the word variadic has come into currency to label this facility. (However, the process that has added stringizing and variadic to the C vocabulary has not yet led to labeling functions or macros with a fixed number of arguments as fixadic functions and normadic macros.)

The idea is that the final argument in an argument list for a macro definition can be ellipses
(that is, three periods). If so, the predefined macro _ _VA_ARGS_ _ can be used in the substitution part to indicate what will be substituted for the ellipses. For example, consider this

 #define PR(...) printf(_ _VA_ARGS_ _) 

Suppose you later invoke the macro like this:

PR("weight = %d, shipping = $%.2f\n", wt, sp); 

For the first invocation, _ VA_ARGS _ expands to one argument:


For the second invocation, it expands to three arguments:

"weight = %d, shipping = $%.2f\n", wt, sp 

Thus, the resulting code is this:

 printf("weight = %d, shipping = $%.2f\n", wt, sp);

Listing 16.5shows a slightly more ambitious example that uses string concatenation and the #

Listing 16.5 The variadic.c Program

// variadic.c -- variadic macros
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PR(X, ...) printf("Message " #X ": " _ _VA_ARGS_ _)

int main(void){
 	double x = 48;
 	double y;
 	y = sqrt(x);
 	PR(1, "x = %g\n", x);
 	PR(2, "x = %.2f, y = %.4f\n", x, y);
 	return 0;

In the first macro call, X has the value 1, so #X becomes “1”. That makes the expansion look
like this:

 print("Message " "1" ": " "x = %g\n", x); 

Then the four strings are concatenated, reducing the call to this:

print("Message 1: x = %g\n", x); 

Here’s the output:

 Message 1: x = 48
 Message 2: x = 48.00, y = 6.9282

Don’t forget, the ellipses have to be the last macro argument:

#define WRONG(X, ..., Y) #X #_ _VA_ARGS_ _ #y // won't work 

4 Macro or Function?


待补充 546

6.3 条件编译


6.3.1 #ifdef、#else和#endif指令

程序 16.9 ifdef.c

/* ifdef.c -- uses conditional compilation */
#include <stdio.h>
#define LIMIT 4

int main(void){
 	int i;
 	int total = 0;
 	for (i = 1; i <= LIMIT; i++){
 		total += 2*i*i + 1;
 	printf("i=%d, running total = %d\n", i, total);
 	printf("Grand total = %d\n", total);
 	return 0;


i=1, running total = 3
i=2, running total = 12
i=3, running total = 31
i=4, running total = 64
Grand total = 64 

待补充 556

6 其他指令

6.1 #undef指令


#define LIMIT 400


#undef LIMIT


6.2 从C预处理器角度看已定义



#define LIMIT 1000			//LIMIT是已定义的
#define GOOD				//GOOD是已定义的
#define A(x) ((-(X))*(X))	//A是已定义的
int q;						//q不是宏,因此是未定义的
#undef GOOD					//GOOD取消定义,是未定义的


6.3 条件编译


6.3.1 #ifdef、#else和#endif
#ifdef MAVIS
	#include "horse.h"		//如果已经用#define定义了MAVIS,则执行下面的指令
	#define STABLES 5
	#include "cow.h"		//如果没有用#define定义MAVIS,则执行下面的指令
	#define STABLES 15


#ifdef MAVIS
#include "horse.h"		//如果已经用#define定义了MAVIS,则执行下面的指令
#define STABLES 5
#include "cow.h"		//如果没有用#define定义MAVIS,则执行下面的指令
#define STABLES 15


待补充 556

6.3.2 #ifndef指令


#ifndef SIZE
	#define SIXE 100




#include "arrays.h"


#define SIZE 10
#include "arrays.h"

SIZE则被设置为10。这里,当执行到#include "arrays.h"时,由于SIZE是已定义的,所以跳过了#define SIZE 100这行代码。


#ifndef THINGS_H_
	#define THINGS_H_



#ifndef _STDIO_H
#define _STDIO_H


//程序16.10 names.h --修改后的names_st头文件,避免重复包含

#ifndef NAMES_H_
#define NAMES_H_

#define SLEN 32

struct names_st{
	char first[SLEN];
	char last[SLEN];

typedef struct name_st names;

void get_names(names *);
void show_names(const names *);
char * s_gets(char * st,int n);



//程序 16.11 doubleincl.c --包含头文件两次

#include "names.h"
#include "names.h"

int main(){
	names winner ={ "Less", "Ismoor" };
	printf("The winner is %s %s.\n",winner.first,winner.last};
	return 0;
6.3.3 #if和#elif指令

13 string.h库中的memcpy和memmove


void *memcpy(void * restrict s1, const void * restrict s2, size_t n);
void *memmove(void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n); 

程序 16.20 mems.c

// mems.c -- using memcpy() and memmove()
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 10

void show_array(const int ar[], int n);
// 如果编译器不支持C11的_Static_assert,那么注释掉下面这行
_Static_assert(sizeof(double) == 2 * sizeof(int), "double not twice int size");

int main(){
 	int values[SIZE] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};
 	int target[SIZE];
 	double curious[SIZE / 2] = {2.0, 2.0e5, 2.0e10, 2.0e20, 5.0e30};
 	puts("memcpy() used:");
 	puts("values (original data): ");
 	show_array(values, SIZE);
 	memcpy(target, values, SIZE * sizeof(int));
 	puts("target (copy of values):");
 	show_array(target, SIZE);
 	puts("\nUsing memmove() with overlapping ranges:");
 	memmove(values + 2, values, 5 * sizeof(int));
 	puts("values -- elements 0-5 copied to 2-7:");
 	show_array(values, SIZE);
 	puts("\nUsing memcpy() to copy double to int:");
 	memcpy(target, curious, (SIZE / 2) * sizeof(double));
 	puts("target -- 5 doubles into 10 int positions:");
 	show_array(target, SIZE/2);
 	show_array(target + 5, SIZE/2);
 	return 0;

void show_array(const int ar[], int n){
 	int i;
 	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
 	printf("%d ", ar[i]);


memcpy() used:
values (original data):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
target (copy of values):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Using memmove() with overlapping ranges:
values -- elements 0-5 copied to 2-7:
1 2 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10

Using memcpy() to copy double to int:
target -- 5 doubles into 10 int positions:
0 1073741824 0 1091070464 536870912
1108516959 2025163840 1143320349 -2012696540 1179618799 


12 The Assert Library

The assert library, supported by the assert.h header file, is a small one designed to help with debugging programs. It consists of a macro named assert(). It takes as its argument an integer expression. If the expression evaluates as false, the assert() macro writes an error message to the standard error stream stderr and calls the abort() function, which terminates the program. (The abort() function is prototyped in the stdlib.h header file.) The idea is to identify critical locations in a program where certain conditions should be true and to use the assert() statement to terminate the program if one of the specified conditions is not true. Typically, the argument is a relational or logical expression. If assert() does abort the program, it first displays the test that failed, the name of the file containing the test, and a line number.

12.1 Using assert

Listing 16.18 shows a short example using assert. It asserts that z is greater than or equal to 0 before attempting to take its square root. It also mistakenly subtracts a value instead of adding it, making it possible for z to obtain forbidden values.

Listing 16.18 The assert.c Program

/* assert.c -- use assert() */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
int main(){
 	double x, y, z;
 	puts("Enter a pair of numbers (0 0 to quit): ");
 	while (scanf("%lf%lf", &x, &y) == 2 && (x != 0 || y != 0)){
 		z = x * x - y * y; /* should be + */
 		assert(z >= 0);
 		printf("answer is %f\n", sqrt(z));
 		puts("Next pair of numbers: ");
	return 0;

Here is a sample run:

Enter a pair of numbers (0 0 to quit):
4 3
answer is 2.645751
Next pair of numbers:
5 3
answer is 4.000000
Next pair of numbers:
3 5
Assertion failed: (z >= 0), function main, file /Users/assert.c, line 14. 

The exact wording will depend on the compiler. One potentially confusing point to note is that the message is not saying that z >= 0; instead, it’s saying that the claim z >= 0 failed.

You could accomplish something similar with an if statement:

if (z < 0){
 	puts("z less than 0");

The assert() approach has several advantages, however. It identifies the file automatically. It identifies the line number where the problem occurs automatically. Finally, there’s a mechanism for turning the assert() macro on and off without changing code. If you think you’ve eliminated the program bugs, place the macro definition

#define NDEBUG

before the location where assert.h is included and then recompile the program, and the compiler will deactivate all assert() statements in the file. If problems pop up again, you can remove the #define directive (or comment it out) and then recompile, thus reactivating all the assert() statements.

12.2 _Static_assert (C11)

待补充 762

评论 1




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